I Am Offended By Notre Dame's Name

Liberals, wow. You don't even get what you said...

I know what I said because I typed it, so what does your question have to do with what I said? If you don't know then that's ok but you probably shouldn't say things you cant explain tho

Why do you suppose I put parts of your quote in red? You are seriously not bright.

So how many times we are going to go back and forth before you explain it? 2 more? 3?

*edit just saw it reading now
I just find it REALLY hard to give a crap about this "issue". The president gave his opinion regarding some "what if" scenario. I personally think it's stupid, but the president is still entitled to his opinion.
Would any of you asswipes that think this is just being "PC" call a Native American a "Redskin" to his or her face?

The problem with your question is that you've successfully made it so nobody knows who the stick up their ass PC left is. So unless we get to know someone first, people are trained not to use any term that could be offensive to anyone. That is not the same as what you are trying to imply with your loaded question.

A good rule in life is never to take offense where none is intended. This would be a much better country if you people learned that. Though you won't because you have a stick up your ass with an agenda. Being offended is core to your gig.

Hail to the Redskins!

It doesn't matter if it doesn't intend to offend, it does. Maybe in 1932 they didn't care much about offending the Native American population, but it is now 2013 and calling someone a "redskin" isn't okay. In 1932 the N word was pretty common too.

Change the fucking name.

Being a Christian, a gun owner, or a smoker is offensive to some.


Because they represent part of the conservative base, not because they themselves are offensive.

The left likes to pick fights over politics. Some dickwad thinks mentioning the word "black" in any sentence is racist, so he or she starts a petition to have someone's life ruined because he is offended way too easily.
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Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?

What that has to do with what I said for $100 please

Naming a team the honkeys would not only be intentionally offensive, but there is no redeeming quality in the image in people's mind of a "honkey" namely an annoying white person.

The term Redskin is meant to bring up a warrior in his warpaint, a fearsome person, something the team tries to emulate in its play. This is why you wouldnt name a team the *******, because the image the word projects is a shifty lazy black person. Now if you use the term "Zulu" thats something different.

All the explanations in the world doesn't make something less offensive because you can explain it away.

A big smiling indian looking like a modern day Sambo is not ok. Want to know why its not? Because the same group you are pretending to honor is offended by it.

Just because you call it an honor doesn't mean anything to the group offended.
The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw

Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?

The Texans. :eusa_whistle:

Anybody from the Land of The Inbred, where they put French Fries on their Salads, drink Arn City Beer and say "Yuins" (hence the nickname 'yinzers') shouldn't pick on anybody....

Especially when they have a Mascot like this one


What that has to do with what I said for $100 please

Naming a team the honkeys would not only be intentionally offensive, but there is no redeeming quality in the image in people's mind of a "honkey" namely an annoying white person.

The term Redskin is meant to bring up a warrior in his warpaint, a fearsome person, something the team tries to emulate in its play. This is why you wouldnt name a team the *******, because the image the word projects is a shifty lazy black person. Now if you use the term "Zulu" thats something different.

All the explanations in the world doesn't make something less offensive because you can explain it away.

A big smiling indian looking like a modern day Sambo is not ok. Want to know why its not? Because the same group you are pretending to honor is offended by it.

Just because you call it an honor doesn't mean anything to the group offended.

So the whole group is offended by the Name "Redskins"?? So far Ive only seen pasty butthurt white people making a stink over it. Progressive Guilt is such an annoying thing.

If a majority of the group being depicted was offended it probably would be changed. But considering all the noise is coming from the "perputally offended" type, its basically a bunch of hot air.
Let's make a list of team names that could be offensive.

  1. Browns - It's obvious this is offensive because it's derogatory to minorities
  2. Texans - They killed alot of Mexicans
  3. Patriots - That name is offensive to liberals and Progressives
  4. Chargers - The way they play defense fans are always offended
  5. Blackhawks - Racist
  6. 49ers - Gold-digging assholes raping nature
  7. Packers - Homophobic
  8. Saints - Too religious
  9. Cowboys - Everyone knows red-necks are racists
  10. Chiefs - Racist
  11. Cardinals - Child molesters

I think if we keep this up we'll end up running out of friggen names.
Just because you call it an honor doesn't mean anything to the group offended.

That would be liberals... :lmao:

Don't care homey.

You know who doesn't care, indians, polls show overwhelmingly they are not offended. Sorry to rain on your parade.

Here's an interesting tool to check things you pull out of your ass before you post them and look stupid.

American natives hate the name.Just rename them The Whites skins, The WASP's, DC Assassins,

Wow, I was mocking Seawytch for making up this crap without googling it. You topped her, you made up this crap without googling it or reading the thread.

Once again, facts don't back up liberalism. That's why it's a religion, believing it on faith is all you got.

Basketball has over 90% black, Football over 70% black, and baseball almost 100% Hispanic or Japanese.
Yours is not the opinion shared by Native Americans who find the word as offensive as the n word.

You speak for all native Americans? I suspect it isn't Indians that find the name offensive, but the Left, of any race, that just HAS to impose a victim mentality whenever and wherever they can.

These folks, ACTUAL native Americans, are NOT offended:

"The whole issue is so silly to me," says Bob Burns, my wife's father and a bundle holder in the Blackfeet tribe. "The name just doesn't bother me much."

"I've talked to our students, our parents and our community about this and nobody finds any offense at all in it," says Tim Ames, the superintendent of Wellpinit schools. "'Redskins' is not an insult to our kids."

