Human realities


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
I completed the renovation of my Kerguelen Islands website...
and "Mark" asked me if I think that my system of having uber intelligent animals, and humans coexisting together in one society would work...

I said...
Sure it would work... but not necessarily with legal conditions, but with De facto circumstances..
And those circumstances have never in human history existed, and would not begin to exist with the colonization of the Kerguelen islands either.

He asked what those circumstances that never in human history existed are.
So I said..

For one thing... everybody must willfully graduate from school, and everybody must equally take their opportunity to learn, and actually care about themselves, and about others, including other beings.
That requires that every child is lucky enough to have parents that care about them, enough to raise them properly.

Never in human history was that ever the reality across the entire human landscape.

Everybody must be responsible with their human behavior, as to not cause damage or kill animals that don't understand human behavior or the consequences of having contact with certain human inventions.

Never in human history was every individual person across the entire human population that caring or thoughtful.

Everybody must only place their trash, into animal proof bins.

Never in human history was the entire human population as respectful of their environment.

Everybody must have at least a modicum of personal security, self esteem and confidence in their lives...
Enough to care about other people, and other beings.

Never in human history was every individual in the human world so personally upbeat.

So here's the real Answer...
No it most likely would not work.
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