I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV
I do and I use the Internet as evidently YOU don't as the above wasn't from me but from Wikipedia which you might want to use to get facts...not subject guesses.
As you pointed out I would have had to have known that the character's name wasn't Steve Garret as the person I was responding to said it was.

So really a Google search of Steve Garret would not have given me any info about some TV show I never heard of now would it?
Why don't you try it. the Internet when combined with common sense is very helpful.
I've been using the Internet since 1988 and before that was a frequent library visitor.
Facts are what help me make decisions along with common sense.
Attached is an example of how a little common sense combined with using the Internet shows how some really impactful decisions are made that affect us all. Remember... the operative word is "consumed" and because the lack of attention to small details LIKE the word "consumed" affect us all.
This was first used in 2018.View attachment 384755
You think I care enough about a TV show to worry if some actor plays a guy named Garret or whatever?

At least get the characters name right, it was Steve McGarrett, originally played by Jack Lord and revived by Alex O'Loughlin in 2010.

Pay attention will you?

Someone else called that character Steve Garret

And as i said I never heard of the stupid show so I care even less what the character's or the actors names

If you just said you don't/didn't watch the show, that would be believable. Saying you never heard of it isn't. The original show was a classic. It was before my time and I never watched it. I did watch some of the remake. But that you never heard of it unless you grew up in a different country or just in a Louisiana swamp off the grid is not believable.

Sit for a second and admit to yourself that sure, you heard of the show. You heard the term "Book him, Dano." Now think about how unbelievable it is to say no, never heard of it. It's not believable. Start by being honest

Like I said IDGAF what you believe

I don't know the names of lots of TV shows and have no desire to learn them

So now have you found a post where I was defending Jacob Blake yet?

And don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

Hawaii Five O is not just a TV show, it's part of American culture. That's why it's so unbelievable.

"Book him Dano" again is a term used WAY beyond the TV show.

And the term "Five Oh" actually is a slang for "Police."

We aren't talking about a TV show. We are talking about American culture and you claim not to have heard of it even though you grew up in this country. Lots of people know those terms who never saw the show. No one grew up here without ever having heard of the show.

You're being fake shallow. If you claim to not know who Walker Texas Ranger is, maybe you're just a young guy, but it's possible. But you don't know American culture and you grew up here? No.

And yes, as I say every other time, you are blaming the cop for Blake's choice. You want the cop to die to save a guy who assaults women, ignored a restraining order and had a warrant out for him. That is clearly defending Blake
don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

As soon as I take orders from you, then I'll do that.

When a guy has his hand in his car where he could clearly grab a gun and if he did the cop is dead speaks for itself. You're the liar.

When you make someone jump off a diving board but say you don't want them to go into the water, you're being completely disingenuous. You set up a situation where if guy has gun, cop is dead. You need to own the consequences of your choices, like Blake
You said I defended Blake.

And yet you cannot produce one single statement from any of my posts that corroborates your that

I did criticize the cops for mishandling the entire situation but you're too fucking stupid to realize that is not the same thing as defending Blake

You are a dishonest piece of shit.
So a felon who puts police in danger by reaching into his car is the same as going to Appleby's. Racists really do make terrible arguments, Joe

Except no one was in danger from him reaching into his car. The cops overreacted.


As opposed to Rittenhouse, who was able to walk right past them after shooting three people.

Talk about your White Privilege.
That wasn't the question. Maybe you need stronger glasses. Here is the question again >>>

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

Well, if you outnumber him 3 to 1, you tackle him.

But apparently cops think black people are like supervillians and have magic powers.
So a felon who puts police in danger by reaching into his car is the same as going to Appleby's. Racists really do make terrible arguments, Joe

Except no one was in danger from him reaching into his car. The cops overreacted.

View attachment 385536

As opposed to Rittenhouse, who was able to walk right past them after shooting three people.

Talk about your White Privilege.
You conflate bullshit. In terms of Rittenhouse it was chaos and the cops didn’t know what was what and he gave himself up. Blake had a warrant out on him, resisted arrest and reached into his car. The cops thought they were in danger. Rittenhouse never resisted arrest.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV
I do and I use the Internet as evidently YOU don't as the above wasn't from me but from Wikipedia which you might want to use to get facts...not subject guesses.
As you pointed out I would have had to have known that the character's name wasn't Steve Garret as the person I was responding to said it was.

