I am American, and I respect Christianity.

Which, incidentally, doesn't encourage psychotic murderers.

Jesus opposed the oppression of the Roman Empire. He was the original Marx because he supported the poor in their perennial struggle against the powerful.

How do you feel about the neoliberal GOP Big Business bastardization of Christ?

That is,

How do you feel about the Capitalist Christ who sides with those who own government?

That is,

How do you feel about the Christ who hates the meek?

(because he cares more about tax cuts than those who were not born with his luck or his priveledge)

Where did the Christ tell the poor they could steal what the wealthy had for their own pleasure?

Aren't the liberals the ones holding the hands and in bed with big busines, currently?

Where did the Christ promote the elimination of gov't?
and yet how many die in the name of your god ...daily.....

mothers killing their kids cause god told them too

etc and so forth....

mcvey was christian

What garbage.

Why don't you quote those numbers? I can give you numbers (and they are high) for how many were killed by Islam yesterday.

PS..McVeigh didn't kill in the name of God.

Eric Rudolph did. He's the guy that bombed Olympic Park, a gay bar and an abortion clinic. The guy that walked into Doctor Tiller's church and shot him in front of his friends and family did it in the name of your god too. Wesbtborogh Baptist Church protests in the name of your god too.

Do you really want to get into the habit of painting an entire religion based on their extremists?

We can cherry pick wackos all day. I did get the original point !
Still waiting for evidence that the pro-terrorists support Christianity in the same way they claim to support terrorists..I mean Islam.

Still waiting for your opinion on the concept of the religious, by definition, neutering their religion the moment they admit that other religions have a right to exist.

Are freedom and tolerance mutually exclusive to a society with religions that are worth dying for, assuming more than one such passionate religion exists?

Not so, Joe.

In today's world, a Christian dying for his/her religion does so at the hands of an enemy that wants to kill them for being Christian.

Muslims, OTOH, die for their religion by strapping on suicide vests and taking out a couple dozen Christians or Jews in the name of Allah, with 72 virgins as a reward for their ingenuity.

I hope all those virgins are named Bubba, too.
Which, incidentally, doesn't encourage psychotic murderers.

As an American, you should respect all religions, not just the one you follow

That is a major problem with our society

I do not "respect" Satanism.

Fortunately you don't have to respect Satanism. But you do have to respect the right of Satanists to worship from their hearts.

At least in America you do on paper - I still don't see how a person can proclaim a religion with passion and dedication to the point of giving ones life and death to it and still be able to honestly respect Freedom and Tolerance for people who believe quite differently.
And you won't find anyone who denies that Christianity had a violent past.

But some people, in their mad rush to look all "tolerant" and "multi-cultural", project that same violent past on the present -- and excuse Islam's violent present.

This thread, and any other thread with criticism of Islam, is crawling with it -- as if radical Islamists wouldn't kill their non-Muslim defenders given the opportunity. "But...but I defended you on the internet! What are you doing with that kniGURGLE GURGLE"

I've never understood why people criticize Christianity for being fundamentalist, intolerant, homophobic, and misogynistic -- but give Islam a free pass for being all those things in far greater degree.

Anybody wanna take a shot at explaining that?

Anyone excusing the violence perpetrated by the Muslim world in the here and now is wrong, in my humble opinion. I have not seen any posts that decry Christian behavior and give Islam a "free pass" as you call it.

Can you provide a link to such? I'd like to respond to posts like that!



And that's just on the first page.

Railing against Christian atrocities each and every one, that's true....


I still see NOTHING that tries to excuse Islamic bloodletting or give a 'pass' to modern or historic Islamic terrorism.

Still waiting for evidence that the pro-terrorists support Christianity in the same way they claim to support terrorists..I mean Islam.

Still waiting for your opinion on the concept of the religious, by definition, neutering their religion the moment they admit that other religions have a right to exist.

Are freedom and tolerance mutually exclusive to a society with religions that are worth dying for, assuming more than one such passionate religion exists?

Religion is a set of beliefs, and the cultural promotion of said beliefs. Christianity believes that each person has a relationship with the Lord (if they acknowledge it or not). It is up to that person to worship the Lord as they choose. Christians will tell people the good news (gospel)/point out poor decisions and even "bless them" (sometimes if the person does not want to hear it).

Respecting each person's right to choose how they deal with the Lord is not "neutering their religion" (some of the other religions that have to use force to keep their "believers" faithful might have theirs neutered).

