I am beginning to think having 300 million +guns in the country isn't working out...

Idiotic to think you can make school shootings more illegal than they already are. Guns still haven't started killing people and people still are no less dead when killed with any other inanimate object than with a gun. If you wish to cut down on violence just stop beating this dead horse.
Gun laws simply disarm potential victims which empowers criminals.

Ah, the good old arguments.

Guns don't kill people, people do.

Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

"Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns."

Absolutely. Which is what makes it possible for somebodies' little old grandmother to successfully defend herself from a big burly ax murderer. Also makes it possible for armed employees to defend schoolchildren.Gun free zones only serve to attract crazies.

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

Somehow I suspect there are far more of both police officers and criminals in the US than in the UK and that there are far more lives protected with firearms.

The problem is, if you look at the statistics, it's better to not be able to defend yourself with a gun at the risk of being attacked by a gun.

3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns. The US murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK murder rate. So the UK murder rate is about the same as the US non-gun murder rate. Coincidence?

Somehow you suspect?

So you don't know? So you're literally taking the facts that I've presented and ignoring them because it's inconvenient for your narrative and making stuff up to fill the gaps?

Oh, wow.

Far more police officers means what?

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 140 US police officers, with guns, killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 0 UK police officers killed in the line of duty.

By the Numbers: How Many Cops Are There In the USA?

This guy estimates that there are at least 900,000 police officers in the US.

List of countries and dependencies by number of police officers - Wikipedia

Wikipedia estimates 913,000.

England and Wales has 198,000, plus 17,000 for Scotland and 7,000 for Northern Ireland. That's like 220,000 police officers which would be about comparible with the US per capita. They have 284 per 100,000 in the US and 302 in England and Wales though it's hard to define what is and what isn't a police officer and how much it impacts crime etc. So, we're almost in the same ballpark.

Are there more criminals? Certainly there are more locked up. But then you'd have to ask why the US has more criminals. I could give lots of suggested answers, like the US just doesn't give a shit.

But here's the reality. If guns save lives, why is the US murder rate higher, and why do FAR MORE police officers die every year?

140 in the US, this would be 28 police officers killed in the UK per year in order to be at the same level. You have to go back to October 1999 in order to achieve this level. That's 19 years. This means in the US a police officer is 19 times more likely to die doing their job than a British police office.
Also a US citizen if 4 times more likely to die than a UK citizen.

These are the facts. You can't dress them up with anything.

Having guns in society is more dangerous.
Help me out here. We can’t deport 11 million illegal immigrants because that is too hard. We can somehow round up an estimated 300 million firearms from some 150 million people with little or no trouble. It’s just impossible, too expensive, and too hard to deport the illegals. But it would be cheap and easy to round up guns.

Is that an accurate summation?
For the billionth time, super dupe, no one is even talking about taking away anybody's guns... You people are out of your mind s. We're talking about background checks and bump stocks and automatic weapons kits.
For the billionth time, super dupe, no one is even talking about taking away anybody's guns... You people are out of your mind s. We're talking about background checks and bump stocks and automatic we
Fuck all that.

We need machine guns now.

We will have them soon. Wait and see. Repeal is on the way.
Idiotic to think you can make school shootings more illegal than they already are. Guns still haven't started killing people and people still are no less dead when killed with any other inanimate object than with a gun. If you wish to cut down on violence just stop beating this dead horse.
Gun laws simply disarm potential victims which empowers criminals.

Ah, the good old arguments.

Guns don't kill people, people do.

Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

"Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns."

Absolutely. Which is what makes it possible for somebodies' little old grandmother to successfully defend herself from a big burly ax murderer. Also makes it possible for armed employees to defend schoolchildren.Gun free zones only serve to attract crazies.

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

Somehow I suspect there are far more of both police officers and criminals in the US than in the UK and that there are far more lives protected with firearms.

The problem is, if you look at the statistics, it's better to not be able to defend yourself with a gun at the risk of being attacked by a gun.

3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns. The US murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK murder rate. So the UK murder rate is about the same as the US non-gun murder rate. Coincidence?

Somehow you suspect?

So you don't know? So you're literally taking the facts that I've presented and ignoring them because it's inconvenient for your narrative and making stuff up to fill the gaps?

Oh, wow.

Far more police officers means what?

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 140 US police officers, with guns, killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 0 UK police officers killed in the line of duty.

By the Numbers: How Many Cops Are There In the USA?

This guy estimates that there are at least 900,000 police officers in the US.

List of countries and dependencies by number of police officers - Wikipedia

Wikipedia estimates 913,000.

England and Wales has 198,000, plus 17,000 for Scotland and 7,000 for Northern Ireland. That's like 220,000 police officers which would be about comparible with the US per capita. They have 284 per 100,000 in the US and 302 in England and Wales though it's hard to define what is and what isn't a police officer and how much it impacts crime etc. So, we're almost in the same ballpark.

