I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama

I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

I don't Know if Whites are just Afraid, even in White Only Company, to say anything Racist, but I have Heard "that ******" from MORE than one Hispanic in Denver...

I only Know of one White Person who has said anything like that, and he's no longer Employeed with us. :lol:

Not because he was a Racist, which he was, but because he was a Terrible Employee.

Anyone else Witness anything Similar?

I have NEVER Referred to Barry using that Word, because Words Mean things, and he's Not one... Not even by the Conscience of the Senate, DemocRAT Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) Standard.

I also Know some Asians who can't Stand him and it's always about his being Black and how Blacks are, etc., etc.

Is it just More Acceptable for Other than Whites to Hammer on Race?




It was Hispanics who put him into office, and yes a lot of them do not care for blacks......

My wife is of Mexican decent and her cousin was trying to explain to his kids what a small percentage of America is black, he used a dollar to make his point by telling them that blacks would be less than 1.5 cents of 100 pennies, they were shocked that they were such a small percentage, yet they get so much attention, isn't it amazing how a child can understand the obvious and adults will argue it to death.....

What strikes me as odd though is your starting of a thread about Hispanics being racist, have you looked in the mirror?

It sounds like your calling the kettle black....
Then you also have a lot of these spics who think they are White, or who support the Republican party.
Just all a result of White people, and their brain washing campaigns.

Who was the president that signed the proclamation of emancipation? And what party did he belong to? And which president signed into law affirmative action and what was his party affiliation? And which president made Martin Luther King Jr. day a national holiday and again what part was he a member of?

For the life of me I don't understand why blacks are overwhelmingly democrats. I guess it's because they are promised a lot of free shit in the form of welfare whereas the Republicans believe in and advocate personal responsibilty.

Just a note...something I think is very important to remember but that most of our history books leave out....The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free ANY slaves. It exempted all slaves in northern territory (there were 4 slave holding states that remained with the north) and any slaves in southern territory already under northern control.
I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

I don't Know if Whites are just Afraid, even in White Only Company, to say anything Racist, but I have Heard "that ******" from MORE than one Hispanic in Denver...

I only Know of one White Person who has said anything like that, and he's no longer Employeed with us. :lol:

Not because he was a Racist, which he was, but because he was a Terrible Employee.

Anyone else Witness anything Similar?

I have NEVER Referred to Barry using that Word, because Words Mean things, and he's Not one... Not even by the Conscience of the Senate, DemocRAT Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) Standard.

I also Know some Asians who can't Stand him and it's always about his being Black and how Blacks are, etc., etc.

Is it just More Acceptable for Other than Whites to Hammer on Race?




I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

And yet, it's totally UNsurprising how many Republicans are.
I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

I don't Know if Whites are just Afraid, even in White Only Company, to say anything Racist, but I have Heard "that ******" from MORE than one Hispanic in Denver...

I only Know of one White Person who has said anything like that, and he's no longer Employeed with us. :lol:

Not because he was a Racist, which he was, but because he was a Terrible Employee.

Anyone else Witness anything Similar?

I have NEVER Referred to Barry using that Word, because Words Mean things, and he's Not one... Not even by the Conscience of the Senate, DemocRAT Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) Standard.

I also Know some Asians who can't Stand him and it's always about his being Black and how Blacks are, etc., etc.

Is it just More Acceptable for Other than Whites to Hammer on Race?




I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

And yet, it's totally UNsurprising how many Republicans are.

which ones, and state examples and provide links.. demoncwatic innuendo doesn't count. be factual.
I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

I don't Know if Whites are just Afraid, even in White Only Company, to say anything Racist, but I have Heard "that ******" from MORE than one Hispanic in Denver...

I only Know of one White Person who has said anything like that, and he's no longer Employeed with us. :lol:

Not because he was a Racist, which he was, but because he was a Terrible Employee.

Anyone else Witness anything Similar?

I have NEVER Referred to Barry using that Word, because Words Mean things, and he's Not one... Not even by the Conscience of the Senate, DemocRAT Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) Standard.

I also Know some Asians who can't Stand him and it's always about his being Black and how Blacks are, etc., etc.

Is it just More Acceptable for Other than Whites to Hammer on Race?



You are white...you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" more whites that hispanics that are racist toward Obama.
I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

I don't Know if Whites are just Afraid, even in White Only Company, to say anything Racist, but I have Heard "that ******" from MORE than one Hispanic in Denver...

I only Know of one White Person who has said anything like that, and he's no longer Employeed with us. :lol:

Not because he was a Racist, which he was, but because he was a Terrible Employee.

Anyone else Witness anything Similar?

I have NEVER Referred to Barry using that Word, because Words Mean things, and he's Not one... Not even by the Conscience of the Senate, DemocRAT Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) Standard.

I also Know some Asians who can't Stand him and it's always about his being Black and how Blacks are, etc., etc.

Is it just More Acceptable for Other than Whites to Hammer on Race?



You are white...you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" more whites that hispanics that are racist toward Obama.

