I Am an American Liberal and I Vote Blue

What the fuck makes you think I have any buddies? Furthermore, What am I supposed to do about it?

As long as everybody adheres to the rules - Thou shall not kill, etc. - everyone should be free to be as weird as they want, right? Isn't that what freedom is?

If not, who get's to decide?

I can’t see voting dimshit if you like freedom.
The whole idea of their platform is to deny personal freedoms and control everything with governmental power as long as THEY are in control.

The oshit campaign chairman david axelrod
said “if we could have Obama as dictator for 12 years we could get this country where we want it.” (pp)
The dimshit agenda is to be a ruling class one party rule with no dissenting speech or ideas expressed. To punish any dissection with the power of the government and erase the Constitution. Way to goblet for some more of them. Just don’t cry when your rights are gone.
If the Far left gets it's way, they will force laws down our throat that we disagree with. If you want solar power.......go for it.....I don't care......don't force me to do the same.........If I buy land and want to clear cut some of it. just to throw a dang football there that should be my choice and not someone else's choice.........shouldn't need permission......

In regards to working my butt off for a living........I should get to keep as much of my money as I can........Have no problem with the basics..........but to take from me to give to someone else who someone deems worthy.........that's charity forced on you and not under the original intent of the Constitution.

Listen to yourself! "If the far left get's it's way...!" :shok:

Hey! If the FAR RIGHT ever gets it's way around here it ain't gonna be too pretty either!

The difference between you and me is that neither fringe scares me, while you sir, appear terrified.

I guess that answers the question as to why you vote the way you vote, eh?
If the Far left gets it's way, they will force laws down our throat that we disagree with. If you want solar power.......go for it.....I don't care......don't force me to do the same.........If I buy land and want to clear cut some of it. just to throw a dang football there that should be my choice and not someone else's choice.........shouldn't need permission......

In regards to working my butt off for a living........I should get to keep as much of my money as I can........Have no problem with the basics..........but to take from me to give to someone else who someone deems worthy.........that's charity forced on you and not under the original intent of the Constitution.

Listen to yourself! "If the far left get's it's way...!" :shok:

Hey! If the FAR RIGHT ever gets it's way around here it ain't gonna be too pretty either!

The difference between you and me is that neither fringe scares me, while you sir, appear terrified.

I guess that answers the question as to why you vote the way you vote, eh?
I'm not ordering the Dems or you to do anything now am I..................

I'm not the one trying to take more money out of your pocket.

I'm not the one going bat shit crazy to try and silence others because we disagree.

I'm not the one harassing people just trying to eat a meal............

Big BIG difference JOE.
I can’t see voting dimshit if you like freedom.
The whole idea of their platform is to deny personal freedoms and control everything with governmental power as long as THEY are in control.

The oshit campaign chairman david axelrod
said “if we could have Obama as dictator for 12 years we could get this country where we want it.” (pp)
The dimshit agenda is to be a ruling class one party rule with no dissenting speech or ideas expressed. To punish any dissection with the power of the government and erase the Constitution. Way to goblet for some more of them. Just don’t cry when your rights are gone.

That is a very valid opinion. Thank you for bringing it to the discussion.

In my opening post, I lay out several very specific points of policy to support the thesis of and the reasons for my opinion.

Could you please elaborate on your opinion that "the whole idea of their platform is to deny personal freedoms..." by citing some examples?

If they're as common knowledge as the examples I gave above, I'll give you a pass on bringing links.
AVG-Joe, I don't disagree will some of what you're saying, but I'm gonna rebut it if you don't mind: (your stuff is in italics)

I vote blue not because I like Nancy P., but because of the growing control that the blue-haired church ladies and other special interests have over the only viable opposition, and the government can stay the fuck out of my bedroom and my liquor cabinet, thank you very much. :eusa_snooty:

And you don't think the Dems have their own special interest groups that have them by the balls?

I'm as tired of the aging leadership in the Democratic Party as I am of the aging leadership in the Republican Party. There's no good reason for the average age of Congressional and Senate leadership when you remove 'power' and 'corruption' from the table. None.

And this point has what to do with voting for the Dems?

My strongest hope is that Mrs. Clinton fades in to the glory that she has already brought upon herself, and that AVG-Joe Biden establishes himself as an advice giving father figure-head party leader similar to Mr. Clinton, but without all the baggage and creepy vibes.


I am an American Liberal in the style of Thomas Jefferson, and I accuse the modern Republican Party of only bitching about deficit spending when they don't control the credit card. Y'all are a bunch of pussies.

