HSchool Students Stranded in Afghanistan

We took them in as refugees fleeing Afghanistan, then they stupidly went back to Afghanistan, and now they want our soldiers to die to rescue them from their stupid decision?

People go back to visit their families, it happens. i wonder if they there were any official warning to travelers to Afghanistan about an eminent troop pullout? or if they were required to have special contacts or anything like that? As it is, they were probably lied to as well about how safe the country was. There is a great amount of personal responsibility but even so... its a very simple thing for the government to create a few safety precautions for traveling US citizens.
We just don't have a government who really cares about that type of thing its obvious.
We took them in as refugees fleeing Afghanistan, then they stupidly went back to Afghanistan, and now they want our soldiers to die to rescue them from their stupid decision?

The stupid decision was when YOUR State Dept and Homeland Security BOZOS signed off on their visas to get INTO a crumbling Afghanistan.. Let's get that straight shall we?

We kept family out of HOSPITALS and FUNERALS with loved ones dying alone with Covid.. But SURE -- tell those families and kids to have a good time in a failing country being over-run with terrorists.

Ya EVER think straight bro? For a famous saint -- God sure shorted you on logic and reason..
You know I have had it with the World and Afghanistan should be the flashpoint to start using drones all the time and start killing every idiot that pops it head up and tries to prevent us getting everyone out!
I believe he was writing about the idiots in the Government…

Ok, well in that case I hope so. Ahh hell, give them parachutes too it would be just worth it to see them come back to earth without their false teeth and wigs.
People died for 20 years in Afghanistan by the tens and hundreds of thousands and nobody cared. Then we decide to pull out of that meaningless, pointless war and people lose their minds.

Only "lost minds" in this war that got lost are those that designed this clusterfuck of a get-out.. Pulling the troops and ceding the country BEFORE gettin Americans out and our loyal Afghan buds.. You have to be insane to trust the Taliban with establishing safe passage. No mind required.

And ceeding Bagram air base which was FAR MORE defensible and strategic to the withdrawal than an inner city airport with NO CHANCE of funneling large numbers of folks safely out..
LOLOL....Some threads are meant to be posted twice.....Keep that in mind next time yur sharpening the ax.BAWWWAHA

If ya KNOW where the dupe is -- I will merge it.. I'm thinking the person who posted it ignored our request to make titles DESCRIPTIVE -- so that members and mods can FIND the dupes.. Just did a title search for "students and Afghanistan" -- got nothing..

If ya KNOW where the dupe is -- I will merge it.. I'm thinking the person who posted it ignored our request to make titles DESCRIPTIVE -- so that members and mods can FIND the dupes.. Just did a title search for "students and Afghanistan" -- got nothing..

You made me work. It was in breaking news minutes after it happened this morn. Now it is all the way in Afghanistan..............LOLOLOL.Hope it doesn't get blowed up...lolol
Only "lost minds" in this war that got lost are those that designed this clusterfuck of a get-out.. Pulling the troops and ceding the country BEFORE gettin Americans out and our loyal Afghan buds.. You have to be insane to trust the Taliban with establishing safe passage. No mind required.

And ceeding Bagram air base which was FAR MORE defensible and strategic to the withdrawal than an inner city airport with NO CHANCE of funneling large numbers of folks safely out..
Ok, please explain how it would be possible to force Americans to leave a country. You imagine a magical scenario where the U.S. says "we're not leaving until every American is out. Go out there, soldiers, and kidnap them. Against their will if need be." Is that what you're talking about?

If you're talking about buying them time to get out, they had 18 months. They were bought tons of time.

Evacuating people to Bagram was not possible. We never even secured the 2 mile road from the U.S. Embassy to Kabul airport. How do think we were going to evacuate people from Kabul to Bagram which is 70 km away?
Ok, please explain how it would be possible to force Americans to leave a country.

This is a case of APPROVING Americans to travel to a crumbling country.. Not forcing them OUT.. Again God failed you on critical thinking. When there's thousands left texting their congress people for HELP because State told them "we cannot guarantee your safety" -- and you have family/kids -- that's NOT forcing anyone out..

The ones THAT WANT TO STAY wont be screaming for rescue.. So you and I can WAIT FOR HOW MANY THOUSANDS get a text thru after the bug-out that THEY ARE STRANDED after
Taliban time schedule expires. NO ONE WILL BE WEEPING for folks THAT WANT TO STAY. Will YOU? I'm not.

Or you can just admit that is a HISTORICALLY MONUMENTAL FUBAR moment right now.. And that you're tossing shit out to avoid understanding the immensity of the problems that were created by a govt focused on TIME-LINES and optics and NOT on careful planning and design..

Apparently, you can't discuss honestly even when people are dying or facing horrible executions.
This is a case of APPROVING Americans to travel to a crumbling country.. Not forcing them OUT.. Again God failed you on critical thinking. When there's thousands left texting their congress people for HELP because State told them "we cannot guarantee your safety" -- and you have family/kids -- that's NOT forcing anyone out..

The ones THAT WANT TO STAY wont be screaming for rescue.. So you and I can WAIT FOR HOW MANY THOUSANDS get a text thru after the bug-out is complete on the Taliban time schedule..

Or you can just admit that is a HISTORICALLY MONUMENTAL FUBAR moment right now.. And that you're tossing shit out to avoid understanding the immensity of the problems that were created by a govt focused on TIME-LINES and optics and NOT on careful planning and design..
FUBAR is knowing that the U.S. is leaving the country in 18 months, and deciding to wait until it's too late to leave so you can beg marines to come die for you to save you.
They wouldn't have traveled if trump was in office? Really?

Probably not.. Different heads of Agencies at Homeland and State. Probably would have FOCUSED MASSIVE resources on ASSURING a smooth get-out.. To this Admin -- it looks like the "planning" was done during a HR seminar on "whiteness as a crime" or something.
FUBAR is knowing that the U.S. is leaving the country in 18 months, and deciding to wait until it's too late to leave so you can beg marines to come die for you to save you.
Nope you're not thinking clearly still. The Biden Admin has FOCUSED on OVERTURNING EVERYTHING THAT TRUMP EVER DID.. So NOW you want me to believe that they were too chicken to MODIFY or REJECT Trumps timetable and agreements with the Taliban?

Biden did the final draw-down.. AT THAT POINT -- THE EVAC should have been in FULL SWING.. Was it? Not by a long shot.. 800 day approvals on SIVisas were STILL the norm. No advanced warnings to Americans in every corner of that parched country when they abandoned Bagram in the DEAD OF NIGHT so it was even a surprise to the AFGHAN PARTNERS working there..

You're a partisan tool who gets talking points instead of news -- so maybe some of this is news to you.. But you dont have a wooden leg to stand on..
Ouch that hurt me.

How do you deserve all that abuse? LOL.. At least NOW you seem to look past the partisan shitflinging and KNOW when things are right and when they are wrong. I absolve you of past idiocy on who you supported for Prez.. :up:
Only "lost minds" in this war that got lost are those that designed this clusterfuck of a get-out.. Pulling the troops and ceding the country BEFORE gettin Americans out and our loyal Afghan buds.. You have to be insane to trust the Taliban with establishing safe passage. No mind required.

And ceeding Bagram air base which was FAR MORE defensible and strategic to the withdrawal than an inner city airport with NO CHANCE of funneling large numbers of folks safely out..

Agreed, the withdrawal date was arbitrary. there was no rush to pull out all of our military before evacuation of Americans had begun. if we had more than one airfield available it would also have been much more easier to airlift civilians. that was all in our control.

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