Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

So you're a liar....You're just another in the slew of lying poseurs to show up here lately.

You really do think you're slick, don't you?
So far, all of my posts have complied to my signature statement.
No they haven't....You can't suck establishment dick hard enough.
Prove it with an example.

True Libertarian here. Will not vote for Trump or Biden
I want to go on record as saying that I do not support Trump, nor do I support Biden.
I will ridicule each equally. So far, I have seen SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Trump. Therefore I will BASH Trump
Show me SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Biden, and I will BASH him equally.

Blame the system, not Hunter Biden
Where did I blame Biden? I said "another rich guy" and I do blame the system. I should have been more accurate and said "another rich white guy" because they are the ones who can buy off the government.
Then you're a fool for actually thinking anything less than a slap on the wrist would happen.

It doesn't matter who said what about what he has done, we all know what his dad's party is capable and willing to do and that their people are entrenched everywhere. We all knew this would turn into absolutely nothing at all. They will not let anything happen.

Taking care of a deadbeat dopehead moron compared to what they do normally is nothing to them.
“First of all, my son has done nothing wrong,” Biden said when asked about his son in an interview with MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle that aired Friday night. "I trust him. I have faith in him.

Liar or his dementia?

Prove it with an example.

True Libertarian here. Will not vote for Trump or Biden
I want to go on record as saying that I do not support Trump, nor do I support Biden.
I will ridicule each equally. So far, I have seen SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Trump. Therefore I will BASH Trump
Show me SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Biden, and I will BASH him equally.

I'm to the right of libertarians, and you have your head shoved firmly up the ass of The State which you're presumed to oppose.

GFY, poseur.
Crackhead pleads guilty to being a tax cheat and illegal gun runner.

And, you would think the leader of the Republican party, a guy who swears by the Constitution and on the Bible, an ex-president to boot... would be as noble to fess up to the crime that he himself admits to and spare the country a long trial... But, no.

Who knew that the Grand Old Party has sunk so low that it follows a leader who is worse than your common crackhead? Sad.

And, you would think the leader of the Republican party, a guy who swears by the Constitution and on the Bible, an ex-president to boot... would be as noble to fess up to the crime that he himself admits to and spare the country a long trial... But, no.

Who knew that the Grand Old Party has sunk so low that it follows a leader who is worse than your common crackhead? Sad.
Pass the pipe.

And, you would think the leader of the Republican party, a guy who swears by the Constitution and on the Bible, an ex-president to boot... would be as noble to fess up to the crime that he himself admits to and spare the country a long trial... But, no.

Who knew that the Grand Old Party has sunk so low that it follows a leader who is worse than your common crackhead? Sad.
People like you are the problem in this country.
A lot of left loon posers pretending to be anything less than a left loon poser on here
You may not have descended from fearful men. But you must have delusional paranoia in your family history. Or........perhaps you're the first.

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