Redskins name change not as easy as it sounds - ESPN

And to think THIS is the kind of shit you worry about. How pathetic.
Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?

What that has to do with what I said for $100 please

Naming a team the honkeys would not only be intentionally offensive, but there is no redeeming quality in the image in people's mind of a "honkey" namely an annoying white person.

The term Redskin is meant to bring up a warrior in his warpaint, a fearsome person, something the team tries to emulate in its play. This is why you wouldnt name a team the *******, because the image the word projects is a shifty lazy black person. Now if you use the term "Zulu" thats something different.

I prefer "Crazy-Assed Crackers" myself.
Naming a team the honkeys would not only be intentionally offensive, but there is no redeeming quality in the image in people's mind of a "honkey" namely an annoying white person.

The term Redskin is meant to bring up a warrior in his warpaint, a fearsome person, something the team tries to emulate in its play. This is why you wouldnt name a team the *******, because the image the word projects is a shifty lazy black person. Now if you use the term "Zulu" thats something different.

All the explanations in the world doesn't make something less offensive because you can explain it away.

A big smiling indian looking like a modern day Sambo is not ok. Want to know why its not? Because the same group you are pretending to honor is offended by it.

Just because you call it an honor doesn't mean anything to the group offended.

So the whole group is offended by the Name "Redskins"?? So far Ive only seen pasty butthurt white people making a stink over it. Progressive Guilt is such an annoying thing.

If a majority of the group being depicted was offended it probably would be changed. But considering all the noise is coming from the "perputally offended" type, its basically a bunch of hot air.

Is it a requirement that every single person in a group has to all feel the same way in order for feelings to be valid?

Because some people are proud honkeys. You said honkey would be bad. Everyone doesn't think so. So what now?
Yours is not the opinion shared by Native Americans who find the word as offensive as the n word.

Once again, pulling facts out of your ass. Actually, polls of indians say the majority say the name is not offensive. Once again caught just making up your shit. If you weren't too lazy to Google before you make things up, you'd look a little less biased.

No, sorry, actually you wouldn't.

So the Native American groups protesting the name don't exist?

Yours is not the opinion shared by Native Americans who find the word as offensive as the n word.

Once again, pulling facts out of your ass. Actually, polls of indians say the majority say the name is not offensive. Once again caught just making up your shit. If you weren't too lazy to Google before you make things up, you'd look a little less biased.

No, sorry, actually you wouldn't.

So the Native American groups protesting the name don't exist?


So other Native Americans that have no problem with the name don't exist?
President Obama seems think that one of the more important issues out there is the name of the NFL team in Washington D.C.

I'm a Redskin fan. Sorry, the left is correct. We like the name because we hate Indians. I mean who would name their team after something they respect? What other team gives it's team a name with a positive connotation? Nobody.


All the explanations in the world doesn't make something less offensive because you can explain it away.

A big smiling indian looking like a modern day Sambo is not ok. Want to know why its not? Because the same group you are pretending to honor is offended by it.

Just because you call it an honor doesn't mean anything to the group offended.

So the whole group is offended by the Name "Redskins"?? So far Ive only seen pasty butthurt white people making a stink over it. Progressive Guilt is such an annoying thing.

If a majority of the group being depicted was offended it probably would be changed. But considering all the noise is coming from the "perputally offended" type, its basically a bunch of hot air.

Is it a requirement that every single person in a group has to all feel the same way in order for feelings to be valid?

Because some people are proud honkeys. You said honkey would be bad. Everyone doesn't think so. So what now?

i dont want to change the name of something soley because SOME people might be offended. So basically if a single person is offended by something then it has to go. Is that where the bar is being set? 5%? 10%?

Our society was not desgined to be regulated to the satisfaction of the most easily offended.
What that has to do with what I said for $100 please

Naming a team the honkeys would not only be intentionally offensive, but there is no redeeming quality in the image in people's mind of a "honkey" namely an annoying white person.

The term Redskin is meant to bring up a warrior in his warpaint, a fearsome person, something the team tries to emulate in its play. This is why you wouldnt name a team the *******, because the image the word projects is a shifty lazy black person. Now if you use the term "Zulu" thats something different.

All the explanations in the world doesn't make something less offensive because you can explain it away.

A big smiling indian looking like a modern day Sambo is not ok. Want to know why its not? Because the same group you are pretending to honor is offended by it.

Just because you call it an honor doesn't mean anything to the group offended.

So we should also reject the caraccature of nuns and priests or other Christian figures because some religious people might be offended? Or caricatures of the Jews? of Muslims? of Italians? of the Scots? of the Irish? Of women? Of fat people? Of short people? Of union workers? Of cowboys? Because somebody might be offended?

We are all Americans or citizens of earth, and if we can't be aware of our history, our heritage, can't poke a little fun at ourselves, or be creative in any way re these things, then what a dull, dry, humorless people we are required to be. We can either buy into the victim mentality the few folks with huge sticks stuck up their butts, or we can let them stew in their own judgmental, hateful juices and be who we are.

The Seminole Tribe of Florida formally supported the Florida Seminoles using that name because they DID consider it an honor. And I have had a HUGE admiration for those people ever since.
Sorry for not having scanned this thread to see if someone else has posted a similar comment before me, but if the Washington D.C. football team wants to adopt a nickname that is appropriate and will chill the veritable bones of its opponents, there are many apropos possibilities, among which are:

The Litigators,
The Beltway Bandits,
The Regulators,
The G-Men,
The Revenuers.

I'm leaning toward the Washington Beltway Bandits myself.

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