I am American, and I respect Christianity.

Why don't you folks sac up and just call for all-out war on Islam?

So much pussyfooting.
Outside of a few nuts, who's calling for that?

Oh, yeah -- no one.

Perhaps if you listened to what people are saying, instead of letting your irrational hatred do your thinking for you, you wouldn't be so ignorant.

What are you calling for then?

Here's your chance to clarify your position.
:shock: Wow -- you're really asking, instead of dictating?

You might be salvageable.

I'm calling for live and let live. But if you attack me and mine, the response will be swift and decisive and you will wish you'd stayed at home.

Yep because all people from the Middle East have that classical Renaissance nose.


That was Jesus who he posted on the right. And Muhammad on the left. No that is a middle eastern nose.

I defy you to find a single picture of a Middle Eastern Jew or Arab that has a long, straight, thin nose.

It wasn't that long as you think. There are many like that they just have different shaped heads. I don't know how to post pictures using my IPad. So can't do that. It's a fact he was a middle eastern Jew. Not European. All those pictures are artist imaginations.
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You don't get it Dave, but you don't get much.
Oh, I get it. You're bitterly clinging to the stereotypes of Christians and conservatives that you've been fed, and can't accept that reality doesn't support your views. So you're lashing out, and throwing in the obligatory leftist unmerited arrogance to boot.

See? I get it perfectly.

I'm one of the few that has given credit to Christians in this thread.

So, you don't get it. :thup:
You gave it grudgingly. And you never accepted my rebuttal to the post you kept whining about, exactly as I predicted you would.
Outside of a few nuts, who's calling for that?

Oh, yeah -- no one.

Perhaps if you listened to what people are saying, instead of letting your irrational hatred do your thinking for you, you wouldn't be so ignorant.

What are you calling for then?

Here's your chance to clarify your position.
:shock: Wow -- you're really asking, instead of dictating?

You might be salvageable.

I'm calling for live and let live. But if you attack me and mine, the response will be swift and decisive and you will wish you'd stayed at home.


Get over yourself Dave, I get respect from all walks of life on this board, so long as they're not partisan hacks. Though it's small, my friends list contains more Conservatives than Liberals.

So you're calling for live and let live, that's great.

More specifically, what would you propose be done about the Islamic extremists that have no known nation?
Oh, I get it. You're bitterly clinging to the stereotypes of Christians and conservatives that you've been fed, and can't accept that reality doesn't support your views. So you're lashing out, and throwing in the obligatory leftist unmerited arrogance to boot.

See? I get it perfectly.

I'm one of the few that has given credit to Christians in this thread.

So, you don't get it. :thup:
You gave it grudgingly. And you never accepted my rebuttal to the post you kept whining about, exactly as I predicted you would.

It doesn't matter, if it's done it's done.

See, I don't even care that you considered my statement to be made begrudgingly. It is what it is.
"And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death."

Leviticus 24:16

Translation: Kill the unbelievers

Please understand that was OT. That was when sins were passed from generation to generation. Now if you want to Blaspheme the Lord, it is on your head, not your children's souls. Yeshua told us to spread the good word, and if people don't want to listen, shake the dust from your feet as you are leaving (the Lord has it from there).
He protests funerals.

We've been told that's just as bad as killing people.

Not the point. Do Christians want to be painted with the same brush as Phelps, yes or no?
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Someone criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

Piss poor deflection especially since you couldn't be further from the truth. I don't think that most Christians hate fags or want to blow up abortion clinics. I believe that fundamentalist extremists do.
That was Jesus who he posted on the right. And Muhammad on the left. No that is a middle eastern nose.

I defy you to find a single picture of a Middle Eastern Jew or Arab that has a long, straight, thin nose.

It wasn't that long as you think. There are many like that they just have different shaped heads. I don't know how to post pictures using my IPad. So can't do that. It's a fact he was a middle eastern Jew. Not European. All those pictures are artist imaginations.

Which is my point, idiot.
"And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death."

Leviticus 24:16

Translation: Kill the unbelievers

The new Testament changed that.
I defy you to find a single picture of a Middle Eastern Jew or Arab that has a long, straight, thin nose.

It wasn't that long as you think. There are many like that they just have different shaped heads. I don't know how to post pictures using my IPad. So can't do that. It's a fact he was a middle eastern Jew. Not European. All those pictures are artist imaginations.

Which is my point, idiot.

He's wasn't European. There are many people like that with similar noses in the Israel/Palestinian region. And Jesus was a little more thin than most people today
The answer is I'll get no answer I'm sure. Of course Kosher doesn't want to be painted with the same brush as the lovely and talented Phelps/Roper family. Those good Christians that believe so deeply in the word of their god that they protest funerals.

Well guess what Kosh, Muslims don't want to be painted by the actions of their extremists either.


Yet unlike Christians who vehemently and vociferously DENOUNCE the Fred Phelps's of the world, Muslims insist on standing silently by while their extremists murder thousands of 'infidels' every fucking MONTH.

