I Am an American Liberal and I Vote Blue

If the Far left gets it's way, they will force laws down our throat that we disagree with. If you want solar power.......go for it.....I don't care......don't force me to do the same.........If I buy land and want to clear cut some of it. just to throw a dang football there that should be my choice and not someone else's choice.........shouldn't need permission......

In regards to working my butt off for a living........I should get to keep as much of my money as I can........Have no problem with the basics..........but to take from me to give to someone else who someone deems worthy.........that's charity forced on you and not under the original intent of the Constitution.

Listen to yourself! "If the far left get's it's way...!" :shok:

Hey! If the FAR RIGHT ever gets it's way around here it ain't gonna be too pretty either!

The difference between you and me is that neither fringe scares me, while you sir, appear terrified.

I guess that answers the question as to why you vote the way you vote, eh?
I'm not ordering the Dems or you to do anything now am I..................

I'm not the one trying to take more money out of your pocket.

I'm not the one going bat shit crazy to try and silence others because we disagree.

I'm not the one harassing people just trying to eat a meal............

Big BIG difference JOE.

I WANT the government to take money out of my pocket! As long as they spend it on things like roads, bridges and educating our collective spawn!

What we should be heading to DC with pitch-forks and torches in hand over is giving so much of our future to the Wal-marts and the Apples of the world that we have to borrow escalating billions from the Chinese and OPEC just to keep our government and it's Military Industrial Complex open for business. It's embarrassing!

U.S. debt is on track to grow to highest levels in the history of the U.S., says CBO

Who is harassing someone for eating a meal? :dunno: I must have missed that one on the evening news.
You must be living under a rock if you haven't seen the radicals harassing people for supporting Trump.

In regards to roads and such.............I don't have a problem with that and that is a basic function of the Gov't under the Constitution...................Not to give out to any dang thing they please which usually is what lines their pockets to get into the millionaires club.
Threads like this are why i've been and will stay a non partisan

We exist in an oligarchy cloaked in the guise of choice , constantly pitting party against party

The targets change every now and then, but this shtick never does.

Do you not realize the incubents of both work for the same people?

And no, it's not you, I, or 'we the people'

Then, here's hoping you like the new Hemisphere 1, and the UN rule of law....

Generalized labeling and fear mongering among the uneducated.

If the UN follows the guidelines set forth in the United States Constitution, it is following a leader worth following and is of zero concern. If the UN tries to impose Muslim Sharia Law, it's Christian equivalent, or any other bullshit that does not follow the guidelines set forth in The United States Constitution, fuck 'em. That kind of tyranny is EXACTLY why I thank MY god every day that I was born in a place where the people have banded together under a democratic contract to pay for a military capable of defending themselves from such crap.
When did the UN ever follow the US constitution?

Don't know and don't care.

As long as they do they are of no concern other than the cost and effectiveness of the bureaucracy. If ever they don't, fuck em.

They never pay any respect to the American constitution. Their entire reason for being is to do the exact opposite.

Uneducated extremist fear mongering unless you can link to the page in the UN charter declaring it's opposition to The US Constitution specifically or Democracy in general.

I'll not be holding my breath.....
In regards to roads and such.............I don't have a problem with that and that is a basic function of the Gov't under the Constitution...................Not to give out to any dang thing they please which usually is what lines their pockets to get into the millionaires club.

The more you say the less I understand your bright red vote.....
In regards to roads and such.............I don't have a problem with that and that is a basic function of the Gov't under the Constitution...................Not to give out to any dang thing they please which usually is what lines their pockets to get into the millionaires club.

The more you say the less I understand your bright red vote.....
Some are basic functions of society.........others not so much
We need to realize wedge issues are socially engineered towards us 'wee folk' to continually spin the political paradox right or left, spawing extreemism

9 out of 10 USMB political threads embrace this same shtick , usually starting with some level of sanity, devolving as it progresses

This is the national gestalt , and it is something pushed by our leaders along with the insidious fear factors sewn in

One does not need be a world class psyhcologist to figure out why

In fact, the more extreemist groups rioting, the more mass shootings , the more we all fall right on into being sujugated , police statism , powerless , shepeople

I can’t see voting dimshit if you like freedom.
The whole idea of their platform is to deny personal freedoms and control everything with governmental power as long as THEY are in control.