So really a Google search of Steve Garret would not have given me any info about some TV show I never heard of now would it?
Why don't you try it. the Internet when combined with common sense is very helpful.
I've been using the Internet since 1988 and before that was a frequent library visitor.
Facts are what help me make decisions along with common sense.
Attached is an example of how a little common sense combined with using the Internet shows how some really impactful decisions are made that affect us all. Remember... the operative word is "consumed" and because the lack of attention to small details LIKE the word "consumed" affect us all.
This was first used in 2018.View attachment 384755
You think I care enough about a TV show to worry if some actor plays a guy named Garret or whatever?

At least get the characters name right, it was Steve McGarrett, originally played by Jack Lord and revived by Alex O'Loughlin in 2010.

Pay attention will you?

Someone else called that character Steve Garret

And as i said I never heard of the stupid show so I care even less what the character's or the actors names

If you just said you don't/didn't watch the show, that would be believable. Saying you never heard of it isn't. The original show was a classic. It was before my time and I never watched it. I did watch some of the remake. But that you never heard of it unless you grew up in a different country or just in a Louisiana swamp off the grid is not believable.

Sit for a second and admit to yourself that sure, you heard of the show. You heard the term "Book him, Dano." Now think about how unbelievable it is to say no, never heard of it. It's not believable. Start by being honest

Like I said IDGAF what you believe

I don't know the names of lots of TV shows and have no desire to learn them

So now have you found a post where I was defending Jacob Blake yet?

And don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

Hawaii Five O is not just a TV show, it's part of American culture. That's why it's so unbelievable.

"Book him Dano" again is a term used WAY beyond the TV show.

And the term "Five Oh" actually is a slang for "Police."

We aren't talking about a TV show. We are talking about American culture and you claim not to have heard of it even though you grew up in this country. Lots of people know those terms who never saw the show. No one grew up here without ever having heard of the show.

You're being fake shallow. If you claim to not know who Walker Texas Ranger is, maybe you're just a young guy, but it's possible. But you don't know American culture and you grew up here? No.

And yes, as I say every other time, you are blaming the cop for Blake's choice. You want the cop to die to save a guy who assaults women, ignored a restraining order and had a warrant out for him. That is clearly defending Blake
don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

As soon as I take orders from you, then I'll do that.

When a guy has his hand in his car where he could clearly grab a gun and if he did the cop is dead speaks for itself. You're the liar.

When you make someone jump off a diving board but say you don't want them to go into the water, you're being completely disingenuous. You set up a situation where if guy has gun, cop is dead. You need to own the consequences of your choices, like Blake
You said I defended Blake.

And yet you cannot produce one single statement from any of my posts that corroborates your that

I did criticize the cops for mishandling the entire situation but you're too fucking stupid to realize that is not the same thing as defending Blake

You are a dishonest piece of shit.
She does the same shit to me on a regular basis. What a dishonest joke
That wasn't the question. Maybe you need stronger glasses. Here is the question again >>>

If YOU were a police officer, and you were questioning somebody about a serious crime, and he suddenly bolts away from you, and then reaches into a car, with his hands now not visible to you, what do you do ?

Well, if you outnumber him 3 to 1, you tackle him.

But apparently cops think black people are like supervillians and have magic powers.
Dumbass. Find in the police handbook for me where it says to “tackle” suspects. So this way they can grab your gun? Worked great in Atlanta where the suspect took one of the cops tasers. Joe, you’re such a stupid person.
  • Thanks
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I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV
I do and I use the Internet as evidently YOU don't as the above wasn't from me but from Wikipedia which you might want to use to get facts...not subject guesses.
As you pointed out I would have had to have known that the character's name wasn't Steve Garret as the person I was responding to said it was.

