I cannot stand idly by any longer

Trump is the center of all that angst, on both sides! Time for Mr. President to shut up, stop fueling it, then leave when told. Peace from this chaos is on the horizon.... :D
Not happening these stupid OWS/Antfi fags/BLMs will still riot and loot they just want other people's money by force.
they want approval for shooting five year olds in the head.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

When you are behind enemy lines you need defense capabilities. You are going into territory where they want Trump supporters dead or hurt. So there should be no surprise if you get attacked.

If it is white...it ain't right.jpg

As such, you should only travel in large groups with defense capabilities in mind. Just accept if you resort to self-defense in a dem controlled city / state, you may be arrested and go to jail just for trying to protect yourself.
Wow, so many retards in one spot. You can almost see the cloud of stupidity in the air. Does not surprise me that you were there.
This is why people think you are an obnoxious. self superior prick. Because you are!
That’s ok in this case, I am being a prick. When I see so many people repeating obvious lies and propagating a fake story about a stolen election just to protect one spoiled mans ego, I can’t help but call out the stupidity.
There is no you "being a prick" You are a prick, and never cease to be a lying son of a bitch.
Post a quote of mine that you think is a lie and I’ll happily prove you wrong.

That you are
Haha. Last I heard 18 cases had been tossed. I’m asking you to name one that has teeth and you can’t. Yet you expect us to take these claims seriously?! Come on man. It’s so obvious what’s going on here. Don’t be duped by it
I'm not asking anything of you. That would be expecting too much.
I'm saying Trump has a legal right to pursue every legal right available to him and I've already heard that
although there is so much fraud, law suits that will be argued in front of the Supreme Court will be
concentrating on process crimes primarily to throw out ballots and give Trump his victory.

It's all a form of fraud anyway. Thanks for the honesty about being a prick, by the way.
Of course he has the right as did Clinton when she sued and pursued recounts. The issue isn’t him pursuing fraud allegations. It’s him claiming he won and that the election was stolen without having the evidence to prove it.
It appears once again Trump got more votes then the Messiah, how the fuck was that possible?
More people voted this election. Bidens up by how many million now? 5? 6?

Where did these new people come from?
They came from all over and voted for both sides. Are you asking an honest question or trying to make some round about point?
That’s ok in this case, I am being a prick. When I see so many people repeating obvious lies and propagating a fake story about a stolen election just to protect one spoiled mans ego, I can’t help but call out the stupidity.
I guess the bad Orange Man has gotten so far into your head you can't conceive of the possibility that
the presidency itself is what republicans are defending (though obviously they are standing up
for Trump also).
And it's about the welfare of a nation that has made so many gains in the last four years and how the
socialist swine want to bury and eradicate that all.

And above all else it's the rule of law vs. Biden and his scum bags cheating their way to victory.
If you are standing for the presidency then you should stand for our democracy and not promote lies designed to undermine it.
This country is not a democracy. I do not stand for nor respect the democracy
No shit, that much is obvious... at least you admit it
Have you ever said the Pledge of Allegiance? Read it someplace? What does it say about democracy?
It doesn’t say anything about democracy. So what?
But why are you standing up for obvious lies?

Because I have seen no concrete evidence disproving them, nor have I seen any concrete effort on your side or any side to disprove them, other thatn "he won, deal with it."

If you have a counter-argument that proves to me this election was carried out faithfully, with the best interests of our democracy in mind, I would love to hear it.
The federal election officials have stated that this was the most secure election in history, with no evidence to support charges of election fraud. Trump's team are 0-10 with their spurious lawsuits. Just because your guy lost doesn't mean the election was stolen.

1 - 19,

not 0- 10 anymore

The 1 case Trump lawyers won was justice Alito telling PA to separate the votes from Nov 3rd that were mailed and could arrive by Friday, which the Secretary of state had already ordered such....
Oh thank you... big win!!! So when does that flip the results of the election? Haha
Trump is the center of all that angst, on both sides! Time for Mr. President to shut up, stop fueling it, then leave when told. Peace from this chaos is on the horizon.... :D
Not happening these stupid OWS/Antfi fags/BLMs will still riot and loot they just want other people's money by force.
they want approval for shooting five year olds in the head.
Doesn’t it get old making ignorant proclamations like this??
My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

What did Trump do to stop the violence?

When he accepted the Republican nomination at the convention in 2016, he said he'd put a stop to the increase in crime.

But crime continued to increase under his watch.

And when the riots exploded this summer, he did little.

So does that mean you didn't accept Trump as your President too?

Or are you just blowing smoke because a Democrat was elected President?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.
Because I have seen no concrete evidence disproving them, nor have I seen any concrete effort on your side or any side to disprove them, other thatn "he won, deal with it."

If you have a counter-argument that proves to me this election was carried out faithfully, with the best interests of our democracy in mind, I would love to hear it.

Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 4.58.23 PM.png

You have no interest in hearing that your side lost fair and square.
My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

What did Trump do to stop the violence?

When he accepted the Republican nomination at the convention in 2016, he said he'd put a stop to the increase in crime.

But crime continued to increase under his watch.

And when the riots exploded this summer, he did little.

So does that mean you didn't accept Trump as your President too?

Or are you just blowing smoke because a Democrat was elected President?
You goober how was Trump supposed to do much when the fucking mayor rioted with the protestors?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

The videos in this thread is the proof..
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

The videos in this thread is the proof..

The videos are one sided.
Because I have seen no concrete evidence disproving them, nor have I seen any concrete effort on your side or any side to disprove them, other thatn "he won, deal with it."

If you have a counter-argument that proves to me this election was carried out faithfully, with the best interests of our democracy in mind, I would love to hear it.

View attachment 416735

You have no interest in hearing that your side lost fair and square.
Again where did all these people come from?
And yes TemplarKormac, I do have faith in our elections system. I work with the people every single day that make elections happen and I know how dedicated they are to making sure elections are fair, accurate, secure and transparent.

That's not very reassuring.

If all you do is take and give orders, how will you know if you're doing something wrong.


Did that make a lick of sense in your head? It makes no sense when posted to a message board.

Sigh, read the post again.

Reading nonsense again isn't going to make it make sense.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

The videos in this thread is the proof..

The videos are one sided.
Cold cocking an old man in the head is one sided?

The negros do what they always do prey on the weak.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

The videos in this thread is the proof..

The videos are one sided.
Cold cocking an old man in the head is one sided?

The negros do what they always do prey on the weak.

So...did the videos show at the other side did? For example, I heard a Proud Boy knifed someone.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

There is no possibility of that. Unless what my eyes tell me are untruths.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

There is no possibility of that. Unless what my eyes tell me are untruths.
I don't care for twitter. It's one sided. You will see what those you follow choose to show you.

What DON'T they show you?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

The videos in this thread is the proof..

The videos are one sided.
Cold cocking an old man in the head is one sided?

The negros do what they always do prey on the weak.

So...did the videos show at the other side did? For example, I heard a Proud Boy knifed someone.

That turned out to be untrue, as the alleged victim was later seen filming himself on Twitter in unscathed body armor.

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