I agree generally with President Trump's immigration proposal

Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

Do you know what is legal and illegal immigrants are? Illegals are the ones that comes over without going through the immigration process. But the legals are the ones that comes over here and received their visa in order to work here. But they are not citizens, but they has the legal right to be here and work. And for some legals, when produce season has ended, that they can go back home into their country until produce season has restarted again. But some of the illegal ones, cannot receive a visa because of derogatory report on their record. Like rape, murder, arson and or theft on their report card. But most illegals has committed a crime over here and it goes onto their report card. Mexican's government actually doesn't keep records on their citizens. And so basically that it goes by our records of them.

which has what to do with Donald's new regs that effect LEGAL immigration?
I am getting so sick and tire of Hillary's supporters scratching in between their bottoms and smelling the fumes on their finger tips after scratching it,. That there are no differences between Legals and Illegals in skills. There are a lot of doctors and scientist that are living in Mexico that cannot speak a lick of English. I has a friend, that has dual citizenship, that doesn't speak English very well. But he owns his own business, and makes very good money here in the States. But he has a big three storey home on the out-skirts of Mexico city. It doesn't makes him less skilled because he doesn't speaks English very well. And which Pres. Trump is proposing that all immigrants that loves this country, should be able to speak enough English to be able to communicate with a society that the majority speaks English. My sister before she has moved to Japan, she learn how to speak their language and learned their custom because she loved it over there. If you love something, that you will do anything to have it.
And Melania speaks five different languages, and which that is very good. It is very hard to memorizes different words from different countries.

So you guys can keep on twisting things up about Pres. Trump, trying to make as if he is a racist.

Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

are all trump freaks as vulgar as you are? I'm going to guess you spend your day with your fat butt hanging out of leggings while you shop at wal-mart.

that aside the orange sovcicopath's grandfather drumpf wouldn't have been allowed to come in under his regs, moron.

and you're a liar about your sister. how do I know this? one of may oldest friends lived in Japan for years.

bigoted lowlife.

I think we're better off with hard-working immigrants here than with lazy ass white trash like. you.

that is all.
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

Legal immigration is all that should be allowed. Illegal immigration needs to end.

Farms and hotels will have to hire citizens, preferably those who receive government assistance who will have no choice but to start working to continue receiving benefits. It will be a hard lesson for the unskilled citizens who will be entering the work force for the first time. Those are called beginner jobs and past generations did those jobs without complaint. Nothing like a difficult entrance job to encourage people to up their game and improve their skills for the better jobs. Only reason some refuse to do those jobs is because they've been conditioned to think that being work shy is okay. A lot of successful people started out with crappy jobs like being maids or waitresses. Everyone I knew did farm jobs as a teen. Yes, they are hard but part of being a mature adult is learning to do the hard work. No more excuses. You want to be able to buy stuff? Get used to a tough day of real work and quit whining about it. There is no virtue in sitting on your ass all day collecting money from people who earned it.

Being a model is just as easy as being an entertainer these days. Look at all the actors in Hollywood who think pretending for a living is something special. Meryl Streep must think she earned it all or she'd be writing huge checks to ensure that the money went to others.
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

why do you think it should be a requirement that they speak English? my grandparents came here without a word of English. my maternal grandmother came here at 10 years old and worked in a sweat shop. my paternal grandfather came here and worked as a house painter. both sides of my family raised educated hard-working successful kids. they in turn raised VERY successful kids.

it was very jarring to realize that my family would have been stopped at Ellis Island under these regs.

so tell me, how would it hurt the country for hard working families to come here penniless, work their butts off and then learn English.

everyone knows immigrants power most small businesses in this country and getting rid of them would decimate the economy.

what it does do is pander to the trump bigots.

That's easy. Spanish has contributed to a chaotic society. It's also VERY expensive. You realize the State of Ca. entertains 16-18 foreign languages? They're on computer applications & literature. I worked at a place that entertained just Spanish, and they couldn't even get that right. For example, they attempted the same statement three different ways in three different areas, and not a one was right. Add cops and such are expected to speak Spanish. Having to pay for translators, etc. etc. etc. It's very costly.

Then add our schools. Those who don't speak English fully disrupt the education for those that do. It's costly to our pockets and we're selling out our children for a few. Basic English should be taught at home, it has no place in our schools and it's just another entitlement (i.e., responsibility displacement).

