I am American, and I respect Christianity.

KG, are you ever going to reply to my statement that doesn't fit your extremist narrative?

You mean this one, that none of the Cons in this thread seem to want to respond to...

I give credit to Christians for being able to, however begrudgingly, accept living in a society with secular laws. That's probably the biggest difference between most religions and Islam over the last 500 years, and it truly makes quite a difference in the civility of a nation or region, imo.

Unfortunately, old habits are hard to kick.

We're still going back and forth about who should have how much of Jerusalem/Israel, a place that without it's significance in Abrahamic religions is nothing more than a barren desert with a nice coastline. If those involved could get out of the illogical fog of religion, they'd see a more prudent solution would be to ditch the shithole and move onto greener pastures where Islamic fundamentalism isn't threatening them from a stones throw away...a distance that's currently highly feasible to a backwards monotheistic culture that lacks the modern technology and organization to launch an offensive without it being directly next to them.


You saw what happens when a "weak" President tries to "get along" with islamic countries. Rioting, our embassies attacked in 20 countries, and our ambassador murdered, and rumored tortured. Give us a current example of any islamic leader taking something for peace and "stopping" the aggressions.
Eric Rudolph did. He's the guy that bombed Olympic Park, a gay bar and an abortion clinic. The guy that walked into Doctor Tiller's church and shot him in front of his friends and family did it in the name of your god too. Wesbtborogh Baptist Church protests in the name of your god too.

Do you really want to get into the habit of painting an entire religion based on their extremists?

We shouldn't be trying to paint any religion based on their extremists, but anyone that looks at this with eyes wide open can see that Islam has many more extremists that are willing to do harm to others than any other religion. Taking the few extremists you find among Christians and trying to equate that to the extremists in Islam is a bit of a joke. Secondly, Jesus did not tell us to kill in the name of God, whereas it can be argued that Mohammed did tell people to kill in the name of God.

Instead of doing a little research and finding out the reason for their anger you make a blanket accusation...let's ;look a history:

1- The US has been financing the Palestininan genocide since 1949;

2- In 1953 the CIA overthrew Iran's Premier Mosaddegh ;

3- In 1990 the US invaded Iraq, murdered millions and remained there for 20 years;

4- on 3 July 1988 the USS Vincennes shot down Iran's CIVILIAN Air Flight 655 ;

5- now the US is threatening to invade Iran just because.

1. Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed over $4 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians to support at least three major U.S. policy priorities of interest to Congress:

2. True, and it is now 2012, 59 years later. So what!

3. The 1991 invasion of Iraq was to remove them from a sovereign nation named Kuwait that they had illegally invaded and were in the process of destroying.
The timeline is as follows:

January 16 1991
Gulf War starts. US-led coalition begins air strikes against Iraq.
Allied planes bomb Iraq: Kuwait's liberation begun, says US

February 27 1991
Kuwait is liberated after three-day ground operation.

March 3 1991
Iraq accepts terms of ceasefire.

April 6 1991
Iraq accepts UN resolution requiring it to end production of weapons of mass destruction and to allow monitoring by the UN special commission inspection team (Unscom).

You may have missed the N in UN. That stands for United Nations, not the United States.

4. The shoot down was ACCIDENTAL.

In 1996, the United States and Iran reached "an agreement in full and final settlement of all disputes, differences, claims, counterclaims" relating to the incident at the International Court of Justice.[4] As part of the settlement, the United States agreed to pay US$61.8 million, an average of $213,103.45 per passenger, in compensation to the families of the Iranian victims.

5. Perhaps we should invade their Embassy and hold a few hundred Iranians captive for a year or two. Paybacks are hell. And, the US is not threatening. nor will it invade Iran. We may assist Israel in stopping their development of nuclear weapons.
What are you calling for then?

Here's your chance to clarify your position.
:shock: Wow -- you're really asking, instead of dictating?

You might be salvageable.

I'm calling for live and let live. But if you attack me and mine, the response will be swift and decisive and you will wish you'd stayed at home.


Get over yourself Dave, I get respect from all walks of life on this board, so long as they're not partisan hacks. Though it's small, my friends list contains more Conservatives than Liberals.
So you're calling for live and let live, that's great.

More specifically, what would you propose be done about the Islamic extremists that have no known nation?
Kill them wherever they are.
I'm one of the few that has given credit to Christians in this thread.

So, you don't get it. :thup:
You gave it grudgingly. And you never accepted my rebuttal to the post you kept whining about, exactly as I predicted you would.

It doesn't matter, if it's done it's done.

See, I don't even care that you considered my statement to be made begrudgingly. It is what it is.
You're not quite as big an asshole as I thought.

...what? That's a compliment! Right?
:shock: Wow -- you're really asking, instead of dictating?

You might be salvageable.

I'm calling for live and let live. But if you attack me and mine, the response will be swift and decisive and you will wish you'd stayed at home.


