Huge News Destroys Dem's Russia Anti-Trump Conspiracy Narrative


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
From Investors Village:

Why Don't Reporters Care Who Killed The DNC's Seth Rich?


  • 4:30 PM ET

Scandal: Here's a story that would seem ripe for media bloodhounds to pursue. A disgruntled insider may have leaked damaging information about his employers, and was later murdered on his way home by two unidentified assailants.

Put President Trump's name somewhere in the mix and it would be the latest scandal-to-end-all-scandals, capturing wall-to-wall coverage, eliciting new calls for independent prosecutors and impeachment, and probably making Jimmy Kimmel cry again.

But since the person involved worked for the Democratic National Committee, it's being ignored by everyone in the press except a cadre of conservative reporters.

The story involves Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who was gunned down near his home in Washington, D.C., last July — shot twice in the back by two assailants seen following him on a security camera, in what has been described by police as a botched robbery, although the killers didn't take anything from Rich. His murder remains unsolved.

Less than two weeks after Rich's death, Wikileaks started releasing the DNC emails that exposed how the DNC had tried to thwart Bernie Sanders' campaign. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange repeatedly insisted that Russia was not his source, and even offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of Rich's killers.

At the time, Assange's claims were dismissed as utter nonsense.

But on Monday, the local Fox 5 affiliate in Washington reported that a private investigator hired by Rich's family says there is "tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death." The investigator also alleged that the local police were involved in an effort to cover up this fact.

Fox News then reported on Tuesday that "an FBI forensic report of Rich's computer — generated within 96 hours after Rich's murder —showed he made contact with WikiLeaks through Gavin MacFadyen," who was director of WikiLeaks living in London at the time.

According to Fox, the federal investigator said "44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21." (Rich's father says his son wasn't involved in the leaks and believes the police report.)

Why does any of this matter? Because if it's true that Rich was the source of the leaked DNC emails — and not Russia — then the entire Russia-worked-with-Trump-to-hack-the-election story starts to fall apart.

The entire "scandal," after all, stems from the claim that Russia was behind the DNC hack, which proved embarrassing to the DNC and to Hillary Clinton. As we have noted in this space, the Russia hacking claim has always been a bit flimsy, since it rested on the word of a private contractor hired by the DNC itself, findings that the FBI couldn't independently verify since it wasn't given access to the affected server.

What's more, if Rich were the source of the Wikileaks leaks, it means his death could have been the result of something far more sinister than a robbery-gone-wrong.

This is, in other words, a story full of questions that need to be answered. But outside of Fox News, the Washington Examiner and a few other outlets, it's being ignored by mainstream news outlets that are thoroughly wedded to the Russia/Trump conspiracy narrative.

The indifference being shown by them toward Rich's death speaks volumes about today's corrupt and biased press.


Oops: The New York Times Accidentally Exposed 'The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus'!

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Are Democrats' Claims About Trump Colluding With Russians Collapsing?
BTW, who the fuck is Seth Rich?
An independent Private Eye hired by nobody found proof on a laptop that he admits to having never accessed........... that Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC :rofl:

That's the story.

Seth's job was to help people find polling booths.
So what's the news you promised?
Get your mother or your babysitter to read my post to you.

I read your OP. You didn't really think that would distract from the Trump/Russia scandal did you?

Glad to see someone read my post to you. Seems you found it worthy enough to distract you. You will eventually find the truth is a powerful force that will reduce the legacy of non-thinking naysayers like you to just below whalesh-t on the bottom of the ocean.
If this were about 20-30 years ago before The Leftist Media was bought out by Leftist Billionaires and lost all their integrity the Seth Rich story and his working with Wikileaks would be the lead story in every newspaper and on every broadcast.
Dems even discussed murdering whistleblowers in their hacked emails. Trump needs to have DOJ get to the bottom of this; retrieve ALL of Hillary's email and texts, retrieve ALL of the DNC, emails, just for starters

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