I come forward, and lay on mee sword.

What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?


GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.

And now you're addressing yourself in the third person?

What a complete and utterly narcissistic douchebag you are.

Seriously. Leave the Country, disappear. Give your kids a chance to grow up with a chance in this world


Like, if I were to puff my chest out and go about the boards telling everyone how stupid they are? (meanwhile, you're a dumbass which is rich)

STFU you goon, my used toilet paper is more valuable than your entire existence.
You mean you don't feel all warm and fuzzy because your extra $340 a month is "doing your part"?

I don't know why all the sideswipes.

I was never an obamabot. I'm just not into politics like that.

But yea, Obama always says he's for stopping the SQUEEZE on the middle class.

Not sure how this doesn't squeeze us. I feel like I'm getting a bear hug from The Undertaker or Hulk Hogan.

Never said you were, "paying a little more to do your part" or some version of that, is a talking point I was taking a swipe at, not you.

I appreciate it.

I hope your Shepherds don't get hip issues :(
I'll still be eating steaks at the finest local restaurants : )

Mind you.

But - my lifestyle will definitely have to change a little bit.

Just get yerself an Obama phone and a few food stamps to offset the cost.

Don't trip, Barney Fife has got ya covered.

I don't qualify for that, my good man.

Most people on it don't either. You'll just get lost in the sea of other takers.
The ACA effects the rates of ALL health insurance.

What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?


GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.

I think Obama's in Obama's first term he had a case of Clinton_I_Want_Republicans_to_Like_Me_itisis. It didn't matter they said they wanted him to fail, called him a tar baby, muslim, kenyan, fascist, socialist, communist, lying, terrorist who didn't like America..he thought they would like him if he just followed their instructions. So instead of perhaps, pulling a Bush, and not giving a fuck if the opposing party like him or not..Obama was in appeasement mode. So..he went along them and they did what they do natural..screwed him royally. Why? Because they hate him. They hate him MORE than Clinton, who they tore apart like rabid dogs and impeached. They made it real clear that they hated him.

NOW..he is starting to get it.

But the cake is already made.

GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.

And now you're addressing yourself in the third person?

What a complete and utterly narcissistic douchebag you are.

Seriously. Leave the Country, disappear. Give your kids a chance to grow up with a chance in this world


Like, if I were to puff my chest out and go about the boards telling everyone how stupid they are? (meanwhile, you're a dumbass which is rich)

STFU you goon, my used toilet paper is more valuable than your entire existence.

Especially if you want your vagina to stay clean.

You're boring me.

And let's set this straight.....

When a person is so unaware that he or she makes a statement like, "The Republicans had no alternatives to obamacare" then they qualify as STUPID.

I, and many others on this Board, have gone to the trouble of posting numerous links to show that Republicans have offered MANY Universal Health Care plans as far back as Teddy Roosevelt and as recently as the 2007 Bush Plan that EVERYBODY with a brain (which excludes you) admits is BETTER and MORE COMPREHENSIVE than obamacare.

The link I provided you, that you are evidently too cool to read, proves that point.

I don't mind ignorance. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge and can be fixed.

"Stupid" can't be.

"Stupid" is when you're told something time and time again and you choose to ignore it.

YOU are stupid.

You can't fix 'stupid'

Go away
What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?


GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.

I think Obama's in Obama's first term he had a case of Clinton_I_Want_Republicans_to_Like_Me_itisis. It didn't matter they said they wanted him to fail, called him a tar baby, muslim, kenyan, fascist, socialist, communist, lying, terrorist who didn't like America..he thought they would like him if he just followed their instructions. So instead of perhaps, pulling a Bush, and not giving a fuck if the opposing party like him or not..Obama was in appeasement mode. So..he went along them and they did what they do natural..screwed him royally. Why? Because they hate him. They hate him MORE than Clinton, who they tore apart like rabid dogs and impeached. They made it real clear that they hated him.

NOW..he is starting to get it.

But the cake is already made.

Well - his personal / their personal vendettas aside, the middle class just took a GINORMOUS pocket-book smash.

Disclaimer: I don't wear a pocket-book :redface:


And now you're addressing yourself in the third person?

What a complete and utterly narcissistic douchebag you are.