Then add non-English speaking immigrants cost FAR MORE than they contribute, from Welfare to taxes, and Welfare includes healthcare.

This is no longer the country liberals like to portray, as they bring up the past. The past is not the present. Immigrants built this country, less our Indians of course. Today immigration is helping to tear it down. Then add the freaking obvious, there are too many people. Somehow liberal rhetoric often overlooks the obvious.

Don't expect a politician to ever say so. I don't know, Trump has a mouth and might do it. But you can take it to the bank I'm right. The liberal elite sells us out for votes, and the target of one world socialism, if not Communism. In other words, they lie and have bad intentions.

Of course the progressive narrative would be I'm "racist". I don't blame the immigrants on any level. I blame bad policy. Liberals are just too good at spending money, and they're too good at creating chaos in the name of some BS narrative.

I live in NYC. there are a lot of Spanish speakers. I've seen no chaos. I see people who work hard.

not quite sure what fuels your bigotry or why you feel you're somehow competing for a place in society with people who are unskilled and don't speak the language.

but I'll also point out that we're not talking about just Spanish....and there will still be Spanish speaking people coming in since Puerto Ricans still won't be restricted.

and people who speak every other language will be precluded from coming in, too... including Donald's Russian buddies....

his own GERMAN-SPEAKING grandparents couldn't come in under these regs.

and as I said, my family, now second generation would still be in Belarus.

not quite sure how the money we pump into this country in taxes and in purchasing power and job creation is a bad thing.

but whatever makes trump bigots happy... right?
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

why do you think it should be a requirement that they speak English? my grandparents came here without a word of English. my maternal grandmother came here at 10 years old and worked in a sweat shop. my paternal grandfather came here and worked as a house painter. both sides of my family raised educated hard-working successful kids. they in turn raised VERY successful kids.

it was very jarring to realize that my family would have been stopped at Ellis Island under these regs.

so tell me, how would it hurt the country for hard working families to come here penniless, work their butts off and then learn English.

everyone knows immigrants power most small businesses in this country and getting rid of them would decimate the economy.

what it does do is pander to the trump bigots.

That's easy. Spanish has contributed to a chaotic society. It's also VERY expensive. You realize the State of Ca. entertains 16-18 foreign languages? They're on computer applications & literature. I worked at a place that entertained just Spanish, and they couldn't even get that right. For example, they attempted the same statement three different ways in three different areas, and not a one was right. Add cops and such are expected to speak Spanish. Having to pay for translators, etc. etc. etc. It's very costly.

Then add our schools. Those who don't speak English fully disrupt the education for those that do. It's costly to our pockets and we're selling out our children for a few. Basic English should be taught at home, it has no place in our schools and it's just another entitlement (i.e., responsibility displacement).

Then add non-English speaking immigrants cost FAR MORE than they contribute, from Welfare to taxes, and Welfare includes healthcare.

This is no longer the country liberals like to portray, as they bring up the past. The past is not the present. Immigrants built this country, less our Indians of course. Today immigration is helping to tear it down. Then add the freaking obvious, there are too many people. Somehow liberal rhetoric often overlooks the obvious.

Don't expect a politician to ever say so. I don't know, Trump has a mouth and might do it. But you can take it to the bank I'm right. The liberal elite sells us out for votes, and the target of one world socialism, if not Communism. In other words, they lie and have bad intentions.

Of course the progressive narrative would be I'm "racist". I don't blame the immigrants on any level. I blame bad policy. Liberals are just too good at spending money, and they're too good at creating chaos in the name of some BS narrative.

I live in NYC. there are a lot of Spanish speakers. I've seen no chaos. I see people who work hard.

not quite sure what fuels your bigotry or why you feel you're somehow competing for a place in society with people who are unskilled and don't speak the language.

but I'll also point out that we're not talking about just Spanish....and there will still be Spanish speaking people coming in since Puerto Ricans still won't be restricted.

and people who speak every other language will be precluded from coming in, too... including Donald's Russian buddies....

his own GERMAN-SPEAKING grandparents couldn't come in under these regs.

and as I said, my family, now second generation would still be in Belarus.

not quite sure how the money we pump into this country in taxes and in purchasing power and job creation is a bad thing.

but whatever makes trump bigots happy... right?