If only you could Comprehend what you Read...

Or is this an Honesty Issue with you again, Ravi?...


I've talked to inmates and past inmates of prisons. They say, collectively, that black and latino gangs hate each other much more than they hate whites.
I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

I don't Know if Whites are just Afraid, even in White Only Company, to say anything Racist, but I have Heard "that ******" from MORE than one Hispanic in Denver...

I only Know of one White Person who has said anything like that, and he's no longer Employeed with us. :lol:

Not because he was a Racist, which he was, but because he was a Terrible Employee.

Anyone else Witness anything Similar?

I have NEVER Referred to Barry using that Word, because Words Mean things, and he's Not one... Not even by the Conscience of the Senate, DemocRAT Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) Standard.

I also Know some Asians who can't Stand him and it's always about his being Black and how Blacks are, etc., etc.

Is it just More Acceptable for Other than Whites to Hammer on Race?



You are white...you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" more whites that hispanics that are racist toward Obama.

If only you could Comprehend what you Read...

Or is this an Honesty Issue with you again, Ravi?...


Nope, I think you are lying. You are hiding behind Hispanics to call Obama a ******.

You aren't fooling anyone.
tha malcontent is a sorry excuse as a human being. Let's all move on.
Every hispanic I know hates what the republicans did/said about Sotomayor. They all said the same thing to me, they are voting dem. next election.
I am Surprised by how many Hispanics I Know Seem Racist towards Obama...

I don't Know if Whites are just Afraid, even in White Only Company, to say anything Racist, but I have Heard "that ******" from MORE than one Hispanic in Denver...

I only Know of one White Person who has said anything like that, and he's no longer Employeed with us. :lol:

Not because he was a Racist, which he was, but because he was a Terrible Employee.

Anyone else Witness anything Similar?

I have NEVER Referred to Barry using that Word, because Words Mean things, and he's Not one... Not even by the Conscience of the Senate, DemocRAT Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK) Standard.

I also Know some Asians who can't Stand him and it's always about his being Black and how Blacks are, etc., etc.

Is it just More Acceptable for Other than Whites to Hammer on Race?




Many of these Spics come to America, and then racist whites start brainwashing them into thinking that they are better than blacks, when in reality most of these Spics can't even construct a decent English sentence or paragraph to save their life.
Just a bunch of Spics , trying to leap frog over blacks so they don't have to be at the bottom of the barrell.

Here ya go numb nutz
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww]YouTube - Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question[/ame]
You are white...you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" more whites that hispanics that are racist toward Obama.

If only you could Comprehend what you Read...

Or is this an Honesty Issue with you again, Ravi?...


Nope, I think you are lying. You are hiding behind Hispanics to call Obama a ******.

You aren't fooling anyone.


I Think you are Fucking Piece of Lying Shit... Go Pester someone else you Stain.


south americans tend to be fairly racist. Something which I found out growing up in Spain, is that they'll rapidly pick on whoever's not white so they can avoid being at the bottom of the heap.

it's funny, because of course Spaniards themselves are actually quite the opposite of racist, since they don't have that terrible inferiority complex (with the exception of blacks... they're really quite racist to blacks). A Chilean or Colombian kid would be racist to me for being middle eastern, then me and the other spanish kids would laugh our assess off.

racism is a clear sign that YOU as an individual are weak and threatened by people who usually mean you no harm.
[You are white...you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" more whites that hispanics that are racist toward Obama.

Ravi, you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" you are a racist towards Obama.
Oh, my, thehawk needs to go take a logic class: how dweebish and dull.

Hispanics have learned to despise the GOP, with very good reason.

And every time the stain on the far right starts baying at the moon about Hispanics, big business kicks into high gear making sure that their cheap labor source is not shut off.

Bay, you pubs, all you want. Doan' no dif'frunce. Ese.
[You are white...you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" more whites that hispanics that are racist toward Obama.

Ravi, you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" you are a racist towards Obama.


Excellent Observation...

Ravi's a Closet Racist who Piggybacks what she Feels is Racist so she can then in turn Repeat it...


You are white...you just called Obama "that ******" so I officially "know" more whites that hispanics that are racist toward Obama.

If only you could Comprehend what you Read...

Or is this an Honesty Issue with you again, Ravi?...


Nope, I think you are lying. You are hiding behind Hispanics to call Obama a ******.

You aren't fooling anyone.

Ravi knows whereof she speaks, as it used to be a favorite game of hers.
south americans tend to be fairly racist. Something which I found out growing up in Spain, is that they'll rapidly pick on whoever's not white so they can avoid being at the bottom of the heap.

it's funny, because of course Spaniards themselves are actually quite the opposite of racist, since they don't have that terrible inferiority complex (with the exception of blacks... they're really quite racist to blacks). A Chilean or Colombian kid would be racist to me for being middle eastern, then me and the other spanish kids would laugh our assess off.

racism is a clear sign that YOU as an individual are weak and threatened by people who usually mean you no harm.

Er...Spaniards are white, for the most part.

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