I know you guys don't want to hear it, don't want to acknowledge it, but before the different Christian denominations came together to form this country, subjects of rulers, worshipped according to the rulers' beliefs. In communism, it is that way also (there are some churches, were the message is controlled by the state, but they follow the gov't beliefs or they go to prison).

Forcing someone to follow another's rules, seldom works for long. It buildes a chain of tyrants/dictators/self-proclaimed gods. Christians were taught this long ago. They have been swayed to "go along to get along", but have learned that doesn't work. It just allows oppressors to put people into subservient status.

No religion causes chaos, for if each person is allowed to decide what is right and wrong, their personal comfort is before anyone else's. Anarchy benefits no one (as the top dog is always replaced by the next top dog).

We are spiritual beings. IMHO, Christianity, is the only faith, that gives each person responsibility for their own soul. That faith alone has caused more charity, and more generosity than has ever been seen on this planet.

There really is no comparison to what happens when people practice Christianity, compared to the practice of other faiths.

If you believe that others are better, please list the reasons or evidence that demonstrates productivity and generosity.

I know HOW religion works, what I want to know is how a religious person can admit that all other religions are just as viable and worthy of respect as his own without rendering his own religion impotent.

I say it's impossible based on the definition of religion, especially those of Christianity and Islam, both of which have a jealous God.
Predictably, the people who support Islam do not support Christians.

Of course not.. The Anti-God left.. the party who Boo'd God.. who kicked God completely out of their lives, their platform..

Right, we're anti-god, that's why we support Islam.

That makes sense. :thup:
You support Islam because you see them as partners in combating American Imperialism

You guys back the crazy islamists.....where is the president condemning these nutjobs killing our ambasador.....not around....but those damn christians that dont want to pay for birth control for other people....they are the evil, crazy people...liberals are so retarded
Still waiting for your opinion on the concept of the religious, by definition, neutering their religion the moment they admit that other religions have a right to exist.

Are freedom and tolerance mutually exclusive to a society with religions that are worth dying for, assuming more than one such passionate religion exists?

Religion is a set of beliefs, and the cultural promotion of said beliefs. Christianity believes that each person has a relationship with the Lord (if they acknowledge it or not). It is up to that person to worship the Lord as they choose. Christians will tell people the good news (gospel)/point out poor decisions and even "bless them" (sometimes if the person does not want to hear it).

Respecting each person's right to choose how they deal with the Lord is not "neutering their religion" (some of the other religions that have to use force to keep their "believers" faithful might have theirs neutered).

I know you guys don't want to hear it, don't want to acknowledge it, but before the different Christian denominations came together to form this country, subjects of rulers, worshipped according to the rulers' beliefs. In communism, it is that way also (there are some churches, were the message is controlled by the state, but they follow the gov't beliefs or they go to prison).

Forcing someone to follow another's rules, seldom works for long. It buildes a chain of tyrants/dictators/self-proclaimed gods. Christians were taught this long ago. They have been swayed to "go along to get along", but have learned that doesn't work. It just allows oppressors to put people into subservient status.

No religion causes chaos, for if each person is allowed to decide what is right and wrong, their personal comfort is before anyone else's. Anarchy benefits no one (as the top dog is always replaced by the next top dog).

We are spiritual beings. IMHO, Christianity, is the only faith, that gives each person responsibility for their own soul. That faith alone has caused more charity, and more generosity than has ever been seen on this planet.

There really is no comparison to what happens when people practice Christianity, compared to the practice of other faiths.

If you believe that others are better, please list the reasons or evidence that demonstrates productivity and generosity.

I know HOW it works, what I want to know is how a religious person can admit that all other religions are just as viable and worthy of respect as his own without rendering his own religion impotent.

I say it's impossible based on the definition of religion, especially those of Christianity and Islam, both of which have a jealous God.

Well, you're right....most people with a religion think theirs is right...which I have no problem with and they can tolerate other people, but let them know their wrong. It's kind of like a sports fan, you can respect another persons belief, but still know they're wrong for who they like.
Still waiting for evidence that the pro-terrorists support Christianity in the same way they claim to support terrorists..I mean Islam.

Still waiting for your opinion on the concept of the religious, by definition, neutering their religion the moment they admit that other religions have a right to exist.

Are freedom and tolerance mutually exclusive to a society with religions that are worth dying for, assuming more than one such passionate religion exists?