Wait, haven't the Dems been doing the same thing about the deficits this year? Point taken however about the GOP.

Of course the economy is going balls-to-the-wall! The short-sighted Republicans just borrowed a bazillion dollars from The American Future and injected in to our economy!

I think a bazillion dollars is a bit overstating the tax cuts. And nobody who votes blue has any right to talk about borrowing money from America's future, not after Obama raised the national debt by nearly $10 tril.

As if we haven't hamstrung our grand kids badly enough. You assholes disgust me! I will never vote Republican again. If I can't stomach the opposition, I will abstain. You bastards should have spent that money on infrastructure.

The Dems should have spent that stimulus money on infrastructure too, doncha think? So you like tax and spend, the Dem mantra? You like 2% annual economic growth?

I vote blue because the Republicans seem easily bought by special interests. I believe that the Republicans are more concerned with short-term profits than Americas Future.

You think the Dems are any less easily bought? Really? You think the Dems are more concerned about America's future? Tell me why, I wanna know cuz I ain't seeing it.

I believe that, while most human activity and industry should be rewarded based on the effort and risk required to do it, 'profit' is the absolute worst reason for our Society to pursue a Medical Industry and a Pharmaceutical Industry, among others.

Okay Joe, tell me how any other reason provides so much more prosperity to EVERYBODY that 'profit' does, otherwise known as capitalism. Tell me about the innovations that any other country or economic model provides that comes close to what 'profit' does. I won't be holding my breath.

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.

Rich ass-holes have their benefactors in both parties Joe. I think you're greatly mistaken if you don't realize how much the Dems are controlled by rich ass-holes.

I believe that US Citizenship makes each of us beholding to that contract, whether we like it or not.

WTF does this mean and why is it a reason to vote blue?

My hope for the future is that the next president is smart enough demand a fair and simple tax code from congress, compassionate and decent enough to stop selling guns to the Arabs in spite of the fat profits, and smart enough not to listen to the blue-haired church ladies and write off the inadvertent steps in the right direction that Trump has made, like shaking things up in world trade.

I wouldn't mind a fairer and simpler tax code either. What makes you think the Dems will do that more than the GOP?
Selling guns to the Arabs? Gee, I wonder if the Dems did that when Obama was in office. Bet they did. I know they sold a good bit of our uranium to the Russkies, in a round about way.
Do you think the trade imbalance was a fair deal for the last several decades? What's your position on the theft of intellectual property? Trump is trying to redress that balance to be at least closer to even, WTF is wrong with that?

The blue-haired church ladies are SO fucking conservative!

The last I heard, they don't shoot anybody, nor prevent anybody from speaking somewhere, so what if they have their religious beliefs? Which apparently you have a problem with. The Dems showed their true colors and total lack of scruples during the Kavanaugh confirmation process, it was the most disgusting and despicable set of actions I've ever seen in politics. You like identity politics? You like intimidation politics, how do you feel about Repubs being forced out of public restaurants and such places? Are you okay with that? I don't see anybody doing that the people on the Left.
I vote blue not because I like Nancy P., but because of the growing control that the blue-haired church ladies and other special interests have over the only viable opposition, and the government can stay the fuck out of my bedroom and my liquor cabinet, thank you very much. :eusa_snooty:

I'm as tired of the aging leadership in the Democratic Party as I am of the aging leadership in the Republican Party. There's no good reason for the average age of Congressional and Senate leadership when you remove 'power' and 'corruption' from the table. None.

My strongest hope is that Mrs. Clinton fades in to the glory that she has already brought upon herself, and that AVG-Joe Biden establishes himself as an advice giving father figure-head party leader similar to Mr. Clinton, but without all the baggage and creepy vibes.

I am an American Liberal in the style of Thomas Jefferson, and I accuse the modern Republican Party of only bitching about deficit spending when they don't control the credit card. Y'all are a bunch of pussies.

Of course the economy is going balls-to-the-wall! The short-sighted Republicans just borrowed a bazillion dollars from The American Future and injected in to our economy!

As if we haven't hamstrung our grand kids badly enough. You assholes disgust me! I will never vote Republican again. If I can't stomach the opposition, I will abstain. You bastards should have spent that money on infrastructure.

I vote blue because the Republicans seem easily bought by special interests. I believe that the Republicans are more concerned with short-term profits than Americas Future.

I believe that, while most human activity and industry should be rewarded based on the effort and risk required to do it, 'profit' is the absolute worst reason for our Society to pursue a Medical Industry and a Pharmaceutical Industry, among others.

