I come forward, and lay on mee sword.

I'm not writing the "Great American Novel" I'm posting on a message Board.

Thanks for your concern :eusa_shifty:

No, I know. Just mentioned because paragraphs makes it easier for us to read/comprehend your thoughts.

You're right. I too often just type things as they pop into my head.

Sometimes I'm in just too much of a hurry.

And I have enough trouble comprehending my own thoughts, now you want me to post them so that you can too? :)

You ask a lot, but I'll try :dunno:

A tiny bit more humble on your part and I could maybe have a beer with you and introduce you to your first WOMAN or two :eusa_angel:
No, I know. Just mentioned because paragraphs makes it easier for us to read/comprehend your thoughts.

You're right. I too often just type things as they pop into my head.

Sometimes I'm in just too much of a hurry.

And I have enough trouble comprehending my own thoughts, now you want me to post them so that you can too? :)

You ask a lot, but I'll try :dunno:

A tiny bit more humble on your part and I could maybe have a beer with you and introduce you to your first WOMAN or two :eusa_angel:

So now you're schizophrenic, too? :eusa_hand:
I think Obama's in Obama's first term he had a case of Clinton_I_Want_Republicans_to_Like_Me_itisis. It didn't matter they said they wanted him to fail, called him a tar baby, muslim, kenyan, fascist, socialist, communist, lying, terrorist who didn't like America..he thought they would like him if he just followed their instructions. So instead of perhaps, pulling a Bush, and not giving a fuck if the opposing party like him or not..Obama was in appeasement mode. So..he went along them and they did what they do natural..screwed him royally. Why? Because they hate him. They hate him MORE than Clinton, who they tore apart like rabid dogs and impeached. They made it real clear that they hated him.

NOW..he is starting to get it.

But the cake is already made.

Don't LIE.

Obamacare was rammed through our throats without even ONE republican vote and with harsh pressure and blackmail by obama and pelosi of those democrats who opposed it.
Obamacare is extremely partisan law and the way it was passed shows that obama NEVER had any desire for cooperation even with blue dog democrats, never mind republicans.

So stop lying. Obamacare debacle is a sole responsibility of your highly partisan hack and his motto 'i won'

Don't lie?

I didn't lie.

Republicans sat on the fucking committee to write the law that they forced on Clinton but didn't pass. Then when it came time to put it up for a VOTE, after a YEAR of haggling, they said NO. We want to put MORE STUFF IN IT.

And that's where Obama came to his senses that they had NO INTENTION of putting it up for a vote.


Try 2 Bush tax cuts for the rich.

That was RAMMED through.
You lie yet again - what else is new:lol:

Bush ( you fail as you mentione irrelevant person for the discussion) passed tax cuts by bipartisan vote - do you understan the difference?

And those were across the board - for everybody, not the 'rich', although for you, lying left scum, anybody making 40K per year is RICH - what else is new :lol:
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Again your projections are not a movie making. Dork.

You're a bigger plague to this Country than any singular politician.

It is fuckfaces like you who dedicate their daily LIVES to spewing hate and vitriol to people with differing points of view that cause all of the cynicism and discontent in the polit0sphere. They cater to you types, because you're the loudest and drool the thickest. Thanks a laaaaawt.
He hurt your FEELINGS? LOL

It actually the guys like you, whose FEELINGS are more important than the reality, which you do not want to digest, because it is harsh, who hurt this country more than any corrupt politician.

This was a waste of breath. Or finger calories, I'm not sure which...

Sure, the guy who prefers Sallow who is LYING, but covers it in a semi-polite tone is preferable for you than Edge, who is harsh, but telling the truth.

Feeling rulez:lol:
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Man, so we have a liberal guy (G.T.) explicitly admitting that he was wrong about Obamacare, and that the law isn't so great, yet folks are still arguing and throwing insults back and forth.

There's no hope, lol. Just no hope for any of us.
I bet by the time it's over I will say this 100 times, the driving factor behind the monthly premium is what the policy covers. No one reads their policies, and who wants to? They are purposefully structured and written in a way so as to obscure the fact that the insurer is trying to reduce their liability and costs to the lowest number.