There is NO comparison.

There are a billion and a half Muslims in the world. If they actually believed infidels should be killed, the world would be in chaos. Muslims are peace loving and hard working.
There is a small percent who are involved in religious activism and terrorism. And yes, they are condemned by most Muslims ....especially bin Laden

Newsflash, the world is in chaos, especially the ME (where the muslims are).
Why were the muslims in the ME protests chanting they are all (Osama bin Laden)?
Which, incidentally, doesn't encourage psychotic murderers.


The Christian Crusades

Pope Urban II (1088-1099, see art below) was responsible for assisting Emperor Alexus I (1081-1118) of Constantinople in launching the first crusade. He made one of the most influential speeches in the Middle Ages, calling on Christian princes in Europe to go on a crusade to rescue the Holy Land from the Turks. In the speech given at the Council of Clermont in France, on November 27, 1095, he combined the ideas of making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with that of waging a holy war against infidels.1


What does RESCUE mean to you? If people are defending their lives and property does that make them psychotic murderers? Or would the psychotic murderers be the ones invading?
The Anti-God Hate Squad always use logic when debating the issue of God and yet where is the logic, even the sanity in HATING and obsessing about something which never existed in their feeble minds??? WTF??!! I N S A N I T Y------ L O O N S----- D E R A N G E D.........> The Godless Left.

Speak for yourself....you have no clue how many left leaning Christians there are. Why don't you address the atheists for what they are?....atheists. But no, just as you do with Muslims....you lump every person who doesn't follow the radical right meme as Anti-God, God haters, and Anti-Christian.

It's time for you guys to think beyond political talking points...because that's all this is to you. You don't care about God...you care about fighting with your brothers and sisters on an Internet message board. You don't care about morality, you care about cherry picked issues that your propagandists fuel outrage on, and ignore much bigger ones that affect every one of us.

I am a Christian, I am an American, and I am a Democrat. You and your Corporate Propaganda Networks do NOT get to decide who is a Christian, or a "real" American.

Just make sure you're on the right side on this stuff. I don't think God is about wealth, greed and power. God is certainly not about hate. God is about love, compassion and servitude. Not just towards people you like...But your enemies too...yes, even the ones you think "want to kill you".

Matthew 5:43-48

New International Version (NIV)
Love for Enemies

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Which, incidentally, doesn't encourage psychotic murderers.

There is a difference between traditional "Middle Eastern" Christianity and what passes for Christianity in the US today.

You will never see ME Christians shouting "let him die" and "applauding executions". You will never hear them saying, "Feed the poor and they will breed".

The religion as split. Their beliefs aren't fundagelical or Republican beliefs, not for the most part. Today's Christian Republicans worship the "Golden Calf".

It's lucky we have Youtube. I like being able to prove my assertions with actual video tape and sound. But it is awfully strange the right wing will believe the most bizarre lies made up about Obama but refuse to believe Mitt with it's his own words coming out of his own mouth. Dog abuse is a perfect example. There it is right on tape. Even being told what he did was against the law. And USMB Republicans will say not only didn't it happen, but they will say they don't have to watch that video because they already know the truth. How many times have they said this or something similar to other links or videos?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O5II0ZBCuA]Romney ties his dog to the roof of his car in an airtight kennel?! - YouTube[/ame]
Which, incidentally, doesn't encourage psychotic murderers.

YOu mean other than the Spanish INquisition and the Holocaust?

If it were actually possible to blame the Holocaust on Christians Mahmūd Ahmadinezhād wouldn't have to deny it. That makes you wackier than the weirdos what wants us to forget stuff that happened in living memory.

Um. Hitler was a Christian.

Most Germans were Christians. The ones who weren't found themselves exploring new career oppurtunities as bars of soap and lampshades.

The Wehrmacht marched around Europe with Belt-Buckles that said "Gott Mitt Uns" (God with Us!)

You are still crazier than an outhouse rat.
How many people has Fred killed today?

That's more deflection. Again, it's okay...you're refusal to answer is answer enough. You don't want too admit for all to see that you're a pathetic hypocrite. We all see anyway.

Eric Rudolph killed at least two, if not more. That more your style? Do you want to be associated with him, Christian?

Okay, this is just funny. You are comparing one man that killed two people as an extremist to a religion where one percent of extremists would number fifteen million extremists, that murder, rape, sexually abuse boys every day, and you want to tell us based on that "one" man, these two religions are the same?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
How many people has Fred killed today?

That's more deflection. Again, it's okay...you're refusal to answer is answer enough. You don't want too admit for all to see that you're a pathetic hypocrite. We all see anyway.

Eric Rudolph killed at least two, if not more. That more your style? Do you want to be associated with him, Christian?

Okay, this is just funny. You are comparing one man that killed two people as an extremist to a religion where one percent of extremists would number fifteen million extremists, that murder, rape, sexually abuse boys every day, and you want to tell us based on that "one" man, these two religions are the same?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Extremism is extremism. Same whore, different dress.

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