Are there more criminals? Certainly there are more locked up. But then you'd have to ask why the US has more criminals. I could give lots of suggested answers, like the US just doesn't give a shit.

But here's the reality. If guns save lives, why is the US murder rate higher, and why do FAR MORE police officers die every year?

140 in the US, this would be 28 police officers killed in the UK per year in order to be at the same level. You have to go back to October 1999 in order to achieve this level. That's 19 years. This means in the US a police officer is 19 times more likely to die doing their job than a British police office.
Also a US citizen if 4 times more likely to die than a UK citizen.

These are the facts. You can't dress them up with anything.

Having guns in society is more dangerous.
Don't give a fuck.

Machine guns now.
How many shootings in schools is that 11 in 23 days? Great job!

It depends who's looking. The rich kids aren't getting shot at, so it's okay. As long as only poor and middle class kids are dying, who gives a fuck? So, one potential worker bee dies, well, there are loads more out there.
More frivolous gun laws will not save a single soul dumbass motherfucker. LOL
Explain how guns will be banned
Will be or could be? I don't know the future but there are a lot of ways firearms could be controlled. Legislation could be passed severely restricting the ownership of handguns and military style semi automatics. Carry of long guns in an urban setting could effectively be prohibited.
Donald Trump will probably be able to nominate two maybe three more Supreme Court justices, and Congress will not bring forth legislation on more frivolous gun laws and even if so Trump certainly would not sign it. So go back to your mothers basement you dumbass motherfucker. LOL
How many shootings in schools is that 11 in 23 days? Great job!
CCR sang "200 million guns are loaded" fifty years ago and we had virtually no school shootings then. Obviously the guns aren't the issue.
According to this there were less than 100 million in 1970
GUN WATCH: Firearms Numbers in the United States 1945 - 2012
Buy more guns and ammo… Just to piss you fucking snowflakes off. LOL
Don't we have laws against carrying bags of heroin and cocaine on the books? How is that working out???
They are confiscated when found. Apart from which, firearms are a lot more visible. But if you're saying the greatest country in the world is helpless to control firearms domestically, well everyone would have to agree on the evidence to date and the attitude of the populace.
You’re stupid in the head? Our military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment, They would never go against their own citizens on behalf of the federal government/deep state. You stupid fuck. LOL
Yes, US V Miller, ONLY firearms like the military would use in a war are protected.

Game. Set. Match.
Show me your 20mm cannon. Apart from that, amend the Constitution. It's not that these things are impossible, it's just the status quo is considered worthy of a few school kids by those who control American politicians. No worries, rather you than me.
Only "da gubermint" should have guns!!!! Worked out really great for those that were taken over by communist infiltration.
Pohahahahaha...wtf you gonna against an army? Worked well for the Afghans, Iraqis, and others. And the government got you the balls anyway.

Listen goofball travel abroad (if you can afford it) people live wonderfully without and they don't kill each by the thousands in 2018.
The US military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment you stupid ass motherfucker. Anyway Trump will never sign any frivolous going control legislation in Congress will not bring any forth. And Trump will probably be able to nominate two maybe three more Supreme Court justices who will be very pro-Second Amendment. So shove that up your fucking snowflake ass. Lol
Only "da gubermint" should have guns!!!! Worked out really great for those that were taken over by communist infiltration.
Pohahahahaha...wtf you gonna against an army? Worked well for the Afghans, Iraqis, and others. And the government got you the balls anyway.

Listen goofball travel abroad (if you can afford it) people live wonderfully without and they don't kill each by the thousands in 2018.

"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

How are people faring under the E.U? Once (and should it ever happen) that the people of this country ever have to surrender their ability to defend themselves? That is when commie fucks like you will beg that the "state" wasn't the only ones with the ability to defend themselves. Death via "gubermint" is responsible for the death of over 200 million people that were unarmed since 1900. Your commie utopia will not happen in your lifetime..........guaran-fucking- tee ya............too many with too many weapons.

bla bla bla ....the government owns you. They control every aspect of your life. They let you have toy guns, so when you lose it you either shoot your loved ones, a school, church, your family, or someone that cut you off...and then they will lock you or kill you.
Europe are doing just fine, Their kids don't get shot at schools.
There are a lot more things dangerous than firearms in this country you stupid ass motherfucker. It’s best if your snowflake ass stays in your mothers basement. LOL
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
When the militant advocates for firearms become as insistent on increased levels of safety requirements and owner responsibility as they are on their reading of the second amendment, some progress may be made. Seizing 'guns' is not a good idea and is certainly impractical.
The NRA's extremely liberal attitude toward firearms and excessively narrow interpretation of the famous '2nd', however, ensures that their opponents will demand measures not many of us truly desire.
The NRA aren’t even close to being pro-gun enough. dumbass
Idiotic to think you can make school shootings more illegal than they already are. Guns still haven't started killing people and people still are no less dead when killed with any other inanimate object than with a gun. If you wish to cut down on violence just stop beating this dead horse.
Gun laws simply disarm potential victims which empowers criminals.

