Hunter Biden Took A $6 Million Private Jet to Court While Begging for Child Support to be Decreased

Well let's get this out of the way.

He didn't own the jet, someone else did and they let him take it. I mean if some guy had a court date for not paying a fine and a friend offered to let him use his brand new Mercedes to go to court you know he would. What kind of an idiot would turn down a free flight on a private jet? I sure as hell wouldn't.

With that said, he is still a piece of shit.
Odd, a few weeks ago the left was subjecting a Judge should be impeached for catching a ride with a friend

Amazing how for some it's a high crime, and for others.....not a big deal.

Either way, it doesn't change the fact the Xiden's are deadbeats when it comes to this child
Yes, it’s Trump’s fault that the Biden crime family put “Burisma Boy” on a private jet to plead he’s struggling with finances.

Ah, yes, the standard Republican bullshit smears. Do you have any evidence whatsoever of any criminal activity by any member of the Biden family?

Calling people, criminals without evidence, is slander and defamation. The Biden family is already suing over this harassment and slander.

You’re gonna make Hunter Biden a very rich man if you keep this up.
Ah, yes, the standard Republican bullshit smears. Do you have any evidence whatsoever of any criminal activity by any member of the Biden family?

Calling people, criminals without evidence, is slander and defamation. The Biden family is already suing over this harassment and slander.

You’re gonna make Hunter Biden a very rich man if you keep this up.
Yes, we have tons of ya go: Biden Family Investigation - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
Odd, a few weeks ago the left was subjecting a Judge should be impeached for catching a ride with a friend

Amazing how for some it's a high crime, and for others.....not a big deal.

Either way, it doesn't change the fact the Xiden's are deadbeats when it comes to this child

Hunter Biden isn’t a judge and he isn’t him an employee of the federal government. Getting rides on private jets isn’t improper or illegal for private citizens.

But for a Supreme Court Justice to take gift worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from people who have cases before his court, that’s bribery and corruption.

I know you’re not smart enough to see the difference. These two things are not remotely the same.
Hunter Biden isn’t a judge and he isn’t him an employee of the federal government. Getting rides on private jets isn’t improper or illegal for private citizens.

But for a Supreme Court Justice to take gift worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from people who have cases before his court, that’s bribery and corruption.

I know you’re not smart enough to see the difference. These two things are not remotely the same.
Provide us the code section that makes it illegal for federal employees to get rides....I'll wait.

When did Justice Thomas have a case before him involving someone giving him hundreds of thousansds of dollars?

Why didn't you ask for Justice Sotomayor to be impeached and prosecuted for bribery when she didn't recuse herself when a case came before her, from people that gave her millions?

Justice Sonia Sotomayor didn’t recuse herself from cases involving publisher that paid her $3M: report​

I know you aren't are a dembot cultist.
Poor Navy Biden. The little girl goes to bed at night wondering why her friends get birthday and Christmas gifts from their father, grandfather and grandmother but she doesn't.
Ah, yes, the standard Republican bullshit smears. Do you have any evidence whatsoever of any criminal activity by any member of the Biden family?

Calling people, criminals without evidence, is slander and defamation. The Biden family is already suing over this harassment and slander.

You’re gonna make Hunter Biden a very rich man if you keep this up.
You poor, dear. Did I hurt your feelings? Actually, I do have evidence of criminal activity by a member of the Biden family. It’s a violation of federal law to make false statements on Form 4473, (look it up].

Make all the excuses you want for violating federal law. That’s expected.
Poor Navy Biden. The little girl goes to bed at night wondering why her friends get birthday and Christmas gifts from their father, grandfather and grandmother but she doesn't.
Her sister gets married at the White House, she gets the cold shoulder. It's sad
Teabaggers are obsessed with a person who isn't or ever was in government.
Of course they ignore the relatives who WERE.
Lol, I remember liberal crapping themselves when the Bush daughters got caught drinking underage. Democrats and the media made a big deal over it.
You poor, dear. Did I hurt your feelings? Actually, I do have evidence of criminal activity by a member of the Biden family. It’s a violation of federal law to make false statements on Form 4473, (look it up].

Make all the excuses you want for violating federal law. That’s expected.

Can you pull up a list of people who have been arrested tried and convicted for making a false statement on form 4473.

I’m guessing that those who were charged, we’re also charged on other crimes that they committed with the guns they bought.

You still haven’t proven that anyone in the family is a criminal, or part of any kind of conspiracy or crime syndicate.

You have proven that you were adept at parroting, right wing lies, and conspiracy theories. Making you a gullible fool.

This is why Hunter Biden is going to be a rich man. There’s so many of you gullible fools, willing to continue to slander him on no evidence.
Can you pull up a list of people who have been arrested tried and convicted for making a false statement on form 4473.

I’m guessing that those who were charged, we’re also charged on other crimes that they committed with the guns they bought.

You still haven’t proven that anyone in the family is a criminal, or part of any kind of conspiracy or crime syndicate.

You have proven that you were adept at parroting, right wing lies, and conspiracy theories. Making you a gullible fool.

This is why Hunter Biden is going to be a rich man. There’s so many of you gullible fools, willing to continue to slander him on no evidence.
I can see you’re angry and emotive but that doesn’t address the fact the Hunter Biden committed a felony by lying on Form 4473. You want to excuse his criminal act. That doesn’t make the crime go away.

