I cannot tell. Do left wing robots still thinking the Russians stole the election? Lol

I believe the point of the thread is to see if there are any morons still clinging to yesterday's lie, and haven't incorporated the latest lies into their posts.

And sure enough....here you are, dumb and proud of it!

Reliable Democrat voter, huh?

So Reuters is fake news but you're the real thing. You don't read either, you just copy and paste.

1. I am the 'real thing'....
2. I cannot quit because at this moment in time...I am too legit.
3. And...at this time, you cannot be describes as anything but 'the bottom of the barrel.'

See our difference?

4. Now...let's go over why there can never...NEVER....be any such proof of Russian involvement.

How about a lesson, a remedial, in cyber 'hacking':

"Analysts say, however, that the ability to determine who cyber attackers are, where they’re located and sometimes who ordered their operations is rarely definitive and comes in degrees of confidence.

Beyond the government’s headline assertion that Russia is to blame, “it’s important to parse the public statement pretty closely,” said Susan Hennessey, a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution. “They’re being really careful in their word choice.”
The Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security said in a statement earlier this month that “only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”
But that statement does not mean that the U.S. has “direct evidence of senior official-level involvement,” Hennessey said.

Without more definitive statements, it’s difficult for some technical experts to take the government’s word on faith, she and others have said.

There’s no evidence that this was done by the state itself, only evidence it was done by non-state actors that might be Russian-speaking,” said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of the cyber security consultancy firm Taia Global, referring to the evidence available to the public.

That evidence, which was released by private threat assessment companies rather than official channels, indicates hackers used Cyrillic keyboards and operated during Moscow working hours.

But indicators of identity like timestamps, language preferences and IP addresses “can be manipulated or faked rather easily,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab."
Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?
Does the U.S. government really know who hacked Democrats' emails?

Get it, you dunce???

Your link is from October 2016. You're not only fake, but six months behind everybody else.

You moron!

It doesn't matter when it was written!!!!

It proves that there will never be any such proof of who was responsible.

AND...you dunce, shortly after,


WikiLeaks Vault 7 Part 3 Reveals CIA Tool Might Mask Hacks as Russian, Chinese, Arabic"
WikiLeaks Vault 7 Part 3 Reveals CIA Tool Might Mask Hacks as Russian, Chinese, Arabic

Anybody can fake the source, you fool!!!

Now you know why WikeLeaks released that information. It was the same thing they did during the campaign. Release real information and mix in false information. Russian bots in social media picked it up and amplified it. Then Trump-bots like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh pick it up. The purpose was to blame the CIA even though the CIA had no reason to help Trump.

I can assume, then, that you are unable to find any 'facts' to support your suggestion that "WikeLeaks released that information" that influenced our election in any way.

And, in consequence, you are merely our latest source of Greenhouse Gases.

The fact is that Bill's wife did better after the Wikileaks, whatever they were, than before.
a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.
I cannot tell. Do left wing robots still thinking the Russians stole the election? Lol

They never did think the Russians stole the election. The leftist fanatics needed something to use to destroy Donald Trump, so they picked that. Then lied about it stridently to try to fool normal people into thinking it was true.

Some of them are probably still trying to spread the lie, since they have very little else.
It goes along with what Julian Assange has been saying all along.
The Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks.

Did the Russians use the info to try and sway a US election?
Probably but thats nothing new they do it all the time just like barry did multiple times.

Perhaps if you and a few thousand other posters keep posting the lie, more will conflate the two.
You folks do know the investigation is still ongoing.
Well, like today;
Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - documents
Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - documents
I think the key word isn't "stole" but based on mounting evidence, the word "influenced"is more appropriate.

Unnamed sources with no evidence told the party press that the opposition is engaged with foreigners, so we here are Reuters are reporting it as fact.
Sorry, spinning is not your forte. What Trump will say is in his own interest, and the FBI will choose the time to make evidence public. The FBI is not saying there is no evidence.

In the meantime:

A Russian government think tank controlled by Vladimir Putin developed a plan to swing the 2016 U.S. presidential election to Donald Trump and undermine voters’ faith in the American electoral system, three current and four former U.S. officials told Reuters.

They described two confidential documents from the think tank as providing the framework and rationale for what U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was an intensive effort by Russia to interfere with the Nov. 8 election. U.S. intelligence officials acquired the documents, which were prepared by the Moscow-based Russian Institute for Strategic Studies [en.riss.ru/], after the election.

The institute is run by retired senior Russian foreign intelligence officials appointed by Putin’s office.

The first Russian institute document was a strategy paper written last June that circulated at the highest levels of the Russian government but was not addressed to any specific individuals.

It recommended the Kremlin launch a propaganda campaign on social media and Russian state-backed global news outlets to encourage U.S. voters to elect a president who would take a softer line toward Russia than the administration of then-President Barack Obama, the seven officials said.

