Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

I can not understand forcing a 10 year old to have a child.
How in your foggy head is it anybody's fault but the ABUSERS' that she is pregnant? You want to heap more injury, pain and death upon a traumatized girl to spare you the discomfort of facing the reality of the situation....and to protect the abuser. Yet you think more abuse and degradation is preferable to just waiting the pregnancy out. You are a rare twisted soul. Thank god you baby killing zealots are a tiny, extremist minority.

Rape is rape whether the victim gets pregnant or not. Are you so retarded as to believe otherwise?
What's worse... living with the fact that you killed your own child?
Or going through 9 months of pregnancy and putting him/her up for adoption?

That's a woman's choice depending on her individual circumstances. Right?

I don't know.
Is it my choice to kill if someone is inconveniencing me physically?

Yep - per Roe v. Wade.

Roe vs Wade does not apply in this case

Try harder to make the mental transition between Paraguay and U.S./Huckabee. It'll be less taxing on your brain.

Roe vs Wade does not apply in this case, dumb ass. I'd be careful telling anyone to be less taxing on one's brain.
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?
That's a woman's choice depending on her individual circumstances. Right?

I don't know.
Is it my choice to kill if someone is inconveniencing me physically?

Yep - per Roe v. Wade.

Roe vs Wade does not apply in this case

Try harder to make the mental transition between Paraguay and U.S./Huckabee. It'll be less taxing on your brain.

Roe vs Wade does not apply in this case, dumb ass. I'd be careful telling anyone to be less taxing on one's brain.

Duh, yes I know. But it does apply to Huckabee for president. Bonzi's posts weren't that difficult for you - were they?
It's just progressive wackadoodles doing what they do....protecting criminals at the expense of innocents.
I don't know.
Is it my choice to kill if someone is inconveniencing me physically?

Yep - per Roe v. Wade.

Roe vs Wade does not apply in this case

Try harder to make the mental transition between Paraguay and U.S./Huckabee. It'll be less taxing on your brain.

Roe vs Wade does not apply in this case, dumb ass. I'd be careful telling anyone to be less taxing on one's brain.

Duh, yes I know. But it does apply to Huckabee for president. Bonzi's posts weren't that difficult for you - were they?

Child, don't ever try to chastise me. The ONLY reason I respond to you is to make you look as stupid as you are. Huckabee never had a prayer and the question was used to bait him
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.
I never knew a 10 y/o could get preggers
Isn't that pretty rare?
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.

I'm torn on this one. At first I had my doubts a 10 year old was pregnant but evidently she was. I'd like to know more about the circumstances
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

What's worse... living with the fact that you killed your own child?
Or going through 9 months of pregnancy and putting him/her up for adoption?

That's a woman's choice depending on her individual circumstances. Right?

I don't know.
Is it my choice to kill if someone is inconveniencing me physically?
In regards to a fetus, yes, women will do it anyway. Tired of you fucking idiots.
But it's ok to expose her to the added risk of giving birth. You make no sense.
Shoving a vacuum up her and sucking out a baby is safer to you ?

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We're talking about a 10 yr old child - a CHILD - forceably made pregnant. And you loons can't even see the wrong in that? The chances of her dying or being permanently affected by giving birth (especially in a country like that) are huge.
And wha are the chances of the baby dying as a result? Yeah, 100%.

So it's life is more important than the mother's. Thanks for finally being honest.
You've got a slight increased risk with the mother and 100% risk to the child. Yeah, I'll take those odds.
You get this, right?

You don't get it.
I never knew a 10 y/o could get preggers
Isn't that pretty rare?

Christ, you're as dumb as the other two. I heard the youngest reported pregnancy was around 4 years old.

Good Lord! That can not be true!!! WOW!!! need to start reading more! No way!

There was a five year old that gave birth, I didn't believe it either but evidently it happened
It's horrific right wing nuts would want to ban abortion for a young child.
Have you noticed that they shift all blame from the rapist to the people who want to give the girl complete, professional care?

The point is that under the current law the girl couldn't get an abortion, so their arguments are moot
They're arguing that illegal abortion is less risky for a pregnant ten year old than ccare provided by real doctors. They argue for killing women and girls instead of providing them with care, support, and legal protection.

You know what is risky? It's making a ten year old a mother and making her raise a child to adulthood while she is a child herself. You want to take away her roller skates, her girlfriends, and her childhood memories to raise a baby to adulthood. I hope in that black heart of yours you realize just how wrong that is.
Shoving a vacuum up her and sucking out a baby is safer to you ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

We're talking about a 10 yr old child - a CHILD - forceably made pregnant. And you loons can't even see the wrong in that? The chances of her dying or being permanently affected by giving birth (especially in a country like that) are huge.
And wha are the chances of the baby dying as a result? Yeah, 100%.

So it's life is more important than the mother's. Thanks for finally being honest.
You've got a slight increased risk with the mother and 100% risk to the child. Yeah, I'll take those odds.
You get this, right?

You don't get it.
Rabbi is a racist, confederate loving, homophobic moron who hates women. Don't expect much.
I never knew a 10 y/o could get preggers
Isn't that pretty rare?

Christ, you're as dumb as the other two. I heard the youngest reported pregnancy was around 4 years old.

Good Lord! That can not be true!!! WOW!!! need to start reading more! No way!

There was a five year old that gave birth, I didn't believe it either but evidently it happened

And there have been 2 year olds that have been raped.

You seem to endorse the worst perversions. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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