So a cheap policy covers the initial catastrophic aspect of a diagnosis but leaves the patient high and dry for after-care, therapy, tests and follow up procedures. People don't know these things are being left out of their policies because they don't know they exist until the doc prescribes them. That's when you learn that you get what you pay for. And so YOU get the bill for the procedure because the insurer GLADLY sends a form letter telling you that your policy doesn't cover X, Y, Z. They GLEEFULLY tell you that that one is ON YOU.

The ACA law requires that insurance companies can no longer fuck their policy holders over like they used to. They have to pay for PET scans, MRIs, preventative tests, Rx drugs etc. But the biggest reason costs are up is because they can no longer deny coverage for someone with a pre-existing condition.

The insurance companies are not going to lose money on all these millions of people they used to deny and rescind policies to. So prices go up. But the bigger the pool, the lower the cost for everyone.

I think it all sucks of course because I am in favor of single payer. Insurance companies have no business being in health care.

After 25 (twenty-five) years in the Insurance Industry, with almost as many letters after my name on my Business Card than are in the alphabet.... With over 400 Classroom hours of education (not counting CE) and over 2,500 customers on my 'Book' when I retired....

I want to tell the good people of this Board that...

You don't know what the FUCK you're talking about.

And you're an idiot. A complete and utter idiot

Always nice to hear from the experts.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

Repped for honesty! [MENTION=19867]G.T.[/MENTION]

G.T.'s a good guy, kinda weird, :eusa_angel: but whoever you are that is beating up on him really need to chill!
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

Repped for honesty! [MENTION=19867]G.T.[/MENTION]

G.T.'s a good guy, kinda weird, :eusa_angel: but whoever you are that is beating up on him really need to chill!

muchos gracias or however it's spelled :eusa_angel:

I'm weird 'cuz normal is boring as foikkk :lol:
You mean you don't feel all warm and fuzzy because your extra $340 a month is "doing your part"?

I don't know why all the sideswipes.

I was never an obamabot. I'm just not into politics like that.

But yea, Obama always says he's for stopping the SQUEEZE on the middle class.

Not sure how this doesn't squeeze us. I feel like I'm getting a bear hug from The Undertaker or Hulk Hogan.

Can you tell us how an otherwise intelligent person did not understand that by forcing everyone to purchase total medical coverage and forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, and forcing them to cover anyone at any time, even if they never bought insurance before getting cancer, that taxing ALL MEDICAL DEVICES (including Band Aids), that somehow insurance rates would go down?

This is a serious question and I'm not out for "gotchas" or to hurl insults. We need to know how such a cognitive disconnect can exist across such a broad spectrum of citizens if we are going to figure out how to make people understand these things before they become the abomination of law that we now have.

Great thread, G.T. -- sorry insurance is taking such a bite out of you -- and excellent question, Pennywise.
Democrats accurately identified a need and wisely promised to address it.

Then they ran roughshod over democratic principles and outright lied to us to make the legislation pass and to try to push the product since it passed.

If they had not dismissed the groundswell of objection and angst sweeping across the nation in 2009 and had instead followed Lieberman's advice, they would be raking in well-deserved accolades.
I don't know why all the sideswipes.

I was never an obamabot. I'm just not into politics like that.

But yea, Obama always says he's for stopping the SQUEEZE on the middle class.

Not sure how this doesn't squeeze us. I feel like I'm getting a bear hug from The Undertaker or Hulk Hogan.

Can you tell us how an otherwise intelligent person did not understand that by forcing everyone to purchase total medical coverage and forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, and forcing them to cover anyone at any time, even if they never bought insurance before getting cancer, that taxing ALL MEDICAL DEVICES (including Band Aids), that somehow insurance rates would go down?

This is a serious question and I'm not out for "gotchas" or to hurl insults. We need to know how such a cognitive disconnect can exist across such a broad spectrum of citizens if we are going to figure out how to make people understand these things before they become the abomination of law that we now have.