Seriously. Leave the Country, disappear. Give your kids a chance to grow up with a chance in this world


Like, if I were to puff my chest out and go about the boards telling everyone how stupid they are? (meanwhile, you're a dumbass which is rich)

STFU you goon, my used toilet paper is more valuable than your entire existence.

Especially if you want your vagina to stay clean.

You're boring me.

And let's set this straight.....

When a person is so unaware that he or she makes a statement like, "The Republicans had no alternatives to obamacare" then they qualify as STUPID.

I, and many others on this Board, have gone to the trouble of posting numerous links to show that Republicans have offered MANY Universal Health Care plans as far back as Teddy Roosevelt and as recently as the 2007 Bush Plan that EVERYBODY with a brain (which excludes you) admits is BETTER and MORE COMPREHENSIVE than obamacare.

The link I provided you, that you are evidently too cool to read, proves that point.

I don't mind ignorance. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge and can be fixed.

"Stupid" can't be.

"Stupid" is when you're told something time and time again and you choose to ignore it.

YOU are stupid.

You can't fix 'stupid'

Go away

tl; dr tbh, fwiw

Wait...you're employer provided plan is raising rates and somehow that's the fault of the Affordable Care Act? How exactly?

The ACA effects the rates of ALL health insurance.

What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?

Wasn't Obamacare supposed to fix that???? :eek:
Another thread, another turned partisan poo-poo fest.

Hell, can't beat 'em so,

Sure, it was a good faith question unlike the others' side-swipes and so I'll oblige you.

I was under the impression that the COMPETITION (we now have more choices, due to the exchange) would drive insurers to give their bottom-dollar prices in order to attract business - and was also under the impression that the expanded customer base would mitigate some of the cost and that subsidies would take care of any big hit to C.O.L. for the Average-sized American Family, since the subsidies are paid for by tax-dollars already collected but just reallocated.

That's where my impression was, and it doesn't look like it's coming true at all.

Did you also buy into the mantra that the GOP was against it simply because they hate Barrack, or because they don't give a shit about ill people? Did that argument ring true to you? And conversely, did you believe that the Dems had your best interest at heart?

Did the fucking Republicans EVER offer an alternative plan? Does that answer your stupid questions?

Go fuck yourself, ignoramus. You aren't even qualified to discuss this stuff.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

ACA has NO mechanisms that I am aware of to reduce or keep the costs of HC (therefore insurance premiums) down.

This is why the LEFTIES WHO ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION have been bitching about ACA all along.

Now the idiots on the right truly believe that the insurance companies are distruaght over ACA.

they could not be more wrong.

ACA is the best thing that every happened to the HC insurance industry.

Now YOU know why.
It is YOU who is the idiot and a LIAR.

Nobody on the right ever thought that insurance companies are 'distraught' or felt sorry for them - as EVERYBODY on the right knew and warned that the law written BY insurance companies and FOR insurance companies is going to benefit ONLY insurance companies and hose the middle class -and that is ALWAYS what the dimocraps do -they benefit big corporations and Wall street and big pockets at the expense of the middle class.

That is the democrat war on middle class core meaning.

And that is what the right ALWAYS warns about.

So stop lying and start listening.

Like, if I were to puff my chest out and go about the boards telling everyone how stupid they are? (meanwhile, you're a dumbass which is rich)

STFU you goon, my used toilet paper is more valuable than your entire existence.

Especially if you want your vagina to stay clean.

You're boring me.

And let's set this straight.....

When a person is so unaware that he or she makes a statement like, "The Republicans had no alternatives to obamacare" then they qualify as STUPID.

I, and many others on this Board, have gone to the trouble of posting numerous links to show that Republicans have offered MANY Universal Health Care plans as far back as Teddy Roosevelt and as recently as the 2007 Bush Plan that EVERYBODY with a brain (which excludes you) admits is BETTER and MORE COMPREHENSIVE than obamacare.

The link I provided you, that you are evidently too cool to read, proves that point.

I don't mind ignorance. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge and can be fixed.

"Stupid" can't be.

"Stupid" is when you're told something time and time again and you choose to ignore it.

YOU are stupid.

You can't fix 'stupid'

Go away

tl; dr tbh, fwiw


God Damn it. Spell that shit out. I'm too damn old to learn internet/text jive
Especially if you want your vagina to stay clean.

You're boring me.

And let's set this straight.....

When a person is so unaware that he or she makes a statement like, "The Republicans had no alternatives to obamacare" then they qualify as STUPID.