I do not think that living in Japan is something to brag about. Everything is on top of everything. One floor you can be at a restaurant, and the next you can be at clothing store No freedom at all. The only thing that i like about it, is that there companies pays for their employees living expense. And my sister is married to a Japanese.
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

why do you think it should be a requirement that they speak English? my grandparents came here without a word of English. my maternal grandmother came here at 10 years old and worked in a sweat shop. my paternal grandfather came here and worked as a house painter. both sides of my family raised educated hard-working successful kids. they in turn raised VERY successful kids.

it was very jarring to realize that my family would have been stopped at Ellis Island under these regs.

so tell me, how would it hurt the country for hard working families to come here penniless, work their butts off and then learn English.

everyone knows immigrants power most small businesses in this country and getting rid of them would decimate the economy.

what it does do is pander to the trump bigots.

That's easy. Spanish has contributed to a chaotic society. It's also VERY expensive. You realize the State of Ca. entertains 16-18 foreign languages? They're on computer applications & literature. I worked at a place that entertained just Spanish, and they couldn't even get that right. For example, they attempted the same statement three different ways in three different areas, and not a one was right. Add cops and such are expected to speak Spanish. Having to pay for translators, etc. etc. etc. It's very costly.

Then add our schools. Those who don't speak English fully disrupt the education for those that do. It's costly to our pockets and we're selling out our children for a few. Basic English should be taught at home, it has no place in our schools and it's just another entitlement (i.e., responsibility displacement).

Then add non-English speaking immigrants cost FAR MORE than they contribute, from Welfare to taxes, and Welfare includes healthcare.

This is no longer the country liberals like to portray, as they bring up the past. The past is not the present. Immigrants built this country, less our Indians of course. Today immigration is helping to tear it down. Then add the freaking obvious, there are too many people. Somehow liberal rhetoric often overlooks the obvious.

Don't expect a politician to ever say so. I don't know, Trump has a mouth and might do it. But you can take it to the bank I'm right. The liberal elite sells us out for votes, and the target of one world socialism, if not Communism. In other words, they lie and have bad intentions.

Of course the progressive narrative would be I'm "racist". I don't blame the immigrants on any level. I blame bad policy. Liberals are just too good at spending money, and they're too good at creating chaos in the name of some BS narrative.

I live in NYC. there are a lot of Spanish speakers. I've seen no chaos. I see people who work hard.

not quite sure what fuels your bigotry or why you feel you're somehow competing for a place in society with people who are unskilled and don't speak the language.

but I'll also point out that we're not talking about just Spanish....and there will still be Spanish speaking people coming in since Puerto Ricans still won't be restricted.

and people who speak every other language will be precluded from coming in, too... including Donald's Russian buddies....

his own GERMAN-SPEAKING grandparents couldn't come in under these regs.

and as I said, my family, now second generation would still be in Belarus.

not quite sure how the money we pump into this country in taxes and in purchasing power and job creation is a bad thing.

but whatever makes trump bigots happy... right?

I read you're a narrative rider and lack comprehension skills.
they have tried this out here in cal ray at least twice that i know of.....not a lot of applicants and the ones who took it did not last long,because they felt the money was not worth bending over all day in 100 degree weather.....

Getting more Americans to work in fields hasn't been tried until handouts are curtailed.

But, it doesn't really matter. If immigrant labor is reduced, farmers will find alternatives to labor.
they have tried this out here in cal ray at least twice that i know of.....not a lot of applicants and the ones who took it did not last long,because they felt the money was not worth bending over all day in 100 degree weather.....

Getting more Americans to work in fields hasn't been tried until handouts are curtailed.

But, it doesn't really matter. If immigrant labor is reduced, farmers will find alternatives to labor.
yea it has been tried.....out here anyway.....
Trump looks at immigration the same way Teddy Roosevelt looked at it. If they do not want to be an American first and foremost they do not belong here.
Good law. Speak English, have skills. I support it, good move. Only three nagging details to consider:

1. It only applies to legal immigration. While that is important, it's illegal immigration where more of the low skilled workers come in.

2. What about the hotel and farm businesses in America that rely on immigrants because frankly citizens don't want to do that work?

