Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

I want every illegal to be so damn scared to poke a head out of a dumpster they have no choice but to voluntarily self deport.
That might work if every rich right wing arsehole who used that fear to exploit their maid, poolboy, gardener etc gave them up. But no, cheap slave labour is too attractive.

Back to that stereotype that all rich people are right-wingers, huh? Did you ever notice the wealthiest among us are leftists?
Word is he has two DUIs on his record. Still not enough to have him deported. Must be some sanctuary, I feel warm and fuzzy all over.

DUI’s are enough to get him deported. Ice put in the paperwork and were denied by liberal scum Democrats

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Word is he has two DUIs on his record. Still not enough to have him deported. Must be some sanctuary, I feel warm and fuzzy all over.

Just watching some of Laura's show tonight. The sheriff stated seven other ILLEGALS are also under arrest for trying to hide the lowlife and throw them off track. Some word about trying to get him back into Mexico to hide.

But oh..........just because they are here illegally doesn't mean they are bad people. They are just trying to feed their family. And BTW, if anybody is interested in buying a bridge I have for sale........
1st Corinthians. Ch:14.V:38.
Mathew 7:15
Your tragic delusion is you imagine you’ve found it. 2ND Thessalonians Ch:2.V:11.
Only around 3100 Detainer orders are issued every year...........of those.........they are usually criminals.......many violent......not just your average illegal alien.........

Sanctuary cities create laws that prohibit LEA's from notifying ICE or they could lose their jobs.

Lies......your last verse.........What Lies...........
Delusion.............that Sanctuary cities protect Americans.........your other verse.....

And my reply............False prophets..........that would be you.'

The victims families should sue New Jersey.........and the police department there.............

They can test the delusion and lies there now can't they.
It's the richest state in the country. Double Texas, the closest in wealth.

I would say they are doing pretty good.

in spite of the recent problems.

It's not about where California is in terms of overall wealth, which I am willing to bet is far more polarized than most states, but, how much harm have they allowed to occur in their own backyard. Imagine all of the vagrants, people defecating on the streets, illegal immigrant criminals who are being sheltered simply didn't exist?
California is welcoming and almost encouraging this. I think California is a dynamic economic with some good people, they are being spit on by their "leaders".

You're going to have poverty anywhere, to welcome illegal immigrants and giving them Sanctuary, there is no honour in that. It's a tragedy, as Officer Singh found out first hand. Some POS illegal criminal murdered a man who immigrated to America LEGALLY. If I were his next of kin, I would be suing California up the ying yang. I would be confronting and verbally calling out all who support protecting illegal immigrants from deportation.

I know about bad cops, we have them in Canada in droves, it's systemic. By far, it's the covert, undercover apparatus, not the man or woman in uniform who answer the call. Growing up where I grew up there were many of both, it's impossible to avoid it. I never had a problem with someone in uniform who put their ass on the line, not "generating" crime, but upholding the law and preventing crime. I respected them and I found they returned the favour as most good people in authority do when they are shown it. This guy was just doing his job and he was murdered by someone who should never have been in the country.

So, I say, when a man like this dies and his wife courageously posts the photo of him with his family at Christmas, it eats at me. I hate injustice and abusers, quite abusive for an illegal entry into your nation and harming the very people who have given you the opportunity for a better life.

You should be throwing out every POS who doesn't put his head down, lay low and do what he has to (as much as I disagree with him entering the U.S illegally) to take care of his family. If you have entered nation illegally, at the very least; again, as I disagree with their decision; go about your business, keep your nose clean and try not be seen. This POS was a repeat offender, contributing nothing to America.

Ultimately, they need to apply LEGALLY, but, at the very least, if you are in the nation, don't get drink and drive, and don't murder citizens. Basic logic.

How horrible! what monsters these savages are!

I would not go and chose to live in a so called Sanctuary can tie me and gag me and kill me....

And I still I would never go to those Sanctuary Hell States.

Fuck Democrats fuck illegals
The guy was a known CRIMINAL TO ICE..............a VIOLENT ONE................and they let him go.

Those people .....those who let him go,....they HATE America!

They hate GOD ...they hate GOD loving people ...decent people...

I hope I pray Democrats never, NEVER be in power again! NEVER!
What I'd like to a massive increase in ICE Raids all over the country.........and deportations in mass..............then they will have no choice but to come to the table.

