Huckabee:Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage think evangelicals have a monopoly on morals? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No. just that progressives dont have any

And you have the evidence to back that comment up......where?

Of course, I can understand your probably hate that it was progressives that brought the vote to women, got rid of child labor, eliminated segregation, introduced equal protection for the handicapped. Awful things those.

Progressives CREATED Segregation. It was Woodrow Wilson that Re-segregated the military.

The womens movement existed long before progressives did. In fact, they had voting rights at the time of the Founding. Western States were re-extending the vote to them long before the progressives were on the scene.

It's the progressive movement that came up with modern propaganda. They developed the eugenics movement of the 20th century - the key component being abortion to eliminate minorities and undesirables.

Great morals here.
Avatar's working on the first steps towards dehumanizing Progressives and Liberals.

If you believe that, then you haven't been paying any attention at what Im trying to do. Get you away from such dangerous idealogies.
No. just that progressives dont have any

And you have the evidence to back that comment up......where?

Of course, I can understand your probably hate that it was progressives that brought the vote to women, got rid of child labor, eliminated segregation, introduced equal protection for the handicapped. Awful things those.

Progressives CREATED Segregation. It was Woodrow Wilson that Re-segregated the military.

The womens movement existed long before progressives did. In fact, they had voting rights at the time of the Founding. Western States were re-extending the vote to them long before the progressives were on the scene.

It's the progressive movement that came up with modern propaganda. They developed the eugenics movement of the 20th century - the key component being abortion to eliminate minorities and undesirables.

Great morals here.
You have a link for Wilson "re-segregating" the military? think evangelicals have a monopoly on morals? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No. just that progressives dont have any

Now you know that’s nonsense.

The vast majority of progressives and liberals are Christian, and an even larger majority are ‘persons of faith.’ And they are just as moral as conservatives and republicans, if not more so.
The difference is, however, they understand and accept the simple Constitutional tenet of separation of church and state, and the prohibition of conjoining religious dogma with secular law. Indeed, they not only understand that in addition to denying same-sex couples their equal protection rights is a violation of one’s civil liberties, it is also an immoral violation of a person's humanity, dignity, and inalienable right to self-determination.

Discrimination is not only illegal, it’s immoral, an immoral act advocated by the right.

They may claim to be Christians, but claiming to be something doesn't mean you are, no a Christian would not support abortion, and let's be clear, Pro Choice is supporting abortion...

Do you try to manipulate this because you're afraid of the truth or afraid you don't fit in?

Abortion's acceptance was covered up with the disguise of saving innocent girls lives from the back alley butchers, that was the story line, today it's simply a form of birth control...

I support the right to choose, but what we have done as a society is endorse a method of birth control, because we thought the back alley doctors were scum, sad we can't see how scummy we have become by doing this...
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

The far right, especially the social conservatives who want to force their views on everyone else is going to be the undoing of the Republican Party. Stick by their side, and the moderates leave. I already have. Abandon them, and party may lose them, although I'm not sure where they think they're going to go.
.Announcing the formation of the "Holier Than Thou Party". Our symbol will be a picture of Charelton Heston, as Moses, holding the Ten Commandments aloft, in his wrath at the Israelites who are worshiping the golden calf. We stand for self-righteousness, and ignorance. You must sign a pledge that you believe that God created the world 6,000 years ago, and that Jesus had to dodge dinosaurs when he was fasting in the desert. We stand against gay marriage, which is, of course, an abomination, and abortion, which is murder, and those that would deny pious children to pray out loud in school. Our hero is Jerry Falwell. You can join the hierarchy of our team if you have a diploma from Liberty University, Oral Roberts university, or Bob Jones university. Our goal is to make sure that our government bitchslaps you, if you do not believe as we do. Send in $100, and you will receive a bumper sticker reading, "When the rapture comes, grab my steering wheel!', and 2 free tickets to the Creationists Museum in Dogtrot, Kentucky
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Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

right about now, the GOP could use somebody with enough standing and backbone to tell Huckabee, et al, to shut the fuck up while the GOP attempts to regain enough power to fix the fucked-up economy...
And you have the evidence to back that comment up......where?

Of course, I can understand your probably hate that it was progressives that brought the vote to women, got rid of child labor, eliminated segregation, introduced equal protection for the handicapped. Awful things those.

Progressives CREATED Segregation. It was Woodrow Wilson that Re-segregated the military.

The womens movement existed long before progressives did. In fact, they had voting rights at the time of the Founding. Western States were re-extending the vote to them long before the progressives were on the scene.

It's the progressive movement that came up with modern propaganda. They developed the eugenics movement of the 20th century - the key component being abortion to eliminate minorities and undesirables.

Great morals here.
You have a link for Wilson "re-segregating" the military?

Avatar needs a link for every absurd line of bs in that post.
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.

There is no where for them to go

^ This

They may not contribute money to the GOP like they used to, but when it comes to voting, there's no where for them to go.

If the loony-tune Christians walk, they are already tight with the loony-tune Baggers.... Now they just need the right-wing moderates to win an election............ wait a sec....... isn't that the Republican party already???
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.
And, Huckabee may be right.

But, the real question is, what about all of us conservatives who are not evangelicals, the majority of conservatives, who do not base their opposition to gay marriage based on religious grounds... Are we supposed to cave in just to appease certain groups for votes, at the expense of further eroding morals in this country?