3. Will Melania get deported or is being a model a "highly skilled job"?

why do you think it should be a requirement that they speak English? my grandparents came here without a word of English. my maternal grandmother came here at 10 years old and worked in a sweat shop. my paternal grandfather came here and worked as a house painter. both sides of my family raised educated hard-working successful kids. they in turn raised VERY successful kids.

it was very jarring to realize that my family would have been stopped at Ellis Island under these regs.

so tell me, how would it hurt the country for hard working families to come here penniless, work their butts off and then learn English.

everyone knows immigrants power most small businesses in this country and getting rid of them would decimate the economy.

what it does do is pander to the trump bigots.

Unfortunately we have many truck drivers from other countries here because Americans don't feel like giving up their food stamps and Obama phones to take the jobs. They can't speak a word of English nor can they read it either.

So if some import driving a container trailer side swipes you on the highway almost killing you and your family, remember it's because he couldn't read the road signs and didn't know where to go.
We don't need immigrants to work on farms. Farmers can adjust with more automation and a shift away from labor-intensive crops. If that's not good enough, we could buss panhandlers and negroes to farms for cheap day labor (they'd be happy to go if handout to them were sufficiently curtailed).

As a rule, we could say any job that on average pays at least double minimum-wage is a skilled job.

Congress needs to cut federal funds to sanctuary cities. Congress should look into ending and punishing all forms of accommodation of illegal aliens.
Oh yeah, Americans really want to pick fruit and lettuce. LOL

Why not? So many times the left here has told us there are not enough jobs for Americans out of work. If the money and benefits are right, Americans will do the job.
they have tried this out here in cal ray at least twice that i know of.....not a lot of applicants and the ones who took it did not last long,because they felt the money was not worth bending over all day in 100 degree weather.....
Wages rise on California farms. Americans still don't want the job
Wages Rise on California Farms, But Native-Born Americans Still Won’t Take the Jobs

Found some interesting points in your article:

Solorio moved on to two men huddled nearby, and returned quickly. “They were drug addicts,” he said. “And, they didn’t have a car.”

Before the day was through, Solorio would make the same pitch to dozens of men and women, approaching a taco truck, a restaurant and a homeless encampment.

Today, farmworkers in the state earn about $30,000 a year if they work full time — about half the overall average pay in California. Most work fewer hours.

Last year he could barely get together 45 laborers, and his grapes sold for only $350 per ton. Klein knew his vines were done for when California passed laws raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2023 and requiring overtime for field laborers.

So here is how it works in the good ole USA. If you don't want to work or work very little, you go on government programs to fill in the gaps. If a business like farming can't find workers, it's because the pay is not exceeding government benefits. If you do decide to be a little aggressive while on government programs, it's like working for free since the more you make, the more they take out of your taxpayer goodies.

So the solution is to let those Americans rot at home on food stamps, and bring in workers (legal and illegal) to do the jobs. What doesn't sound right about this situation? Next question: if we didn't have a cradle-to-grave federal government, and people got hungry enough, may lose their home, do you think this farmer in your article would still have problems finding American workers????
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Unfortunately we have many truck drivers from other countries here because Americans don't feel like giving up their food stamps and Obama phones to take the jobs. They can't speak a word of English nor can they read it either.

So if some import driving a container trailer side swipes you on the highway almost killing you and your family, remember it's because he couldn't read the road signs and didn't know where to go.

A friend of mine is a long haul driver. The immigrants have driven wages down severely. They have also killed a lot of people. It's not advancing the leftist agenda so it goes unreported.

Unfortunately we have many truck drivers from other countries here because Americans don't feel like giving up their food stamps and Obama phones to take the jobs. They can't speak a word of English nor can they read it either.

So if some import driving a container trailer side swipes you on the highway almost killing you and your family, remember it's because he couldn't read the road signs and didn't know where to go.

A friend of mine is a long haul driver. The immigrants have driven wages down severely. They have also killed a lot of people. It's not advancing the leftist agenda so it goes unreported.

You have to be in (or know somebody in) the industry to understand what's really going on out there.

One time I was standing at the shipping window when the girl was trying to tell a foreigner what to do and he couldn't understand. After about five minutes, she gave up and asked me if I would go outside with him and show him WTF to do. She was way to busy to leave the office and do it herself.

A few times a year when I'm waiting to get a dock, I get some foreigner running up to my truck and pleading "Mister! Mister! Please, oh please back in trailer, I no know how!" I won't do it, but like a typical soft hearted, I help them back into the dock if I can communicate with them.

