HuffPost calls for violence against Trump and his supporters

Personally I think the Mexicans are insulting America. And who stepped up and Gave Tamorrissi 25 grand? It wasn't the democrats. It was the generous Mr. Trump. Obama was content to let a US vet rot in a lousy dung filled Mexican prison. Are you insulted by that? If you are a lefty the answer is no.
Sadly it's only a matter of time before one of these "protesters" runs into someone who is armed and prepared to defend themselves.

Why ANYONE would cheer about this kind of violence is just beyond me.

I can't wait to see that happen and when it does, I won't be sad at all.

well sir, you are pathetic as those on the left

I can't believe we've devolved into a country where people are fighting in this streets over which POS deserves to be POTUS.

Whats this "we've" shit?
I only see one side acting like savages.
Has anybody been able to produce right wing protesters rioting in the streets, throwing rocks, eggs, bricks and throwing punches? The left keep blathering on about violent right wingers but no proof has been forthcoming.

Stupid response....NEGLECTING that right wingers have had NO reason to riot (although they like to sucker punch Trump protesters).........The terrible as they are.......were INSTIGATED by Trump's xenophobic and racist remarks against Latinos and blacks.....Simple as that and the sooner your face reality, the better off you'll all be.
No surprise that the left thinks violence is a legitimate form of political expression. They have been doing it for decades.
Has anybody been able to produce right wing protesters rioting in the streets, throwing rocks, eggs, bricks and throwing punches? The left keep blathering on about violent right wingers but no proof has been forthcoming.

Stupid response....NEGLECTING that right wingers have had NO reason to riot (although they like to sucker punch Trump protesters).........The terrible as they are.......were INSTIGATED by Trump's xenophobic and racist remarks against Latinos and blacks.....Simple as that and the sooner your face reality, the better off you'll all be.
The hallmark of Obama and the libtards is they can never take personal responsibility for their actions, the must ALWAYS blame others for their rioting looting and thuggery. Never once does it occur to a left winger that everyone has a right to free speech and that rioting, looting, bludgeoning and acting out savagely is an inappropriate response. That's on the left, because you own this shit.
Has anybody been able to produce right wing protesters rioting in the streets, throwing rocks, eggs, bricks and throwing punches? The left keep blathering on about violent right wingers but no proof has been forthcoming.

Stupid response....NEGLECTING that right wingers have had NO reason to riot (although they like to sucker punch Trump protesters).........The terrible as they are.......were INSTIGATED by Trump's xenophobic and racist remarks against Latinos and blacks.....Simple as that and the sooner your face reality, the better off you'll all be.

What a load of shit. There is NO reason for the Left acting like savages. The police should just butch up and crack these assholes in the head. Break a few heads and watch how eager they are to act like assholes again.
Has anybody been able to produce right wing protesters rioting in the streets, throwing rocks, eggs, bricks and throwing punches? The left keep blathering on about violent right wingers but no proof has been forthcoming.

Stupid response....NEGLECTING that right wingers have had NO reason to riot (although they like to sucker punch Trump protesters).........The terrible as they are.......were INSTIGATED by Trump's xenophobic and racist remarks against Latinos and blacks.....Simple as that and the sooner your face reality, the better off you'll all be.
Can you post those racist xenophobic remarks?
Has anybody been able to produce right wing protesters rioting in the streets, throwing rocks, eggs, bricks and throwing punches? The left keep blathering on about violent right wingers but no proof has been forthcoming.

Stupid response....NEGLECTING that right wingers have had NO reason to riot (although they like to sucker punch Trump protesters).........The terrible as they are.......were INSTIGATED by Trump's xenophobic and racist remarks against Latinos and blacks.....Simple as that and the sooner your face reality, the better off you'll all be.

What a load of shit. There is NO reason for the Left acting like savages. The police should just butch up and crack these assholes in the head. Break a few heads and watch how eager they are to act like assholes again.
The Left chooses to give violent libtards room to destroy. That's why we had captain la Raza telling his police to stand down.
Stupid response....NEGLECTING that right wingers have had NO reason to riot (although they like to sucker punch Trump protesters).........The terrible as they are.......were INSTIGATED by Trump's xenophobic and racist remarks against Latinos and blacks.....Simple as that and the sooner your face reality, the better off you'll all be.

So you are in favor of rapists, drug dealers, and human trafficking. So sad. Trump being against those things is hardly racist or xenophobic.
Sadly it's only a matter of time before one of these "protesters" runs into someone who is armed and prepared to defend themselves.

Why ANYONE would cheer about this kind of violence is just beyond me.

I can't wait to see that happen and when it does, I won't be sad at all.

well sir, you are pathetic as those on the left

I can't believe we've devolved into a country where people are fighting in this streets over which POS deserves to be POTUS.


Then let me double down by saying that I hope one of those "protesters" try to attack me.

I wouldn't think twice.

Not even a blink.
Has anybody been able to produce right wing protesters rioting in the streets, throwing rocks, eggs, bricks and throwing punches? The left keep blathering on about violent right wingers but no proof has been forthcoming.

Stupid response....NEGLECTING that right wingers have had NO reason to riot (although they like to sucker punch Trump protesters).........The terrible as they are.......were INSTIGATED by Trump's xenophobic and racist remarks against Latinos and blacks.....Simple as that and the sooner your face reality, the better off you'll all be.

What a load of shit. There is NO reason for the Left acting like savages. The police should just butch up and crack these assholes in the head. Break a few heads and watch how eager they are to act like assholes again.

Even better, round up "protesters" and ask for proof of being in country legally.
In previous post you pretty much said they deserve what they got by saying "you reap what you sow".

You can't justify one, and not justify the other. I guess they were "asking for it".

Comprehension problems????

I stated that Trump is reaping what he has sown when he stated "I like to punch [that protester] in the face...:
and when he "guaranteed that when his supporters roughed up protesters, he'd "pay for their legal fees."

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