I come forward, and lay on mee sword.

My heart is in rare form. It is the heart of an Olympic athlete.

If you ever need Nutrition or Exercise advice, LMK player. LMK.
For now. And the heart of a Olympic athlete is not a positive predictive value for the future health of exactly the heart, since the changes needed for the heart to undergo for serving the athletic body and athletic needs do not usually play well later on. However I don't wish you that, I just inform on the medical fact.

What Edge was harshly pointing at is the inevitability of severe corruption in the government -run HS(and I can attest that as I worked in the single payer government system).
I suspect you still won't listen as Sallow and Co (aka lying left) are more ideologically close to you, but maybe, just maybe, you might start thinking that what the left spews around might also be a LIE as this one was. As it lies about a single payer system - it is a disaster. But you still believe it is a panacea.

I'm not ideologically left, dude.

I just don't find favor with conservatives who are dickheads, and I tally that game over the internets. It's just passing time.

Then pay the price and STFU.

You got what you are pleased with.
For now. And the heart of a Olympic athlete is not a positive predictive value for the future health of exactly the heart, since the changes needed for the heart to undergo for serving the athletic body and athletic needs do not usually play well later on. However I don't wish you that, I just inform on the medical fact.

What Edge was harshly pointing at is the inevitability of severe corruption in the government -run HS(and I can attest that as I worked in the single payer government system).
I suspect you still won't listen as Sallow and Co (aka lying left) are more ideologically close to you, but maybe, just maybe, you might start thinking that what the left spews around might also be a LIE as this one was. As it lies about a single payer system - it is a disaster. But you still believe it is a panacea.

I'm not ideologically left, dude.

I just don't find favor with conservatives who are dickheads, and I tally that game over the internets. It's just passing time.

Then pay the price and STFU.

You got what you are pleased with.

No, I got what I am not pleased with.
No, ACA pins them down so they can't escape.

You're both wrong.

I had a newly hired Assistant State Attorney come into my Office one time to buy Insurance and the questioning got around to occupation.

He said, "Attorney, I bet you hate us, huh?"

I said, "Why would you think that? Every time Attorneys force the cost of Insurance up, I get a raise. Every time the cost of Insurance goes up 10%, I get a 10% raise."

Same with Insurance Companies. They're allowed to make 'X' percent of dollars under the ACA.

10% (or 5% or 3%) of $1,500 a Month in premium dollars is better than the same percent of $300.

You idiots think the gubmint has them roped in? That's laughable.

The day a Bureaucrat with a degree from a Party School outsmarts a PhD in economics from a Switzerland School....

It ain't gonna happen.

And neither is single payer. That boat just sank in the Potomac.

After this clusterfuck? No way that's gonna happen.

Perhaps you misunderstood my comment. ACA pins down health care consumers so the insurance companies can have their way with them.

Please accept a sincere and heartfelt oopsie :eusa_whistle:
My heart is in rare form. It is the heart of an Olympic athlete.

If you ever need Nutrition or Exercise advice, LMK player. LMK.
For now. And the heart of a Olympic athlete is not a positive predictive value for the future health of exactly the heart, since the changes needed for the heart to undergo for serving the athletic body and athletic needs do not usually play well later on. However I don't wish you that, I just inform on the medical fact.

What Edge was harshly pointing at is the inevitability of severe corruption in the government -run HS(and I can attest that as I worked in the single payer government system).
I suspect you still won't listen as Sallow and Co (aka lying left) are more ideologically close to you, but maybe, just maybe, you might start thinking that what the left spews around might also be a LIE as this one was. As it lies about a single payer system - it is a disaster. But you still believe it is a panacea.

I'm not ideologically left, dude.

I just don't find favor with conservatives who are dickheads, and I tally that game over the internets. It's just passing time.

Maybe we wouldn't be 'dickheads' if people like you would get the used toilet paper out of your fucking ears and LISTEN!!!

