I come forward, and lay on mee sword.

I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

Wait...you're employer provided plan is raising rates and somehow that's the fault of the Affordable Care Act? How exactly?

How is it not the fault of the Aborted Care Act?
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

Wait...you're employer provided plan is raising rates and somehow that's the fault of the Affordable Care Act? How exactly?

Because it requires insurance carriers to give insurance to people with a higher risk, without allowing them to make those people pay for that risk. Since thier projected expenditures are going to be up, they have to make sure thier intake will cover it. Since they cant raise rates on specific people when they apply, they have to raise rates across the board to cover the increased risk.

Money has to come from somewhere, and a chunk of it is coming from G.T. so that high risk person can save money on thier coverage.

You are trying to explain math to a person that believes in magic.

Fuck, she still believes "If you like your plan you can keep your plan."

I am going to have so much fun rubbing her face in reality when her plan gets cancelled.
I bet by the time it's over I will say this 100 times, the driving factor behind the monthly premium is what the policy covers. No one reads their policies, and who wants to? They are purposefully structured and written in a way so as to obscure the fact that the insurer is trying to reduce their liability and costs to the lowest number.

So a cheap policy covers the initial catastrophic aspect of a diagnosis but leaves the patient high and dry for after-care, therapy, tests and follow up procedures. People don't know these things are being left out of their policies because they don't know they exist until the doc prescribes them. That's when you learn that you get what you pay for. And so YOU get the bill for the procedure because the insurer GLADLY sends a form letter telling you that your policy doesn't cover X, Y, Z. They GLEEFULLY tell you that that one is ON YOU.

The ACA law requires that insurance companies can no longer fuck their policy holders over like they used to. They have to pay for PET scans, MRIs, preventative tests, Rx drugs etc. But the biggest reason costs are up is because they can no longer deny coverage for someone with a pre-existing condition.

The insurance companies are not going to lose money on all these millions of people they used to deny and rescind policies to. So prices go up. But the bigger the pool, the lower the cost for everyone.

I think it all sucks of course because I am in favor of single payer. Insurance companies have no business being in health care.

It does not cost $340 a month to cover 2 office visits a year.

Besides, giving that he gets his plan through a doctor, even if it is just a doctor of dentistry, it probably already covered all those things you think it didn't.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

to use that old saw;

you're a small L liberal, who's just been mugged. :doubt:

I am not laughing, it sux, I know. My own take on the Bush years has, to be kind, taken a huge swing....nothing like reality, an in your face reality, not some whiny story meant to drive emotion by a politico on TV to make you examine things......

My best to you, seriously, I hope you work it out somehow GT....
I don't know why all the sideswipes.

I was never an obamabot. I'm just not into politics like that.

But yea, Obama always says he's for stopping the SQUEEZE on the middle class.

Not sure how this doesn't squeeze us. I feel like I'm getting a bear hug from The Undertaker or Hulk Hogan.

Can you tell us how an otherwise intelligent person did not understand that by forcing everyone to purchase total medical coverage and forcing insurers to cover pre-existing conditions, and forcing them to cover anyone at any time, even if they never bough insurance before getting cancer, that taxing ALL MEDICAL DEVICES (including Band Aids), that somehow insurance rates would go down?

This is a serious question and I'm not out for "gotchas" or to hurl insults. We need to know how such a cognitive disconnect can exist across such a broad spectrum of citizens if we are going to figure out how to make people understand these things before they become the abomination of law that we now have.

Sure, it was a good faith question unlike the others' side-swipes and so I'll oblige you.

I was under the impression that the COMPETITION (we now have more choices, due to the exchange) would drive insurers to give their bottom-dollar prices in order to attract business - and was also under the impression that the expanded customer base would mitigate some of the cost and that subsidies would take care of any big hit to C.O.L. for the Average-sized American Family, since the subsidies are paid for by tax-dollars already collected but just reallocated.

That's where my impression was, and it doesn't look like it's coming true at all.

For one thing, the law actually makes lower priced plans illegal. The way it works, under community ratings set up in Obamacare, all plans have to be about the same price. (Nice definition of competition, isn't it?) That means that, even if an insurance company was still providing insurance that didn't cover all the things that Obamacare covers, they would have to sell it at the same price that the exchange does, and then send you a refund for whatever portion of your premium exceeded the cost ratio that is another part of Obamacare. I suspect that the fact that this essentially forces you to give an interest free loan to your insurance company was a big plus as far as they are concerned, but I could be wrong.

Then we have the fact that the market really didn't have that large a demographic to expand into since most people that really need Obamacare are going to be getting subsidies.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

I have no pity, sympathy or any other feelings for you.

You deserve it. And much more. Much, much more.

Because of people like you, who turned a blind eye to our pleadings, our warnings, our begging you to open your eyes....

MILLIONS of other people who CAN NOT afford it are going to get their heads ripped off by Insurance Premiums because of obamacare.

I give you credit for admitting you were wrong. That much, you're due.

