HuffPo: John Kasich will be GOP candidate and Rubio will be VP candidate

This is all strictly my opinion:

The easiest thing to do is let Donald have the nomination, show minimal support for his unconstitutional, unworkable, impossible-to-implement ideals during the campaign and hope to hell that he loses to HRC. And, for the record, this is NOT the path Reagan took to the Presidency. He was the GOP governor of California, had run as a Republican at least one time before losing to President Ford, etc... Republican Senator Laxhalt was his national campaign manager. Reagan's use of "make America great again" in this ad not withstanding:

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1980 - Liberty Park/Hope Campaign 80

While it is fun to think about palace intrigue and some of it may certainly happen, the prospect of the GOP brain trust conniving to give it to a man who has won one state is farcical on it's surface. So I doubt Kasich will see the inside of the White House anytime soon.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has won a number of states including Texas and Iowa. If he had done some ground work in his largely wasted four years in the Senate cultivating relationships and party-building, he may have been an attractive alternative. His behavior has been the stuff that situation comedies are made of and his rhetoric remains a mix of unworkable stances and impractical solutions.

This leaves Mr. Trump. Like it or not, he has had the plurality of support among those voting in republican primaries and caucuses. He is the rightful recipient of the nomination based on that alone.

The powers-that-be in the RNC should let the chips fall where they may and offer neither advice nor support to any delegate or candidate in the event that nobody gets a majority of delegates.
John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President

This comment sums it up.

Martin Mailloux ·
Manager at Newlands Management Corp
A John Kasich ticket will produce the lowest Republican turnout in recorded history. Trump supporters will not rally behind the man who stole the nomination from their candidate. Kasich's differences with Cruz make it likely that he is not palatable to them as well. When 90% or more of voters do not choose you, annointing yourself as the heir apparent simply proves your campaign is much more about hubris than about appealing to the voters.

ANYONE but Trump = MILLIONS not voting for GOP candidate. Take that to the bank GOP.

Kasich would be the only one, on either side, I would vote for.

I will write in Chris Mathews before I vote for Kasich.

Your choice.

as far as I'm concerned, Kasich is the only one with the experience for the job, out of the 5 remaining candidates
No one in the GOP expects the ticket to win the presidency.

The worry now is protecting the down ballot. Trump would lose the WH and both chambers of Congress. Cruz would lose the WH and the Senate. Kasich would lose the WH and keep the Senate and House red.

Kasich would get 35% nationally and a kasich/rubio ticket would lose both florida and ohio. would lose 10 senate seats and 50 house seats. Im fine with that if trump isnt the nominee. dead gop is what i want. Trump/kasich or trump/rubio would beat hillary easily. trump/cruz would also win, bu more close

Based on what exactly? Fantasy land?

That's the problem with Trump. You guys say he is building a movement but he doesn't care about anyone down ticket. Cruz on the other hand is working to get conservatives running and elected down ticket
Avatar, the WH is out of reach now.

If we want to stop the spread of far left ideology in our laws and courts, we have to hold the Senate and the House.

You mean by whatever means necessary. It's there now and it's not very pretty. It's been like that since 2008. The General Public is sick of it. And not choosing the one with the most electoral votes to represent the GOP may, very well, mean the end of the GOP as we know it. Not such a bad idea. The Koch Brothers already made the brag they get to choose the candidate. There is definately something wrong.

We can stand up tell the rep party to burn in hell

Can't imagine that's going to unite people to trump
John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President

This comment sums it up.

Martin Mailloux ·
Manager at Newlands Management Corp
A John Kasich ticket will produce the lowest Republican turnout in recorded history. Trump supporters will not rally behind the man who stole the nomination from their candidate. Kasich's differences with Cruz make it likely that he is not palatable to them as well. When 90% or more of voters do not choose you, annointing yourself as the heir apparent simply proves your campaign is much more about hubris than about appealing to the voters.

ANYONE but Trump = MILLIONS not voting for GOP candidate. Take that to the bank GOP.