Get over yourself Dave, I get respect from all walks of life on this board, so long as they're not partisan hacks. Though it's small, my friends list contains more Conservatives than Liberals.
So you're calling for live and let live, that's great.

More specifically, what would you propose be done about the Islamic extremists that have no known nation?
Kill them wherever they are.

You're not impressed with my bipartisan friendships on the board, big surprise, KG also hates it when things don't fit into her narrative.

Guess what? Killing them wherever they are is a ridiculous strategy, and I'm going out on a limb even calling it that. Too bad religion has to keep us in the region we don't need otherwise.
You gave it grudgingly. And you never accepted my rebuttal to the post you kept whining about, exactly as I predicted you would.

It doesn't matter, if it's done it's done.

See, I don't even care that you considered my statement to be made begrudgingly. It is what it is.
You're not quite as big an asshole as I thought.

...what? That's a compliment! Right?

I guess, but you really had no reason to think I was an asshole in the first place.
Not the point. Do Christians want to be painted with the same brush as Phelps, yes or no?
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Someone criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

Piss poor deflection especially since you couldn't be further from the truth. I don't think that most Christians hate fags or want to blow up abortion clinics. I believe that fundamentalist extremists do.
I was speaking generally, not of you specifically.

And yes, that attitude is undeniably there. In every single thread that has some criticism of Islam, a leftist has to bring up Christianity -- as if that excuses Islam or renders moot the criticism of Islam.

You're free to find a thread where that doesn't happen. I won't hold my breath.
If you don't embrace free speech, you are not an American. Your just some asshole who want's to fundamentally change it! Remind you of someone ?
How many people has Fred killed today?

That's more deflection. Again, it's okay...you're refusal to answer is answer enough. You don't want too admit for all to see that you're a pathetic hypocrite. We all see anyway.

Eric Rudolph killed at least two, if not more. That more your style? Do you want to be associated with him, Christian?

Okay, this is just funny. You are comparing one man that killed two people as an extremist to a religion where one percent of extremists would number fifteen million extremists, that murder, rape, sexually abuse boys every day, and you want to tell us based on that "one" man, these two religions are the same?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
So it looks like when I said:
It's a tropism with some people. Someone criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"​
...it applied to Seawytch, despite her denial.
KG, are you ever going to reply to my statement that doesn't fit your extremist narrative?

You mean this one, that none of the Cons in this thread seem to want to respond to...

I give credit to Christians for being able to, however begrudgingly, accept living in a society with secular laws. That's probably the biggest difference between most religions and Islam over the last 500 years, and it truly makes quite a difference in the civility of a nation or region, imo.

Unfortunately, old habits are hard to kick.

We're still going back and forth about who should have how much of Jerusalem/Israel, a place that without it's significance in Abrahamic religions is nothing more than a barren desert with a nice coastline. If those involved could get out of the illogical fog of religion, they'd see a more prudent solution would be to ditch the shithole and move onto greener pastures where Islamic fundamentalism isn't threatening them from a stones throw away...a distance that's currently highly feasible to a backwards monotheistic culture that lacks the modern technology and organization to launch an offensive without it being directly next to them.


You saw what happens when a "weak" President tries to "get along" with islamic countries. Rioting, our embassies attacked in 20 countries, and our ambassador murdered, and rumored tortured. Give us a current example of any islamic leader taking something for peace and "stopping" the aggressions.

Not the point. Do Christians want to be painted with the same brush as Phelps, yes or no?
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Someone criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

Piss poor deflection especially since you couldn't be further from the truth. I don't think that most Christians hate fags or want to blow up abortion clinics. I believe that fundamentalist extremists do.

Talk about bigoted.......
Sorry bout that,

1. I only respect one religion, seeing God only has one.
2. Christ is the father of Christianity, and his religion is the only real one.
3. All others are cults.

That's more deflection. Again, it's okay...you're refusal to answer is answer enough. You don't want too admit for all to see that you're a pathetic hypocrite. We all see anyway.

Eric Rudolph killed at least two, if not more. That more your style? Do you want to be associated with him, Christian?

Okay, this is just funny. You are comparing one man that killed two people as an extremist to a religion where one percent of extremists would number fifteen million extremists, that murder, rape, sexually abuse boys every day, and you want to tell us based on that "one" man, these two religions are the same?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Extremism is extremism. Same whore, different dress.

You missed the point. Are you saying that Christians tend to have as many extremists as islam? Are you saying the religions are the same based on the example you provided?
It wasn't that long as you think. There are many like that they just have different shaped heads. I don't know how to post pictures using my IPad. So can't do that. It's a fact he was a middle eastern Jew. Not European. All those pictures are artist imaginations.

Which is my point, idiot.