There are tens of thousands of truck driving jobs out there; some of them willing to train and get you licensed, but Americans won't work until they get the perfect job, the perfect hours, and the perfect amount of benefits. No sacrifices when it comes to working. If one has to sacrifice, they just assume to live with their parents or go on some government programs.
while Im not on the zero immigration/build the wall train; I DO think that trump's hard line on immigration has sparked a serious discussion. the flow of immigrants, including legal immigrants, needs to slow down, at least for awhile, and the flow of illegals should be stopped as much as possible and at least 25% of those in the country illegally now should be IMMEDIATELY deported
Unfortunately we have many truck drivers from other countries here because Americans don't feel like giving up their food stamps and Obama phones to take the jobs. They can't speak a word of English nor can they read it either.

So if some import driving a container trailer side swipes you on the highway almost killing you and your family, remember it's because he couldn't read the road signs and didn't know where to go.

A friend of mine is a long haul driver. The immigrants have driven wages down severely. They have also killed a lot of people. It's not advancing the leftist agenda so it goes unreported.

You have to be in (or know somebody in) the industry to understand what's really going on out there.

One time I was standing at the shipping window when the girl was trying to tell a foreigner what to do and he couldn't understand. After about five minutes, she gave up and asked me if I would go outside with him and show him WTF to do. She was way to busy to leave the office and do it herself.

A few times a year when I'm waiting to get a dock, I get some foreigner running up to my truck and pleading "Mister! Mister! Please, oh please back in trailer, I no know how!" I won't do it, but like a typical soft hearted, I help them back into the dock if I can communicate with them.

There are tens of thousands of truck driving jobs out there; some of them willing to train and get you licensed, but Americans won't work until they get the perfect job, the perfect hours, and the perfect amount of benefits. No sacrifices when it comes to working. If one has to sacrifice, they just assume to live with their parents or go on some government programs.

I've been told some of them cut holes in the floor of their sleeper cabs so they don't even get out to take a shit. They just leave piles under the truck and drive away.

Any truth to that?

while Im not on the zero immigration/build the wall train; I DO think that trump's hard line on immigration has sparked a serious discussion. the flow of immigrants, including legal immigrants, needs to slow down, at least for awhile, and the flow of illegals should be stopped as much as possible and at least 25% of those in the country illegally now should be IMMEDIATELY deported

It's a grand idea really. What foreigners do now is get into the country, pop out a couple of kids, and that grants them birthrights. Then they go on some social program for the kids, get a low paying job, and end up back where they came from after sending money home for months or years.

All they are really doing is taking advantage of us, and this plan helps cut that down quite a bit. If we let people into this country, it should be for our advantage--not theirs, or at the very least, a mutual advantage.
Unfortunately we have many truck drivers from other countries here because Americans don't feel like giving up their food stamps and Obama phones to take the jobs. They can't speak a word of English nor can they read it either.

So if some import driving a container trailer side swipes you on the highway almost killing you and your family, remember it's because he couldn't read the road signs and didn't know where to go.

A friend of mine is a long haul driver. The immigrants have driven wages down severely. They have also killed a lot of people. It's not advancing the leftist agenda so it goes unreported.

You have to be in (or know somebody in) the industry to understand what's really going on out there.

One time I was standing at the shipping window when the girl was trying to tell a foreigner what to do and he couldn't understand. After about five minutes, she gave up and asked me if I would go outside with him and show him WTF to do. She was way to busy to leave the office and do it herself.

A few times a year when I'm waiting to get a dock, I get some foreigner running up to my truck and pleading "Mister! Mister! Please, oh please back in trailer, I no know how!" I won't do it, but like a typical soft hearted, I help them back into the dock if I can communicate with them.

There are tens of thousands of truck driving jobs out there; some of them willing to train and get you licensed, but Americans won't work until they get the perfect job, the perfect hours, and the perfect amount of benefits. No sacrifices when it comes to working. If one has to sacrifice, they just assume to live with their parents or go on some government programs.

I've been told some of them cut holes in the floor of their sleeper cabs so they don't even get out to take a shit. They just leave piles under the truck and drive away.

Any truth to that?