If so, we'd hear A LOT about Lehman Bros.
Nonsense. We have an amazing conservative candidate

Yes, but you seem to be ruling Kasich out.

Because he literally has to have the rules changed and be selected against the overwhelming will of the people. If he was second or first or if he was even a close third yeah I could kasich making an argument. But he is in fourth, way back and has won only one state and needs to change the rules to be elected.

So why jump down to him when we have a perfectly good conservative candidate who doesn't have to change the rules for a shot? I want to see the party unified, do you seriously think changing the rules to nominate someone the people overwhelmingly rejected is going to unite people? We will have riots on the streets
Hillary will bring Trump voters to support who ever gets it,as long as there isn't any underhanded deals.
This is all strictly my opinion:

The easiest thing to do is let Donald have the nomination, show minimal support for his unconstitutional, unworkable, impossible-to-implement ideals during the campaign and hope to hell that he loses to HRC. And, for the record, this is NOT the path Reagan took to the Presidency. He was the GOP governor of California, had run as a Republican at least one time before losing to President Ford, etc... Republican Senator Laxhalt was his national campaign manager. Reagan's use of "make America great again" in this ad not withstanding:

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1980 - Liberty Park/Hope Campaign 80

While it is fun to think about palace intrigue and some of it may certainly happen, the prospect of the GOP brain trust conniving to give it to a man who has won one state is farcical on it's surface. So I doubt Kasich will see the inside of the White House anytime soon.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has won a number of states including Texas and Iowa. If he had done some ground work in his largely wasted four years in the Senate cultivating relationships and party-building, he may have been an attractive alternative. His behavior has been the stuff that situation comedies are made of and his rhetoric remains a mix of unworkable stances and impractical solutions.

This leaves Mr. Trump. Like it or not, he has had the plurality of support among those voting in republican primaries and caucuses. He is the rightful recipient of the nomination based on that alone.

The powers-that-be in the RNC should let the chips fall where they may and offer neither advice nor support to any delegate or candidate in the event that nobody gets a majority of delegates.
trump has not won one majority. he came closest in Arizona, where he got 47%.

Cruz has won several Majorities, one where he got 63%.

trump is disliked by a majority of Republicans, intensely so. No way should he get the nomination based on pluralities. Especially given how unpopular he with the majority of the party
Hillary will bring Trump voters to support who ever gets it,as long as there isn't any underhanded deals.
If Trump ain't nominee I truly couldn't care who wins Hillary or Cruz or Kasich or Sanders.
This is all strictly my opinion:

The easiest thing to do is let Donald have the nomination, show minimal support for his unconstitutional, unworkable, impossible-to-implement ideals during the campaign and hope to hell that he loses to HRC. And, for the record, this is NOT the path Reagan took to the Presidency. He was the GOP governor of California, had run as a Republican at least one time before losing to President Ford, etc... Republican Senator Laxhalt was his national campaign manager. Reagan's use of "make America great again" in this ad not withstanding:

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1980 - Liberty Park/Hope Campaign 80

While it is fun to think about palace intrigue and some of it may certainly happen, the prospect of the GOP brain trust conniving to give it to a man who has won one state is farcical on it's surface. So I doubt Kasich will see the inside of the White House anytime soon.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, has won a number of states including Texas and Iowa. If he had done some ground work in his largely wasted four years in the Senate cultivating relationships and party-building, he may have been an attractive alternative. His behavior has been the stuff that situation comedies are made of and his rhetoric remains a mix of unworkable stances and impractical solutions.

This leaves Mr. Trump. Like it or not, he has had the plurality of support among those voting in republican primaries and caucuses. He is the rightful recipient of the nomination based on that alone.

The powers-that-be in the RNC should let the chips fall where they may and offer neither advice nor support to any delegate or candidate in the event that nobody gets a majority of delegates.
trump has not won one majority. he came closest in Arizona, where he got 47%.