So really a Google search of Steve Garret would not have given me any info about some TV show I never heard of now would it?
Why don't you try it. the Internet when combined with common sense is very helpful.
I've been using the Internet since 1988 and before that was a frequent library visitor.
Facts are what help me make decisions along with common sense.
Attached is an example of how a little common sense combined with using the Internet shows how some really impactful decisions are made that affect us all. Remember... the operative word is "consumed" and because the lack of attention to small details LIKE the word "consumed" affect us all.
This was first used in 2018.View attachment 384755
You think I care enough about a TV show to worry if some actor plays a guy named Garret or whatever?

At least get the characters name right, it was Steve McGarrett, originally played by Jack Lord and revived by Alex O'Loughlin in 2010.

Pay attention will you?

Someone else called that character Steve Garret

And as i said I never heard of the stupid show so I care even less what the character's or the actors names

If you just said you don't/didn't watch the show, that would be believable. Saying you never heard of it isn't. The original show was a classic. It was before my time and I never watched it. I did watch some of the remake. But that you never heard of it unless you grew up in a different country or just in a Louisiana swamp off the grid is not believable.

Sit for a second and admit to yourself that sure, you heard of the show. You heard the term "Book him, Dano." Now think about how unbelievable it is to say no, never heard of it. It's not believable. Start by being honest

Like I said IDGAF what you believe

I don't know the names of lots of TV shows and have no desire to learn them

So now have you found a post where I was defending Jacob Blake yet?

And don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

Hawaii Five O is not just a TV show, it's part of American culture. That's why it's so unbelievable.

"Book him Dano" again is a term used WAY beyond the TV show.

And the term "Five Oh" actually is a slang for "Police."

We aren't talking about a TV show. We are talking about American culture and you claim not to have heard of it even though you grew up in this country. Lots of people know those terms who never saw the show. No one grew up here without ever having heard of the show.

You're being fake shallow. If you claim to not know who Walker Texas Ranger is, maybe you're just a young guy, but it's possible. But you don't know American culture and you grew up here? No.

And yes, as I say every other time, you are blaming the cop for Blake's choice. You want the cop to die to save a guy who assaults women, ignored a restraining order and had a warrant out for him. That is clearly defending Blake
don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

As soon as I take orders from you, then I'll do that.

When a guy has his hand in his car where he could clearly grab a gun and if he did the cop is dead speaks for itself. You're the liar.

When you make someone jump off a diving board but say you don't want them to go into the water, you're being completely disingenuous. You set up a situation where if guy has gun, cop is dead. You need to own the consequences of your choices, like Blake
You said I defended Blake.

And yet you cannot produce one single statement from any of my posts that corroborates your that

I did criticize the cops for mishandling the entire situation but you're too fucking stupid to realize that is not the same thing as defending Blake

You are a dishonest piece of shit.
She does the same shit to me on a regular basis. What a dishonest joke
You still think they should have “tackled” Blake? LOL
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...it’s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he “raced around the car” and that the cops had a “bad angle” to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Don’t hate the player hate the game. Police officers aren’t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Don’t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
I’ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said “tackle” and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you don’t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon
7 shots to the back is never right

Platitude arguments are never right
Letting this dork hold a gun is also not right


Why? Then you can't beat him up?
I do not know if I could beat up an 8 year old in a police uniform. Shit I might be on the ground LMFAO

I'd bet on him heavily against you
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...it’s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he “raced around the car” and that the cops had a “bad angle” to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Don’t hate the player hate the game. Police officers aren’t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Don’t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
I’ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said “tackle” and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
So you don’t know. Fantastic. Then stop criticizing the police officers and critique the system.
I know what happened was wrong. Whether the responsibility is on the cops for mishandling per their training or not is what needs to be determined and acted upon

You can't spin your way out of that the sexual assaulter who violated his victim's restraining order that you're defending had the choice, not the cops you wanted to be killed for your leftist ideology
I don’t want any cops to be killed. Another ridiculous lie you’re telling
No but you also don’t want to give them credit for a difficult job
I’ve worked with cops for years and they have an extremely difficult job and I give them a tremendous amount of credit. They have a huge responsibility but that doesn’t mean I won’t call out people who abuse their power

So it's OK then you want to get cops killed because you're protecting a guy who beats women then ignores the restraining order because you think it helps your political beliefs. Swell guy you are
No of course not. Do you have a learning deficiency? I never said anything close to what you pretend I’m saying. I don’t want the cops to get killed and the only thing I’m defending that guy of is from getting 7 bullets in the back. He should have been arrested

And the sexual assaulter you're protecting should have obeyed the cops. It's on him.

