I Can't Stop Smiling!

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
NOW we can step over....hell no, SMASH through the democrat barriers and pull ourselves out of the Obama quicksand and make America GREAT again. Start with the Keystone XL pipeline to bring the Bakken fields oil to the Houston refineries. If the canucks want to use it, and they do, we'll exact a fine tariff to move their tar-sand oil. And open ANWR 1001 for exploration...there is a SEA of oil under that Alaskan tundra. There are other fields in northern Colorado and Wyoming equally potent and now we can go get it. I don't care for off-shore drilling but 2/3 of our planet is underwater so it's inevitable and enviro-friendly when done correctly. We are about to BOOM in the energy sector and no longer be hostage to the terrorist-supporting Saudis or the prog sunshine and wind morons.

Next to reclaim our industries.....stolen but not forgotten. Shuttered factories will reopen, towns around them will again be able to hold on to their young ones and keep tenants in their downtown stores. Small town America gave Trump the WH....his duty, his obligation is to help them and he will. We will bring back our electronics, textile, steel production simply by having our competition play by the same rules we do. Nobody can compete in our markets with the same pricing plus having to ship and warehouse it here. And with corporate taxes being slashed, venture-capital will once again flow into our country-side to finance it all. Agriculture and timber and watersheds will be freed of a stifling EPA and left to the management of those who've done it for decades.

The WALL will be built...illegals who spit on our laws tossed out on their asses. Muslims with a penchant for sharia can either swear an oath of allegiance or be shipped back to where they came from. E-verify will once again be staffed and permitted to tell those who employ illegals to boot them off the work-site or face JAIL TIME....fines don't work but a month in a county lock-up gets anybody's attention. Street gangs will either lay down their weapons or face RICO statutes....Rudy knows exactly how to deal with that trash....a SAFE America is coming for us all.

I could go on and on about a SCOTUS pick (I like Newt for the open spot but he'd also be a great Cabinet member). The Court is no longer in jeopardy as of Tuesday evening and that's a tremendous relief. More later....and feel free to add your desires and expectations for a new morning in America.
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I too am very happy that Trump got elected President. I like a lot of the things he has said he wants to accomplish but I'm not sure of how much of it he will actually be able to get done. The important thing though, is that we are now free from all of the Democratic bullshit and the policies they have put into place that have been destroying America. Like the man said, "It's time to drain the swamp!"
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Tom I agree 110%... Hell I have had to go outside and hoot and holler a couple of times... My grandkids may have a future... :thup:

I know....I've begun to believe we can have it ALL now....probably will be some setbacks but even if we get 3/4 of what we want it's HUGE. :beer:
Trump proved the Democrats CAN be beat, there's blood in the water now which does not bode well for them. The Democratic party needs to do some sole searching and house cleaning. The left wing of their party has all but destroyed them.

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