A second institute document, drafted in October and distributed in the same way, warned that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was likely to win the election. For that reason, it argued, it was better for Russia to end its pro-Trump propaganda and instead intensify its messaging about voter fraud to undermine the U.S. electoral system’s legitimacy and damage Clinton’s reputation in an effort to undermine her presidency, the seven officials said.

The current and former U.S. officials spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the Russian documents’ classified status. They declined to discuss how the United States obtained them. U.S. intelligence agencies also declined to comment on them.

Putin has denied interfering in the U.S. election. Putin’s spokesman and the Russian institute did not respond to requests for comment.

The documents were central to the Obama administration's conclusion that Russia mounted a “fake news” campaign and launched cyber attacks against Democratic Party groups and Clinton's campaign, the current and former officials said.

“Putin had the objective in mind all along, and he asked the institute to draw him a road map,” said one of the sources, a former senior U.S. intelligence official.

Trump has said Russia’s activities had no impact on the outcome of the race. Ongoing congressional and FBI investigations into Russian interference have so far produced no public evidence that Trump associates colluded with the Russian effort to change the outcome of the election.

Four of the officials said the approach outlined in the June strategy paper was a broadening of an effort the Putin administration launched in March 2016. That month the Kremlin instructed state-backed media outlets, including international platforms Russia Today and Sputnik news agency, to start producing positive reports on Trump’s quest for the U.S. presidency, the officials said.

Russia Today did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Sputnik dismissed the assertions by the U.S. officials that it participated in a Kremlin campaign as an “absolute pack of lies.” “And by the way, it's not the first pack of lies we're hearing from 'sources in U.S. official circles'," the spokesperson said in an email.


Russia Today and Sputnik published anti-Clinton stories while pro-Kremlin bloggers prepared a Twitter campaign calling into question the fairness of an anticipated Clinton victory, according to a report by U.S. intelligence agencies on Russian interference in the election made public in January. [bit.ly/2kMiKSA]

Russia Today’s most popular Clinton video - “How 100% of the 2015 Clintons’ ‘charity’ went to ... themselves” - accumulated 9 millions views on social media, according to the January report. [bit.ly/2os8wIt]

The report said Russia Today and Sputnik “consistently cast president elect-Trump as the target of unfair coverage from traditional media outlets."

The report said the agencies did not assess whether Moscow’s effort had swung the outcome of the race in Trump’s favor, because American intelligence agencies do not “analyze U.S. political processes or U.S. public opinion.” [bit.ly/2kMiKSA]


Neither of the Russian institute documents mentioned the release of hacked Democratic Party emails to interfere with the U.S. election, according to four of the officials. The officials said the hacking was a covert intelligence operation run separately out of the Kremlin.

The overt propaganda and covert hacking efforts reinforced each other, according to the officials. Both Russia Today and Sputnik heavily promoted the release of the hacked Democratic Party emails, which often contained embarrassing details.

Five of the U.S. officials described the institute as the Kremlin’s in-house foreign policy think tank.

The institute’s director when the documents were written, Leonid Reshetnikov, rose to the rank of lieutenant general during a 33-year-career in Russia’s foreign intelligence service, according to the institute’s website [bit.ly/2oVhiCF]. After Reshetnikov retired from the institute in January, Putin named as his replacement Mikhail Fradkov. The institute says he served as the director of Russia’s foreign intelligence service from 2007 to 2016. [bit.ly/2os4tvz]

Reuters was unable to determine if either man was directly involved in the drafting of the documents. Reshetnikov’s office referred questions to the Russian institute.

On its website, the Russian institute describes itself as providing “expert appraisals,” “recommendations,” and “analytical materials” to the Russian president’s office, cabinet, National Security Council, ministries and parliament. [bit.ly/2pCBGpR]

On Jan. 31, the websites of Putin’s office [bit.ly/2os9wMr] and the institute [bit.ly/2oLn9Kd] posted a picture and transcript of Reshetnikov and his successor Fradkov meeting with Putin in the Kremlin. Putin thanked Reshetnikov for his service and told Fradkov he wanted the institute to provide objective information and analysis.

“We did our best for nearly eight years to implement your foreign policy concept,” Reshetnikov told Putin. “The policy of Russia and the policy of the President of Russia have been the cornerstone of our operation.”

(Reporting by Ned Parker and Jonathan Landay, additional reporting by Warren Strobel and Arshad Mohammed; Editing by David Rohde and Ross Colvin)"""""""""""

Nowhere does it say Trump colluded with the Russians.
You're frothing at the mouth over something Trump had zero control over and something barry did himself to other countries.