Fuck that!
Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.
And, Huckabee may be right.

But, the real question is, what about all of us conservatives who are not evangelicals, the majority of conservatives, who do not base their opposition to gay marriage based on religious grounds... Are we supposed to cave in just to appease certain groups for votes, at the expense of further eroding morals in this country?

Fuck that!

So you're not religious, you just plain don't like gay people eh?
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There is no where for them to go

^ This

They may not contribute money to the GOP like they used to, but when it comes to voting, there's no where for them to go.

If the loony-tune Christians walk, they are already tight with the loony-tune Baggers.... Now they just need the right-wing moderates to win an election............ wait a sec....... isn't that the Republican party already???
"If the loony-tune Christians walk"....."loony-tune Baggers"

Seriously, why do you libprog idiots run around desperately trying to claim that it is you who are tolerant and loving people,....but then those like yourself make hateful, bigoted, completely stupid statements like you just did, that only further proves that you libprog idiots are the most hateful, bigoted, and intolerant people on the planet?

And, why is at that libprog idiots like yourself, run around cackling that you love gays,...but then throw around hateful, bigoted gay slurs against any individual or group that doesn't agree with your idiotic libprog garbage....Are you too fucking dense to realize how hypocritical and moronic you make yourself sound?

Huckabee: Evangelicals Will Walk if GOP Backs Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee warns that Republicans risk losing the vote from evangelical Christians if they back away from their opposition to gay marriage.

Last week, Ohio Sen. Bob Portman announced he has reversed his position and now supports gay marriage.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV, former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee — and ordained Southern Baptist minister — was asked if he sees the GOP ever pivoting and backing gay marriage.

“They might. And if they do, they’re going to lose a large part of their base because evangelicals will take a walk,” he responds.


You won't be missed and maybe, just maybe the GOP can get back to the Constitution without them.
And, Huckabee may be right.

But, the real question is, what about all of us conservatives who are not evangelicals, the majority of conservatives, who do not base their opposition to gay marriage based on religious grounds... Are we supposed to cave in just to appease certain groups for votes, at the expense of further eroding morals in this country?

Fuck that!

So you're not religious, you just plain don't like gay people eh?
Noooo, it's not about not liking gay people.....I don't give a shit what they do behind closed doors....As long as it's not an illegal perversion that harms other people, they can be as perverse as they wish.

But, that does not mean that their perversions should be recognized under marriage.

And, it's not that i'm not religious, i'm Lutheran, but don't feel the need to go to church every week to reaffirm my beliefs....My opposition to gay marriage has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with basic morals, and the continuing erosion of such in this country, nothing more.
If the loony-tune Christians walk, they are already tight with the loony-tune Baggers.... Now they just need the right-wing moderates to win an election............ wait a sec....... isn't that the Republican party already???
"If the loony-tune Christians walk"....."loony-tune Baggers"

Seriously, why do you libprog idiots run around desperately trying to claim that it is you who are tolerant and loving people,....but then those like yourself make hateful, bigoted, completely stupid statements like you just did, that only further proves that you libprog idiots are the most hateful, bigoted, and intolerant people on the planet?

And, why is at that libprog idiots like yourself, run around cackling that you love gays,...but then throw around hateful, bigoted gay slurs against any individual or group that doesn't agree with your idiotic libprog garbage....Are you too fucking dense to realize how hypocritical and moronic you make yourself sound?


Yeah, that's what happens with most libprogs,...they see their hateful, intolerant examples thrown back in their face, and they have no response.

Thanks for further proving the abject hate, and hypocrisy you ALL deal in, Blue Balls.
"If the loony-tune Christians walk"....."loony-tune Baggers"

Seriously, why do you libprog idiots run around desperately trying to claim that it is you who are tolerant and loving people,....but then those like yourself make hateful, bigoted, completely stupid statements like you just did, that only further proves that you libprog idiots are the most hateful, bigoted, and intolerant people on the planet?

And, why is at that libprog idiots like yourself, run around cackling that you love gays,...but then throw around hateful, bigoted gay slurs against any individual or group that doesn't agree with your idiotic libprog garbage....Are you too fucking dense to realize how hypocritical and moronic you make yourself sound?


Yeah, that's what happens with most libprogs,...they see their hateful, intolerant examples thrown back in their face, and they have no response.

Thanks for further proving the abject hate, and hypocrisy you ALL deal in, Blue Balls.

I like how the guy who's preaching intolerance and prejudice against gays is projecting hate and tolerance onto others.

Again, :cuckoo:
Yeah, that's what happens with most libprogs,...they see their hateful, intolerant examples thrown back in their face, and they have no response.

Thanks for further proving the abject hate, and hypocrisy you ALL deal in, Blue Balls.

I like how the guy who's preaching intolerance and prejudice against gays is projecting hate and tolerance onto others.

Again, :cuckoo:
Soooo, opposing perversion being recognized under marriage is intolerant and prejudiced?


Now, since you're one of the biggest offenders of throwing around hateful and intolerant (particularly according to gays themselves) gay slurs against those whose opinions differ from yours, how about you explain how that does NOT make you a hateful and intolerant person towards gays.:eusa_whistle:

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