You'd suddenly get that if it weren't for the orange many you hate so much
In what way have I protected Blake?

I've also said that he should have obeyed the police and he should have been arrested for not obeying. I don't know what Trump has to do with any of this, are you bringing him up because you don't have anything else to fling at this debate?

Blake was being arrested if he obeyed. There was a warrant out for his arrest and he violated the restraining order to stay away from his sexual assault victim.

You're protecting the sexual predator by supporting him resisting arrest and blaming the cops for his choices
I don’t support him resisting arrest nor have I ever said anything of the sort. This is you lying again. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I supported him resisting arrest

You're word parsing. Of course you're supporting him resisting arrest. You're arguing that at the point he got into his car, the cops had to let him kill a cop and drive away
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...it’s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he “raced around the car” and that the cops had a “bad angle” to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Don’t hate the player hate the game. Police officers aren’t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Don’t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...

Bu-bu-but that's not what Slade saw on Walker Texas Ranger ...
What I see is you making claim after claim that you can’t back up when called out.... why can’t you just be honest when you debate. You don’t need to make shit up like you tend to do

Right, I didn't provide a link to you idiots who didn't provide a link to back up your claims 99 pound police women are as effective as men because of the personal testimony that someone knew a chick ...

And you call me not honest and making shit up, LOL.

You aren’t honest and you do make shit up. In this thread a few examples have been “raced to the car” “bad angle” “ Cavalierly walked through to tasers“

Raced to the car was true

I said bad angle and you denied being behind him is a bad angle. That's a matter of opinion

If you do any research, then they describe him as being unaffected by the tasers.

That's the Democrat way. If you don't like something, it's somehow dishonest and making shit up. Facts don't care about your feelings, no nuts
He didn’t race to the car he walked it’s on video. I’ve seen the reports that he was tazed twice. No other details. Was the connection made? How long before the video that we all saw? I certainly have not seen anybody but you say he Cavalierly walked through to tasers like you claimed. So I can only assume you are making that up

You're just bickering and word parsing. My description was accurate.

kaz: It was big
slade: No, it was large

kaz: It was wet
slade: no, it wasn't dry

kaz: The tree was tall
slade: no, it was high

You're failing ... badly ...
You’re wet and dry example was accurate the rest of your statement was your normal jibberish

another playground insult, no YOU are kaz. If it weren't for playground insults, Democrats would have nothing
Nothing playground about it. Just being accurate. You don’t post real and accurate things. Start being honest and these discussions will go much smoother

When you say no you are, that's totally playground, Guppy
Well good. Because I did say that

Yes, you were word parsing and bickering for sure
The only words that I parse are the ones you use to tell lies

kaz: It was big
slade: No, it was large

As I said....

Kaz: It was wet
Slade: No, it was dry

Is the correct example from your list. haha

That wasn't in my list, government school graduate
I threw you a bone and fixed it for ya. You can thank me later

Why would I thank you for changing my quote in the quote box to say what you want me to have said rather than what I did say?
So a felon who puts police in danger by reaching into his car is the same as going to Appleby's. Racists really do make terrible arguments, Joe

Except no one was in danger from him reaching into his car. The cops overreacted.

View attachment 385536

As opposed to Rittenhouse, who was able to walk right past them after shooting three people.

Talk about your White Privilege.
it has been reported that there was a knife on the floorboard of the car

Blake had warrants out for his arrest and the cops mishandled the entire situation. They should have taken him down and cuffed him before he got to the door of the car
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV

kaz: You watch a lot of TV

Blues: No YOU watch a lot of TV, kaz

Blues: healthmyths, wow, you watch a lot of TV

LOL, playground
Hey you're the guy who is comparing life to some TV show not me.

If you know characters names in a bunch of TV shows then you do watch a lot of TV.