But any sympathy, any pity....... Eat it.


thats not fair.

let him who is without sin cast the first stone....you've never been wrong? Its not like he isn't laying it all out....leave him be....
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

Wait...you're employer provided plan is raising rates and somehow that's the fault of the Affordable Care Act? How exactly?

b/c the aca requires all plans provide a certain amount.

or has your head been in the sand these past few weeks.

and yeah, obama fucking knew.
Sure, it was a good faith question unlike the others' side-swipes and so I'll oblige you.

I was under the impression that the COMPETITION (we now have more choices, due to the exchange) would drive insurers to give their bottom-dollar prices in order to attract business - and was also under the impression that the expanded customer base would mitigate some of the cost and that subsidies would take care of any big hit to C.O.L. for the Average-sized American Family, since the subsidies are paid for by tax-dollars already collected but just reallocated.

That's where my impression was, and it doesn't look like it's coming true at all.

Did you also buy into the mantra that the GOP was against it simply because they hate Barrack, or because they don't give a shit about ill people? Did that argument ring true to you? And conversely, did you believe that the Dems had your best interest at heart?

Did the fucking Republicans EVER offer an alternative plan? Does that answer your stupid questions?

I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

I have no pity, sympathy or any other feelings for you.

You deserve it. And much more. Much, much more.

Because of people like you, who turned a blind eye to our pleadings, our warnings, our begging you to open your eyes....

MILLIONS of other people who CAN NOT afford it are going to get their heads ripped off by Insurance Premiums because of obamacare.

I give you credit for admitting you were wrong. That much, you're due.

But any sympathy, any pity....... Eat it.


thats not fair.

let him who is without sin cast the first stone....you've never been wrong? Its not like he isn't laying it all out....leave him be....

he never held back

Has he apologized for insulting us?

I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

to use that old saw;

you're a small L liberal, who's just been mugged. :doubt:

I am not laughing, it sux, I know. My own take on the Bush years has, to be kind, taken a huge swing....nothing like reality, an in your face reality, not some whiny story meant to drive emotion by a politico on TV to make you examine things......

My best to you, seriously, I hope you work it out somehow GT....
its ok dude ive got plenty of money....it just makes it a tougher balance than usual is all.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

to use that old saw;

you're a small L liberal, who's just been mugged. :doubt:

I am not laughing, it sux, I know. My own take on the Bush years has, to be kind, taken a huge swing....nothing like reality, an in your face reality, not some whiny story meant to drive emotion by a politico on TV to make you examine things......

My best to you, seriously, I hope you work it out somehow GT....
its ok dude ive got plenty of money....it just makes it a tougher balance than usual is all.

I applaud you for seeing the light. The more the better. Now help us stop the train before it runs us all over!

Bravo G.T. Bravo!
I wont be siding with spiteful, always half lying people either. I have sworn off politics. It means nothing but a time killer on the internet, to me. I would die in front of my daughter before i swore allegiance to one of your hateful "sides" that cause all the hateful hateful bickering like you see here. Its not the life for me OR my family. Fuck conservatives, fuck liberals, fuck OWS fuck the tea party fuck republicans and fuck democrats. Im in the back chillin with the unaffiliated giggling at all of you unpragmatic, partisan jerkoffs.
I wont be siding with spiteful, always half lying people either. I have sworn off politics. It means nothing but a time killer on the internet, to me. I would die in front of my daughter before i swore allegiance to one of your hateful "sides" that cause all the hateful hateful bickering like you see here. Its not the life for me OR my family. Fuck conservatives, fuck liberals, fuck OWS fuck the tea party fuck republicans and fuck democrats. Im in the back chillin with the unaffiliated giggling at all of you unpragmatic, partisan jerkoffs.

I hear that........road to Damascus moments are difficult to reconcile sometimes.

After reading a comment here a few months ago, I took a very hard look at the bush years, all of it, jobs, economy, debt. deficit., social aspects.......frankly, we did just marginally better and on top of that, he may have committed the worst Geo-political, grand strategic blunder in the last 100 years, ranking right up there with Munich etc. by toppling Saddam. It was not easy coming to that realization......You take the hit, digest it and move on.....
He lied. Get over it.

It is now the law. Whatcha gonna do about it?

Of course, the informed knew prices were going up. O just lied to push it through. He knew if he told the truth about what was going to transpire that the bill would have been fully rejected. Then, he continued to lie about it before election. If the people would have known this before Nov election last year, he wouldn't be president today.

Prices may eventually go down once the pool of insured grows. The lower cost will come from participation on a massive scale, ergo the law to sign up.

Look, like I said, I believe in universal health care. We pay for our care through our taxes and it is FUNDED though the gov't, not managed the gov't. Big difference. See Canada, Finland, Sweden, France for more information.

But this goes back to Michael Moore's film Sicko. He featured people WHO HAD HEALTH INSURANCE and were screwed over by their carriers because of inadequate coverage and lies. GOogle Cigna and Wendell Potter. Educate yourself.

Since when has a level of government FUNDED something without CONTROLLING something?

Belief in that is either naieveness or stupidity.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

I have no pity, sympathy or any other feelings for you.

You deserve it. And much more. Much, much more.

