I am trying to save a friend in Chicago..that's homeless..

I think there are a lot more people who care than those who don't. Some are in a position to help and they do, and others in the same position choose not to. A lot of us donated to gofundme for Gracie, no? And there are other ways to help people in need rather than giving money, which IMHO is a little like giving a man a fish today instead of a fishing pole.

Finally, it is a mistake to be wasting your time and energy getting mad at the uncaring. First of all, you might be mistaken in your assessment and 2nd of all what difference will it make? Better to focus on yourself, what can you do to make somebody's life better? Leave the judgment to others, there's no benefit to it.
Fishing license do cost money.

I am out of work for 2 months so far, 2 more months to go, because of a fractured foot. No savings. Luckily my 24 year old nephew who can't hold down a job is holding down a job and paying my share of the bills. I created a GoFundMe account. Long ago I deleted everyone off of my Facebook friend list that was a gamer and not an actual friend so I went from 5,000 friends to 145 friends. I asked for $10,000 to pay the bills. provided pictures of my operation and stuff so everyone knew I wasn't bullshitting them and i only got $200. I need a better class of friend.

it is my experience that those with money are selfish and self centered and won't help anyone else for any reason. Lots of broke people telling me they're praying for me and would give me money if they had it. Only the ones without money say that.
Out of curiosity....
I am out of work for 2 months so far, 2 more months to go, because of a fractured foot.
How did this injury occur?
Obviously, you didn't injure yourself at work,
otherwise, you'd have workman's comp to fall back on.

Have you considered a temp agency?
If not, why?

They can probably find you something where you can just sit
and answer phones, stuff envelopes or work from home

Have you applied for food stamps or TANF?
If not, why?
Luckily my 24 year old nephew who can't hold down a job is holding down a job and paying my share of the bills.
So, which is it...
You live with your nephew
Your nephew lives with you
The 2 of you got a place together
You live with 1 of your siblings
Long ago I deleted everyone off of my Facebook friend list that was a gamer and not an actual friend so I went from 5,000 friends to 145 friends. I asked for $10,000 to pay the bills. provided pictures of my operation and stuff so everyone knew I wasn't bullshitting them and i only got $200. I need a better class of friend
Actual is an adjective meaning: true, real, the thing in itself
existing in fact; real, existing now; current

What do you mean by ACTUAL friend?
Who are these people you consider ACTUAL friends?

People behind an identity you interact with, only online?
People you reconnected with through Facebook,
that you knew growing up and/or had friendships with?
People you personally interact with/see, on a regular basis?

Do you consider acquaintances, friends
and your associations with people, friendships?

Why was it necessary to 'prove' you were being truthful?

I can only think of 2 reasons...

These people are actually online identities, acquaintances
or close/casual associations you had in the past,
and connect with on Facebook and consider actual friends

Or, they are actually close friends,
and there is more to this story...
Though, I don't know of anyone with 145 close friends

$10,000 is a lot of money...
What made you think, at the very least,
you'd reach your goal with only your FB friends?
That's only $70 a friend

The money is for what....To cover medical costs
and 4 months of living expenses, while your not working?

A better class of friends... what does that even mean?
You aren't even grateful for the $200 you did get.

I don't know...there's got to be more to this story
I am out of work for 2 months so far, 2 more months to go, because of a fractured foot. No savings. Luckily my 24 year old nephew who can't hold down a job is holding down a job and paying my share of the bills. I created a GoFundMe account. Long ago I deleted everyone off of my Facebook friend list that was a gamer and not an actual friend so I went from 5,000 friends to 145 friends. I asked for $10,000 to pay the bills. provided pictures of my operation and stuff so everyone knew I wasn't bullshitting them and i only got $200. I need a better class of friend.

it is my experience that those with money are selfish and self centered and won't help anyone else for any reason. Lots of broke people telling me they're praying for me and would give me money if they had it. Only the ones without money say that.
Out of curiosity....
I am out of work for 2 months so far, 2 more months to go, because of a fractured foot.
How did this injury occur?
Obviously, you didn't injure yourself at work,
otherwise, you'd have workman's comp to fall back on.

Have you considered a temp agency?
If not, why?

They can probably find you something where you can just sit
and answer phones, stuff envelopes or work from home

Have you applied for food stamps or TANF?
If not, why?
Luckily my 24 year old nephew who can't hold down a job is holding down a job and paying my share of the bills.
So, which is it...
You live with your nephew
Your nephew lives with you
The 2 of you got a place together
You live with 1 of your siblings
Long ago I deleted everyone off of my Facebook friend list that was a gamer and not an actual friend so I went from 5,000 friends to 145 friends. I asked for $10,000 to pay the bills. provided pictures of my operation and stuff so everyone knew I wasn't bullshitting them and i only got $200. I need a better class of friend
Actual is an adjective meaning: true, real, the thing in itself
existing in fact; real, existing now; current

What do you mean by ACTUAL friend?
Who are these people you consider ACTUAL friends?

People behind an identity you interact with, only online?
People you reconnected with through Facebook,
that you knew growing up and/or had friendships with?
People you personally interact with/see, on a regular basis?

Do you consider acquaintances, friends
and your associations with people, friendships?

Why was it necessary to 'prove' you were being truthful?

I can only think of 2 reasons...

These people are actually online identities, acquaintances
or close/casual associations you had in the past,
and connect with on Facebook and consider actual friends

Or, they are actually close friends,
and there is more to this story...
Though, I don't know of anyone with 145 close friends

$10,000 is a lot of money...
What made you think, at the very least,
you'd reach your goal with only your FB friends?
That's only $70 a friend

The money is for what....To cover medical costs
and 4 months of living expenses, while your not working?

A better class of friends... what does that even mean?
You aren't even grateful for the $200 you did get.

I don't know...there's got to be more to this story
Wow, that was just Jeri Ryan, 7 of 9 bad ass. I wanna hang with you.
In the 'good old days' towns and cities used to let them sleep in police stations during depressions and during 'normal' times as well. Disease epidemics and gross malnutrition took care of half the problems back then; typhus, cholera, all the good stuff.

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