The oshit campaign chairman david axelrod
said “if we could have Obama as dictator for 12 years we could get this country where we want it.” (pp)
The dimshit agenda is to be a ruling class one party rule with no dissenting speech or ideas expressed. To punish any dissection with the power of the government and erase the Constitution. Way to goblet for some more of them. Just don’t cry when your rights are gone.

That is a very valid opinion. Thank you for bringing it to the discussion.

In my opening post, I lay out several very specific points of policy to support the thesis of and the reasons for my opinion.

Could you please elaborate on your opinion that "the whole idea of their platform is to deny personal freedoms..." by citing some examples?

If they're as common knowledge as the examples I gave above, I'll give you a pass on bringing links.

Second amendment, freedom of choice of doctor, insurance, freedom of choice of schools , first amendment protections, self protection freedom, hunting, land usage, . How many you want. Freedom to peacefully assemble. Freedom to eat in a restaurant in peace. Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure unless you are one of them. Freedom to live at all for intercity non thugs. Just the facts. Freedom from harassment, intimidation, extortion by their pets. Freedom to choose who you hire by actual merit related qualifications. Freedom to use a gender separate bathroom. Freedom to be born and even live for tens of thousands a year.

Real winners the murdering elitist ruling class socialist. They are lying to you OR you want to live in a failed government socialist state there is NO other reason to vote for any dimshit.

Guess what I am a DEMOCRAT, the dimocrats are NOT my party. They are the American communist party, they have been fighting to take over our party for years and I’ll informed voters like you have let them succeed at least for a while.
I believe that Government is a tool.

There's something President Trump and I appear to have in common, even if we disagree on what to build with it.
I believe that I'll have another beer and not look to government for happiness.
I voted straight Republican ticket................ROLL TIDE


There are only three reasons that I can come up for voting republican:

1. Extreme family wealth.

2. Fear.

3. Intolerance.

I hate to break it to you, but, unless you're wealthy, Freedom means all of us tolerating the rest of us, even the weird among us.

Except you're not tolerating the "blue haired church ladies" you're so afraid of. Their influence is waning, not growing, so why are you so afraid?
I vote blue not because I like Nancy P., but because of the growing control that the blue-haired church ladies and other special interests have over the only viable opposition, and the government can stay the fuck out of my bedroom and my liquor cabinet, thank you very much. :eusa_snooty:

I'm as tired of the aging leadership in the Democratic Party as I am of the aging leadership in the Republican Party. There's no good reason for the average age of Congressional and Senate leadership when you remove 'power' and 'corruption' from the table. None.

My strongest hope is that Mrs. Clinton fades in to the glory that she has already brought upon herself, and that AVG-Joe Biden establishes himself as an advice giving father figure-head party leader similar to Mr. Clinton, but without all the baggage and creepy vibes.

I am an American Liberal in the style of Thomas Jefferson, and I accuse the modern Republican Party of only bitching about deficit spending when they don't control the credit card. Y'all are a bunch of pussies.

Of course the economy is going balls-to-the-wall! The short-sighted Republicans just borrowed a bazillion dollars from The American Future and injected in to our economy!

As if we haven't hamstrung our grand kids badly enough. You assholes disgust me! I will never vote Republican again. If I can't stomach the opposition, I will abstain. You bastards should have spent that money on infrastructure.

I vote blue because the Republicans seem easily bought by special interests. I believe that the Republicans are more concerned with short-term profits than Americas Future.

I believe that, while most human activity and industry should be rewarded based on the effort and risk required to do it, 'profit' is the absolute worst reason for our Society to pursue a Medical Industry and a Pharmaceutical Industry, among others.

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.

I believe that US Citizenship makes each of us beholding to that contract, whether we like it or not.

My hope for the future is that the next president is smart enough demand a fair and simple tax code from congress, compassionate and decent enough to stop selling guns to the Arabs in spite of the fat profits, and smart enough not to listen to the blue-haired church ladies and write off the inadvertent steps in the right direction that Trump has made, like shaking things up in world trade.

The blue-haired church ladies are SO fucking conservative!


So how do you feel about the radical left and full-blown communists attempting to hijack your party, and what do you propose in order to prevent that from happening?

You are aware that the Democrat Party has a real problem brewing within its ranks, and how JFK felt about communism, right?

Did you even read my post? I know it's kinda long, but it's not a bad read....

Just because I refuse to vote Republican right now does NOT make me a Democrat.

Let the fringes on both sides have their voice - if America is working at all those voices will not be allowed to Gerrymander their way in to the main-stream.

Voting blue DOES, however, make you a democrat.

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