
Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
Moonbattery Prevented Early Rescue of Elizabeth Smart

Burkas have their uses even for non-Muslims:

In a stunning revelation that occurred during the trial of Brian David Mitchell — the man accused of abducting then-14 year old Elizabeth Smart in June 2002 — a Salt Lake City police detective confirmed Smart's story that, a mere two months after her kidnapping, she came within a hair's breadth of being rescued.

Detective Jon Richey took the stand to testify that in August 2002, a good Samaritan claimed that Smart might be at a downtown Salt Lake City library. According to the tipster, two young women, who were in the company of an odd-looking bearded man, were wearing burqa-style head coverings. The tipster claimed that the younger of the two women had eyes that were remarkably similar to Smart's (the eyes were the only visible part of the young girl's veiled face).

Upon questioning the trio, Detective Richey asked the man (who we now know to be Mitchell) if he could look under the young girl's burqa. Mitchell vigorously claimed that to expose the girl's face would violate their religious beliefs. No matter how many times Richey asked to see the girl's face, Mitchell stood fast, claiming that there would be "serious religious consequences" should the girl's face be exposed to anyone but her husband. He also told the detective that their religion forbids women from speaking in public.

Detective Richey admitted that he became concerned about violating the trio's "civil rights," so he backed down. Mitchell, his wife and accomplice Wanda Barzee, and Smart were allowed to go on their way, and Elizabeth Smart would be forced to endure seven more months of rape, torture, and physical and mental abuse.

Just so long as nobody in the mainstream media accuses Utah police of being Islamophobes, what's a little rape and torture?

Moonbattery: Dhimmi Moonbattery Prevented Early Rescue of Elizabeth Smart
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