Ever think of that?

Of course not
For now. And the heart of a Olympic athlete is not a positive predictive value for the future health of exactly the heart, since the changes needed for the heart to undergo for serving the athletic body and athletic needs do not usually play well later on. However I don't wish you that, I just inform on the medical fact.

What Edge was harshly pointing at is the inevitability of severe corruption in the government -run HS(and I can attest that as I worked in the single payer government system).
I suspect you still won't listen as Sallow and Co (aka lying left) are more ideologically close to you, but maybe, just maybe, you might start thinking that what the left spews around might also be a LIE as this one was. As it lies about a single payer system - it is a disaster. But you still believe it is a panacea.

I'm not ideologically left, dude.

I just don't find favor with conservatives who are dickheads, and I tally that game over the internets. It's just passing time.

Maybe we wouldn't be 'dickheads' if people like you would get the used toilet paper out of your fucking ears and LISTEN!!!

Ever think of that?

Of course not

I don't listen to message board HACKS, you non sophisticated dunce.

Do you know my political views?

What is my stance on:

gay marriage
foreign policy

Now, you can be coy and take phony assed guesses, to play the ass-clown that you play on the internet so well.

But do you ACTUALLY know the answers?

No, you do not. You're just an ignorant loud mouthed partisan hack whore. Keep whoring yourself for one of the two evils, pawn.
Edge, I know.

I am trying to point that out to our naive posters who thing the left is caring about middle class. Middle class is the main goal for the left and the main feeding body for the leeches the left really cares - the Wall street, the big corporations and the big business. Pluss some minor leeches - the fat and lazy generational welfarists(but those would be sacrificed in the blink of an eye if the left would have to chose between the big pockets and them).

But the middle class is viewed as a donor for all of them by the left -ALWAYS
I'm not ideologically left, dude.

I just don't find favor with conservatives who are dickheads, and I tally that game over the internets. It's just passing time.

Then pay the price and STFU.

You got what you are pleased with.

No, I got what I am not pleased with.

dewd, you ain't seen nothing yet.

They (the ACA) haven't paid the first claim yet.

We went something very similar down here after Hurricane Andrew.

For decades the Insurance Industry asked the Insurance Commissioner (the 2nd most powerful political position in most States) for permission to start a 'Cat' (catastrophe) fund.

They were all dimocrap scum back then and told the Insurance Companies to piss off.

You see (boring) to start a Cat fund, you don't just charge everybody an extra $5 a Month on their Homeowners policy because that $5 would have to be reported as profit.

By the time you get done paying Income Tax State Income Tax, Stockholders, etc... You're left with about Twenty Cents out of the original $5.

So nobody did it. Not worth it.

The Industry needed special legislation from the Federal Government, who approved it on condition that the State approved it. They didn't. Because they were dimocrap scum back then.

Nothing happened for 25 years.

Then Andrew hit. Bankrupted State Farm Fire and Casualty and a half dozen other, smaller Companies. Put them under.

The State's Guaranty Fund kicked in and.... It was a mess.

Anyway, dozens and dozens of BIG Companies left the State and Homeowners Insurance just simply wasn't available. There was none to be had.

And guess what sports fans? Without Homeowners Insurance, you can't buy a home. Well, you can if you pay cash but who would be that stupid?

Banks won't lend you money on an unsecured loan for a House. Ain't gonna happen.

So you know what else happened? The Construction Industry (which is the biggest Industry in the Country..... By far) Shut Down.

No Insurance, no jobs, no -- Nothing.

In a panic the State invented the FRPCJUA (Florida Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association) and it was a mess.

I mean a fucking disaster. Horrible. Incredibly bad. I could pend hours just telling you how bad it was.

My neighbor just had his House re-financed so for the first time since he bought the house (about ten years ago) he took a look at his Homeowners policy.