I, and many others on this Board, have gone to the trouble of posting numerous links to show that Republicans have offered MANY Universal Health Care plans as far back as Teddy Roosevelt and as recently as the 2007 Bush Plan that EVERYBODY with a brain (which excludes you) admits is BETTER and MORE COMPREHENSIVE than obamacare.

The link I provided you, that you are evidently too cool to read, proves that point.

I don't mind ignorance. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge and can be fixed.

"Stupid" can't be.

"Stupid" is when you're told something time and time again and you choose to ignore it.

YOU are stupid.

You can't fix 'stupid'

Go away

tl; dr tbh, fwiw


God Damn it. Spell that shit out. I'm too damn old to learn internet/text jive

Too long, didn't read, to be honest (for what it's worth). :eusa_angel:
Did you also buy into the mantra that the GOP was against it simply because they hate Barrack, or because they don't give a shit about ill people? Did that argument ring true to you? And conversely, did you believe that the Dems had your best interest at heart?

Did the fucking Republicans EVER offer an alternative plan? Does that answer your stupid questions?

Go fuck yourself, ignoramus. You aren't even qualified to discuss this stuff.

Dealing with ignoramuses (ignorami?) every day kinda has an effect on you, huh? :)
I'll still be eating steaks at the finest local restaurants : )

Mind you.

But - my lifestyle will definitely have to change a little bit.

Good. I hope when it comes time for your heart transplant that you know somebody well-connected in gubmint

My heart is in rare form. It is the heart of an Olympic athlete.

If you ever need Nutrition or Exercise advice, LMK player. LMK.
For now. And the heart of a Olympic athlete is not a positive predictive value for the future health of exactly the heart, since the changes needed for the heart to undergo for serving the athletic body and athletic needs do not usually play well later on. However I don't wish you that, I just inform on the medical fact.

What Edge was harshly pointing at is the inevitability of severe corruption in the government -run HS(and I can attest that as I worked in the single payer government system).
I suspect you still won't listen as Sallow and Co (aka lying left) are more ideologically close to you, but maybe, just maybe, you might start thinking that what the left spews around might also be a LIE as this one was. As it lies about a single payer system - it is a disaster. But you still believe it is a panacea.
Good. I hope when it comes time for your heart transplant that you know somebody well-connected in gubmint

My heart is in rare form. It is the heart of an Olympic athlete.

If you ever need Nutrition or Exercise advice, LMK player. LMK.
For now. And the heart of a Olympic athlete is not a positive predictive value for the future health of exactly the heart, since the changes needed for the heart to undergo for serving the athletic body and athletic needs do not usually play well later on. However I don't wish you that, I just inform on the medical fact.

What Edge was harshly pointing at is the inevitability of severe corruption in the government -run HS(and I can attest that as I worked in the single payer government system).
I suspect you still won't listen as Sallow and Co (aka lying left) are more ideologically close to you, but maybe, just maybe, you might start thinking that what the left spews around might also be a LIE as this one was. As it lies about a single payer system - it is a disaster. But you still believe it is a panacea.

I'm not ideologically left, dude.

I just don't find favor with conservatives who are dickheads, and I tally that game over the internets. It's just passing time.
...The ACA law requires that insurance companies can no longer fuck their policy holders over like they used to....

No, ACA pins them down so they can't escape.

You're both wrong.

I had a newly hired Assistant State Attorney come into my Office one time to buy Insurance and the questioning got around to occupation.

He said, "Attorney, I bet you hate us, huh?"

I said, "Why would you think that? Every time Attorneys force the cost of Insurance up, I get a raise. Every time the cost of Insurance goes up 10%, I get a 10% raise."

Same with Insurance Companies. They're allowed to make 'X' percent of dollars under the ACA.

10% (or 5% or 3%) of $1,500 a Month in premium dollars is better than the same percent of $300.

You idiots think the gubmint has them roped in? That's laughable.

The day a Bureaucrat with a degree from a Party School outsmarts a PhD in economics from a Switzerland School....

It ain't gonna happen.

And neither is single payer. That boat just sank in the Potomac.

After this clusterfuck? No way that's gonna happen.

Perhaps you misunderstood my comment. ACA pins down health care consumers so the insurance companies can have their way with them.
What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?


GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.

