Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

I’ve said many times that I support border security I’m not advocating for a free for all system. But you are not going to convince me that tens of millions of people need to be rounded up and deported because a fraction of them are thugs. A fraction of Americans are thugs that rape and murder as well. We should be focusing on fighting crime and gangs. You are politicizing tragic events like this to support immigration policy. It’s the same bullshit the Left does with the gun debate after mass shootings. Except in this case you are demonizing people not weapons

Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Okay illegals must pass all legal requirements to immigrate here legally, any who don't get deported deal?
Deal. We just need to review and reform the legal requirements to deal with the real situation which is millions of families who live and work here. Need to find a way to get them in the system

Actually we need to get them out of the system and out of the country.
You racist bigots will never get that done. Half the GOP is against that even. As always, you have to give amnesty to the worthy ones and passed the goddamn SSID card so no more come. End of story. you idiots will keep this going on forever because you cannot throw 11 million people out of the country who just want to work and are already an intrinsic part of our economy, invited in by the GOP, who loves the cheap easily bullied labor, and how easy it is to keep this going on and on and on with you stupid dupes making it possible...
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

We don't have murderous cops. Police officers have to kill to defend themselves in the line of duty. Those that kill outside of protection are charged and prosecuted. Illegals have no reason to kill anybody.

There is what they are doing ..........from the horses mouths.

Now I'd like to lodge a complaint against the mods for having to post the dang thing in so many threads.

Thanks for the video, I’ve been searching for stats on how they are spending their allocated funds and this is the best I’ve seen. I trust and support our border agents. They work a tough job and deserve adequate resources.

I think Trump is shooting himself in his foot. He is so thirsty to get wins to brag about and is so quick to insult his opposition, he is putting the Dems in a very difficult position to give him anything he wants. He is trying to bully and strong arm which I’m sure worked for him in his business but that isn’t as effective in politics.

The is no art of the deal in this deal. It’s my way or the highway.

You don't understand. There is nothing Trump could do to work with the Democrats. Their stance is no wall no matter what. There is noting to talk about, nothing to trade, nothing to deal. No wall.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

We don't have murderous cops. Police officers have to kill to defend themselves in the line of duty. Those that kill outside of protection are charged and prosecuted. Illegals have no reason to kill anybody.

The two are in no way mutually exclusive and I'm referring to our cops shooting unarmed non threatening US citizens.
I’ve said many times that I support border security I’m not advocating for a free for all system. But you are not going to convince me that tens of millions of people need to be rounded up and deported because a fraction of them are thugs. A fraction of Americans are thugs that rape and murder as well. We should be focusing on fighting crime and gangs. You are politicizing tragic events like this to support immigration policy. It’s the same bullshit the Left does with the gun debate after mass shootings. Except in this case you are demonizing people not weapons

Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Okay illegals must pass all legal requirements to immigrate here legally, any who don't get deported deal?
Deal. We just need to review and reform the legal requirements to deal with the real situation which is millions of families who live and work here. Need to find a way to get them in the system

Actually we need to get them out of the system and out of the country.
Keep dreaming
The rich liberals (socialists) are fine. All safely living behind walls.

Do you know the left still think the republicans are the party of the rich?

Ask Joe B.
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

How many American citizens would need to be RAPED and KILLED by illegals before you agree to secure our borders and deport illegals? Or do you consider Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals acceptable collateral damage?
I’ve said many times that I support border security I’m not advocating for a free for all system. But you are not going to convince me that tens of millions of people need to be rounded up and deported because a fraction of them are thugs. A fraction of Americans are thugs that rape and murder as well. We should be focusing on fighting crime and gangs. You are politicizing tragic events like this to support immigration policy. It’s the same bullshit the Left does with the gun debate after mass shootings. Except in this case you are demonizing people not weapons

Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Getting rid of them is easy and preventing more from coming in is easier. Pass a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that comes with a minimum 5 year prison sentence. We won't need a wall, no E-verify, no worries about expired Visa's. One law would solve most of our problems with illegals today.

There is what they are doing ..........from the horses mouths.

Now I'd like to lodge a complaint against the mods for having to post the dang thing in so many threads.

Thanks for the video, I’ve been searching for stats on how they are spending their allocated funds and this is the best I’ve seen. I trust and support our border agents. They work a tough job and deserve adequate resources.

I think Trump is shooting himself in his foot. He is so thirsty to get wins to brag about and is so quick to insult his opposition, he is putting the Dems in a very difficult position to give him anything he wants. He is trying to bully and strong arm which I’m sure worked for him in his business but that isn’t as effective in politics.

The is no art of the deal in this deal. It’s my way or the highway.

You don't understand. There is nothing Trump could do to work with the Democrats. Their stance is no wall no matter what. There is noting to talk about, nothing to trade, nothing to deal. No wall.

