Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

There is what they are doing ..........from the horses mouths.

Now I'd like to lodge a complaint against the mods for having to post the dang thing in so many threads.

Thanks for the video, I’ve been searching for stats on how they are spending their allocated funds and this is the best I’ve seen. I trust and support our border agents. They work a tough job and deserve adequate resources.

I think Trump is shooting himself in his foot. He is so thirsty to get wins to brag about and is so quick to insult his opposition, he is putting the Dems in a very difficult position to give him anything he wants. He is trying to bully and strong arm which I’m sure worked for him in his business but that isn’t as effective in politics.

The is no art of the deal in this deal. It’s my way or the highway.

Trump compromised, smaller cheaper wall. Democrats aren't compromising.

You don’t think so? 1.4 billion appropriation last year? Largest amount in over a decade
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

How about do something to keep them out of the country.
We do a ton to keep them out of this country. Both parties have spent billions of dollars each year on fencing, walls, agents, tech, etc.

It's easy to spot you're a liar.
Do you silly dupes have any connection to reality?
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

If we lived in a perfect world, we wouldn't have to listen to whining liberals.

Many of us have simply chosen to live in a rather shatty world and choose to fling poo and labels to support the status quo. America you see was never supposed to be for all of us.
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

How many American citizens would need to be RAPED and KILLED by illegals before you agree to secure our borders and deport illegals? Or do you consider Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals acceptable collateral damage?
I’ve said many times that I support border security I’m not advocating for a free for all system. But you are not going to convince me that tens of millions of people need to be rounded up and deported because a fraction of them are thugs. A fraction of Americans are thugs that rape and murder as well. We should be focusing on fighting crime and gangs. You are politicizing tragic events like this to support immigration policy. It’s the same bullshit the Left does with the gun debate after mass shootings. Except in this case you are demonizing people not weapons

Why not, they broke our laws. Why should they get a free pass and why should they get to jump to the front of the legal immigration line? We could process a lot more LEGAL immigrants if we were not spending BILLIONS of dollars dealing with these illegal law breaking invaders.
Agree. But trying to deport 10s of millions of people is going to send us backwards. We need to create better pathways.

Okay illegals must pass all legal requirements to immigrate here legally, any who don't get deported deal?
Deal. We just need to review and reform the legal requirements to deal with the real situation which is millions of families who live and work here. Need to find a way to get them in the system
They used to be afraid of being deported for being illegal. Now they are not

They should be deported for being illegaI

That's just the racist than you talking... They will never deport them all. They won't even try. Half the Republicans wouldn't even try. Then there are the racist idiots... Passing national ID card like other countries have. The wall is stupid and won't work
Pass a goddamn ID card like other countries have. This is ridiculous. Democrats have tried but got burned by bulshit.

Democrats don't want an ID card.

Actually they did. in 2010 not for the first time. I really think you're Republican Masters don't really even want to stop illegal workers, Just distract you fools with stupid walls and stupid laws that are unconstitutional.

Border walls now unconstitutional?

They are for our security ...
most of your harassment laws against illegals are unconstitutional in the end.

The hell with illegals. They have no rights in our country. Try that in another country and see what happens

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Other countries don't have a regressive stupid greedy idiot party like the GOP which has basically invited illegals in 4 years and only cares after one of their corrupt economic meltdowns. Pass the goddamn national ID card that every other modern country has with this problem and end it, dumbass dupes.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

If we lived in a perfect world, we wouldn't have to listen to whining liberals.

Many of us have simply chosen to live in a rather shatty world and choose to fling poo and labels to support the status quo. America you see was never supposed to be for all of us.

Shatty(?) or Shanty? Well, we've got your shanty.
CBP Awards SLSCO $145M Contract for Border Wall - Executive Gov

According to the announcement, over 137,000 undocumented immigrants were apprehended trying to cross the border in the Rio Grande Valley sector during 2017. That same year, nearly 1,200 pounds of cocaine and 260,000 pounds of marijuana were seized, the department said. The construction of the structure is expected to decrease the illegal activity in the region for criminal organizations and improve border security without restricting river access for local emergency responders and property owners located in the RGV area.

The project is the second contract SLSCO has received from the U.S. government this year. In June, the company was awarded a $147M contract to replace nearly 14 miles of border wall in
San Diego, Calif. Eight to ten feet high walls made of scrap metal were replaced with 18 to 30-feet-high bollard-style walls that stretch a half-mile from the Pacific Ocean into the San Diego county.
Ronald Vitiello, U.S. Customs and Border Protection acting deputy commissioner, is a strong supporter of President Trump’s goal to improve border security.
They should be deported for being illegaI

That's just the racist than you talking... They will never deport them all. They won't even try. Half the Republicans wouldn't even try. Then there are the racist idiots... Passing national ID card like other countries have. The wall is stupid and won't work
Democrats don't want an ID card.

Actually they did. in 2010 not for the first time. I really think you're Republican Masters don't really even want to stop illegal workers, Just distract you fools with stupid walls and stupid laws that are unconstitutional.

Border walls now unconstitutional?

They are for our security ...
most of your harassment laws against illegals are unconstitutional in the end.