I think Obama's in Obama's first term he had a case of Clinton_I_Want_Republicans_to_Like_Me_itisis. It didn't matter they said they wanted him to fail, called him a tar baby, muslim, kenyan, fascist, socialist, communist, lying, terrorist who didn't like America..he thought they would like him if he just followed their instructions. So instead of perhaps, pulling a Bush, and not giving a fuck if the opposing party like him or not..Obama was in appeasement mode. So..he went along them and they did what they do natural..screwed him royally. Why? Because they hate him. They hate him MORE than Clinton, who they tore apart like rabid dogs and impeached. They made it real clear that they hated him.

NOW..he is starting to get it.

But the cake is already made.

Don't LIE.

Obamacare was rammed through our throats without even ONE republican vote and with harsh pressure and blackmail by obama and pelosi of those democrats who opposed it.
Obamacare is extremely partisan law and the way it was passed shows that obama NEVER had any desire for cooperation even with blue dog democrats, never mind republicans.

So stop lying. Obamacare debacle is a sole responsibility of your highly partisan hack and his motto 'i won'
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

ACA has NO mechanisms that I am aware of to reduce or keep the costs of HC (therefore insurance premiums) down.

This is why the LEFTIES WHO ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION have been bitching about ACA all along.

Now the idiots on the right truly believe that the insurance companies are distruaght over ACA.

they could not be more wrong.

ACA is the best thing that every happened to the HC insurance industry.

Now YOU know why.
It is YOU who is the idiot and a LIAR.

Nobody on the right ever thought that insurance companies are 'distraught' or felt sorry for them - as EVERYBODY on the right knew and warned that the law written BY insurance companies and FOR insurance companies is going to benefit ONLY insurance companies and hose the middle class -and that is ALWAYS what the dimocraps do -they benefit big corporations and Wall street and big pockets at the expense of the middle class.

That is the democrat war on middle class core meaning.

And that is what the right ALWAYS warns about.

So stop lying and start listening.

I was in the Insurance Industry for 25 years and I don't like Insurance Companies. At all.

I like lawyers even less. And child molesters less than them. And dimocrap politicians least of all.

You can't hurt Insurance Companies. Not even the Federal Government can hurt Insurance Companies.

The one I worked for wasn't the least bit afraid of the Feds. They took the gubmint to Court and kicked their asses all the time.

They aren't even afraid of State governments.

They'd much rather get along with them than fight them, but they aren't afraid of them.

The ONLY Countries on Earth that don't have or need personal Insurance are communist countries.

Those are the only ones.

In fact, Insurance plays an integral part in history.

In the 1400's and 1500's the Spanish and Portuguese ruled the Oceans and were doing all the discovering and exploring in the World.

Great sailors, good soldiers, dedicated, fearless and committed.

But they didn't understand the theory of "Risk Sharing"

A Portuguese or Spanish Ship gets sunk in a hurricane or gets lost or whatever...

The owner (usually the King or Queen) takes it on the chin. 100%

In fact, legend has it that Queen Isabella had to hock her jewels to finance Chris Columbus. And she kind lost her bloomers on that one anyway.

The British came along and invented Lloyds of London. In Liverpool. In a Coffee Shop. Underwriting.

A ship owner would have a ship going to -- Wherever... The Caribbean for example, and he would list the destination, the Captain, the name of the Ship and the cargo. (there could be thousands of variations of this scenario)

Lloyds would analyze all that and assign a price of (let's say) $1,000 to insure the Ship and her cargo..... At a value of (let's say) $20k.

Men would sit at the Coffee Shop and "Underwrite" how much of the risk they would take.... Let's say 20% and he would put that figure next to his signature under the paper and sign it.

He would receive $200 (20%) in payment for signing on but..... If the ship went down, he had to come up with 20% of the value of the ship and cargo -- $4k.

I'm sure Lloyds was taking a nominal profit at the outset.

Many people believe it was this system of 'risk sharing' that helped the British become the most dominant explorers, traders and settlers in World History.

You can't hurt Insurance Companies.

The entire World Economy needs them.

Except in stupid-assed Marxist Countries.

And how are they making out these days?

An OBTW.... Even those scumbags need and use them whenever they engage in world trade. But they pay a premium because.... Well, because they're douchebags. Like dimocraps.

Can't hurt Insurance Companies. Get over yourselves
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