Through USAA (one of the best, maybe THE BEST Insurance Company, around) he was paying $4,600 a year on $150,000 of coverage.

I was in the business, I know what I'm doing and I'm paying $2,600 a year on $200,000 of coverage.

And I know what to NOT cover. Like the Lot, for instance. If the Lot is worth $75k, too many people insure that.


What can you do to a Lot that an Insurance policy might cover?

Oh wait, I just saw a bad guy running down the street with a 1/4 Acre Lot under his arm!!

Fire? Fire don't hurt dirt and landscaping isn't covered.

Anyway, I'm just saying....

You people ain't seen nothing yet.


Sorry to bore you but Insurance is a boring topic
I'm not reading that shit, you're shut off for lack of being cordial and all that I will respond to from you are with equal and greater insults.

You made your bed, loon.
I'm not reading that shit, you're shut off for lack of being cordial and all that I will respond to from you are with equal and greater insults.

You made your bed, loon.

Ouch! Somebody call the burn unit!!!


You really are a narcissistic douche
Then pay the price and STFU.

You got what you are pleased with.

No, I got what I am not pleased with.

dewd, you ain't seen nothing yet.

They (the ACA) haven't paid the first claim yet.

We went something very similar down here after Hurricane Andrew.

For decades the Insurance Industry asked the Insurance Commissioner (the 2nd most powerful political position in most States) for permission to start a 'Cat' (catastrophe) fund.

They were all dimocrap scum back then and told the Insurance Companies to piss off.

You see (boring) to start a Cat fund, you don't just charge everybody an extra $5 a Month on their Homeowners policy because that $5 would have to be reported as profit.

By the time you get done paying Income Tax State Income Tax, Stockholders, etc... You're left with about Twenty Cents out of the original $5.

So nobody did it. Not worth it.

The Industry needed special legislation from the Federal Government, who approved it on condition that the State approved it. They didn't. Because they were dimocrap scum back then.

Nothing happened for 25 years.

Then Andrew hit. Bankrupted State Farm Fire and Casualty and a half dozen other, smaller Companies. Put them under.

The State's Guaranty Fund kicked in and.... It was a mess.

Anyway, dozens and dozens of BIG Companies left the State and Homeowners Insurance just simply wasn't available. There was none to be had.

And guess what sports fans? Without Homeowners Insurance, you can't buy a home. Well, you can if you pay cash but who would be that stupid?

Banks won't lend you money on an unsecured loan for a House. Ain't gonna happen.

So you know what else happened? The Construction Industry (which is the biggest Industry in the Country..... By far) Shut Down.

No Insurance, no jobs, no -- Nothing.

In a panic the State invented the FRPCJUA (Florida Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association) and it was a mess.

I mean a fucking disaster. Horrible. Incredibly bad. I could pend hours just telling you how bad it was.

My neighbor just had his House re-financed so for the first time since he bought the house (about ten years ago) he took a look at his Homeowners policy.

Through USAA (one of the best, maybe THE BEST Insurance Company, around) he was paying $4,600 a year on $150,000 of coverage.

I was in the business, I know what I'm doing and I'm paying $2,600 a year on $200,000 of coverage.

And I know what to NOT cover. Like the Lot, for instance. If the Lot is worth $75k, too many people insure that.


What can you do to a Lot that an Insurance policy might cover?

Oh wait, I just saw a bad guy running down the street with a 1/4 Acre Lot under his arm!!

Fire? Fire don't hurt dirt and landscaping isn't covered.

Anyway, I'm just saying....

You people ain't seen nothing yet.


Sorry to bore you but Insurance is a boring topic

Dude, you need to utilize "the paragraph" a bit more, lol.
I'm not reading that shit, you're shut off for lack of being cordial and all that I will respond to from you are with equal and greater insults.

You made your bed, loon.

Ouch! Somebody call the burn unit!!!


You really are a narcissistic douche

Again your projections are not a movie making. Dork.

