Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Crossing into the United States is illegal........1st offense is a misdomeaner........2nd a Felony..........

Under the Criminal Justice system.............we prosecute criminals............LOL

Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division
An extra 3 billion above the CR amount of 1.6 billion would not build an entire wall...........

It would only build walls in priority areas........areas where CBP are having problems and have requested additional funding. They coordinate with the Army Corp of Engineers on all projects...........which save money............all these upgrades come with the lights, high tech security systems......towers.........and better gates..........and new scanners for legal trucks coming in to detect drugs, arms and people.............

The 3 Billion will not build a 2000 mile wall............and CBP has been asking for more funding in these areas for a while now..........

Why is this a problem.................
It’s not a problem. Clinton signed a bill back in the 90s that constructed much of our existing border fence and walls. Funding has been passed by Obama to continue to support border security. 1.6 billion was passed last year and was approved to be spent again this year by Dems.

Do you know how last years budget was spent? What have they done to earn your trust that they are spending your money efficiently and wisely? Or are you just taking Trumps word on things?

Dems for the most part are not against border security. They just don’t support Trumps hyperbolic rhetoric around the “wall”... this could easily be solved without the partisan rhetoric but I don’t see either side backing down.
You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division
An extra 3 billion above the CR amount of 1.6 billion would not build an entire wall...........

It would only build walls in priority areas........areas where CBP are having problems and have requested additional funding. They coordinate with the Army Corp of Engineers on all projects...........which save money............all these upgrades come with the lights, high tech security systems......towers.........and better gates..........and new scanners for legal trucks coming in to detect drugs, arms and people.............

The 3 Billion will not build a 2000 mile wall............and CBP has been asking for more funding in these areas for a while now..........

Why is this a problem.................
It’s not a problem. Clinton signed a bill back in the 90s that constructed much of our existing border fence and walls. Funding has been passed by Obama to continue to support border security. 1.6 billion was passed last year and was approved to be spent again this year by Dems.

Do you know how last years budget was spent? What have they done to earn your trust that they are spending your money efficiently and wisely? Or are you just taking Trumps word on things?

Dems for the most part are not against border security. They just don’t support Trumps hyperbolic rhetoric around the “wall”... this could easily be solved without the partisan rhetoric but I don’t see either side backing down.

OMG, you really don't believe that, do you? Are you that naive?
You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division
An extra 3 billion above the CR amount of 1.6 billion would not build an entire wall...........

It would only build walls in priority areas........areas where CBP are having problems and have requested additional funding. They coordinate with the Army Corp of Engineers on all projects...........which save money............all these upgrades come with the lights, high tech security systems......towers.........and better gates..........and new scanners for legal trucks coming in to detect drugs, arms and people.............

The 3 Billion will not build a 2000 mile wall............and CBP has been asking for more funding in these areas for a while now..........

Why is this a problem.................
It’s not a problem. Clinton signed a bill back in the 90s that constructed much of our existing border fence and walls. Funding has been passed by Obama to continue to support border security. 1.6 billion was passed last year and was approved to be spent again this year by Dems.

Do you know how last years budget was spent? What have they done to earn your trust that they are spending your money efficiently and wisely? Or are you just taking Trumps word on things?

Dems for the most part are not against border security. They just don’t support Trumps hyperbolic rhetoric around the “wall”... this could easily be solved without the partisan rhetoric but I don’t see either side backing down.
I've shown that data on several threads.........from the CBP.........tired of showing the dang thing.......

100 miles of border wall, levies, gates, and electronic to old Fences that are easily's on the CBP site.....
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division

If that illegal wasn't here in the first place, that officer would be alive today. Enough said?
Yes that is true. But we don’t try and use the actions of one to demonize millions of people. Thats a cheap shot and not honest. Its like saying if we didn’t allow guns in this country then the officer wouldn’t have been shot. It’s a stupid argument.
For decades........the people have pushed to secure our border and control immigration on the deaf ears of our Career Politicians..............and for decades they have done little or 2006 they built a Fence and all patted themselves on the backs............but they never fixed it........the Fences for the most part were a joke............

It was all a show...............
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
There's like four million illegal men here, all you fox or whatever dupes. How does being brainwashed feel? Illegals are still better crime wise than citizens. Pass a goddamn SSID card and end this garbage. Like every other country with this problem.
I don't understand how Sanctuary Cities can be immune from lawsuits. They actually support the breaking of Federal Law do they not?

Someone should take a case to the Supreme Court, I'm not legal scholar, but it defies to me on the surface.
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

An honest position is that it doesn't matter if it's one cop or a hundred. The left simply doesn't care. All the Americans that died at the hands of these foreigners doesn't matter. What matters is getting and keeping as many of them in this country as possible.
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?

Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.
I don't understand how Sanctuary Cities can be immune from lawsuits. They actually support the breaking of Federal Law do they not?