Your guessing at who might or might not have been charged with other crimes as part of lying on Form 4473 is irrelevant as you admit to guessing as opposed to presenting facts.

Here you are making claims about what others can or cannot present as fact when you admit to guessing, while knowing no facts.

If Burisma Boy is going to be rich, consider having his baby and taking him to court when, in a drug-fueled stupor, he forgets who you are.
I can see you’re angry and emotive but that doesn’t address the fact the Hunter Biden committed a felony by lying on Form 4473. You want to excuse his criminal act. That doesn’t make the crime go away.

Your guessing at who might or might not have been charged with other crimes as part of lying on Form 4473 is irrelevant as you admit to guessing as opposed to presenting facts.

Here you are making claims about what others can or cannot present as fact when you admit to guessing, while knowing no facts.

If Burisma Boy is going to be rich, consider having his baby and taking him to court when, in a drug-fueled stupor, he forgets who you are.

I’m neither angry nor emotive. After working as a law clerk, for more than 30 years, I have a very clear understanding as to what constitutes “evidence”. My posts are based entirely on the facts in evidence, and the application of the law. Being a fuck up and a scum bag isn’t illegal.

Pointing out that your judicial persecution of a troubled man with a tragic past, and a penchant for self destruction, who has committed no indictable crimes, seems pointless and stupid, is simply a statement of fact.

Remember when Dominion sued Fox News? All you Trump Cult members posted this would be the end for Dominion. Fox News was going to get access to all of their proprietary software and internal memos on Discovery and you would prove how the election was stolen.

I posted at the time that Dominion had to prove nothing about their software, and FOX would have to prove they had evidence of their on-air claims that the software was compromised. Cultists tried to laugh me off the board then too.

Well look who got screwed over on discovery!!! Fox is now $787 million lighter and now their minority shareholders are suing for “breach of fiduciary duty”, in not protecting their equity from this lawsuit, and a similar lawsuit from Smartmatic.

Y’all had a good laugh about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. That laugh is now costing the taxpayers millions. Ditto Andrew McCabe.

The standard of “actual malice” has already been surpassed in the Hunter Biden case by multiple right wing media outlets. And the “actual malice” standard doesn’t even apply in this case, because Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Any public investigation or government harassment over for his private business matters, without probable cause, is a violation of his Constitution rights.

Continually claiming that he is a criminal when he has never been arrested, indicted, tried, or convicted, is slander.
I’m neither angry nor emotive. After working as a law clerk, for more than 30 years, I have a very clear understanding as to what constitutes “evidence”. My posts are based entirely on the facts in evidence, and the application of the law. Being a fuck up and a scum bag isn’t illegal.

Pointing out that your judicial persecution of a troubled man with a tragic past, and a penchant for self destruction, who has committed no indictable crimes, seems pointless and stupid, is simply a statement of fact.

Remember when Dominion sued Fox News? All you Trump Cult members posted this would be the end for Dominion. Fox News was going to get access to all of their proprietary software and internal memos on Discovery and you would prove how the election was stolen.

I posted at the time that Dominion had to prove nothing about their software, and FOX would have to prove they had evidence of their on-air claims that the software was compromised. Cultists tried to laugh me off the board then too.

Well look who got screwed over on discovery!!! Fox is now $787 million lighter and now their minority shareholders are suing for “breach of fiduciary duty”, in not protecting their equity from this lawsuit, and a similar lawsuit from Smartmatic.

Y’all had a good laugh about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. That laugh is now costing the taxpayers millions. Ditto Andrew McCabe.

The standard of “actual malice” has already been surpassed in the Hunter Biden case by multiple right wing media outlets. And the “actual malice” standard doesn’t even apply in this case, because Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Any public investigation or government harassment over for his private business matters, without probable cause, is a violation of his Constitution rights.

Continually claiming that he is a criminal when he has never been arrested, indicted, tried, or convicted, is slander.
False statements on Form 4473 is a felony. If you were a law clerk, you would have known that. Make all the excuses you want but the law is clear.

Y’all had a good run with the contrived Russia collusion hoax but that run has ended.
Here are some questions. How much does he pay in support currently? How much support should one pay? Should there be a cap on support? I mean should some one recieve a million dollars a month? How much support is going over board? In 1993 I took a credit application from a lady that had 33,000 dollars a month in income and had no job. Did not own a business. All of it was child support. Four kids by four different doctors. That fourth doctor can't be very bright. Would anyone here go to that doctor? How about the third doctor?
I’m sorry. The MAGA Cult will foolishly try to push this story.

What you fail to realize is that you’re actually making this fuck-up into a sympathetic character with your baseless attacks and criminal level harassment.

And you keep doing it because you’re too stupid and gullible to stop.

There’s a half dozen lawsuits pending before the courts from the Trump administration, wherein Donald Trump abused and criminal harassed private citizens and his Cult carried on the harassment.

Hunter Biden is already filing suit to stop this nonsense so you’re gonna make him a rich man if you keep this up. I believe other members of the Biden family are also looking at filing suits for invasion of privacy.

Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, the two poll workers from Georgia. Hunter Biden. These are all people who have already sued for defamation, invasion of privacy, and slander.

But since you fools never learn, have at it.
Wrong as usual. Go ahead and let the Crackhead file a suit that will get tossed in 3 seconds. Because everything reported about the asshole is TRUE. You just can't stop defending deadbeat drug abusers who refuse to acknowledge their own children. But we know you're a fool so keep burying yourself.

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