I wouldn't put it past them, but being local driver, I really wouldn't know since I don't hang around truck stops. I do know that they were arresting drivers (probably foreigners) for dumping their jars of piss in the garbage cans that they collected. It was a hundred or so foot walk to the restrooms where they could have disposed of it properly.
while Im not on the zero immigration/build the wall train; I DO think that trump's hard line on immigration has sparked a serious discussion. the flow of immigrants, including legal immigrants, needs to slow down, at least for awhile, and the flow of illegals should be stopped as much as possible and at least 25% of those in the country illegally now should be IMMEDIATELY deported

It's a grand idea really. What foreigners do now is get into the country, pop out a couple of kids, and that grants them birthrights. Then they go on some social program for the kids, get a low paying job, and end up back where they came from after sending money home for months or years.

All they are really doing is taking advantage of us, and this plan helps cut that down quite a bit. If we let people into this country, it should be for our advantage--not theirs, or at the very least, a mutual advantage.
one major problem with the flow of immigrants into this country now as versus both the cold war and industrial revolution is this
1. during th ecold war, a large percentage of immigrants were upper class people who alredy were educated fleeing imminent communist takeovers
2. during th eindustrial revolution, all of the immigrants came from disparate groups, and there was major pressure to at least partially assimilate, unless you wanted to live and work in the same three lock radius in queens the rest of your life....now, that 90% of incoming immigrants, both legal and illegal, are spainish speakers, the pressure to assimilate and learn the language isnt there
while Im not on the zero immigration/build the wall train; I DO think that trump's hard line on immigration has sparked a serious discussion. the flow of immigrants, including legal immigrants, needs to slow down, at least for awhile, and the flow of illegals should be stopped as much as possible and at least 25% of those in the country illegally now should be IMMEDIATELY deported

It's a grand idea really. What foreigners do now is get into the country, pop out a couple of kids, and that grants them birthrights. Then they go on some social program for the kids, get a low paying job, and end up back where they came from after sending money home for months or years.

All they are really doing is taking advantage of us, and this plan helps cut that down quite a bit. If we let people into this country, it should be for our advantage--not theirs, or at the very least, a mutual advantage.
one major problem with the flow of immigrants into this country now as versus both the cold war and industrial revolution is this
1. during th ecold war, a large percentage of immigrants were upper class people who alredy were educated fleeing imminent communist takeovers
2. during th eindustrial revolution, all of the immigrants came from disparate groups, and there was major pressure to at least partially assimilate, unless you wanted to live and work in the same three lock radius in queens the rest of your life....now, that 90% of incoming immigrants, both legal and illegal, are spainish speakers, the pressure to assimilate and learn the language isnt there

I was a child of the 60's and lived in a very ethnic neighborhood. People would come in off the boat, get a job, and learn the language immediately. Don't get me wrong, in our neighborhood, everybody spoke Polish. Our masses were in Polish, some of the store signs were in Polish. But once the people in our community went outside of it, they spoke and communicated in English.

It wasn't easy for foreigners to adopt back then, so they relied on the community to help them out. Our Catholic grade school held free English classes. Of course there were no computers or internet back then, no CD's or video tapes, but with the help of the community, they learned all they could.

Immigrants back then came here to become Americans--not to change America. Today we see stories of Mexicans having rallies screaming this is their country and they are here to take it back; stories of American kids getting kicked out of school because they wore a tee shirt with an American flag, and that might be offensive to immigrant children; stories of Muslim cab drivers refusing to pick up Americans because they have a pet with them--even if it's a seeing eye dog. Stories of Muslim women who took a job as a cashier, but refused to scan pork products customers purchased. A Muslim truck driver and his partner refused to take a load of alcoholic beverages to a warehouse. When the company fired them, they sued and won.

These are not people coming here to become Americans.
So here is how it works in the good ole USA. If you don't want to work or work very little, you go on government programs to fill in the gaps. If a business like farming can't find workers, it's because the pay is not exceeding government benefits. If you do decide to be a little aggressive while on government programs, it's like working for free since the more you make, the more they take out of your taxpayer goodies.

That's exactly right. Our welfare system is very generous and it punishes responsible behavior.

I don't think cheap farm labor will be an issue in another decade, thanks to technology. And, farmers can adjust to a decline in cheap labor. In any case, our immigration policy shouldn't be held hostage by farmers.

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