You're a bigger plague to this Country than any singular politician.

It is fuckfaces like you who dedicate their daily LIVES to spewing hate and vitriol to people with differing points of view that cause all of the cynicism and discontent in the polit0sphere. They cater to you types, because you're the loudest and drool the thickest. Thanks a laaaaawt.
No, I got what I am not pleased with.

dewd, you ain't seen nothing yet.

They (the ACA) haven't paid the first claim yet.

We went something very similar down here after Hurricane Andrew.

For decades the Insurance Industry asked the Insurance Commissioner (the 2nd most powerful political position in most States) for permission to start a 'Cat' (catastrophe) fund.

They were all dimocrap scum back then and told the Insurance Companies to piss off.

You see (boring) to start a Cat fund, you don't just charge everybody an extra $5 a Month on their Homeowners policy because that $5 would have to be reported as profit.

By the time you get done paying Income Tax State Income Tax, Stockholders, etc... You're left with about Twenty Cents out of the original $5.

So nobody did it. Not worth it.

The Industry needed special legislation from the Federal Government, who approved it on condition that the State approved it. They didn't. Because they were dimocrap scum back then.

Nothing happened for 25 years.

Then Andrew hit. Bankrupted State Farm Fire and Casualty and a half dozen other, smaller Companies. Put them under.

The State's Guaranty Fund kicked in and.... It was a mess.

Anyway, dozens and dozens of BIG Companies left the State and Homeowners Insurance just simply wasn't available. There was none to be had.

And guess what sports fans? Without Homeowners Insurance, you can't buy a home. Well, you can if you pay cash but who would be that stupid?

Banks won't lend you money on an unsecured loan for a House. Ain't gonna happen.

So you know what else happened? The Construction Industry (which is the biggest Industry in the Country..... By far) Shut Down.

No Insurance, no jobs, no -- Nothing.

In a panic the State invented the FRPCJUA (Florida Residential Property and Casualty Joint Underwriting Association) and it was a mess.

I mean a fucking disaster. Horrible. Incredibly bad. I could pend hours just telling you how bad it was.

My neighbor just had his House re-financed so for the first time since he bought the house (about ten years ago) he took a look at his Homeowners policy.

Through USAA (one of the best, maybe THE BEST Insurance Company, around) he was paying $4,600 a year on $150,000 of coverage.

I was in the business, I know what I'm doing and I'm paying $2,600 a year on $200,000 of coverage.

And I know what to NOT cover. Like the Lot, for instance. If the Lot is worth $75k, too many people insure that.


What can you do to a Lot that an Insurance policy might cover?

Oh wait, I just saw a bad guy running down the street with a 1/4 Acre Lot under his arm!!

Fire? Fire don't hurt dirt and landscaping isn't covered.

Anyway, I'm just saying....

You people ain't seen nothing yet.


Sorry to bore you but Insurance is a boring topic

Dude, you need to utilize "the paragraph" a bit more, lol.

I'm not writing the "Great American Novel" I'm posting on a message Board.

Thanks for your concern :eusa_shifty:
Says the dunce who calls out grammar. Narcissism indeed, peasant.

GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.

I think Obama's in Obama's first term he had a case of Clinton_I_Want_Republicans_to_Like_Me_itisis. It didn't matter they said they wanted him to fail, called him a tar baby, muslim, kenyan, fascist, socialist, communist, lying, terrorist who didn't like America..he thought they would like him if he just followed their instructions. So instead of perhaps, pulling a Bush, and not giving a fuck if the opposing party like him or not..Obama was in appeasement mode. So..he went along them and they did what they do natural..screwed him royally. Why? Because they hate him. They hate him MORE than Clinton, who they tore apart like rabid dogs and impeached. They made it real clear that they hated him.

NOW..he is starting to get it.

But the cake is already made.

Don't LIE.