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.

I believe that US Citizenship makes each of us beholding to that contract, whether we like it or not.

My hope for the future is that the next president is smart enough demand a fair and simple tax code from congress, compassionate and decent enough to stop selling guns to the Arabs in spite of the fat profits, and smart enough not to listen to the blue-haired church ladies and write off the inadvertent steps in the right direction that Trump has made, like shaking things up in world trade.

The blue-haired church ladies are SO fucking conservative!


Give the blue haired lady’s time. They will just die.
If the Far left gets it's way, they will force laws down our throat that we disagree with. If you want solar power.......go for it.....I don't care......don't force me to do the same.........If I buy land and want to clear cut some of it. just to throw a dang football there that should be my choice and not someone else's choice.........shouldn't need permission......

In regards to working my butt off for a living........I should get to keep as much of my money as I can........Have no problem with the basics..........but to take from me to give to someone else who someone deems worthy.........that's charity forced on you and not under the original intent of the Constitution.

Listen to yourself! "If the far left get's it's way...!" :shok:

Hey! If the FAR RIGHT ever gets it's way around here it ain't gonna be too pretty either!

The difference between you and me is that neither fringe scares me, while you sir, appear terrified.

I guess that answers the question as to why you vote the way you vote, eh?
I'm not ordering the Dems or you to do anything now am I..................

I'm not the one trying to take more money out of your pocket.

I'm not the one going bat shit crazy to try and silence others because we disagree.

I'm not the one harassing people just trying to eat a meal............

Big BIG difference JOE.

I WANT the government to take money out of my pocket! As long as they spend it on things like roads, bridges and educating our collective spawn!

What we should be heading to DC with pitch-forks and torches in hand over is giving so much of our future to the Wal-marts and the Apples of the world that we have to borrow escalating billions from the Chinese and OPEC just to keep our government and it's Military Industrial Complex open for business. It's embarrassing!

U.S. debt is on track to grow to highest levels in the history of the U.S., says CBO

Who is harassing someone for eating a meal? :dunno: I must have missed that one on the evening news.
I believe that, while most human activity and industry should be rewarded based on the effort and risk required to do it, 'profit' is the absolute worst reason for our Society to pursue a Medical Industry and a Pharmaceutical Industry, among others.

Okay Joe, tell me how any other reason provides so much more prosperity to EVERYBODY that 'profit' does, otherwise known as capitalism. Tell me about the innovations that any other country or economic model provides that comes close to what 'profit' does. I won't be holding my breath.

Capitalism and profit, combined with a promise of quality education for all, are the fuels that will carry Man to the stars. Government is the tool you will use to build the economy that your spawn will drive to the stars. Bookmark these words.

That said, some human activity and industry will need to be done because it will need to be done whether or not there is any 'profit'.

Will you wallow in sewage just because there is no money to be made in it's removal?​

I say we band together and wield the tool of 'government' against the unprofitable problems of modern life!

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.
Rich ass-holes have their benefactors in both parties Joe. I think you're greatly mistaken if you don't realize how much the Dems are controlled by rich ass-holes.

You're missing the point: The reason for The Constitution in the first place.

The only reason Europe had kings was that families evolved on this dog-eat-dog world who could hold on to enough income producing wealth to afford armies.

A small group of VOLUNTEERS calling themselves We, The Peeps decided throw their lots and taxes in with each other to pursue a different and hopefully better way.

They were smart enough to give us the elegant document that we cherish today, with it's renouncing of royalty and it's promise of equality, yet too weak to live up to their own ideals that they'd so carefully committed to words on paper, allowing the special interests of the day to thrive on slavery.

America has been taking baby steps toward fulfilling the promise of that special document ever since, and with every group of weirdos and odd-balls that successfully use it's argument of equality for ALL to obtain their rightful slice of the American Pie, We, The Peeps, inch closer to the tolerance and freedom required to lead humanity to the stars.

Baby steps to the stars, baby! :thup:


Like the Freedom to not install Solar Panels on your roof unless you choose to..............or how about being able to cut a tree down on your property without a permit...........from the State of California.............or how about being able to keep more of your money instead of the gov't taking more............How about not agreeing with what people say PEACEFULLY............I'm gonna support the ones with masks and metal pipes......LOL.......I don't think so......

Hate to break it too you............Dems aren't about Freedom............and neither party gives a shit about you or me.

Some shit you need to work out with your neighbors... Government is just a tool, nothing more.

