Hunter Biden Not Guilty!

IsHunter Biden Guilty as charged?

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No, you just made that up.

Furthermore, all polls are adjusted for that. All of them. They all make random calls, so never will any of them be 50/50.

This is pretty basic info. You shouldn't make such silly errors.
/——/ Post the demographics of this poll and prove it.
Hunter Biden is not guilty of any criminal acts, unless and until it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, in a court of law, that he committed any criminal acts.

Why don't you apply the same theory to Donald Trump? Two people, two different standards of law? One you want to see innocent no matter how guilty and one you want to see guilty no matter how innocent, huh, Dante.
Why don't you apply the same theory to Donald Trump? Two people, two different standards of law? One you want to see innocent no matter how guilty and one you want to see guilty no matter how innocent, huh, Dante.
Two different standards of law?

That's pretty much always what YOU claim, when shilling for the orange slob.
Two different standards of law?
That's pretty much always what YOU claim, when shilling for the orange slob.

Oh really? Then why is Hunter Biden still a free man for doing exactly what Steve Bannon did and was arrested and charged with contempt facing 6 months in prison?

Hunter Biden is not guilty of any criminal acts, unless and until it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, in a court of law, that he committed any criminal acts.

This is how the justice system in America works. Disagreeing with the statement above would make somebody appear to be un-American. There, I've said it. I've aid it all out for the world to see. Hunter Biden is not guilty. And he has even pleaded so.

Hunter Biden has not even had his day(s) in court and some people demand he be sentenced. We all know that's not how it works.

View attachment 886938

We will have to see at the conclusion of trial
Do you or do you not agree with this statement?

Donald Trump is not guilty of any criminal acts, unless and until it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, in a court of law, that he committed any criminal acts
Don't worry, it's coming.
She was absolutely charged with a number of crimes by Comey who, when he sent them to the DOJ recommended that nothing be done about them as 'no reasonable person would prosecute.'

Hillary not only mishandled classified documents and lied to Congress multiple times in different way about the mishandling but:
--She initially denied she was doing government business on a private server which was a HUGE lie
--She deleted 10s of thousands of emails claiming they were personal.
--She had her staff take bleach bit and hammers to hard drives to destroy anything that was on them
--Classified information from her office was found on Anthony Weiner's laptop after he was arrested and convicted for inappropriate behavior with minors. Weiner was married to Hillary's Chief of Staff.
She lied about it all to Congress
And Comey said unequivocally that she was ignorant that any of this was a crime and no reasonable person would prosecute her so he recommended that the DOJ drop the matter.
Try again. Unlike Mr. Trump, Secretary of State Hillary Clifton was never charged with any crime.

You cannot pull up a fact that shows your claim to be true.
taking everything out of context, and throwing nuance and more out the window -- you have your partisan hack narrative.

I'm only here dealing with facts. You?
Let’s talk a second about an analogy.

Let’s say some dickbag decides to rob a local pharmacy. He gets a gun. He gets a mask. He goes to the pharmacy. He points the gun at the pharmacist behind the counter and demands the contents of the cash register. The pharmacist complies.

Maybe sometime down the road the cops make an arrest of the dickbag. BUT between the time of the robbery and the time of the arrest, common sense will tell us all that the dickbag is guilty of the crime of robbery.

And dickbag refuses a plea offer and goes to trial. Between the moment of the robbery and the moment he is convicted, he is still guilty of that felony.

What he is not (until the conviction) is “presumed” to be guilty in the eyes of the law.

Whether Hunter is guilty of his fucking tax crimes (as alleged) is not yet established via a trial. So, in the eyes of the law, he is presumed innocent. But he might very well (in reality) be as guilty as fuck.
and no one is defending is alleged crimes as being not criminal, as people are doing with Trump. .

Hunter Biden is not now, nor has he ever been an elected official or a candidate for elective office.

So much for your dickbag anaologies

Try again. Unlike Mr. Trump, Secretary of State Hillary Clifton was never charged with any crime.

You cannot pull up a fact that shows your claim to be true.
taking everything out of context, and throwing nuance and more out the window -- you have your partisan hack narrative.

I'm only here dealing with facts. You?
You're not dealing with facts. You're dealing with assigned talking points as all good Democrats do. You have no idea what my argument is or why it is pertinent. You obviously didn't watch the video or read my post just go back to whatever you were doing.
You don't have to be found legally guilty to be guilty of something. We all know that.

In a court of law, yes. Legally. But e all know for a fact that innocent people have been found guilty in a court of law. And I'm not taking about guilty parties being pronounced innocent because of a technicality.
Why don't you apply the same theory to Donald Trump? Two people, two different standards of law? One you want to see innocent no matter how guilty and one you want to see guilty no matter how innocent, huh, Dante.
Hunter Biden is not guilty of any criminal acts, unless and until it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, in a court of law, that he committed any criminal acts. Same with Mr. Trump.

You need a new act

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