The deal there's the LAW.............and they can't do a damned thing about it.
I want every illegal to be so damn scared to poke a head out of a dumpster they have no choice but to voluntarily self deport.

If it were up to me, Congress would change our laws to being here illegally a first degree felony with a minimum five years in prison if caught. No worries about expired Visa's, no need for a wall, no need for high tech equipment. Most all of them would be running for the border to get the hell out of this country.
I want every illegal to be so damn scared to poke a head out of a dumpster they have no choice but to voluntarily self deport.
That might work if every rich right wing arsehole who used that fear to exploit their maid, poolboy, gardener etc gave them up. But no, cheap slave labour is too attractive.

Back to that stereotype that all rich people are right-wingers, huh? Did you ever notice the wealthiest among us are leftists?
Given the American definition of leftists is anyone who doesn’t sleep with a volume of Ayn Rand under their pillow your point is moot.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division
If I were his next of kin, I would be suing California up the ying yang. I would be confronting and verbally calling out all who support protecting illegal immigrants from deportation.

(CNN)The family of a woman allegedly killed by an undocumented immigrant who'd recently been released from jail can't sue San Francisco over its sanctuary policy, according to a recent court ruling.

Kate Steinle's shooting death in 2015 sparked national debate over so-called sanctuary cities and became a rallying cry for Donald Trump on the campaign trail.

Kate Steinle case: Judge dismisses 'sanctuary city' claim - CNNPolitics
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

Illegal alien gang member who has been arrested before but ICE wasn’t allowed to deport him thanks to the liberals. Now a young police officer is dead. More blood spilled because Democrats are morons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for sharing
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division

If that illegal wasn't here in the first place, that officer would be alive today. Enough said?
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division
An extra 3 billion above the CR amount of 1.6 billion would not build an entire wall...........

It would only build walls in priority areas........areas where CBP are having problems and have requested additional funding. They coordinate with the Army Corp of Engineers on all projects...........which save money............all these upgrades come with the lights, high tech security systems......towers.........and better gates..........and new scanners for legal trucks coming in to detect drugs, arms and people.............

The 3 Billion will not build a 2000 mile wall............and CBP has been asking for more funding in these areas for a while now..........

Why is this a problem.................
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

An honest position is that it doesn't matter if it's one cop or a hundred. The left simply doesn't care. All the Americans that died at the hands of these foreigners doesn't matter. What matters is getting and keeping as many of them in this country as possible.
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?
I want every illegal to be so damn scared to poke a head out of a dumpster they have no choice but to voluntarily self deport.
That might work if every rich right wing arsehole who used that fear to exploit their maid, poolboy, gardener etc gave them up. But no, cheap slave labour is too attractive.

Back to that stereotype that all rich people are right-wingers, huh? Did you ever notice the wealthiest among us are leftists?
Given the American definition of leftists is anyone who doesn’t sleep with a volume of Ayn Rand under their pillow your point is moot.

How so? They are all admitted leftists. Gates, the late Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, Buffett, Soros, Steyer........

Nothing moot about it. Hillary raised three times the money as Trump did for his campaign, and she didn't get it from homeless people.
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division

If that illegal wasn't here in the first place, that officer would be alive today. Enough said?
So, we now need to see all US citizens who’ve committed murder deported?
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

An honest position is that it doesn't matter if it's one cop or a hundred. The left simply doesn't care. All the Americans that died at the hands of these foreigners doesn't matter. What matters is getting and keeping as many of them in this country as possible.
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?

Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division

If that illegal wasn't here in the first place, that officer would be alive today. Enough said?
So, we now need to see all US citizens who’ve committed murder deported?

No, because they belong in this country, illegals don't.
You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division

If that illegal wasn't here in the first place, that officer would be alive today. Enough said?
So, we now need to see all US citizens who’ve committed murder deported?

Those that make stupid excuses like you just did should be deported along with the illegals.
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

Yup, that would be an honest position....if this were the first time something like this happened, maybe even if it was the second time.
The amount of times this happens makes no difference to me. I don’t support people illegally crossing the border but I also realize that many do it out of poverty, desperation, and in search for a better life. I’m not going to try and paint them all as murderers or gangsters. That doesn’t help the situation it just pours fuel on the division

If that illegal wasn't here in the first place, that officer would be alive today. Enough said?
So, we now need to see all US citizens who’ve committed murder deported?

No, because they belong in this country, illegals don't.

Deport the illegals and those that make excuses for them.

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