Hundreds of Thousands Flee Democrat-Run California


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Hundreds of Thousands Flee Democrat-Run California
Breitbart ^ | September 28, 2012 | TONY LEE

Hundreds of Thousands Flee Democrat-Run California

Due to high taxes, burdensome regulations, lack of public sector reforms, and a lackluster job climate, more people have left California than come to the state since 2005, according to a comprehensive study by the Manhattan Institute released on Tuesday, suggesting California is no longer “perceived by most Americans as the land where dreams come true.”

In the report, titled “The Great California Exodus: A Closer Look," Tom Gray and Robert Scardamalia found Californians have fled to states like Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, and Georgia because those states have a better economic climate with less taxes and regulation.

The report found that between 1960 and 1990, 4.2 million Americans moved to California and helped accelerate California’s booming economy. Since 1990, though, California has lost nearly all of that gain, with net domestic out-migration averaging 225,00 residents a year. Between 2000 and 2010, out-migration has resulted in lost income of 5.67 billion to Nevada, $4.96 billion to Arizona, $4.07 to Texas, and $3.85 billion to Oregon.

The study found that “if all these trends continue, California may find itself in a situation similar to that of New York and the states of the midwestern Rust Belt in the last century, which have seen populations stagnate for decades, or even fall.”
Looks like California may need to raise taxes again to make up for it :bang3:
Good > I wish all the the far left wackos move there and we just give it to mexico. wipe our hands away from their crap. Let them toke it up but they cant cross any border since if they do they willl be illegal aliens being we gave the land to Calf LOL But of course it never stop the other illegals from crossing but now they can just go to Calf LOL .
In the report, titled “The Great California Exodus: A Closer Look," Tom Gray and Robert Scardamalia found Californians have fled to states like Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, and Georgia because those states have a better economic climate with less taxes and regulation.

Good - those states could use more democrats! :tongue:
unAmerican politics and unAmerican gun laws, That's why I left, Best thing I ever did.
Thirty years ago CA was the richest state in america, but then the democrats took their corporate bribes and turned it into a sanctuary state for illegal invaders and now it's a bankrupt sewer.

More proof that third world immigration destroys.
California's population grew by 14% in the 1990s and 10% in the 2000s, so the OP seems to be built on a faulty premise.
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