Because of people like you, who turned a blind eye to our pleadings, our warnings, our begging you to open your eyes....

MILLIONS of other people who CAN NOT afford it are going to get their heads ripped off by Insurance Premiums because of obamacare.

I give you credit for admitting you were wrong. That much, you're due.

But any sympathy, any pity....... Eat it.


thats not fair.

let him who is without sin cast the first stone....you've never been wrong? Its not like he isn't laying it all out....leave him be....

G.T. and I have gone around a few times, but I never thought he was anywhere close to being mindless.

Nice to see I was right.
I wont be siding with spiteful, always half lying people either. I have sworn off politics. It means nothing but a time killer on the internet, to me. I would die in front of my daughter before i swore allegiance to one of your hateful "sides" that cause all the hateful hateful bickering like you see here. Its not the life for me OR my family. Fuck conservatives, fuck liberals, fuck OWS fuck the tea party fuck republicans and fuck democrats. Im in the back chillin with the unaffiliated giggling at all of you unpragmatic, partisan jerkoffs.

I hear that........road to Damascus moments are difficult to reconcile sometimes.

After reading a comment here a few months ago, I took a very hard look at the bush years, all of it, jobs, economy, debt. deficit., social aspects.......frankly, we did just marginally better and on top of that, he may have committed the worst Geo-political, grand strategic blunder in the last 100 years, ranking right up there with Munich etc. by toppling Saddam. It was not easy coming to that realization......You take the hit, digest it and move on.....

It could be the worst, but I think Obama magnified it by coming in and toppling two more countries, and actually uniting Israel and Turkey against US policy took a degree of incompetence that makes anything that Bush did look relatively competent.
I keep telling everyone it's the insurance companies that are driving the costs. Those that jumped on the band wagon with Obamacare are set to make millions. Others that didn't are being phased out, it's another of those "reward" things this administration is so inclinded to do.

If you really want to decrease health care costs, do away with insurance entirely. Let the hospitals do their jobs and compete for our business. There is no law that says we can't travel to another state if we want a medical procedure.

Fire the whole lot of those lobbyist insurance people. Do away with them entirely and watch health care costs get back in line.

It's the insurance compaines, it's the insurance companies, it's the insurance companies. How many times do I have to say this?

Before everyone had insurance, good health care was available at reasonable costs!! Take out the middle man.
I keep telling everyone it's the insurance companies that are driving the costs. Those that jumped on the band wagon with Obamacare are set to make millions. Others that didn't are being phased out, it's another of those "reward" things this administration is so inclinded to do.

If you really want to decrease health care costs, do away with insurance entirely. Let the hospitals do their jobs and compete for our business. There is no law that says we can't travel to another state if we want a medical procedure.

Fire the whole lot of those lobbyist insurance people. Do away with them entirely and watch health care costs get back in line.

It's the insurance compaines, it's the insurance companies, it's the insurance companies. How many times do I have to say this?

Before everyone had insurance, good health care was available at reasonable costs!! Take out the middle man.

I think the prices would come way down, but what about catastrophic stuff like open heart surgery? What if the cost is up around, say $100k.

The Average middle class American would lose their shirt owing $100k. So that's the vast majority of the Country.

Then what?
I keep telling everyone it's the insurance companies that are driving the costs. Those that jumped on the band wagon with Obamacare are set to make millions. Others that didn't are being phased out, it's another of those "reward" things this administration is so inclinded to do.

If you really want to decrease health care costs, do away with insurance entirely. Let the hospitals do their jobs and compete for our business. There is no law that says we can't travel to another state if we want a medical procedure.

Fire the whole lot of those lobbyist insurance people. Do away with them entirely and watch health care costs get back in line.

It's the insurance compaines, it's the insurance companies, it's the insurance companies. How many times do I have to say this?

Before everyone had insurance, good health care was available at reasonable costs!! Take out the middle man.

I think the prices would come way down, but what about catastrophic stuff like open heart surgery? What if the cost is up around, say $100k.

The Average middle class American would lose their shirt owing $100k. So that's the vast majority of the Country.

Then what?

The average middle class family doesn't come close to earning 100k in a year. If treating medical care like any other commodity was practical in any way, there would be a case study to look into.

I agree with doing away with or marginalizing the role of insurance companies....but that does not mean that I think negotiating with a hospital moments before a kidney transplant is a good idea.
I keep telling everyone it's the insurance companies that are driving the costs. Those that jumped on the band wagon with Obamacare are set to make millions. Others that didn't are being phased out, it's another of those "reward" things this administration is so inclinded to do.

If you really want to decrease health care costs, do away with insurance entirely. Let the hospitals do their jobs and compete for our business. There is no law that says we can't travel to another state if we want a medical procedure.

Fire the whole lot of those lobbyist insurance people. Do away with them entirely and watch health care costs get back in line.

It's the insurance compaines, it's the insurance companies, it's the insurance companies. How many times do I have to say this?

Before everyone had insurance, good health care was available at reasonable costs!! Take out the middle man.

Exactly. This is why it's been so painful to watch health care reform efforts fixated on doubling down on the very thing creating the problem.

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