“I Actually Think It’s Treasonous” – President Trump on the 51 Intel Leaders Who Knowingly Lied to the American Public about the Hunter Biden Laptop

Sorry retard. We have bank records, emails, texts, photos, all sorts of evidence. Meanwhile, being the homo are, you obsess over another man’s ass. Keep your face firmly planted in Joe’s backside. And GFY asshole.

But no charges, investigations or convictions. Let's see, where have we heard this before? "Lock Her Up" that lasted 35 years with nothing.
Blinken coordinated this and must be held accountable. It is taking forever but I am optimistic that we are on the right road.

It was treason. It was election interference they participated in. Everyone of those 51 anti-Trump deep staters, especially Blinken, should be drawn and quartered.

Makes you wonder why his DOJ committed treason against him. LOL.

If only he had appointed his own AG....
It was treason. It was election interference they participated in. Everyone of those 51 anti-Trump deep staters, especially Blinken, should be drawn and quartered.

Trump and his followers actually think many retarded and incorrect things. Why should we care?
A lot of bidim voters said that if they had known the info on the crackhead's laptop, they would not have voted for his corrupt dad. Enough said that that it would have changed the outcome...
Hahaha, oh really, is that what “they” are telling you?!
It is treason and from Brennan and Clapper on down every one of them should have their clearance stripped and be prosecuted to the full extent of the law....
If it was treason the Trumps own DOJ could have arrested them. They didn’t. It’s just more hot air. Yawn
“Traitor” is a word that has been tarnished by overuse by libs

And its not appropriate for trump to use in this case either
Very little of what Trump says is appropriate. Nobody seems to care about that anymore
A lot of bidim voters said that if they had known the info on the crackhead's laptop, they would not have voted for his corrupt dad. Enough said that that it would have changed the outcome...

That's only if you beleive mai-in voting was legit.

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