Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
When Trump gets a medical degree he may then be qualified to say what works and what does not. He was terribly irresponsible to even bring that stuff up.
Trump has ADVISORS that give him the facts, the options and what likely consequences are. He does not have to be an expert in every little niche of science in order to lead this effort.

Of course you know that, but you have to play the little whiny bitch anyway because ORANGE MAN BAD!
I have come to find that those who disapproved of Trump prior to the crisis continue to disapprove of him regardless what he does because that's how they've been programmed. The inverse also appears to be true for his supporters.
Serious question; what would you have done differently than Trump has done so far?

i can think of several things, but I am curious what you think.
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.
It is about exponential growth rates, like Italy has experienced.

If Trump is successful and it looks like he will be, he will have led us to avoid millions of deaths.
he used fish tank cleaner, and he also took a dose of his own design.
it might have a different outcome if a doctor prescribes a patient the recomended dosage of the actual drug.
thread fail

I agree ^^^

Wasn't prescribed by a doctor and I also read it was used to clean a fish tank, which means you could pick it up off the shelf at Walmart.

My God people, wake up!
I'm sure he was a liberal, wonder how many cases of toilet paper he had. The media needs to be held accountable.


Pray, where the FUCK did "THE MEDIA" tell these unfortunates to do this?
They hyped this thing up big time. Less than 300 dead and they want to shut an economy down. Let all politicians go without pay and I guarantee you, this problem would be solved tomorrow.

What’s the guarantee of a Russian troll worth these days?
What's the guarantee that Pelosi flies in on her American funded jet, and takes away help from the American people? Because she wants to fund her agenda? I'll tell you, 100%. So screw you, you people are the problem.

No the problem is with the federal government and it’s abject failure to effectively deal with this pandemic.

Dumb Donald has fucked up badly and just like W and his wrong headed response to 9/11, thousands of Americans will die as a result.

Pelosi has nothing to do with these negotiations but she should have been involved because the House will also have to pass this bill and Moscow Mitch is trying to slide one past the American people with this bill.

The President is far to corrupt and dishonest to be given control of a multi billion dollar slush fund. Period.
Pelosi is packing pork in the corona bill because the greedy corrupt Democrats are addicted to stealing
Some positive news amidst all the gray clouds

Topline: President Trump said in a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs used to treat malaria and severe arthritis, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration to test as a COVID-19 coronavirus treatment, as the number of cases nationwide continues to increase.
  • The drugs will be used in a clinical trial, according to FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who spoke during the press briefing.
  • Trump also said that other antiviral medications will be fast-tracked for FDA approval.
Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment
He is banking on it, I'm sure. SOS.

He is trying to save lives!

Best Prez ever!:2up:
Move over Jonas Salk!
I can already sense the disappointment in all those pitiful creatures suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome :muahaha:


We all hope this end comes quickly. So to think people are disappointed because a possible cure might be on the way is lunacy. That's all part of the deranged trumper syndrome. We doubt trump because he lies so much. At this point the truth is that there is no cure. The FDA approving this is a positive step, but we are far from done and these medications are far from a certainty.

Now we are sorry that we burst your trump worshipping bubble by not genuflecting to his every word, but we cannot afford to do that right now. This man is not the best president ever and history will show that. This situation is a reflection of his failure in leadership. He foolishly disbanded something that could have helped him now, he refused to pay attention to a pandemic scrimmage that was run by his administration, he was told of the possibility of the pandemic hitting America by his intelligence people, refused to listen and now we are here at a crisis.

So if accepting mediocrity and incompetence is acceptable to you who suffer from deranged trump syndrome, that's on you. The rest of us will demand a president that is capable and will hold him accountable for being so.
Some positive news amidst all the gray clouds

Topline: President Trump said in a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs used to treat malaria and severe arthritis, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration to test as a COVID-19 coronavirus treatment, as the number of cases nationwide continues to increase.
  • The drugs will be used in a clinical trial, according to FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who spoke during the press briefing.
  • Trump also said that other antiviral medications will be fast-tracked for FDA approval.
Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment
Great news...hopefully this will ease some of the panic and we can get back to work........people are hurting more from that than they are from a virus
MSNBC this morning were saying Trump killed a man because he died after taking the Malaria drug...he was dying before they gave him the drug but they didn't tell their blind followers that bit of news...licences for news agencies really need to be reviewed after this....
It cannot be ignored.....the democrats are focused on creating panic, blaming trump etc. instead of uniting the way we always have at times of national emergencies.

and even worse than that they side with china....wanting to exempt them from all responsibility....outrageous!
And its already found to be safe for humans now all they need to do is check for effectiveness....

This dumb ass is just now finding this out........ and it still proves just how dumb they are this whole thing is NOT OVER this whole thing isn't truly over the virus this whole thing was 911 the a.holes of today haven't recognized it all yet until they apply for something want to move wantn to buy lmfao

MSNBC this morning were saying Trump killed a man because he died after taking the Malaria drug...he was dying before they gave him the drug but they didn't tell their blind followers that bit of news...licences for news agencies really need to be reviewed after this....


Fake News Hacks Claim Man Died After Ingesting Chloroquine ‘Because of Trump’ – Leaves Out the Fact He Actually Drank Koi Pond Cleaner
And its already found to be safe for humans now all they need to do is check for effectiveness....

This dumb ass is just now finding this out........ and it still proves just how dumb they are this whole thing is NOT OVER this whole thing isn't truly over the virus this whole thing was 911 the a.holes of today haven't recognized it all yet until they apply for something want to move wantn to buy lmfao

Bill Gates and crew are depending on that. I say piss on them and that nasty ass horse they ride.
You believe exactly who you shouldn't SHEEPLE

And its already found to be safe for humans now all they need to do is check for effectiveness....

This dumb ass is just now finding this out........ and it still proves just how dumb they are this whole thing is NOT OVER this whole thing isn't truly over the virus this whole thing was 911 the a.holes of today haven't recognized it all yet until they apply for something want to move wantn to buy lmfao

Bill Gates and crew are depending on that. I say piss on them and that nasty ass horse they ride.

Yes and it is being said forced vaccines coming out next year if not sooner...... we shall see how this plays out...

This order to SHUT DOWN the nation was. not suppose to happen last week as articles were stating it's suppose to be next week late this week....... They are playing head games the bastards that they are.

Confuse the sheeple so they are caught off guard just like those who are aware of this they too caught off guard LOL

Dumb fk Americans don't even know their basic rights if they did our children would not get LEGALLY FELT UP AT GGAWD DAM AIRPORTS.. looks like that TSA SHIT really stops those virus crimes aye..
And its already found to be safe for humans now all they need to do is check for effectiveness....

This dumb ass is just now finding this out........ and it still proves just how dumb they are this whole thing is NOT OVER this whole thing isn't truly over the virus this whole thing was 911 the a.holes of today haven't recognized it all yet until they apply for something want to move wantn to buy lmfao

Bill Gates and crew are depending on that. I say piss on them and that nasty ass horse they ride.

OH and as they strip away the rights of these stupid asses they think they will get them back when this is over LMFAO now that's a really freaking dumb ass..

They can't figure out how this is INVISIBLE 911 to rein in the sheep..

and wait until we get the ADL APPROVED DIGITAL MONEY the same Trump hating assholes think a cashless society omfg they take it all man.



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