Cruz has won several Majorities, one where he got 63%.

trump is disliked by a majority of Republicans, intensely so. No way should he get the nomination based on pluralities. Especially given how unpopular he with the majority of the party

It's a nationwide contest...isn't it? Trump has won in the North, in the South, in the East, and in the West. He has won more delegates in the GOP than anyone else.

If the "majority" of Republicans dislike Trump, they have a strange way of showing it since he has more votes than anyone else.

I would imagine that Clint Eastwood is better "liked"...should he win based on that?
I saw an interview a while back, right before a primary, and the reporter asked a local guy about his opinions. The local guy said he was a true-blue conservative and active in his party.

When shown a picture of John Kasich, the guy couldn't identify him.

This party is a mess right now.
So they are going to give kasich the nomination, when he has less delegates than rubio

You don't really think number of delegates is the primary factor, do you?

Yeah having delegates is pretty important. And unlike cruz kasich isn't doing the leg work to get loyal delegates voting for him past the first ballot

You know that there is no way Cruz will have as many delegates as Trump, right?

It looks like you want to have your cake and eat it too.
The PEOPLE have given the VAST majority to Trump in a SEVENTEEN way race it was not expected for someone to win 1237. Its stealing because the VOTERS obviously wanted Trump. If they wanted Kasich then they would have voted for Kasich.
American Nazis don't understand "a VAST majority" is more than 35 to 40% of the total primaries votes and a plurality of the delegates.
Hillary will bring Trump voters to support who ever gets it,as long as there isn't any underhanded deals.
If Trump ain't nominee I truly couldn't care who wins Hillary or Cruz or Kasich or Sanders.

Your trump poster must really be a sticky mess by now.

I know a guy with a cruz poster in his yard. everytime a female walks by the posters sensitive area pokes out 3 inches. best it can do.
Because he literally has to have the rules changed and be selected against the overwhelming will of the people.

This is not true. And the fact that this piece of misinformation keeps floating around is disturbing. Cruz has repeatedly pushed this blatant lie trying to scare people out of voting for Kasich and instead voting for Cruz.

The "eight states" rule does not apply. First, the 2012 rules are not binding on the 2016 rules. The delegates will set their own rules at the convention. That's the way it always goes.

The rules of the Convention are unique to each Convention and voted upon by the delegates.

Convention Facts | GOP

Second, the eight state rule, or rule 40, is not even understood correctly anyway. It has nothing to do with a candidate winning a state. It has to do with the delegates. The rule reads, in pertinent part:

... to demonstrate the support required of this paragraph a certificate evidencing the affirmative written support of the required number of permanently seated delegates from each of the eight (8) or more states shall have been submitted to the secretary of the convention not later than one (1) hour prior to the placing of the names of candidates for nomination pursuant to this rule and the established order of business.

Edit: Link to 2012 rules
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John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President

This comment sums it up.

Martin Mailloux ·
Manager at Newlands Management Corp
A John Kasich ticket will produce the lowest Republican turnout in recorded history. Trump supporters will not rally behind the man who stole the nomination from their candidate. Kasich's differences with Cruz make it likely that he is not palatable to them as well. When 90% or more of voters do not choose you, annointing yourself as the heir apparent simply proves your campaign is much more about hubris than about appealing to the voters.

ANYONE but Trump = MILLIONS not voting for GOP candidate. Take that to the bank GOP.

Kasich would be the only one, on either side, I would vote for.

I will write in Chris Mathews before I vote for Kasich.

Your choice.

as far as I'm concerned, Kasich is the only one with the experience for the job, out of the 5 remaining candidates

Kasich has pledged to side with illegals over American citizens, illegals kill over 3,000 American citizens a year, FACT!
I saw an interview a while back, right before a primary, and the reporter asked a local guy about his opinions. The local guy said he was a true-blue conservative and active in his party.

When shown a picture of John Kasich, the guy couldn't identify him.

This party is a mess right now.
Kasich isn't conservative so.

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