i am a true liberal


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Most of you arent liberal. You totalitarian fucks just like raping the meaning of words.
Is there a self branded "liberal" here that is more liberal than i am?
Yea. We have officially entered the Upside Down
Most of you arent liberal. You totalitarian fucks just like raping the meaning of words.
Is there a self branded "liberal" here that is more liberal than i am?
They Culturally Appropriated so called Liberalism.....which at one time was associated with Libertarianism which is the exact opposite now of what Liberalism is defined as.

Like all things Democrats do, it is based on a LIE, and them trying to change the meanings of words.


Yea. We have officially entered the Upside Down


todays conservatives are quite liberal......

gays are out everywhere and most conservatives don't care anymore....(just the hard core loony tune right wing)

we just had a black president, women are running for president and even conservatives (today) would vote for a black or a woman

and when it comes to sex outside of marriage and divorce, conservatives are much more LIBERAL than liberals.....
Fucking pinkos takes a perfectly good concept, and now liberal means the EXACT opposite.
Huge govt, massive intervention and no individual liberty.
Why are they scared to say what they TRUELY are?
Yea. We have officially entered the Upside Down
He's going with that 300 year old definition of liberal.
Which is the correct definition and not the modern one where so called liberty loving liberals want to tell you what to eat what to drink what to put your groceries in what to drive and what to think
I'm Classically Liberal with absolutely nothing in common with today's Authoritarian Progessive "liberals".
So basically, fuck everyone that doesn’t agree with your opinions because you are so liberal. No one can have a differing opinion, because then you want to destroy their lives. But if they bring it back to you, they are a Nazi or fascist. You are in good company of twenty year olds who know everything also.

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Yea. We have officially entered the Upside Down
He's going with that 300 year old definition of liberal.
Yes, the actual definition. Not your raped version.

liberal definition;
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"

that describes trump all right....

and every other thrice married conservative....

how many wives has limbaugh had? 4? 10?.....
Fucking pinkos takes a perfectly good concept, and now liberal means the EXACT opposite.
Huge govt, massive intervention and no individual liberty.
Why are they scared to say what they TRUELY are?

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength


Totalitarianism is Liberal

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