I Am Offended By Notre Dame's Name

Remember this is Washington we are talking about and they already have a history of renaming teams for political correctness.
Anyone remember the Washington Bullets?

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Our resident libturds are typical of the sickness of the entire libturd culture.

They can NOT contemplate themselves being wrong, or even mistaken.

They are so incredibly narcissistic, so convinced by their fellow fish-bowl dwellers that they're correct..... All they do is go around telling each other how wonderful they are, how correct they are, how much they care, how progressive and forward thinking they are.....

That they never take the time to check to see whether they're actually right about something or not.

Which, frankly, they rarely are.....


Most American Indians say that calling Washington’s professional football team the “Redskins” does not bother them, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows.

Ninety percent of Indians took that position, while 9 percent said they found the name “offensive.” One percent had no answer. The margin of sampling error for those findings was plus or minus two percentage points.

libturds are so incredibly stupid, it's hard to imagine how they manage to procreate. Or even remember to breathe.

What will happen is really simple and follows the libturd pattern.

American Indians, Native Americans or whatever you want to call them, couldn't care less about the name 'Redskins' but libturd scum won't stop until they do.

Where there is no controversy, where there is no hate, where there are no bad feelings or ill will.....

libturd scum in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM will create it.

The world would be such a nicer place without them

President Obama seems think that one of the more important issues out there is the name of the NFL team in Washington D.C. He seems to think that we should listen to a small percentage of people who are offended by the Redskin name instead of the majority who don't even see the racism in it. Obama open to name change for Washington Redskins | Fox News

Well, if that's the way they want to be then I am offended when Notre Dame calls themselves the Fighting Irish. That's racist. It assumes that all Irish are prone to violence. Seems whenever one atheist is offended by some religious artifact or one small group is offended about a teams name it shouldn't just be liberal's political action committees that get their way. Everyone should get their way.

If people are truly insulted by the name, then they should change it.
Remember this is Washington we are talking about and they already have a history of renaming teams for political correctness.
Anyone remember the Washington Bullets?


The Washington Compost is championing the name change. It's a bizarre paper. The sports columnists absolutely hate the Redskins. I mean the team, not just the name. The only one who doesn't trash them at every opportunity is is Michael Wilbon, who's from Chicago and a Bears fan...

They are getting zero traction with fans though. It would be nice if the liberal fans who overwhelmingly oppose changing the name would put 2 and 2 together and realize what the left is doing with political correctness, but they don't. It's just a one off issue to them. Liberalism is a transactional ideology.
This is the agenda. Creating "N words" for other groups, it's part of your "I want to be offended" campaign. It's called "political" correctness for a reason.

BTW, the majority of Redskin fans have to be liberal, DC is a very liberal town. I lived there 20 years. I met like three liberal fans who wanted to change the name. Most of them are like you. Liberal, want to be offended, it means nothing to you except for your sanctimony.
I would've thought they wanted a better offensive line?

Certainly that had been our issue, but last year and this year our O-line is quite a bit better. The biggest thing that hurt us was Mara's $35 million cap fine, but that is over next year. Our biggest issues right now are:

1) Griffin had no pre-season and he's wearing a brace which limits his running, he's getting there finally.

2) The D-line was wiped out in the pre-season. Carriker was lost for the year, Cofield broke his hand and Jenkins was suspended 4 games for PEDs. I think Cofield is wearing a smaller cast now and Jenkins is back, so it's a little better.

3) The secondary was horrible last year. We had a good draft, but we are playing several rookies, including a starting safety.

Had we not lost the cap space, we probably would have had an upgrade at RT, which we still need, and signed a starting corner and maybe a linebacker. Hall is a ball hawk, but he's not exactly shut down. And Wilson hasn't been the same since his concussion. Hopefully he'll get there.
American natives hate the name.Just rename them The Whites skins, The WASP's, DC Assassins,

Wow, I was mocking Seawytch for making up this crap without googling it. You topped her, you made up this crap without googling it or reading the thread.

Once again, facts don't back up liberalism. That's why it's a religion, believing it on faith is all you got.

Your handle on here offends me. I think you are discriminating against mud. :D
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American natives hate the name.Just rename them The Whites skins, The WASP's, DC Assassins,

Wow, I was mocking Seawytch for making up this crap without googling it. You topped her, you made up this crap without googling it or reading the thread.

Once again, facts don't back up liberalism. That's why it's a religion, believing it on faith is all you got.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do

American natives hate the name.Just rename them The Whites skins, The WASP's, DC Assassins,

Then why do most of the people who are butthurt over it seem to be lily white progressive assholes?

Not butthurt at all. Just want them to crush the Cowgirls every time they meet.

Something we can agree on. I'm a Giants fan with a father whos a cowjerks fan (Born in brooklyn, its that America's Team bullshit).

And yes, before you can go there yes the GIANTS SUCK ASS this year. The games are actually painful to watch.
Then why do most of the people who are butthurt over it seem to be lily white progressive assholes?

Not butthurt at all. Just want them to crush the Cowgirls every time they meet.

Something we can agree on. I'm a Giants fan with a father whos a cowjerks fan (Born in brooklyn, its that America's Team bullshit).

And yes, before you can go there yes the GIANTS SUCK ASS this year. The games are actually painful to watch.

I always respected the Giants until Mara did this cap crap. The idea that an owner can punish two division rivals when even in the punishment they said we didn't break any rules is pathetic. The NFL is a good old boys network and Jones and Snyder aren't popular. Goodall is an ass wipe too.

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