HuffPost calls for violence against Trump and his supporters

All democrat racists butthurt for losing their slaves and losing segregation.

That's how they acted then, that's how they act now.

Nothing changed, except they call themselves "liberals" and "progressives" now.

LIAR ^^^

Lame and dishonorable attempt to misinform the low level uneducated. A photo that was taken decades after Byrd had left the KKK, apologized and denounced the KKK and a fake photo-shopped picture of him implying he was a member decade's after he publicly rejected and slammed the klan.

However it's highly honorable to inform those highly educated that David Duke, "member of KKK", "endorsed Trump" and label him a racist for not denouncing the endorsement he never got.

Beside, if you've been fooled by politician's apology, you were probably being fooled by tranny once or twice.
When someone is seriously maimed, injured or killed during these riots the call for peace will happen, but until then we're just going to have to sit back and wait for the tragedy. The blame will sit squarely at the feet of the left.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Has HRC or Bernie suggested slugging someone in the mouth? Used fighting words in their stump speech? Incited violence at a rally? Trump has.

"The left" is a vague term, one used primarily as a pejorative to describe all who do not walk in lockstep with the new iteration of conservatives, those who have tossed under the bus moderate and centrist members of the Republican Party.

There is a far left, but it is not part of the establishment. They have fallen off the fringe of the Democratic Party (see: Socialist Worker's Party)
Sanders, Clinton and Trump have ZERO to do with whats going on. The "left" media/pundits/"journalists"/online publications etc have whipped up the masses. They use words like Hitler, racist, biggot to describe a candidate and the sheep lap it up. When you get stupid people to believe Trump is Hitler what do you think is going to happen? The media outlets/pundits/"journalist" are playing a dangerous game. People in general are very stupid and they believe everything they see, hear and read on TV/internet.

I disagree, Trump's rhetoric is far different than that of Sanders or Clinton. As for the pundits, I suggest tuning them out. I watch PBS, listen to NPR and read The Economist and Time. The local TV news is the closest I get to the popular media and generally the local news uses primary sources - the words spoken by Trump, Sanders and Clinton, with very little editorial comments.
Litany of think-pieces and condemnations from liberal media and politicians are making their rounds to make it clear how unacceptable and counterproductive any violence or rioting is, urging people to “listen to the other side,” and to use “legitimate means“ to fight Trump’s rise - ignoring the possibility of fascism in the US rising with it.

They ignore the history of successful violent insurrection in the US, instead favoring the elementary school version of history in which nonviolence is the only means of struggle that’s ever achieved a thing...

Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any

They're calling for it.

Whenever the left's mask of tolerance and generosity slips, the totalitarian monster underneath is revealed.

Every time.

Boo hoo...You wanted violence now you got it
The President and sitting members of Congress support and defend the actions of the violent left. They call for violence against a person running for President and YOU find nothing wrong with that, you are a sick depraved individual but unfortunately for us you are not alone.
Look right honest to yourselves if not to others on this forum. Trump DID instigate a a matter of true fact, his popularity actually INCREASED because of his call toward violence....

Statements like, "I'd like to punch that guy in the face"....or, "Go on rough him up, I'll pay for your legal bills".....
DO precipitate violence.....

The original cited article simply states that "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW..."
The President and sitting members of Congress support and defend the actions of the violent left. They call for violence against a person running for President and YOU find nothing wrong with that,

That "conclusion" came out of your most of the things you spew here......
Both Clinton and Sanders have castigated those violent acts toward Trump acolytes......Has Trump EVER told his supporters NOT to sucker punch his protesters????
Sadly it's only a matter of time before one of these "protesters" runs into someone who is armed and prepared to defend themselves.

Why ANYONE would cheer about this kind of violence is just beyond me.

I can't wait to see that happen and when it does, I won't be sad at all.
Look right honest to yourselves if not to others on this forum. Trump DID instigate a a matter of true fact, his popularity actually INCREASED because of his call toward violence....

Statements like, "I'd like to punch that guy in the face"....or, "Go on rough him up, I'll pay for your legal bills".....
DO precipitate violence.....

The original cited article simply states that "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW..."

Yes, he did say that.

Can you explain why he said it?

Second, lefties are calling for violence, not against Trump, because they can't touch him. They are calling for violence against his supporters.
Look right honest to yourselves if not to others on this forum. Trump DID instigate a a matter of true fact, his popularity actually INCREASED because of his call toward violence....

Statements like, "I'd like to punch that guy in the face"....or, "Go on rough him up, I'll pay for your legal bills".....
DO precipitate violence.....