He's wasn't European. There are many people like that with similar noses in the Israel/Palestinian region. And Jesus was a little more thin than most people today

You know how much he weighed?
We shouldn't be trying to paint any religion based on their extremists, but anyone that looks at this with eyes wide open can see that Islam has many more extremists that are willing to do harm to others than any other religion. Taking the few extremists you find among Christians and trying to equate that to the extremists in Islam is a bit of a joke. Secondly, Jesus did not tell us to kill in the name of God, whereas it can be argued that Mohammed did tell people to kill in the name of God.

Instead of doing a little research and finding out the reason for their anger you make a blanket accusation...let's ;look a history:

1- The US has been financing the Palestininan genocide since 1949;

2- In 1953 the CIA overthrew Iran's Premier Mosaddegh ;

3- In 1990 the US invaded Iraq, murdered millions and remained there for 20 years;

4- on 3 July 1988 the USS Vincennes shot down Iran's CIVILIAN Air Flight 655 ;

5- now the US is threatening to invade Iran just because.

1. Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed over $4 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid. Successive Administrations have requested aid for the Palestinians to support at least three major U.S. policy priorities of interest to Congress:

The Palestinians have the right to Palestine in its entirety. The zionists have been allowed to colonize the West bank. The US and the Talmudist state are in the process of punishing the Gaza Strip residents for daring to use democracy to elect Hamas.

2. True, and it is now 2012, 59 years later. So what!

The WTC is down, 3 thousand individuals perished and a new federal agency TSA gets to play with and steal my junk

3. The 1991 invasion of Iraq was to remove them from a sovereign nation named Kuwait that they had illegally invaded and were in the process of destroying.

Excuse me vernon. WHEN did Kuwait become a sovereign nation?!?!?

Kuwait was part of Iraq . It was controlled by the UK. While Iraq was fighting against Iran in order to please Reagan and Rumfilled Kuwait stole the Ramallah oild fields. Bush I authorized Saddam to invade Kuwait and recoover the oil fields then without warning he changed his mind.

4. The shoot down was ACCIDENTAL.

As was Pan Am Flight 103, while flying over Lockerbie ,

. We may assist Israel in stopping their development of nuclear weapons.


Israel and the US have nuclear weapons. The US used them criminally in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Iran has NEVER invaded a foreign country.

Get over yourself Dave, I get respect from all walks of life on this board, so long as they're not partisan hacks. Though it's small, my friends list contains more Conservatives than Liberals.
So you're calling for live and let live, that's great.

More specifically, what would you propose be done about the Islamic extremists that have no known nation?
Kill them wherever they are.

You're not impressed with my bipartisan friendships on the board, big surprise, KG also hates it when things don't fit into her narrative.
"But some of my best friends are _______!"

Uh huh. :lol:
Guess what? Killing them wherever they are is a ridiculous strategy, and I'm going out on a limb even calling it that. Too bad religion has to keep us in the region we don't need otherwise.
Ridiculous? What would you do? Send a strongly-worded letter? Offer to bake cookies with them?

You can't negotiate with people who want you dead. They will only accept your death.

If you want to make them happy, go for it. But you don't get to offer anyone else's life along with your own.

Pffft. And liberals wonder why they can't be trusted with national security. They're fucking clueless.
It doesn't matter, if it's done it's done.

See, I don't even care that you considered my statement to be made begrudgingly. It is what it is.
You're not quite as big an asshole as I thought.

...what? That's a compliment! Right?

I guess, but you really had no reason to think I was an asshole in the first place.
Oh, no, not at all. You just said me and other Christians were nostalgic for the Crusades and the Inquisition.

YOu mean other than the Spanish INquisition and the Holocaust?

If it were actually possible to blame the Holocaust on Christians Mahmūd Ahmadinezhād wouldn't have to deny it. That makes you wackier than the weirdos what wants us to forget stuff that happened in living memory.

Um. Hitler was a Christian.

Most Germans were Christians. The ones who weren't found themselves exploring new career oppurtunities as bars of soap and lampshades.

The Wehrmacht marched around Europe with Belt-Buckles that said "Gott Mitt Uns" (God with Us!)

You are still crazier than an outhouse rat.

Um, Hitler's religion is debated among scholars.
Wow. The historical ignorance is stunning.
Excuse me vernon. WHEN did Kuwait become a sovereign nation?!?!?

Kuwait was part of Iraq . It was controlled by the UK. While Iraq was fighting against Iran in order to please Reagan and Rumfilled Kuwait stole the Ramallah oild fields. Bush I authorized Saddam to invade Kuwait and recoover the oil fields then without warning he changed his mind.
Kuwait because a sovereign nation in 1961 -- 29 years before Iraq's invasion.
4. The shoot down was ACCIDENTAL.

As was Pan Am Flight 103, while flying over Lockerbie ,

It was not an accidental shoot-down. It was a deliberate bombing.

What kind of a retard are you?

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