I come forward, and lay on mee sword.

Wait a second....O said costs would go down.

He lied. Get over it.

It is now the law. Whatcha gonna do about it?

Of course, the informed knew prices were going up. O just lied to push it through. He knew if he told the truth about what was going to transpire that the bill would have been fully rejected. Then, he continued to lie about it before election. If the people would have known this before Nov election last year, he wouldn't be president today.

Prices may eventually go down once the pool of insured grows. The lower cost will come from participation on a massive scale, ergo the law to sign up.

Look, like I said, I believe in universal health care. We pay for our care through our taxes and it is FUNDED though the gov't, not managed the gov't. Big difference. See Canada, Finland, Sweden, France for more information.

But this goes back to Michael Moore's film Sicko. He featured people WHO HAD HEALTH INSURANCE and were screwed over by their carriers because of inadequate coverage and lies. GOogle Cigna and Wendell Potter. Educate yourself.
Did you also buy into the mantra that the GOP was against it simply because they hate Barrack, or because they don't give a shit about ill people? Did that argument ring true to you? And conversely, did you believe that the Dems had your best interest at heart?

Did the fucking Republicans EVER offer an alternative plan? Does that answer your stupid questions?


Since 1947, we've offered several different plans and dimocrap scum fought them all.

And you're an idiot

The assholishness that comes out of your fingers is in large part why I could never join you in arms. You're a poor poor spirited person, got damn.
I'll still be eating steaks at the finest local restaurants : )

Mind you.

But - my lifestyle will definitely have to change a little bit.

Good. I hope when it comes time for your heart transplant that you know somebody well-connected in gubmint
I bet by the time it's over I will say this 100 times, the driving factor behind the monthly premium is what the policy covers. No one reads their policies, and who wants to? They are purposefully structured and written in a way so as to obscure the fact that the insurer is trying to reduce their liability and costs to the lowest number.

So a cheap policy covers the initial catastrophic aspect of a diagnosis but leaves the patient high and dry for after-care, therapy, tests and follow up procedures. People don't know these things are being left out of their policies because they don't know they exist until the doc prescribes them. That's when you learn that you get what you pay for. And so YOU get the bill for the procedure because the insurer GLADLY sends a form letter telling you that your policy doesn't cover X, Y, Z. They GLEEFULLY tell you that that one is ON YOU.

The ACA law requires that insurance companies can no longer fuck their policy holders over like they used to. They have to pay for PET scans, MRIs, preventative tests, Rx drugs etc. But the biggest reason costs are up is because they can no longer deny coverage for someone with a pre-existing condition.

The insurance companies are not going to lose money on all these millions of people they used to deny and rescind policies to. So prices go up. But the bigger the pool, the lower the cost for everyone.

I think it all sucks of course because I am in favor of single payer. Insurance companies have no business being in health care.

The (un)aca takes away people's choice. Period. If someone wants to have only a catastrophic plan, too fucking bad, uncle says you're stupid, you don't get to make your own decisions. I thought the left was in favor of medical decisions being just between doctor and patient?

Why in the hell should a lower-risk person have to pay more so that a higher-risk person gets to pay less? You should pay more if you're a higher risk. Period. I suppose you'd be good with a 16 year old, newly licensed driver paying the same rate as a 30 year+ experienced driver?

The stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze me.
Wait...you're employer provided plan is raising rates and somehow that's the fault of the Affordable Care Act? How exactly?

The ACA effects the rates of ALL health insurance.

What provision of the ACA required YOUR employer provided insurance to raise rates. Did you have a substandard plan that did not meet the minimum requirements of the ACA?

You seriously can't be this uninformed, can you? I mean ... really??? Wow. Just wow.
I'll still be eating steaks at the finest local restaurants : )

Mind you.

But - my lifestyle will definitely have to change a little bit.

Good. I hope when it comes time for your heart transplant that you know somebody well-connected in gubmint

My heart is in rare form. It is the heart of an Olympic athlete.

If you ever need Nutrition or Exercise advice, LMK player. LMK.
Did the fucking Republicans EVER offer an alternative plan? Does that answer your stupid questions?


Since 1947, we've offered several different plans and dimocrap scum fought them all.

And you're an idiot

The assholishness that comes out of your fingers is in large part why I could never join you in arms. You're a poor poor spirited person, got damn.

Fuck you, whiny lying little bitch.

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

Read this and then maybe you won't be so stupid for the rest of your life.

Although I suspect that won't ever change

Since 1947, we've offered several different plans and dimocrap scum fought them all.

And you're an idiot

The assholishness that comes out of your fingers is in large part why I could never join you in arms. You're a poor poor spirited person, got damn.

Fuck you, whiny lying little bitch.

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

Read this and then maybe you won't be so stupid for the rest of your life.

Although I suspect that won't ever change

Case & point ^

If you're an actual douchebag, does that mean that you clean vaginas? :eek:
The assholishness that comes out of your fingers is in large part why I could never join you in arms. You're a poor poor spirited person, got damn.

Fuck you, whiny lying little bitch.