The original cited article simply states that "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW..."

You can't with words alone incite someone who is non-violent into being violent.... these people are in fact, violent by nature. Crap, look at so many of these lefties.. they're pissed off and angry 24/7 about everything and nothing.
The President and sitting members of Congress support and defend the actions of the violent left. They call for violence against a person running for President and YOU find nothing wrong with that,

That "conclusion" came out of your most of the things you spew here......
Both Clinton and Sanders have castigated those violent acts toward Trump acolytes......Has Trump EVER told his supporters NOT to sucker punch his protesters????

Well, considering it's the lefties committing all the violence, has Obama, Sanders or Clinton EVER told their supporters NOT to throw things at or attack Trump supporters?

Nope, they haven't.. no doubt they condone and encourage this type of behavior.
Look right honest to yourselves if not to others on this forum. Trump DID instigate a a matter of true fact, his popularity actually INCREASED because of his call toward violence....

Statements like, "I'd like to punch that guy in the face"....or, "Go on rough him up, I'll pay for your legal bills".....
DO precipitate violence.....

The original cited article simply states that "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW..."

You can't with words alone incite someone who is non-violent into being violent.... these people are in fact, violent by nature. Crap, look at so many of these lefties.. they're pissed off and angry 24/7 about everything and nothing.

Let them keep pocking.

You can't with words alone incite someone who is non-violent into being violent.... these people are in fact, violent by nature. Crap, look at so many of these lefties.. they're pissed off and angry 24/7 about everything and nothing.

I'm a proud "leftie" and I'm far from angry....Heck, I'm thoroughly enjoying the Trump meltdown, the upcoming election that will hand the Senate and Supreme Court to saner hands.....What is there to be angry about?
has Obama, Sanders or Clinton EVER told their supporters NOT to throw things at or attack Trump supporters?

WRONG and uninformed..... (I'll wait for your apology?)

Many were calling for Sanders to respond to the violence perpetrated in his name and disavow those who would lash out in anger. Fortunately, he did just that, saying that those who resort to violence are no supporters of his.

“I understand how reprehensible and disgraceful Donald Trump’s positions are, how ignorant they are, how much he is appealing— and I can understand the anger, I surely can. The bigotry that is coming from his mouth, the insults to the Mexican community, the Latino community and the Muslim community, and women, and African-Americans, and veterans. I understand the anger.

“But we are not going to defeat Trump, you know, by throwing eggs or getting involved in violence of any kind. We defeat Trump when we stand together as one people and fight for a progressive agenda.”

Sanders Responds to Anti-Trump Violence - Those Who Commit Violence Have No Place In The Campaign - The Ring of Fire Network
The irony is that the left is the most fascist movement in the 20th century. It always has been.

Actually I think what they've done is integrate Fascism and Totalitarianism, and they've done it very skillfully. Don't get me wrong, the Right I just as bad they just take things a little slower.
Look right honest to yourselves if not to others on this forum. Trump DID instigate a a matter of true fact, his popularity actually INCREASED because of his call toward violence....

Statements like, "I'd like to punch that guy in the face"....or, "Go on rough him up, I'll pay for your legal bills".....
DO precipitate violence.....

The original cited article simply states that "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW..."
Now what? You want violence? Figures.
Look right honest to yourselves if not to others on this forum. Trump DID instigate a a matter of true fact, his popularity actually INCREASED because of his call toward violence....

Statements like, "I'd like to punch that guy in the face"....or, "Go on rough him up, I'll pay for your legal bills".....
DO precipitate violence.....

The original cited article simply states that "YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW..."

You can't with words alone incite someone who is non-violent into being violent.... these people are in fact, violent by nature. Crap, look at so many of these lefties.. they're pissed off and angry 24/7 about everything and nothing.
They're the grievance mob.
The protesters should definitely, at the least, bring tons of eggs. The San Jose thing was hilarious.

Of course you'd think so. But if the tables were turned, you'd have an apoplectic fit, stupid hypocrite.

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Has anybody been able to produce right wing protesters rioting in the streets, throwing rocks, eggs, bricks and throwing punches? The left keep blathering on about violent right wingers but no proof has been forthcoming.
Sadly it's only a matter of time before one of these "protesters" runs into someone who is armed and prepared to defend themselves.

Why ANYONE would cheer about this kind of violence is just beyond me.

I can't wait to see that happen and when it does, I won't be sad at all.

well sir, you are pathetic as those on the left

I can't believe we've devolved into a country where people are fighting in this streets over which POS deserves to be POTUS.

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