Obamacare was rammed through our throats without even ONE republican vote and with harsh pressure and blackmail by obama and pelosi of those democrats who opposed it.
Obamacare is extremely partisan law and the way it was passed shows that obama NEVER had any desire for cooperation even with blue dog democrats, never mind republicans.

So stop lying. Obamacare debacle is a sole responsibility of your highly partisan hack and his motto 'i won'

Don't lie?

I didn't lie.

Republicans sat on the fucking committee to write the law that they forced on Clinton but didn't pass. Then when it came time to put it up for a VOTE, after a YEAR of haggling, they said NO. We want to put MORE STUFF IN IT.

And that's where Obama came to his senses that they had NO INTENTION of putting it up for a vote.


Try 2 Bush tax cuts for the rich.

That was RAMMED through.
I'm not reading that shit, you're shut off for lack of being cordial and all that I will respond to from you are with equal and greater insults.

You made your bed, loon.

Ouch! Somebody call the burn unit!!!


You really are a narcissistic douche

Again your projections are not a movie making. Dork.

You're a bigger plague to this Country than any singular politician.

It is fuckfaces like you who dedicate their daily LIVES to spewing hate and vitriol to people with differing points of view that cause all of the cynicism and discontent in the polit0sphere. They cater to you types, because you're the loudest and drool the thickest. Thanks a laaaaawt.

Aren't you the one who started this entire thread with a Mea Culpa?

Yeah, I'm the problem :cuckoo:
Ouch! Somebody call the burn unit!!!


You really are a narcissistic douche

Again your projections are not a movie making. Dork.

You're a bigger plague to this Country than any singular politician.

It is fuckfaces like you who dedicate their daily LIVES to spewing hate and vitriol to people with differing points of view that cause all of the cynicism and discontent in the polit0sphere. They cater to you types, because you're the loudest and drool the thickest. Thanks a laaaaawt.

Aren't you the one who started this entire thread with a Mea Culpa?

Yeah, I'm the problem :cuckoo:

I started this thread, yes.

You then stunk it up with moth balls and cat litter, scumbag. Fuck outta here.
I'm not reading that shit, you're shut off for lack of being cordial and all that I will respond to from you are with equal and greater insults.

You made your bed, loon.

Ouch! Somebody call the burn unit!!!


You really are a narcissistic douche

Again your projections are not a movie making. Dork.

You're a bigger plague to this Country than any singular politician.

It is fuckfaces like you who dedicate their daily LIVES to spewing hate and vitriol to people with differing points of view that cause all of the cynicism and discontent in the polit0sphere. They cater to you types, because you're the loudest and drool the thickest. Thanks a laaaaawt.
He hurt your FEELINGS? LOL

It actually the guys like you, whose FEELINGS are more important than the reality, which you do not want to digest, because it is harsh, who hurt this country more than any corrupt politician.
I'm not writing the "Great American Novel" I'm posting on a message Board.

Thanks for your concern :eusa_shifty:

No, I know. Just mentioned because paragraphs makes it easier for us to read/comprehend your thoughts.

You're right. I too often just type things as they pop into my head.

Sometimes I'm in just too much of a hurry.

And I have enough trouble comprehending my own thoughts, now you want me to post them so that you can too? :)

You ask a lot, but I'll try :dunno:
Ouch! Somebody call the burn unit!!!


You really are a narcissistic douche

Again your projections are not a movie making. Dork.

You're a bigger plague to this Country than any singular politician.

It is fuckfaces like you who dedicate their daily LIVES to spewing hate and vitriol to people with differing points of view that cause all of the cynicism and discontent in the polit0sphere. They cater to you types, because you're the loudest and drool the thickest. Thanks a laaaaawt.
He hurt your FEELINGS? LOL

It actually the guys like you, whose FEELINGS are more important than the reality, which you do not want to digest, because it is harsh, who hurt this country more than any corrupt politician.

This was a waste of breath. Or finger calories, I'm not sure which...

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