The hell with illegals. They have no rights in our country. Try that in another country and see what happens

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Other countries don't have a regressive stupid greedy idiot party like the GOP which has basically invited illegals in 4 years and only cares after one of their corrupt economic meltdowns. Pass the goddamn national ID card that every other modern country has with this problem and end it, dumbass dupes.

Invited illegals in? WTF, and who doesn't want to deter, prosecute, deport them...dumbass.
Sanctuary State works great for the corrupt Democrat Politicians, their illegal alien criminals, their drug cartels, their racist aztlan nationalist and their human traffickers.
The Last Stand: The South Texas Border - Texas Scorecard

Drugs, Illegals, and a Tiger

Since 2013, the Texas Legislature has spent over $3 billion on border security efforts. During the 85th Legislative session, state lawmakers passed $800 million in border spending in conjunction with a resolution to Congress (HCR 52) expressing their frustration over the federal government’s failure to secure the 1,254 mile Texas-Mexico border.

The RGV sector accounts for over 40 percent of all border apprehensions in the United States. Since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, over 700,000 apprehensions have occurred in the RGV. Last year, the federal government allocated $2.3 million for “Operation Secure Texas” to alleviate the financial burden on Texas’ taxpayers. President Trump has also ordered the National Guard to the RGV to relieve agents’ duties, however their hands are tied since they aren’t allowed to arrest anyone, and drugs still continue to pour into our country.

Texas has spent more on the wall since 2013 than the Gov't..........imagine that.........

The above article is a message from Texas...........Fuck you open border WANKERS............Gotta love Texas ......if the Feds will not do it THEY WILL.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

Well the so called murderous cops have been killed at an alarming rate. More cops died in 2018 Why because assholes like you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Do explain what "we've" done. If the cops cannot police their own they can police no one at all.
That's just the racist than you talking... They will never deport them all. They won't even try. Half the Republicans wouldn't even try. Then there are the racist idiots... Passing national ID card like other countries have. The wall is stupid and won't work
Actually they did. in 2010 not for the first time. I really think you're Republican Masters don't really even want to stop illegal workers, Just distract you fools with stupid walls and stupid laws that are unconstitutional.

Border walls now unconstitutional?

They are for our security ...
most of your harassment laws against illegals are unconstitutional in the end.

The hell with illegals. They have no rights in our country. Try that in another country and see what happens

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Other countries don't have a regressive stupid greedy idiot party like the GOP which has basically invited illegals in 4 years and only cares after one of their corrupt economic meltdowns. Pass the goddamn national ID card that every other modern country has with this problem and end it, dumbass dupes.

Invited illegals in? WTF, and who doesn't want to deter, prosecute, deport them...dumbass.
Reagan gave them amnesty and then refused to do anything to stop more coming. The whole point of Republicans is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, silly super duper. Democrats have been for a good SS ID card forever, all Republicans care about it is using it as a political football and calling Democrats communists. Works for the stupid racist brainwashed GOP base...
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

Well the so called murderous cops have been killed at an alarming rate. More cops died in 2018 Why because assholes like you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Do explain what "we've" done. If the cops cannot police their own they can police no one at all.

Great, so if those that have trouble following laws, what the heck let's take the law into our own hands. Although, I can't imagine it working out too well for some of you.
Sanctuary State works great for the corrupt Democrat Politicians, their illegal alien criminals, their drug cartels, their racist aztlan nationalist and their human traffickers.

The sole reason any "illegals" (think about that concept, human beings as "illegal", oh so christian) have ever been here is at the behest of, upon the lobbying efforts of, and due to think tank drafted legislation on the behalf of and by your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class.

The problem is a rather easy one to "fix". The issue at hand is that capitalism has never been able to, or seen fit to, wean itself off of a downtrodden cheap source of labor it could/can exploit. I suggest to you sir that american capitalism never will. By design.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

If we could only have our murderous immigrants linked up with our murderous cops.

Well the so called murderous cops have been killed at an alarming rate. More cops died in 2018 Why because assholes like you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Really? Do explain what "we've" done. If the cops cannot police their own they can police no one at all.

Great, so if those that have trouble following laws, what the heck let's take the law into our own hands. Although, I can't imagine it working out too well for some of you.
Go ahead bad boy, go right on ahead.
Border walls now unconstitutional?

They are for our security ...
most of your harassment laws against illegals are unconstitutional in the end.

The hell with illegals. They have no rights in our country. Try that in another country and see what happens

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Other countries don't have a regressive stupid greedy idiot party like the GOP which has basically invited illegals in 4 years and only cares after one of their corrupt economic meltdowns. Pass the goddamn national ID card that every other modern country has with this problem and end it, dumbass dupes.

Invited illegals in? WTF, and who doesn't want to deter, prosecute, deport them...dumbass.
Reagan gave them amnesty and then refused to do anything to stop more coming. The whole point of Republicans is cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, silly super duper. Democrats have been for a good SS ID card forever, all Republicans care about it is using it as a political football and calling Democrats communists. Works for the stupid racist brainwashed GOP base...

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate, and the Democrats the House. In 1986, the Democrats recaptured the Senate (while retaining the House) and thereafter remained in control of both chamber until losing both in 1994....dumbass.

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