Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

You guys seem to think "a Trump appointee" somehow cleanses the rank politicization. It doesn't. Five years - no indictment, two misdemeanors and a diversion.
You seem to think that throwing charge after charge, whenever you don’t like something, is the way to go! The public has to be getting tired of the bullshit. Equating what happened in a tax and gun case to what’s happening with Trump is ludicrous. The only thing I think Trump and his allies should take away from this is that pleading guilty can be a good thing.
Justice has been served. Give it a rest. Let the Healing begin.
You want proof that you're not a libertarian, it's right here.

You're pretending that this little diversionary tap on the wrist is "justice", while carrying water for every hard leftist blabbering point shoved in your face.

You're a poseur, and a horrible one at that.
There are many peasants in jail and are felons with a smidgen of what this man has done. And African Americans should really be up in arms. More and more Americans will not lift a finger to help this nation if things become brutal. To help authoritarians at any level and those who messed with other people trying to survive is not logical.
go play with your deck of cards, the race cards, elsewhere
Quite the opposite. We now know you (and the rest of the left) don't have a problem with people ignoring/breaking federal firearms laws. This is extremely good news in light of Biden's upcoming "assault weapons" ban. Now we can just tell all of you to go fuck yourselves!
Not sure what you’re talking about, because all I said was that the gun lobby gave Hunter a break. :dunno:
You guys seem to think "a Trump appointee" somehow cleanses the rank politicization. It doesn't. Five years - no indictment, two misdemeanors and a diversion.
Maybe you can explain how Biden managed to trick Trump into appointing their secret double agent to be the prosecutor?
Bwahahahahahaha. Trump appointed attorney ends 5 year investigation with misdemeanor charges. My Jedi powers feel millions of GOP screams. I dont usually love others pain and suffering but in this case...

The better news is that we now know you don't really believe all that "gun control" bullshit you've been spouting. This is excellent positioning for Biden's upcoming "assault weapons" ban. We can just tell him to go fuck himself now, because ignoring/breaking federal firearms laws is something his own son does!
Maybe you can explain how Biden managed to trick Trump into appointing their secret double agent to be the prosecutor?
That is the funny thing. If everything the Trumpsters say is true, they have to be the most incompetent clowns in the history of incompetents.
Not sure what you’re talking about, because all I said was that the gun lobby gave Hunter a break. :dunno:

Not the gun lobby, your president's DOJ gave him a HUGE break. ZERO prosecution on a federal firearms felony. We can all look forward to this when the "assault weapons" ban goes into effect. Yay! :dance:
The better news is now we know you (and the rest of the left) really don't care about people breaking/ignoring federal firearms laws. This is very good news in light of Biden's attempts to institute a ban on "assault weapons". Now we can just tell him (and you) to go fuck himself!

I honestly don't expect the Feds to arrest everyone on a minor infraction of the gun laws.

I just expect them to arrest the bad actors.

My solution to the gun thing is simple. Let the gun industry manage the background check system.
ANd then let anyone who is killed or injured by a gun sue them in court for giving a gun to the wrong person.

I'll betcha they tighten up the screening like a fly's asshole after that.
Maybe you can explain how Biden managed to trick Trump into appointing their secret double agent to be the prosecutor?
what the F are you talking about? Trump isn't in office, this is Xiden's DOJ....the prosecutor reports to Joey Xiden
I honestly don't expect the Feds to arrest everyone on a minor infraction of the gun laws.

I just expect them to arrest the bad actors.

My solution to the gun thing is simple. Let the gun industry manage the background check system.
ANd then let anyone who is killed or injured by a gun sue them in court for giving a gun to the wrong person.

I'll betcha they tighten up the screening like a fly's asshole after that.

Lying on a Federal 4473 is a felony. Now that we know you and the rest of the left don't care about federal firearms felonies, I'm looking forward to telling you all to go fuck yourselves when the "assault weapons" ban goes into effect. And you shouldn't care, either, right?

No Jail Time for Hunter Biden in ‘Sweetheart’ Plea Deal!​

Jussie Smollett has been released from jail pending an appeal of his conviction! (Other criminals have to do their time while waiting for their appeal in court)

Alec Baldwin No Longer Facing 5 Years In Prison For Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting; Big Win For Actor In Battle With Santa Fe D.A.​

Why the FBI Let Hillary Clinton Off the Hook​

A big distinction may explain why the FBI searched Trump's home but not Biden's over classified documents​

Under the Biden/Obama/Deep State status quo, there is most definitely a double standard. The infamous Nancy Piglosi once said that "nobody is above the law" but, of course, she was excluding DummyCrats.
How do you determine it's a sweetheart deal? It was negotiated by a trump appointed DA.
what the F are you talking about? Trump isn't in office, this is Xiden's DOJ....the prosecutor reports to Joey Xiden
what do you mean they “report to” Biden? You think that prosecutors are running their prosecution decisions by the president?

You’re not that stupid.
Because the DoJ was suspicious that they were being lied to by Trump and obtained enough evidence to get a search warrant.

And they were right. They were being lied to.
No.....the DOJ is lying to us. Not the other way around.


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