But I guess you even got that name of the character wrong so you not only watch a lot of TV you're too dim to remember the characters

Yes, you are a firm playground denizen. No you are!

I said two of the stars of popular police dramas and got one of the names wrong. Wow, that's a lot of TV! Yeah, dumb ass. You really are lame. No wonder you're just protecting a sexual assaulter against the police
So tell me

if I don't know what police shows you are talking about or the characters or the actors who play those characters and you do then who watches more TV me or you?

And I have never said one single thing that could even be called a defense of Blake.

if you think I then please find the post and quote it. And when you can't find any post where I did come to the defense of Blake I wonder if you'll have the integrity to admit you just lied about what I have said in this thread.
She won’t show anything. She makes false claims all the time and never back them up

LOL, now the leftist manly man used calling someone a "woman" as an insult. Of course you do. You're the knuckle dragging party who thinks women aren't smart enough to decide who to vote for on their own, so you pat them on the back if they are correct and destroy them like the bitches they are if they are wrong. Being called a woman by you is a badge of honor, Neanderthal
Huh? What do women have to do with any of this? I seriously have doubts about your mental stability.

Slade: What do women have to do that I'm protecting a guy who assaulted a woman and violated her restraining order?

I'll go with the butt obvious
I’m not protecting anybody. You should stop making stuff up

Certainly if the cops were able to stop him they should have. Maybe you're right and they were Charles Bronson and Van Diesel and they could have stopped him and didn't.

That doesn't change that he did get to his car, he did reach into it and if there was a gun and the cops did nothing there was going to be a dead cop. If you said you don't think based on your extensive experience doing police work they tried hard enough to stop him, fine. You're the guy with 40 years on the force. But at that point where he reached into his car, he was a deadly threat to him and your answer is let the cop die
So a felon who puts police in danger by reaching into his car is the same as going to Appleby's. Racists really do make terrible arguments, Joe

Except no one was in danger from him reaching into his car. The cops overreacted.

View attachment 385536

As opposed to Rittenhouse, who was able to walk right past them after shooting three people.

Talk about your White Privilege.
it has been reported that there was a knife on the floorboard of the car

Blake had warrants out for his arrest and the cops mishandled the entire situation. They should have taken him down and cuffed him before he got to the door of the car

Yes, I realize you and Slade were partners on the force for 40 years and you know everything about police work and would never have let that happen. But again, at the point the guy was reaching into his car and they didn't know if he had a gun, he was a deadly threat to the cops. That you think based on those 40 years police experience you have that the cop screwed up, fine, but your death sentence for doing that is still just wrong.

Blake had the choice, he's the one who should have suffered the consequences of that choice
So a felon who puts police in danger by reaching into his car is the same as going to Appleby's. Racists really do make terrible arguments, Joe

Except no one was in danger from him reaching into his car. The cops overreacted.

View attachment 385536

As opposed to Rittenhouse, who was able to walk right past them after shooting three people.

Talk about your White Privilege.
it has been reported that there was a knife on the floorboard of the car

Blake had warrants out for his arrest and the cops mishandled the entire situation. They should have taken him down and cuffed him before he got to the door of the car

Yes, I realize you and Slade were partners on the force for 40 years and you know everything about police work and would never have let that happen. But again, at the point the guy was reaching into his car and they didn't know if he had a gun, he was a deadly threat to the cops. That you think based on those 40 years police experience you have that the cop screwed up, fine, but your death sentence for doing that is still just wrong.

Blake had the choice, he's the one who should have suffered the consequences of that choice

So have you found that quote of me defending Blake you you lying sack of shit?
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV
I do and I use the Internet as evidently YOU don't as the above wasn't from me but from Wikipedia which you might want to use to get facts...not subject guesses.
As you pointed out I would have had to have known that the character's name wasn't Steve Garret as the person I was responding to said it was.