Not so, Joe.

In today's world, a Christian dying for his/her religion does so at the hands of an enemy that wants to kill them for being Christian.

Muslims, OTOH, die for their religion by strapping on suicide vests and taking out a couple dozen Christians or Jews in the name of Allah, with 72 virgins as a reward for their ingenuity.

I hope all those virgins are named Bubba, too.

Excellent observations but no where near an answer to my question of whether or not a truly religious man can honestly accept the right of all other religions to exist without rendering his own religion impotent.

I know... it seems like it should be simple, but it's a hard question!
Religion is a set of beliefs, and the cultural promotion of said beliefs. Christianity believes that each person has a relationship with the Lord (if they acknowledge it or not). It is up to that person to worship the Lord as they choose. Christians will tell people the good news (gospel)/point out poor decisions and even "bless them" (sometimes if the person does not want to hear it).

Respecting each person's right to choose how they deal with the Lord is not "neutering their religion" (some of the other religions that have to use force to keep their "believers" faithful might have theirs neutered).

I know you guys don't want to hear it, don't want to acknowledge it, but before the different Christian denominations came together to form this country, subjects of rulers, worshipped according to the rulers' beliefs. In communism, it is that way also (there are some churches, were the message is controlled by the state, but they follow the gov't beliefs or they go to prison).

Forcing someone to follow another's rules, seldom works for long. It buildes a chain of tyrants/dictators/self-proclaimed gods. Christians were taught this long ago. They have been swayed to "go along to get along", but have learned that doesn't work. It just allows oppressors to put people into subservient status.

No religion causes chaos, for if each person is allowed to decide what is right and wrong, their personal comfort is before anyone else's. Anarchy benefits no one (as the top dog is always replaced by the next top dog).

We are spiritual beings. IMHO, Christianity, is the only faith, that gives each person responsibility for their own soul. That faith alone has caused more charity, and more generosity than has ever been seen on this planet.

There really is no comparison to what happens when people practice Christianity, compared to the practice of other faiths.

If you believe that others are better, please list the reasons or evidence that demonstrates productivity and generosity.

I know HOW it works, what I want to know is how a religious person can admit that all other religions are just as viable and worthy of respect as his own without rendering his own religion impotent.

I say it's impossible based on the definition of religion, especially those of Christianity and Islam, both of which have a jealous God.

Well, you're right....most people with a religion think theirs is right...which I have no problem with and they can tolerate other people, but let them know their wrong. It's kind of like a sports fan, you can respect another persons belief, but still know they're wrong for who they like.

Except that few and far between are the sports fans willing to kill and die for the honor of their team. Religious zealots with an appetite for blood defense of honor are a dime a dozen.
Still waiting for your opinion on the concept of the religious, by definition, neutering their religion the moment they admit that other religions have a right to exist.

Are freedom and tolerance mutually exclusive to a society with religions that are worth dying for, assuming more than one such passionate religion exists?

Not so, Joe.

In today's world, a Christian dying for his/her religion does so at the hands of an enemy that wants to kill them for being Christian.

Muslims, OTOH, die for their religion by strapping on suicide vests and taking out a couple dozen Christians or Jews in the name of Allah, with 72 virgins as a reward for their ingenuity.

I hope all those virgins are named Bubba, too.

Excellent observations but no where near an answer to my question of whether or not a truly religious man can honestly accept the right of all other religions to exist without rendering his own religion impotent.

I know... it seems like it should be simple, but it's a hard question!

I believe my religion is Supreme, and I'm confident of it to the point that I couldn't care less who or what anyone else cares to worship. My God is big enough that I don't need to get into a 'pissing match'.

I only wish that the OTHER 'religions', including atheism, would stop trying to interfere with my RIGHT to practice my religion. If I can allow others the freedom to worship who, what and where they want, why can't that accommodation be made for me?
Not so, Joe.

In today's world, a Christian dying for his/her religion does so at the hands of an enemy that wants to kill them for being Christian.

Muslims, OTOH, die for their religion by strapping on suicide vests and taking out a couple dozen Christians or Jews in the name of Allah, with 72 virgins as a reward for their ingenuity.

I hope all those virgins are named Bubba, too.

Excellent observations but no where near an answer to my question of whether or not a truly religious man can honestly accept the right of all other religions to exist without rendering his own religion impotent.