Ah, the good old arguments.

Guns don't kill people, people do.

Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns.

Also, as for disarming potential victims, why is it that Alaska has a rape rate that is 5 times higher than New York? I mean, they have all these guns, they shouldn't be victims to such a crime, because they're armed.

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?
Your ideas are a no go
Idiotic to think you can make school shootings more illegal than they already are. Guns still haven't started killing people and people still are no less dead when killed with any other inanimate object than with a gun. If you wish to cut down on violence just stop beating this dead horse.
Gun laws simply disarm potential victims which empowers criminals.

Ah, the good old arguments.

Guns don't kill people, people do.

Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

"Sure. But people with guns kill more easily than people without guns."

Absolutely. Which is what makes it possible for somebodies' little old grandmother to successfully defend herself from a big burly ax murderer. Also makes it possible for armed employees to defend schoolchildren.Gun free zones only serve to attract crazies.

Also, why do far more police officers die in the line of duty in the US than the UK? The unarmed police officers in the UK are just potential victims, whereas the armed police officers in the US can defend themselves, so they shouldn't actually die. Right?

Somehow I suspect there are far more of both police officers and criminals in the US than in the UK and that there are far more lives protected with firearms.

The problem is, if you look at the statistics, it's better to not be able to defend yourself with a gun at the risk of being attacked by a gun.

3/4 of all murders in the US happen with guns. The US murder rate is 4 times higher than the UK murder rate. So the UK murder rate is about the same as the US non-gun murder rate. Coincidence?

Somehow you suspect?

So you don't know? So you're literally taking the facts that I've presented and ignoring them because it's inconvenient for your narrative and making stuff up to fill the gaps?

Oh, wow.

Far more police officers means what?

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 140 US police officers, with guns, killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

In 2016 there were 0 UK police officers killed in the line of duty.

By the Numbers: How Many Cops Are There In the USA?

This guy estimates that there are at least 900,000 police officers in the US.

List of countries and dependencies by number of police officers - Wikipedia

Wikipedia estimates 913,000.

England and Wales has 198,000, plus 17,000 for Scotland and 7,000 for Northern Ireland. That's like 220,000 police officers which would be about comparible with the US per capita. They have 284 per 100,000 in the US and 302 in England and Wales though it's hard to define what is and what isn't a police officer and how much it impacts crime etc. So, we're almost in the same ballpark.

Are there more criminals? Certainly there are more locked up. But then you'd have to ask why the US has more criminals. I could give lots of suggested answers, like the US just doesn't give a shit.

But here's the reality. If guns save lives, why is the US murder rate higher, and why do FAR MORE police officers die every year?

140 in the US, this would be 28 police officers killed in the UK per year in order to be at the same level. You have to go back to October 1999 in order to achieve this level. That's 19 years. This means in the US a police officer is 19 times more likely to die doing their job than a British police office.
Also a US citizen if 4 times more likely to die than a UK citizen.

These are the facts. You can't dress them up with anything.

Having guns in society is more dangerous.
Fuck face...
Only "da gubermint" should have guns!!!! Worked out really great for those that were taken over by communist infiltration.
Pohahahahaha...wtf you gonna against an army? Worked well for the Afghans, Iraqis, and others. And the government got you the balls anyway.

Listen goofball travel abroad (if you can afford it) people live wonderfully without and they don't kill each by the thousands in 2018.

"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

How are people faring under the E.U? Once (and should it ever happen) that the people of this country ever have to surrender their ability to defend themselves? That is when commie fucks like you will beg that the "state" wasn't the only ones with the ability to defend themselves. Death via "gubermint" is responsible for the death of over 200 million people that were unarmed since 1900. Your commie utopia will not happen in your lifetime..........guaran-fucking- tee ya............too many with too many weapons.

bla bla bla ....the government owns you. They control every aspect of your life. They let you have toy guns, so when you lose it you either shoot your loved ones, a school, church, your family, or someone that cut you off...and then they will lock you or kill you.
Europe are doing just fine, Their kids don't get shot at schools.

You may want to consider doing some research before saying stupid stuff.

From Politifact:
We compared mass shooting incidents across countries is to calculate the number of victims per capita -- that is, adjusted for the country’s total population size.

Calculating it this way shows the United States in the upper half of the list of 11 countries, ranking higher than Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany and Mexico.

Still, the U.S. doesn’t rank No. 1. At 0.15 mass shooting fatalities per 100,000 people, the U.S. had a lower rate than Norway (1.3 per 100,000), Finland (0.34 per 100,000) and Switzerland (1.7 per 100,000).


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