So really a Google search of Steve Garret would not have given me any info about some TV show I never heard of now would it?
Why don't you try it. the Internet when combined with common sense is very helpful.
I've been using the Internet since 1988 and before that was a frequent library visitor.
Facts are what help me make decisions along with common sense.
Attached is an example of how a little common sense combined with using the Internet shows how some really impactful decisions are made that affect us all. Remember... the operative word is "consumed" and because the lack of attention to small details LIKE the word "consumed" affect us all.
This was first used in 2018.View attachment 384755
You think I care enough about a TV show to worry if some actor plays a guy named Garret or whatever?

At least get the characters name right, it was Steve McGarrett, originally played by Jack Lord and revived by Alex O'Loughlin in 2010.

Pay attention will you?

Someone else called that character Steve Garret

And as i said I never heard of the stupid show so I care even less what the character's or the actors names

If you just said you don't/didn't watch the show, that would be believable. Saying you never heard of it isn't. The original show was a classic. It was before my time and I never watched it. I did watch some of the remake. But that you never heard of it unless you grew up in a different country or just in a Louisiana swamp off the grid is not believable.

Sit for a second and admit to yourself that sure, you heard of the show. You heard the term "Book him, Dano." Now think about how unbelievable it is to say no, never heard of it. It's not believable. Start by being honest

Like I said IDGAF what you believe

I don't know the names of lots of TV shows and have no desire to learn them

So now have you found a post where I was defending Jacob Blake yet?

And don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

Hawaii Five O is not just a TV show, it's part of American culture. That's why it's so unbelievable.

"Book him Dano" again is a term used WAY beyond the TV show.

And the term "Five Oh" actually is a slang for "Police."

We aren't talking about a TV show. We are talking about American culture and you claim not to have heard of it even though you grew up in this country. Lots of people know those terms who never saw the show. No one grew up here without ever having heard of the show.

You're being fake shallow. If you claim to not know who Walker Texas Ranger is, maybe you're just a young guy, but it's possible. But you don't know American culture and you grew up here? No.

And yes, as I say every other time, you are blaming the cop for Blake's choice. You want the cop to die to save a guy who assaults women, ignored a restraining order and had a warrant out for him. That is clearly defending Blake
don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

As soon as I take orders from you, then I'll do that.

When a guy has his hand in his car where he could clearly grab a gun and if he did the cop is dead speaks for itself. You're the liar.

When you make someone jump off a diving board but say you don't want them to go into the water, you're being completely disingenuous. You set up a situation where if guy has gun, cop is dead. You need to own the consequences of your choices, like Blake
You said I defended Blake.

And yet you cannot produce one single statement from any of my posts that corroborates your that

I did criticize the cops for mishandling the entire situation but you're too fucking stupid to realize that is not the same thing as defending Blake

You are a dishonest piece of shit.

The gap in your story you won't address. Yes, I realize you have decades of experience in police work and you decided the cops f'd up by allowing Blake (who assaults women and ignored their restraining orders) to get to his car.

But at that point Blake (who had the choice) was reaching into his car and if he had a gun a cop was dead. You won't address that at that point the cop was in deadly peril. Gun = dead cop. You just keep blaming the cop for that he got to his car because you're Charles Bronson and beat people up for a living, so you expect every cop to be able to tackle and arrest violent felons.

That is clearly defending him
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV
I do and I use the Internet as evidently YOU don't as the above wasn't from me but from Wikipedia which you might want to use to get facts...not subject guesses.
As you pointed out I would have had to have known that the character's name wasn't Steve Garret as the person I was responding to said it was.

So really a Google search of Steve Garret would not have given me any info about some TV show I never heard of now would it?
Why don't you try it. the Internet when combined with common sense is very helpful.
I've been using the Internet since 1988 and before that was a frequent library visitor.
Facts are what help me make decisions along with common sense.
Attached is an example of how a little common sense combined with using the Internet shows how some really impactful decisions are made that affect us all. Remember... the operative word is "consumed" and because the lack of attention to small details LIKE the word "consumed" affect us all.
This was first used in 2018.View attachment 384755
You think I care enough about a TV show to worry if some actor plays a guy named Garret or whatever?

At least get the characters name right, it was Steve McGarrett, originally played by Jack Lord and revived by Alex O'Loughlin in 2010.

Pay attention will you?