Great thread, G.T. -- sorry insurance is taking such a bite out of you -- and excellent question, Pennywise.

Pennywise did have a good point.

Obamacare or not, medical costs are rising and unless we make changes at the root of the system - the "insurance based model" - those costs will continue to rise.

The ACA is basically the gov't becoming more involved and promoting an already broken system. Combine that with the fact that insurance companies must now take folks with expensive per-existing conditions and OF COURSE your rates are going to rise, lol. How in any way shape or form are those two actions going to drive the cost of healthcare down?

It's a no fucking brainer.
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Can you tell us how an otherwise intelligent person did not understand that by forcing everyone to purchase total medical coverage and forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, and forcing them to cover anyone at any time, even if they never bought insurance before getting cancer, that taxing ALL MEDICAL DEVICES (including Band Aids), that somehow insurance rates would go down?

This is a serious question and I'm not out for "gotchas" or to hurl insults. We need to know how such a cognitive disconnect can exist across such a broad spectrum of citizens if we are going to figure out how to make people understand these things before they become the abomination of law that we now have.

Great thread, G.T. -- sorry insurance is taking such a bite out of you -- and excellent question, Pennywise.

Pennywise did have a good point.

Obamacare or not, medical costs are rising and unless we make changes at the root of the system - the "insurance based model" - those costs will continue to rise.

The ACA is basically the gov't becoming more involved and promoting an already broken system. Combine that with the fact that insurance companies must now take folks with expensive per-existing conditions and OF COURSE your rates are going to rise, lol. How in any way shape or form are those two actions going to drive the cost of healthcare down?

It's a no fucking brainer.

government involvement is what helped take us here to begin with.
I work for an employer that "self insures". They allow the HMO's to "manage" the plans for them but my employer is the one who keeps the bulk of the premiums and pays the providers. Our insurance rate is going up between 5%-10% next year depending on income level. I am closer to the upper end so I am paying an additional $800 per YEAR. This is a good plan with full benefits but there is a deductible of a couple of grand for a family (that remained the same).

Don't know exactly how that equates to your's GT but my guess is the big difference you are seeing is either your wife's employer is lowering their share or this is a case of the HMO's jacking up the rates excessively yet again. My money is on the latter.
As a proponent of single payer and a supporter of the ACA only in as far as it gets us a step closer to it, I am saddened by the news of your issues, GT.

I hope that the coming months reveal that things are not as bad as they seem to you now. Please keep us informed about how things go moving forward.
Can you tell us how an otherwise intelligent person did not understand that by forcing everyone to purchase total medical coverage and forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, and forcing them to cover anyone at any time, even if they never bought insurance before getting cancer, that taxing ALL MEDICAL DEVICES (including Band Aids), that somehow insurance rates would go down?

This is a serious question and I'm not out for "gotchas" or to hurl insults. We need to know how such a cognitive disconnect can exist across such a broad spectrum of citizens if we are going to figure out how to make people understand these things before they become the abomination of law that we now have.

Great thread, G.T. -- sorry insurance is taking such a bite out of you -- and excellent question, Pennywise.

Pennywise did have a good point.

Obamacare or not, medical costs are rising and unless we make changes at the root of the system - the "insurance based model" - those costs will continue to rise.

The ACA is basically the gov't becoming more involved and promoting an already broken system. Combine that with the fact that insurance companies must now take folks with expensive per-existing conditions and OF COURSE your rates are going to rise, lol. How in any way shape or form are those two actions going to drive the cost of healthcare down?

It's a no fucking brainer.

The thing to realize is that the ACA is now legislation that is on the books. Therefore it can be changed in the future.

One small change and suddenly we have Single Payer.

All that change needs to be is to allow anyone to have the option to purchase Medicare on the exchanges.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

Lots of people that thought this was going to work are getting bitch slapped by reality.

The best part is that next year will be even worse because next year is the year employers get to trot out their Obamacare compliant policies, and the official estimate is that at least half ot the people in the country are going to be forced onto new plans, that cost more. If the Democrats think they have problems now, they are going to hate trying to explain this just a few weeks before they are reelected.

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