I know... it seems like it should be simple, but it's a hard question!

I believe my religion is Supreme, and I'm confident of it to the point that I couldn't care less who or what anyone else cares to worship. My God is big enough that I don't need to get into a 'pissing match'.

I only wish that the OTHER 'religions', including atheism, would stop trying to interfere with my RIGHT to practice my religion. If I can allow others the freedom to worship who, what and where they want, why can't that accommodation be made for me?

somebody padlock your church, pal?

tough break
Excellent observations but no where near an answer to my question of whether or not a truly religious man can honestly accept the right of all other religions to exist without rendering his own religion impotent.

I know... it seems like it should be simple, but it's a hard question!

I believe my religion is Supreme, and I'm confident of it to the point that I couldn't care less who or what anyone else cares to worship. My God is big enough that I don't need to get into a 'pissing match'.

I only wish that the OTHER 'religions', including atheism, would stop trying to interfere with my RIGHT to practice my religion. If I can allow others the freedom to worship who, what and where they want, why can't that accommodation be made for me?

somebody padlock your church, pal?

tough break

I don't attend a 'church', I'll leave the slobbering hypocrites to you. Enjoy!
Still waiting for evidence that the pro-terrorists support Christianity in the same way they claim to support terrorists..I mean Islam.

Still waiting for your opinion on the concept of the religious, by definition, neutering their religion the moment they admit that other religions have a right to exist.

Are freedom and tolerance mutually exclusive to a society with religions that are worth dying for, assuming more than one such passionate religion exists?

You are still waiting for someone to address your delusions rationally? Let me save you some trouble, none of us here feel a need to treat your delusions with anything other than utter contempt.
Which, incidentally, doesn't encourage psychotic murderers.

Jesus opposed the oppression of the Roman Empire. He was the original Marx because he supported the poor in their perennial struggle against the powerful.

How do you feel about the neoliberal GOP Big Business bastardization of Christ?

That is,

How do you feel about the Capitalist Christ who sides with those who own government?

That is,

How do you feel about the Christ who hates the meek?

(because he cares more about tax cuts than those who were not born with his luck or his priveledge)

Another idiot trying to expound on things the Bible doesn't say.
Last edited:
As an American, you should respect all religions, not just the one you follow

That is a major problem with our society

I do not "respect" Satanism.

Fortunately you don't have to respect Satanism. But you do have to respect the right of Satanists to worship from their hearts.

At least in America you do on paper - I still don't see how a person can proclaim a religion with passion and dedication to the point of giving ones life and death to it and still be able to honestly respect Freedom and Tolerance for people who believe quite differently.

That;s the part you have wrong. I don't have to respect anyone or anything other than everyone's freedom to do whatever the fuck they want to as long as they are willing to face the consequences. That, believe it or not, includes their right to disrespect everything I stand for.
Okay, this is just funny. You are comparing one man that killed two people as an extremist to a religion where one percent of extremists would number fifteen million extremists, that murder, rape, sexually abuse boys every day, and you want to tell us based on that "one" man, these two religions are the same?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Extremism is extremism. Same whore, different dress.

You missed the point. Are you saying that Christians tend to have as many extremists as islam? Are you saying the religions are the same based on the example you provided?

So....you think that it's their religion that causes the extremism? I'm not saying it doesn't have an effect, but it's not the root cause. There is a combination of things that feed into it.

1. socioeconomics.....most of these people are dirt poor, have little to no education and are frustrated beyond belief by the endless violence, the enormous wealth that oil has brought to the region that only the royal families see, they see change.all around them that they are not mentally equipped to handle at such a rapid pace.

2. The extremist leaders, who Cherry Pick.parts of their Holy Book to stir the masses and make enemies out of anyone who doesn't fall in line....people on the far right ought to be familiar with that.....but that's NOT religion....that is propaganda for recruitment purposes.

That's just two off the top of my head....I got to go to work now.
Still waiting for evidence that the pro-terrorists support Christianity in the same way they claim to support terrorists..I mean Islam.

Still waiting for your opinion on the concept of the religious, by definition, neutering their religion the moment they admit that other religions have a right to exist.

Are freedom and tolerance mutually exclusive to a society with religions that are worth dying for, assuming more than one such passionate religion exists?

You are still waiting for someone to address your delusions rationally? Let me save you some trouble, none of us here feel a need to treat your delusions with anything other than utter contempt.


I rest my case.

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