Someone should take a case to the Supreme Court, I'm not legal scholar, but it defies to me on the surface.
Victims should start suing the States and Jails who refused Detainers...........I do believe they would win...........Hit them in the pocket book........
You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division
An extra 3 billion above the CR amount of 1.6 billion would not build an entire wall...........

It would only build walls in priority areas........areas where CBP are having problems and have requested additional funding. They coordinate with the Army Corp of Engineers on all projects...........which save money............all these upgrades come with the lights, high tech security systems......towers.........and better gates..........and new scanners for legal trucks coming in to detect drugs, arms and people.............

The 3 Billion will not build a 2000 mile wall............and CBP has been asking for more funding in these areas for a while now..........

Why is this a problem.................
It’s not a problem. Clinton signed a bill back in the 90s that constructed much of our existing border fence and walls. Funding has been passed by Obama to continue to support border security. 1.6 billion was passed last year and was approved to be spent again this year by Dems.

Do you know how last years budget was spent? What have they done to earn your trust that they are spending your money efficiently and wisely? Or are you just taking Trumps word on things?

Dems for the most part are not against border security. They just don’t support Trumps hyperbolic rhetoric around the “wall”... this could easily be solved without the partisan rhetoric but I don’t see either side backing down.

It was bush jr not bill clinton and why didn't you oppose it then?

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

An honest position is that it doesn't matter if it's one cop or a hundred. The left simply doesn't care. All the Americans that died at the hands of these foreigners doesn't matter. What matters is getting and keeping as many of them in this country as possible.
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?

Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.

What good is a law that doesn't carry a stiff penalty? Coming into this country illegally is like a jaywalking ticket. It means nothing. That's why they keep coming back.
For decades........the people have pushed to secure our border and control immigration on the deaf ears of our Career Politicians..............and for decades they have done little or 2006 they built a Fence and all patted themselves on the backs............but they never fixed it........the Fences for the most part were a joke............

It was all a show...............
Democrats wanted a national ID card in 2010 as part of their immigration bill. But dropped it after the Wave of garbage propaganda thrown at them. Even if the wall worked, 50% come over and just overstay their visas.
You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division

If that illegal wasn't here in the first place, that officer would be alive today. Enough said?
Yes that is true. But we don’t try and use the actions of one to demonize millions of people. Thats a cheap shot and not honest. Its like saying if we didn’t allow guns in this country then the officer wouldn’t have been shot. It’s a stupid argument.

Guns are legally allowed in this country. Invaders are not. Big difference.
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division
An extra 3 billion above the CR amount of 1.6 billion would not build an entire wall...........

It would only build walls in priority areas........areas where CBP are having problems and have requested additional funding. They coordinate with the Army Corp of Engineers on all projects...........which save money............all these upgrades come with the lights, high tech security systems......towers.........and better gates..........and new scanners for legal trucks coming in to detect drugs, arms and people.............

The 3 Billion will not build a 2000 mile wall............and CBP has been asking for more funding in these areas for a while now..........

Why is this a problem.................
It’s not a problem. Clinton signed a bill back in the 90s that constructed much of our existing border fence and walls. Funding has been passed by Obama to continue to support border security. 1.6 billion was passed last year and was approved to be spent again this year by Dems.

Do you know how last years budget was spent? What have they done to earn your trust that they are spending your money efficiently and wisely? Or are you just taking Trumps word on things?

Dems for the most part are not against border security. They just don’t support Trumps hyperbolic rhetoric around the “wall”... this could easily be solved without the partisan rhetoric but I don’t see either side backing down.

It was bush jr not bill clinton and why didn't you oppose it then?

Clinton signed Operation safeguard, hold the line and gatekeeper in 1993 and 1994. Look it up
You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

An honest position is that it doesn't matter if it's one cop or a hundred. The left simply doesn't care. All the Americans that died at the hands of these foreigners doesn't matter. What matters is getting and keeping as many of them in this country as possible.
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?

Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.

So your saying because it’s illegal they don’t sneak in. That’s what your stupid statement just said. As far as gun control it’s a constitutional amendment. Your trying to change the 2nd Amendment we want to keep scum out of country build the wall and it forces them to come in legally. For those who try to climb the wall, it’s nothing a bullet can’t handle. We should build the wall around California as well and you assholes can live in your own little world. With know help from the US as debated says your the richest state you don’t need our help.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Do you “demonize” all drunk drivers...or only those who kill others? Do you champion drunk driving? Do you know that more drunk drivers = more deaths at the hands of drunk drivers?
False equivalency...right?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

An honest position is that it doesn't matter if it's one cop or a hundred. The left simply doesn't care. All the Americans that died at the hands of these foreigners doesn't matter. What matters is getting and keeping as many of them in this country as possible.
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?

Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.

What good is a law that doesn't carry a stiff penalty? Coming into this country illegally is like a jaywalking ticket. It means nothing. That's why they keep coming back.
Because many people don’t see it as a serious offense like rape and murder. It’s trespassing Which is a misdomeanor unless they are caught forging documents in which case it would be a more serious offense.

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