If he was a savvy politician he would be able to make a deal but he is using his NY bully strong arm tactics which is just going to pit his opponents against him in the strongest possible way. Yes the Dems will not give him a win because he has made this a hyperpartisan team sport situation.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

We don't have murderous cops. Police officers have to kill to defend themselves in the line of duty. Those that kill outside of protection are charged and prosecuted. Illegals have no reason to kill anybody.

The two are in no way mutually exclusive and I'm referring to our cops shooting unarmed non threatening US citizens.
How often does that happen? Back it up with actual crime statistics. Also, the "unarmed" citizens.

Which ones were UNJUSTIFIED?

List them so I can then refute your stupid list with facts.

I will be waiting for your research.

There is what they are doing ..........from the horses mouths.

Now I'd like to lodge a complaint against the mods for having to post the dang thing in so many threads.

Thanks for the video, I’ve been searching for stats on how they are spending their allocated funds and this is the best I’ve seen. I trust and support our border agents. They work a tough job and deserve adequate resources.

I think Trump is shooting himself in his foot. He is so thirsty to get wins to brag about and is so quick to insult his opposition, he is putting the Dems in a very difficult position to give him anything he wants. He is trying to bully and strong arm which I’m sure worked for him in his business but that isn’t as effective in politics.

The is no art of the deal in this deal. It’s my way or the highway.

You don't understand. There is nothing Trump could do to work with the Democrats. Their stance is no wall no matter what. There is noting to talk about, nothing to trade, nothing to deal. No wall.

Slats. We're down to a maybe on slats, and as it turns out, Don was fulla shyte, Mexico laughed at him, with the rest of the world, not even a few mallarra for The Wall (slats).
I like living in California. Been here 70 years and if not for the republican governors we would be in better financial condition but Brown has brought us back.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

We don't have murderous cops. Police officers have to kill to defend themselves in the line of duty. Those that kill outside of protection are charged and prosecuted. Illegals have no reason to kill anybody.

The two are in no way mutually exclusive and I'm referring to our cops shooting unarmed non threatening US citizens.
How often does that happen? Back it up with actual crime statistics. Also, the "unarmed" citizens.

Which ones were UNJUSTIFIED?

List them so I can then refute your stupid list with facts.

I will be waiting for your research.
Pay attention to the news, cheers.
Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Okay illegals must pass all legal requirements to immigrate here legally, any who don't get deported deal?
Deal. We just need to review and reform the legal requirements to deal with the real situation which is millions of families who live and work here. Need to find a way to get them in the system

You realize the vast majority do not meet the legal requirements to immigrate here right?
What requirements are you talking about?

U.S. Immigration Law

First they have to obtain a green card. That requires proof they will not be a welfare mooching public charge. Public charge refers to becoming dependent upon the government for the expenses of living (food, shelter, clothing, etc.) Second they must show proof of medical examinations and vaccinations that proves they are in good health.

That's just for a green card. After 5 years on a green card then they can apply for citizenship and get back in another line. That will require being able to read, write, speak English. Understanding of U.S. history and government. No serious crimes committed.
These laws you speak of that changed...most laws are changed / amendment because there are clear benefits for The People, the citizenry to implement said change. Not one of you have ever been able to show us how Americans benefit by the presence of illegal thirdworlders. Can you do that now?
I admit it is more of a moral issue than a cost benefit issue for me. I don’t think we should have open borders and I don’t think people should be able to just come here and jump on our welfare systems. But I do think anybody who wants to work hard and make a better life for themselves and their families should have to opportunity to do so. I think our country is big enough, and rich enough, and smart enough to utilize a growing workforce to expand our economy.

So you believe that foreign nationals who can’t even speak our language should be gifted the opportunity to ride the backs of hard-working Americans to see if they can make it here while we have our own dying in our streets, a failing health care system, a failing education system, failing infrastructure, $21T in debt, many of them raping and killing our people and somehow you think you are being moral with that philosophy?
You may need to rethink where your allegiance lies.
Of course not, I never said anything close to that. You’re not grasping my position very well. Don’t know why I waste so much time explaining it if your not even going to try and listen or understand

Oh, I thought you just said this...
“But I do think anybody who wants to work hard and make a better life for themselves and their families should have to opportunity to do so.”
I did say that. What you said was totally different

Haha... pull it together… What do you think you’re saying when you say that?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

How many American citizens would need to be RAPED and KILLED by illegals before you agree to secure our borders and deport illegals? Or do you consider Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals acceptable collateral damage?
I’ve said many times that I support border security I’m not advocating for a free for all system. But you are not going to convince me that tens of millions of people need to be rounded up and deported because a fraction of them are thugs. A fraction of Americans are thugs that rape and murder as well. We should be focusing on fighting crime and gangs. You are politicizing tragic events like this to support immigration policy. It’s the same bullshit the Left does with the gun debate after mass shootings. Except in this case you are demonizing people not weapons

Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Getting rid of them is easy and preventing more from coming in is easier. Pass a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that comes with a minimum 5 year prison sentence. We won't need a wall, no E-verify, no worries about expired Visa's. One law would solve most of our problems with illegals today.
Again keep dreaming it’s not going to happen. Same tactic was tried with the “war on drugs” and look how that disaster turned out

There is what they are doing ..........from the horses mouths.