Someone else called that character Steve Garret

And as i said I never heard of the stupid show so I care even less what the character's or the actors names

If you just said you don't/didn't watch the show, that would be believable. Saying you never heard of it isn't. The original show was a classic. It was before my time and I never watched it. I did watch some of the remake. But that you never heard of it unless you grew up in a different country or just in a Louisiana swamp off the grid is not believable.

Sit for a second and admit to yourself that sure, you heard of the show. You heard the term "Book him, Dano." Now think about how unbelievable it is to say no, never heard of it. It's not believable. Start by being honest

Like I said IDGAF what you believe

I don't know the names of lots of TV shows and have no desire to learn them

So now have you found a post where I was defending Jacob Blake yet?

And don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

Hawaii Five O is not just a TV show, it's part of American culture. That's why it's so unbelievable.

"Book him Dano" again is a term used WAY beyond the TV show.

And the term "Five Oh" actually is a slang for "Police."

We aren't talking about a TV show. We are talking about American culture and you claim not to have heard of it even though you grew up in this country. Lots of people know those terms who never saw the show. No one grew up here without ever having heard of the show.

You're being fake shallow. If you claim to not know who Walker Texas Ranger is, maybe you're just a young guy, but it's possible. But you don't know American culture and you grew up here? No.

And yes, as I say every other time, you are blaming the cop for Blake's choice. You want the cop to die to save a guy who assaults women, ignored a restraining order and had a warrant out for him. That is clearly defending Blake
don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

As soon as I take orders from you, then I'll do that.

When a guy has his hand in his car where he could clearly grab a gun and if he did the cop is dead speaks for itself. You're the liar.

When you make someone jump off a diving board but say you don't want them to go into the water, you're being completely disingenuous. You set up a situation where if guy has gun, cop is dead. You need to own the consequences of your choices, like Blake
You said I defended Blake.

And yet you cannot produce one single statement from any of my posts that corroborates your that

I did criticize the cops for mishandling the entire situation but you're too fucking stupid to realize that is not the same thing as defending Blake

You are a dishonest piece of shit.

The gap in your story you won't address. Yes, I realize you have decades of experience in police work and you decided the cops f'd up by allowing Blake (who assaults women and ignored their restraining orders) to get to his car.

But at that point Blake (who had the choice) was reaching into his car and if he had a gun a cop was dead. You won't address that at that point the cop was in deadly peril. Gun = dead cop. You just keep blaming the cop for that he got to his car because you're Charles Bronson and beat people up for a living, so you expect every cop to be able to tackle and arrest violent felons.

That is clearly defending him
So have you found that quote of me defending Blake you you lying sack of shit?
So a felon who puts police in danger by reaching into his car is the same as going to Appleby's. Racists really do make terrible arguments, Joe

Except no one was in danger from him reaching into his car. The cops overreacted.

View attachment 385536

As opposed to Rittenhouse, who was able to walk right past them after shooting three people.

Talk about your White Privilege.

LOL, once again the white nationalist shows that you've never touched a gun in your life. So you actually believe that someone reaching into their car couldn't shoot a cop standing by them before the cop could react. You'd cry if you ever saw a gun much less touched one. You're just a leftist big city elitist
So a felon who puts police in danger by reaching into his car is the same as going to Appleby's. Racists really do make terrible arguments, Joe

Except no one was in danger from him reaching into his car. The cops overreacted.

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As opposed to Rittenhouse, who was able to walk right past them after shooting three people.

Talk about your White Privilege.
You conflate bullshit. In terms of Rittenhouse it was chaos and the cops didn’t know what was what and he gave himself up. Blake had a warrant out on him, resisted arrest and reached into his car. The cops thought they were in danger. Rittenhouse never resisted arrest.

Not to mention the cops obviously didn't know Rittenhouse shot anyone. Joe just expects them to be mind readers. They were pretty occupied at the time
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
You claimed they were at a bad angle to take him down did you not?

I was referring to the whole process of taking him down, stopping him from getting into the car, and having the wrestling match you wanted. You boiled that down to tripping him. If you want to address the whole point than do it, but I'm not bickering with you, old woman. Note I'm barely in this stupid conversation anymore
Tackling a person from behind is not the same as tripping him.

