I am American, and I respect Christianity.

That would be the guy who dismisses a large part of the world simply because it doesn't rise up to his enlightened position and insist on being a "backwards monotheistic culture," and pointing out that they "lacks the modern technology and organization."

Yet, somehow, you are going to try and turn that into me being a bigot.

I'm not the one throwing around the term like an idiot.

That was a pretty impressive reach though.

Did I misquote you?

Nope, just completely misunderstood it. It happens, I forgive you.

If you look you will see that he has the same classical nose structure of the white European that the Dissent posted.

No he's not white or blue eyes. He was a little brown and red since he was in a very hot climate without cars, condition, etc.

Thanks for proving you can't read.

He's not European he's middle eastern
The answer to that is obviously ‘yes.’

The answer is I'll get no answer I'm sure. Of course Kosher doesn't want to be painted with the same brush as the lovely and talented Phelps/Roper family. Those good Christians that believe so deeply in the word of their god that they protest funerals.

Well guess what Kosh, Muslims don't want to be painted by the actions of their extremists either.


As soon as members of the Phelps/Roper family strap a bomb on their back and blow up a bunch of people, feel free to make comparison to the Islamist terrorists. Everyone should defend muslims peacefully protesting, and take them to task if you oppose their position.

I despise the reasons for the Phelps/Roper protests, but defend their right to do so.
The left can't understand that.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

-- Evelyn Beatrice Hall and the American Right

I disapprove of what you say, so you should be prevented from saying it, and punished by the government if you do.

-- The American Left
Are you saying Muslims simply can't help but be violent and backward?

For further clarification, because I know you folks need it desperately, the Muslims that live in theocratic countries are behind the eight-ball when it comes to advancing their civilization, because religion stifles it when it runs the show.

Keep trying to label me as a bigot, I'm sure it'll be believable to most on the board that know better than to believe the nutters.
Typical leftist: YOU fuck up, and it's MY fault.

It's funny when you guys play "I didn't say what I said!!" :lol:
Are you saying Muslims simply can't help but be violent and backward?

For further clarification, because I know you folks need it desperately, the Muslims that live in theocratic countries are behind the eight-ball when it comes to advancing their civilization, because religion stifles it when it runs the show.

Keep trying to label me as a bigot, I'm sure it'll be believable to most on the board that know better than to believe the nutters.
Typical leftist: YOU fuck up, and it's MY fault.

It's funny when you guys play "I didn't say what I said!!" :lol:

You don't get it Dave, but you don't get much.
Look again quantnam these aren't 100% accurate pictures of Jesus or Muhamamd but they are very much like them. It's close very close

Yep because all people from the Middle East have that classical Renaissance nose.


That was Jesus who he posted on the right. And Muhammad on the left. No that is a middle eastern nose.

I defy you to find a single picture of a Middle Eastern Jew or Arab that has a long, straight, thin nose.
Why don't you folks sac up and just call for all-out war on Islam?

So much pussyfooting.
Outside of a few nuts, who's calling for that?

Oh, yeah -- no one.

Perhaps if you listened to what people are saying, instead of letting your irrational hatred do your thinking for you, you wouldn't be so ignorant.

What are you calling for then?

Here's your chance to clarify your position.
For further clarification, because I know you folks need it desperately, the Muslims that live in theocratic countries are behind the eight-ball when it comes to advancing their civilization, because religion stifles it when it runs the show.

Keep trying to label me as a bigot, I'm sure it'll be believable to most on the board that know better than to believe the nutters.
Typical leftist: YOU fuck up, and it's MY fault.

It's funny when you guys play "I didn't say what I said!!" :lol:

You don't get it Dave, but you don't get much.
Oh, I get it. You're bitterly clinging to the stereotypes of Christians and conservatives that you've been fed, and can't accept that reality doesn't support your views. So you're lashing out, and throwing in the obligatory leftist unmerited arrogance to boot.

See? I get it perfectly.
I understood it all too well, which is why you aren't arguing with my interpretation.

I wouldn't call my comments on it agreeing. Maybe you're misunderstanding that too.

I think you are having the problem with understanding. I didn't say you agreed, just that you did not argue.

I explained my stance, and it doesn't coincide with your claim.

How much effort should I put into talking with someone playing the bigot card to get out of a discussion?
Typical leftist: YOU fuck up, and it's MY fault.

It's funny when you guys play "I didn't say what I said!!" :lol:

You don't get it Dave, but you don't get much.
Oh, I get it. You're bitterly clinging to the stereotypes of Christians and conservatives that you've been fed, and can't accept that reality doesn't support your views. So you're lashing out, and throwing in the obligatory leftist unmerited arrogance to boot.

See? I get it perfectly.

I'm one of the few that has given credit to Christians in this thread.

So, you don't get it. :thup:

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