I am sad they won't televise the Trump trial

It's my opinion dipshit. And just like yours, it's meaningless. Seriously, what is wrong with you?
Since you first resorted to profanity, you have lost all credibility. You state your OPINION as an established fact when it is any but that. You try (and fail) to bully others to agree with you, or at least not showing how stupid you are.

And yes, you are meaningless as are your opinions.
Him, his attorneys, so what? He has to face the music.:biggrin:
You stated the, he, Trump, would have to speak. Now you admit you are wrong. As with all of your other lies, you are wrong.

Yet you continue to make absurd comments and threats that are always proven to be wrong. And you are to stupid to realize it. And then use emojis to make it even more apparent that all you want to do is rabble rouse. Further proof that you are a lying moron. And you never learn whenever your lies are exposed. As they constantly are.
Moron, it hasw not even been before a judge to listen to motions. I know that this hurts your little feelings but it is true.
Any motions offered now will just be pro forma. All the important stuff has already been settled. You can’t expect a motion to quash the trial to be successful at this point.
You stated the, he, Trump, would have to speak. Now you admit you are wrong. As with all of your other lies, you are wrong.

Yet you continue to make absurd comments and threats that are always proven to be wrong. And you are to stupid to realize it. And then use emojis to make it even more apparent that all you want to do is rabble rouse. Further proof that you are a lying moron. And you never learn whenever your lies are exposed. As they constantly are.
You don’t have a clue. His attorneys speaking is the same as him doing it. It just shows how deep the cult of Trump goes, that his supporters are so unaware of how our justice system really works. We won’t be bullied by a narcissistic demagogue and his minions.
Any motions offered now will just be pro forma. All the important stuff has already been settled. You can’t expect a motion to quash the trial to be successful at this point.
Since there is no trial "at this point" there4 have been and cannot be any motions, hence nothing for you idiot liberals to attempt to squash. And none of the important stuff has been decided yet as there has been no trial, much as you wish it were otherwise.

You really should get some facts straight before you expound on them as it just furthers the fact that you are a lying moron yet again.
You can’t handle the truth! Trump s a criminal.
You can't handle the truth, no trial no conviction. That is the truth which is something which you continue to hot be able to handle, proven by your constant crying.
You don’t have a clue. His attorneys speaking is the same as him doing it. It just shows how deep the cult of Trump goes, that his supporters are so unaware of how our justice system really works. We won’t be bullied by a narcissistic demagogue and his minions.
Your stupidity shows again. You claim words from another person is the same as if Trump actually said it.

You really should move the land of delusion before it is to late.
They don’t call them a mouthpiece for nothing.
And just who calls lawyers that, other than moron like you?

I hope one day you do something to draw you into a trial so you can experience how they really work. With your attitude you would be guilty the first time you opened your mouth.
And just who calls lawyers that, other than moron like you?

I hope one day you do something to draw you into a trial so you can experience how they really work. With your attitude you would be guilty the first time you opened your mouth.
I wouldn’t. That’s what a lawyer’s for, something Trump doesn’t seem to understand as he keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
I wouldn’t. That’s what a lawyer’s for, something Trump doesn’t seem to understand as he keeps putting his foot in his mouth.
He has done nothing of the kind. You, liar that you are, keep claiming that he has made statements in court (when a trial has not even been called for). You are so full of hate and fear about Trump that it dominates what little mind that you have.

Seriously, seek help.
He has done nothing of the kind. You, liar that you are, keep claiming that he has made statements in court (when a trial has not even been called for). You are so full of hate and fear about Trump that it dominates what little mind that you have.

Seriously, seek help.
I’d have to say the same to you. You twist everything said. For example, I never said he made statements in court. That’s just something you conjured up, because it isn’t in any of my posts.
I’d have to say the same to you. You twist everything said. For example, I never said he made statements in court. That’s just something you conjured up, because it isn’t in any of my posts.
When you claim that he made statements in court, you said it. You, of course, lied as you continue to do.

You buy into a fantasy and claim it to be true even when all evidence disproves what you claim.

You are a lying moron with no morals or ethics of any kind, as proven time and again by your posts.

BTW, I see that you have not sought the help of a mental therapist since you insist on continuing with your delusions and what your owners tell you. Moron who refuses to listen to the truth, you just make up what you want to believe.
Prejudging what an accused Might say and thus obstructing him from saying it is a huge commie ploy and Lib 101

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