Now I'd like to lodge a complaint against the mods for having to post the dang thing in so many threads.

Thanks for the video, I’ve been searching for stats on how they are spending their allocated funds and this is the best I’ve seen. I trust and support our border agents. They work a tough job and deserve adequate resources.

I think Trump is shooting himself in his foot. He is so thirsty to get wins to brag about and is so quick to insult his opposition, he is putting the Dems in a very difficult position to give him anything he wants. He is trying to bully and strong arm which I’m sure worked for him in his business but that isn’t as effective in politics.

The is no art of the deal in this deal. It’s my way or the highway.

You don't understand. There is nothing Trump could do to work with the Democrats. Their stance is no wall no matter what. There is noting to talk about, nothing to trade, nothing to deal. No wall.

Slats. We're down to a maybe on slats, and as it turns out, Don was fulla shyte, Mexico laughed at him, with the rest of the world, not even a few mallarra for The Wall (slats).

Walls work every single place they are used. You live behind walls with locks on your fucking little liberal door.

Before a dumb, dimwitted ass like yourself does the stupid predictable ignorant thing comparing the Berlin wall to what Trump wants, please don't. You will only embarrass yourself even more.

So, tell us about your nice secure liberal house. Do, do you have walls with locks on your doors? Yoouuuuuu doooooo?
Would you find it bizarre if there were folks who did champion drunk drivers, who encouraged people to drive drunk, who felt as though we OWE drunk drivers the right to drive?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department


No I wouldn’t find it odd. There will always be sympathetic people out there that want to help people who are poor, troubled, desperate, addicts or mentally disturbed. There will also be hardasses that want to inflict strict punishment as a means of dealing with law breaking.

I think it is a healthy debate and contrast to have. If either side had its way 100% then I think we would be heading down a bad path.

But you live in a nation funded and run by The People....our laws are constructed by The People. Why would you think it’s okay to support illegal activities that conflict with what The People want? Why would you support illegal activities that cost me financially, that cost Mollie Tibbetts her life?
What illegal activities do you think I support.

Change always follows a movement the opposes current law, that’s how new laws get written and old laws changed. It was once illegal for women to vote, it was once illegal to drink alcohol, it was once legal to discriminate against black people... opposition to these laws is what instigated change

These laws you speak of that changed...most laws are changed / amendment because there are clear benefits for The People, the citizenry to implement said change. Not one of you have ever been able to show us how Americans benefit by the presence of illegal thirdworlders. Can you do that now?
I admit it is more of a moral issue than a cost benefit issue for me. I don’t think we should have open borders and I don’t think people should be able to just come here and jump on our welfare systems. But I do think anybody who wants to work hard and make a better life for themselves and their families should have to opportunity to do so. I think our country is big enough, and rich enough, and smart enough to utilize a growing workforce to expand our economy.

You do? Outside of the US, the world population is 7.2 billion people; many of them in hardships like those in S/C America. How many of those 7.2 billion do you think we could fit in here?
How many American citizens would need to be RAPED and KILLED by illegals before you agree to secure our borders and deport illegals? Or do you consider Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals acceptable collateral damage?
I’ve said many times that I support border security I’m not advocating for a free for all system. But you are not going to convince me that tens of millions of people need to be rounded up and deported because a fraction of them are thugs. A fraction of Americans are thugs that rape and murder as well. We should be focusing on fighting crime and gangs. You are politicizing tragic events like this to support immigration policy. It’s the same bullshit the Left does with the gun debate after mass shootings. Except in this case you are demonizing people not weapons

Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Getting rid of them is easy and preventing more from coming in is easier. Pass a law that being here illegally is a first degree felony that comes with a minimum 5 year prison sentence. We won't need a wall, no E-verify, no worries about expired Visa's. One law would solve most of our problems with illegals today.
Again keep dreaming it’s not going to happen. Same tactic was tried with the “war on drugs” and look how that disaster turned out

If you accidently get deported while we deport millions of illegals, apologies.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

We don't have murderous cops. Police officers have to kill to defend themselves in the line of duty. Those that kill outside of protection are charged and prosecuted. Illegals have no reason to kill anybody.

The two are in no way mutually exclusive and I'm referring to our cops shooting unarmed non threatening US citizens.
How often does that happen? Back it up with actual crime statistics. Also, the "unarmed" citizens.

Which ones were UNJUSTIFIED?

List them so I can then refute your stupid list with facts.

I will be waiting for your research.
Pay attention to the news, cheers.
Don't pay attention to leftist propaganda you ignorant fuck.

You cannot post the stats cause you can't you fucking loser.

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