Are you quitting? Just gonna give up?

Quitting what.............I vote for the lesser of evils...........believe like most that our gov't mostly sucks..........and watch Alabama kick ass during Football season.

What else should I do...........

Whatever you want! Ass-u-me-ing your activities don't violate the rights of any of your weirdo neighbors.

Don't quit! Discuss, teach, listen, learn, consider your spawn and then vote your heart.
Then, here's hoping you like the new Hemisphere 1, and the UN rule of law....

Generalized labeling and fear mongering among the uneducated.

If the UN follows the guidelines set forth in the United States Constitution, it is following a leader worth following and is of zero concern. If the UN tries to impose Muslim Sharia Law, it's Christian equivalent, or any other bullshit that does not follow the guidelines set forth in The United States Constitution, fuck 'em. That kind of tyranny is EXACTLY why I thank MY god every day that I was born in a place where the people have banded together under a democratic contract to pay for a military capable of defending themselves from such crap.
I voted straight Republican ticket................ROLL TIDE


There are only three reasons that I can come up for voting republican:

1. Extreme family wealth.

2. Fear.

3. Intolerance.

I hate to break it to you, but, unless you're wealthy, Freedom means all of us tolerating the rest of us, even the weird among us.

You can only think of three because you lack the capacity for rational thought.
Then, here's hoping you like the new Hemisphere 1, and the UN rule of law....

Generalized labeling and fear mongering among the uneducated.

If the UN follows the guidelines set forth in the United States Constitution, it is following a leader worth following and is of zero concern. If the UN tries to impose Muslim Sharia Law, it's Christian equivalent, or any other bullshit that does not follow the guidelines set forth in The United States Constitution, fuck 'em. That kind of tyranny is EXACTLY why I thank MY god every day that I was born in a place where the people have banded together under a democratic contract to pay for a military capable of defending themselves from such crap.
When did the UN ever follow the US constitution?
Why don't you just tell everyone that you're a brain damaged moron?
bripat9643, how many times do we need to discuss trolling?

Remember... If the post you are about to publish is all about another member of the community and fails to address the subject of the thread, it's a total troll post and the author should be ashamed of him/herself!

Then, here's hoping you like the new Hemisphere 1, and the UN rule of law....

Generalized labeling and fear mongering among the uneducated.

If the UN follows the guidelines set forth in the United States Constitution, it is following a leader worth following and is of zero concern. If the UN tries to impose Muslim Sharia Law, it's Christian equivalent, or any other bullshit that does not follow the guidelines set forth in The United States Constitution, fuck 'em. That kind of tyranny is EXACTLY why I thank MY god every day that I was born in a place where the people have banded together under a democratic contract to pay for a military capable of defending themselves from such crap.
When did the UN ever follow the US constitution?

Don't know and don't care.

As long as they do they are of no concern other than the cost and effectiveness of the bureaucracy. If ever they don't, fuck em.
Why don't you just tell everyone that you're a brain damaged moron?
bripat9643, how many times do we need to discuss trolling?

Remember... If the post you are about to publish is all about another member of the community and fails to address the subject of the thread, it's a total troll post and the author should be ashamed of him/herself!

I did what you asked. Now you're complaining?
Then, here's hoping you like the new Hemisphere 1, and the UN rule of law....

Generalized labeling and fear mongering among the uneducated.

If the UN follows the guidelines set forth in the United States Constitution, it is following a leader worth following and is of zero concern. If the UN tries to impose Muslim Sharia Law, it's Christian equivalent, or any other bullshit that does not follow the guidelines set forth in The United States Constitution, fuck 'em. That kind of tyranny is EXACTLY why I thank MY god every day that I was born in a place where the people have banded together under a democratic contract to pay for a military capable of defending themselves from such crap.
When did the UN ever follow the US constitution?

Don't know and don't care.

As long as they do they are of no concern other than the cost and effectiveness of the bureaucracy. If ever they don't, fuck em.
They never pay any respect to the American constitution. Their entire reason for being is to do the exact opposite.
Why don't you just tell everyone that you're a brain damaged moron?
bripat9643, how many times do we need to discuss trolling?

Remember... If the post you are about to publish is all about another member of the community and fails to address the subject of the thread, it's a total troll post and the author should be ashamed of him/herself!

I did what you asked. Now you're complaining?

That was your BEST shot? :razz: A no content troll?!?

That explains so much! :)
There are no communists in the US.Or pretty much anywhere. Its a label used to scare people into voting against their best interests.

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