Huckabee sending emails with link to cancer cure found in Bible

Is that all there is to this forum? Each side going back and forth to their favorite "I Hate The Other Side So Much Please Tell Me Everything They're Doing On A Daily Basis So That I Can Confirm My Hatred And Keep My Panties Bunched Up Like The Pussy That I Am" dot com website?

ihaterepublicanssomuchpleaseconfirmmyhatred dot org.

thosedamndemocratsareactuallycommunist dot net.

Going to the same websites over, and over, and over and over, and over and over again looking for and finding exactly what you want, like a baby playing peekaboo in a mirror over and over and over and over and over and over and....

Jesus Christ.
Actually 31, I feel that people should know that one of the potential republican candidates for this country's highest office believes that there is a secret message encoded into the Bible from our creator on how to cure cancer. This is one man that I would not trust with the nuclear football.
Actually 31, I feel that people should know that one of the potential republican candidates for this country's highest office believes that there is a secret message encoded into the Bible from our creator on how to cure cancer. This is one man that I would not trust with the nuclear football.

He's religous. By his very nature he has to believe in the Bible and all that entails. Impregnating minors, walking on water, water into wine, talking snakes, worldwide floods that last for 40 days, animals going two by two.
Actually 31, I feel that people should know that one of the potential republican candidates for this country's highest office believes that there is a secret message encoded into the Bible from our creator on how to cure cancer. This is one man that I would not trust with the nuclear football.

He's religous. By his very nature he has to believe in the Bible and all that entails. Impregnating minors, walking on water, water into wine, talking snakes, worldwide floods that last for 40 days, animals going two by two.

Fine. Then I wish him well on his quest to become the head of some fundamentalist church somewhere.
From what I have been reading he sold his email list.
You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
Actually, you can make shit like this up.

I want to see hard evidence that Mike Huckabee is sending this email out with his name on it.

The ad appears at the bottom of his email, right under his name, as revealed in the link quoted in post #1. More than that, I can not provide, since Mike and I are not pen pals.

"Sponsorships like this allow us to continue to send you" and then it just stops.
It's a spam ad mailing
Got the same email from a couple of my contact's
You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
Actually, you can make shit like this up.

I want to see hard evidence that Mike Huckabee is sending this email out with his name on it.

The ad appears at the bottom of his email, right under his name, as revealed in the link quoted in post #1. More than that, I can not provide, since Mike and I are not pen pals.
An ad that appears under his name, with a generic "sponsorships like this", which could be a blanket statement Huckabee signed off on for all ads that would appear on his site.
You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
Actually, you can make shit like this up.

I want to see hard evidence that Mike Huckabee is sending this email out with his name on it.

The ad appears at the bottom of his email, right under his name, as revealed in the link quoted in post #1. More than that, I can not provide, since Mike and I are not pen pals.
An ad that appears under his name, with a generic "sponsorships like this", which could be a blanket statement Huckabee signed off on for all ads that would appear on his site.

I would call that pretty seriously questionable judgment in itself!
If you're gonna judge someone or something based on their ads, this site would be a ghost town
If you're gonna judge someone or something based on their ads, this site would be a ghost town

A guy running for president has to live up to standards above those on this message board. Hell, there is nobody here that I would support for president!
Huckabee has previously denied responsibility for his shady sponsored emails, telling Media Matters: “You are supposed to read the disclosure and the disclaimer that is a part of the messages. You know, we are simply the conduit to send messages, these are sponsored and I can’t always vouch for the veracity.”
Huckabee’s willingness to turn a blind eye to the charlatans renting his email list is part of a larger trend of conservatives happily scamming their followers for money
Huckabee has sent emails touting dubious Alzheimer’s disease cures from huckster Dr. Russell Blaylock. Blaylock is so disreputable that Fox News contributor Scott Brown was forced to end his relationship with his list manager, Newsmax, after he was criticized for sending a Blaylock email.
Blaylock has pushed numerous dubious claims on a wide range of medical subjects. He is a repeat guest on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ program, where videos of his appearances feature such headlines as “Dr. Russell Blaylock Exposes Obama’s Nazi Healthcare System,” “Obamacare is Mandated Social Engineering,” and “Fluoride’s Deadly Secret.”
Stansberry & Associates is a disgraced financial firm that was fined $1.5 million by the Securities and Exchange Commission for engaging in “deliberate fraud” and profiting from “false statements.” The Social Security Administration’s Office of the Inspector General also announced in September 2011 that Stansberry & Associates, while not admitting a violation, “agreed to pay a $55,000 civil monetary penalty to the Social Security Administration” to settle an allegation it violated federal law by falsely suggesting it had “insider” information from the Social Security Administration.

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