Don't you worry your ugly little head. The dots will be connected. It took from June 1972 to August 1974 to get rid of Nixon after he lied, remember? Oh, of course you don't.
But a valuable lesson there from the insider "Deep Throat" to Bob Woodard: "Follow the money". And that's what will cook the Cheeto's ass, too.
BREAKING: Trump Campaign Manager Paid $12.7 Million By Russian Political Party

Don't you worry your ugly little head. The dots will be connected. It took from June 1972 to August 1974 to get rid of Nixon after he lied, remember? Oh, of course you don't.
But a valuable lesson there from the insider "Deep Throat" to Bob Woodard: "Follow the money". And that's what will cook the Cheeto's ass, too.

unch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

The Russians the Russians!!!!!

The trove was published in March by the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks.

What did that release of documents have to do with Russian influence with the 2016 election?

It goes along with what Julian Assange has been saying all along.
The Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks.

Did the Russians use the info to try and sway a US election?
Probably but thats nothing new they do it all the time just like barry did multiple times.
We should be glad they didn't just invade and bomb DC to dust, like we do.
It goes along with what Julian Assange has been saying all along.
The Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks.

Did the Russians use the info to try and sway a US election?
Probably but thats nothing new they do it all the time just like barry did multiple times.

Perhaps if you and a few thousand other posters keep posting the lie, more will conflate the two.

What lie?
CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks
Nowhere does it say Trump colluded with the Russians.
You're frothing at the mouth over something Trump had zero control over and something barry did himself to other countries.


Don't you worry your ugly little head. The dots will be connected. It took from June 1972 to August 1974 to get rid of Nixon after he lied, remember? Oh, of course you don't.
But a valuable lesson there from the insider "Deep Throat" to Bob Woodard: "Follow the money". And that's what will cook the Cheeto's ass, too.
BREAKING: Trump Campaign Manager Paid $12.7 Million By Russian Political Party


unch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

The Russians the Russians!!!!!

The trove was published in March by the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks.

What did that release of documents have to do with Russian influence with the 2016 election?

It goes along with what Julian Assange has been saying all along.
The Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks.

Did the Russians use the info to try and sway a US election?
Probably but thats nothing new they do it all the time just like barry did multiple times.
We should be glad they didn't just invade and bomb DC to dust, like we do.

Who's they?
I have not heard much about that lately. Are the robots still claiming that, or have they moved on from that lie?

Do we think they know that was a lie?
We know even more now with Russian news coming out that the election was swayed by russians towards the scum dump
We? You can't find your ass with both hands and a mirror.
It goes along with what Julian Assange has been saying all along.
The Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks.

Did the Russians use the info to try and sway a US election?
Probably but thats nothing new they do it all the time just like barry did multiple times.

Perhaps if you and a few thousand other posters keep posting the lie, more will conflate the two.

What lie?
CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.
It goes along with what Julian Assange has been saying all along.
The Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks.

Did the Russians use the info to try and sway a US election?
Probably but thats nothing new they do it all the time just like barry did multiple times.

Perhaps if you and a few thousand other posters keep posting the lie, more will conflate the two.

What lie?
CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.
Blame white American male Christians for everything.

Nothing else really matters to them.
Don't you worry your ugly little head. The dots will be connected. It took from June 1972 to August 1974 to get rid of Nixon after he lied, remember? Oh, of course you don't.
But a valuable lesson there from the insider "Deep Throat" to Bob Woodard: "Follow the money". And that's what will cook the Cheeto's ass, too.
BREAKING: Trump Campaign Manager Paid $12.7 Million By Russian Political Party


unch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

The Russians the Russians!!!!!

The trove was published in March by the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks.

What did that release of documents have to do with Russian influence with the 2016 election?

It goes along with what Julian Assange has been saying all along.
The Russians had nothing to do with Wikileaks.

Did the Russians use the info to try and sway a US election?
Probably but thats nothing new they do it all the time just like barry did multiple times.
We should be glad they didn't just invade and bomb DC to dust, like we do.

Who's they?
The nations who naturally want to influence our elections.

I cannot tell. Do left wing robots still thinking the Russians stole the election? Lol

They never did think the Russians stole the election. The leftist fanatics needed something to use to destroy Donald Trump, so they picked that. Then lied about it stridently to try to fool normal people into thinking it was true.

Some of them are probably still trying to spread the lie, since they have very little else.
I cannot tell. Do left wing robots still thinking the Russians stole the election? Lol

They never did think the Russians stole the election. The leftist fanatics needed something to use to destroy Donald Trump, so they picked that. Then lied about it stridently to try to fool normal people into thinking it was true.

Some of them are probably still trying to spread the lie, since they have very little else.
Oh, you are talking about the other lefties. None of which post here. There are the socialists/Marxists with a clear agenda and their parrot robots.

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