How fucking stupid are you anyway?

Now you're just bickering. Pass
And you're just being an idiot

Yes, you think you get 10 points for tripping him and then he's going to roll on his back and let you cuff him, like Steve Garrett did on TV last week.

Talk about a fucking idiot
You don't even know the difference between tackling and tripping.

And who is Steve Garret?

Like I said I don't watch the idiot box like you do
You wrote "And who is Steve Garret?"

I think the name is "Steve McGarrett"..
Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' Hawaii Five-O. McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O.
McGarrett was famously portrayed by Jack Lord in the original show from 1968 to 1980,
and later by Alex O'Loughlin in the series' remake from 2010- 2018.

Wow you must watch a lot of TV
I do and I use the Internet as evidently YOU don't as the above wasn't from me but from Wikipedia which you might want to use to get facts...not subject guesses.
As you pointed out I would have had to have known that the character's name wasn't Steve Garret as the person I was responding to said it was.

So really a Google search of Steve Garret would not have given me any info about some TV show I never heard of now would it?
Why don't you try it. the Internet when combined with common sense is very helpful.
I've been using the Internet since 1988 and before that was a frequent library visitor.
Facts are what help me make decisions along with common sense.
Attached is an example of how a little common sense combined with using the Internet shows how some really impactful decisions are made that affect us all. Remember... the operative word is "consumed" and because the lack of attention to small details LIKE the word "consumed" affect us all.
This was first used in 2018.View attachment 384755
You think I care enough about a TV show to worry if some actor plays a guy named Garret or whatever?

At least get the characters name right, it was Steve McGarrett, originally played by Jack Lord and revived by Alex O'Loughlin in 2010.

Pay attention will you?

Someone else called that character Steve Garret

And as i said I never heard of the stupid show so I care even less what the character's or the actors names

If you just said you don't/didn't watch the show, that would be believable. Saying you never heard of it isn't. The original show was a classic. It was before my time and I never watched it. I did watch some of the remake. But that you never heard of it unless you grew up in a different country or just in a Louisiana swamp off the grid is not believable.

Sit for a second and admit to yourself that sure, you heard of the show. You heard the term "Book him, Dano." Now think about how unbelievable it is to say no, never heard of it. It's not believable. Start by being honest

Like I said IDGAF what you believe

I don't know the names of lots of TV shows and have no desire to learn them

So now have you found a post where I was defending Jacob Blake yet?

And don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

Hawaii Five O is not just a TV show, it's part of American culture. That's why it's so unbelievable.

"Book him Dano" again is a term used WAY beyond the TV show.

And the term "Five Oh" actually is a slang for "Police."

We aren't talking about a TV show. We are talking about American culture and you claim not to have heard of it even though you grew up in this country. Lots of people know those terms who never saw the show. No one grew up here without ever having heard of the show.

You're being fake shallow. If you claim to not know who Walker Texas Ranger is, maybe you're just a young guy, but it's possible. But you don't know American culture and you grew up here? No.

And yes, as I say every other time, you are blaming the cop for Blake's choice. You want the cop to die to save a guy who assaults women, ignored a restraining order and had a warrant out for him. That is clearly defending Blake
don't bother to reply to my posts until you admit you lied about what I posted here.

I have no time for dishonest pieces of shit

As soon as I take orders from you, then I'll do that.

When a guy has his hand in his car where he could clearly grab a gun and if he did the cop is dead speaks for itself. You're the liar.

When you make someone jump off a diving board but say you don't want them to go into the water, you're being completely disingenuous. You set up a situation where if guy has gun, cop is dead. You need to own the consequences of your choices, like Blake
You said I defended Blake.

And yet you cannot produce one single statement from any of my posts that corroborates your that

I did criticize the cops for mishandling the entire situation but you're too fucking stupid to realize that is not the same thing as defending Blake

You are a dishonest piece of shit.
She does the same shit to me on a regular basis. What a dishonest joke

And misogynist Slade thinks calling someone a woman is an insult, of course you do. Leftists and hypocrisy, arm in arm ... again ...
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