I Am Offended By Notre Dame's Name

The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw
President Obama seems think that one of the more important issues out there is the name of the NFL team in Washington D.C.

I'm a Redskin fan. Sorry, the left is correct. We like the name because we hate Indians. I mean who would name their team after something they respect? What other team gives it's team a name with a positive connotation? Nobody.

This is the thing. If we cannot use our history that includes the American Indians--the Indians CALL themselves Indians around here--and use the symbols and imagery of ALL our heritage in positive ways, then hyper sensitivity will make it impossible to celebrate anything.

Sports teams--Chiefs, Redskins, Seminoles. Braves, etc. etc.--every single one emulates the noble aspects of the Native American traditions. Sports figures are paid handsomely and are revered by many--millions of people pay good money to get into the stadiums and pay billions for the paraphenalia showing the symbols with affection and appreciation.

Where is the insult? Where is the racism? Is just acknowledging that there are Native Americans, that they are part of our history, our lore, our culture, a racist concept?

What's next. Demanding that San Francisco or Santa Fe or Corpus Christi change their names because they are named after Christian figures? Is BYU offensive because it uses the name of the founder of a large religious group? If "Indian" is offensive then why is using the name "Cowboys" not?

What about the Brooklyn Italians, Boston Celtics, Minnesota Vikings, Vancouver Canucks, Edmonton Eskimos, or (GASP) the Rochester AMERICANS.

I swear that the Japanese, the Germans, the Islamofacist terrorists, and the barbaric lawbreakers wthin our own borders were not able to and won't bring down America. But I fear that political correctness will.
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The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw

We've hardly wiped out most of the Indians, douchebreath.

The vast majority of them have been absorbed into our culture. And you may very well be part Indian. Odds are pretty good.

South of the border, MOST people are MOSTLY Indian.

You just can't help but lie, can you?

Guess not.

dimocraps lie, it's what they do
This topic makes me....

The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw

We've hardly wiped out most of the Indians, douchebreath.

The vast majority of them have been absorbed into our culture. And you may very well be part Indian. Odds are pretty good.

South of the border, MOST people are MOSTLY Indian.

You just can't help but lie, can you?

Guess not.

dimocraps lie, it's what they do

You should try reading some time.
The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw

Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?
There are some people who will be offended by anything. I don't see a massive groundswell movement opposing the Redskins name, what I see is mostly chattering from the media class, and the usual "professional victim" groups getting all hot and bothered by it.

This isn't "anything" this is akin to calling a black person the N word to a Native American. Would it be okay to have a team called the N words? No. Just because there are fewer Native Americans than blacks shouldn't mean that a racist epithet gets to be the name of a national football team.

Libturds..... How stupid can people get?

I guess the answer is sitting in the white House right now.....

The term "Redskin" developed over three centuries ago when Native Americans would prepare themselves for battle by painting themselves with Red WAR Paint to make themselves look terrifying.

See a bunch of Native Americans running around? No problem. They're just hanging out. Don't bother them and they probably won't bother you

But if you see them in Red War Paint? You better watch yer ass.

"Hey, Deer Slayer!! Where ya been?"

"Well, I walked 200 miles from Albany to here and I saw some Redskins heading this way. You better alert the Militia!"

Now, if he just saw a band of Native Indians with their women and children heading toward a Trading Post.....?

No biggie. Probably not even worth mentioning.

"Redskins" were fierce, in a fighting mood and people to be afraid of.... Intimidating, tough, determined and in a bad mood.

Like an American Football team.

Back in the day, Julius Caesar wrote of how the British would paint themselves Blue and fight naked. Screaming and yelling and acting like berserkers.

With their women who were also naked and painted blue and fighters.

Scared the bejesus out of the Romans. They left but came back later and conquered Britain.

Maybe the Brits ran out of blue paint and naked women :dunno:

We've told this "Redskin" story to libturd morons fifty times but they don't listen. I even wrote to the WaPo. They didn't print my letter but they did a small story on this fact and buried it to the point that I can't find it anymore.

They know better. They've been told (the elitist scum in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM, I mean) but they don't care to tell the rank and file idiot in the libturd nation....

Mostly because.... Well, they're just stupid

The original intent of the franchise to use that name was to pay homage to the native americans. If people read history, they would know that. There's nothing offensive about the name.
The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw

Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?

What that has to do with what I said for $100 please
The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw

Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?

What that has to do with what I said for $100 please

Liberals, wow. You don't even get what you said...
The Washington Honkeys would be offensive but since we've wiped out most of the Indians who gives a shit about being respectful to them.

And I am a loyal Skins fan btw

Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?

What that has to do with what I said for $100 please

Naming a team the honkeys would not only be intentionally offensive, but there is no redeeming quality in the image in people's mind of a "honkey" namely an annoying white person.

The term Redskin is meant to bring up a warrior in his warpaint, a fearsome person, something the team tries to emulate in its play. This is why you wouldnt name a team the *******, because the image the word projects is a shifty lazy black person. Now if you use the term "Zulu" thats something different.
Can you find a single team of a major sport named after something that is supposed to project weakness, or hatred of its own team?

What that has to do with what I said for $100 please

Liberals, wow. You don't even get what you said...

I know what I said because I typed it, so what does your question have to do with what I said? If you don't know then that's ok but you probably shouldn't say things you cant explain tho
Would any of you asswipes that think this is just being "PC" call a Native American a "Redskin" to his or her face?

Do any of them play for Washington?

BTW, my cousins don't seem to care one way or another. It's all about nothing.

My mother was made blood brother to the Santo Domingo Pueblo Indians here in New Mexico--she and the Chief--they were great friends--mingled the blood and everything. But it was her relationship with the chief that occasionally allowed us to be at the dinner table with our Indian friends--these folks referred to themselves as 'Indian" too and jokingly did refer to themselves as the red skins and us as the 'white eyes' :)

But I do recall the subject of sports teams coming up and they really could not see it as a problem other than nobody had adopted the Santo Domingos to be immortalized as a sports team. Among New Mexico sports teams are the Apaches, Comanches, Zunis, Aztecs, Cherokees, etc. etc. And they rather felt slighted. :)

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