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

Read this and then maybe you won't be so stupid for the rest of your life.

Although I suspect that won't ever change

Case & point ^

If you're an actual douchebag, does that mean that you clean vaginas? :eek:


Does yours need cleaning? Again?


^^Get some ^^


And it's "Case IN point"

Last edited:
This virgin is on the edge, tho

I refuse to let a virgin speak to me like this. I demand you wash your mouth out with a classic bar of dove and recite eleven hail mary prayers at once, hethen.
He lied. Get over it.

It is now the law. Whatcha gonna do about it?

Of course, the informed knew prices were going up. O just lied to push it through. He knew if he told the truth about what was going to transpire that the bill would have been fully rejected. Then, he continued to lie about it before election. If the people would have known this before Nov election last year, he wouldn't be president today.

Prices may eventually go down once the pool of insured grows. The lower cost will come from participation on a massive scale, ergo the law to sign up.

Look, like I said, I believe in universal health care. We pay for our care through our taxes and it is FUNDED though the gov't, not managed the gov't. Big difference. See Canada, Finland, Sweden, France for more information.

But this goes back to Michael Moore's film Sicko. He featured people WHO HAD HEALTH INSURANCE and were screwed over by their carriers because of inadequate coverage and lies. GOogle Cigna and Wendell Potter. Educate yourself.

I'd prefer physicians use menu pricing for their services, eliminate insurance for doctor visits. I'd only employ insurance for catastrophic needs.
This virgin is on the edge, tho

I refuse to let a virgin speak to me like this. I demand you wash your mouth out with a classic bar of dove and recite eleven hail mary prayers at once, hethen.

It's "Heathen"

damnation but you're stupid.

Go away, you don't want a war of wits with me. You're out-gunned
This virgin is on the edge, tho

I refuse to let a virgin speak to me like this. I demand you wash your mouth out with a classic bar of dove and recite eleven hail mary prayers at once, hethen.

It's "Heathen"

damnation but you're stupid.

Go away, you don't want a war of wits with me. You're out-gunned

Grammatical error corrections are not choice tools in a battle of Virgin versus Adonis. Just because you wear butt floss does not mean that you're promiscuous. Take a seat Bischoff.
I must admit, (and it was mostly for fun, mind you), that I often argued in favor of Obamacare because I thought that the fear-mongering was mostly nonsense.

Well, most of it is nonsense.

BUTTTT (big butttt, like Suzanne Boyle butttt) -

My wife's Boss, a Dentist (she's a hygienist) pays a (bigger) bulk of our Health Insurance than normal bosses do, which is why we're insured under my wife's office instead of mine.

About three years ago, he stopped paying 100% (which was fuggin awesome) and started making employees contribute some.

That's okay, we're juuUUuust about upper middle class, but not quite. So we're middle class a little higher mebbe.

AAAAaanyhoo - THIS YEAR, the cost is SKYROCKETING. And this is coming from me - the guy who thought this thing would likely work itself out. $85/week MORE. That's per WEEK. And employees are eating the entire cost. Do the math, that's $340 more a month. In perspective, that's 3 more cable/internet bills. That's ANOTHER car payment.

We are not RICH. We do not qualify for subsidies. This HURTS US. This HURTS our spending power, this LESSENS our consumerism. This DECREASES the value of life for my DAUGHTER.

So, ALWAYS devil's advocate what I did was - I assumed the HR/Office Manager was retarded and I hopped onto the exchange to see if she was missing a small-business subsidy or some such thing. NOPE. Any small business where the Average Salary is $55k or higher DOES NOT QUALIFY. Mind you, the DENTISTS working there highly skew the Average, but who's worrying about details.

So, I tried to see how costly it would be to get our OWN insurance, NON employer based. We are not under 4x the poverty level, and so we do not qualify for subsidies either. And the prices?


So, as soon as you can tell me why it's GOOD thing that A NOT RICH family has their insurance go up an ENTIRE CAR PAYMENT, all at once and WITHOUT RECOURSE, you can defend this law to userhandle GT.

Until then, you are DEAD TO ME, Gangster.

Wait...you're employer provided plan is raising rates and somehow that's the fault of the Affordable Care Act? How exactly?

The ACA effects the rates of ALL health insurance.

What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?
This virgin is on the edge, tho

I refuse to let a virgin speak to me like this. I demand you wash your mouth out with a classic bar of dove and recite eleven hail mary prayers at once, hethen.

It's "Heathen"

damnation but you're stupid.

Go away, you don't want a war of wits with me. You're out-gunned

Out gunned by what? A sword?

Wait...you're employer provided plan is raising rates and somehow that's the fault of the Affordable Care Act? How exactly?

The ACA effects the rates of ALL health insurance.

What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?


GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.
I will amend the OP - Sallow is not dead to me no matter how this convo goes : )
You mean you don't feel all warm and fuzzy because your extra $340 a month is "doing your part"?

I don't know why all the sideswipes.

I was never an obamabot. I'm just not into politics like that.

But yea, Obama always says he's for stopping the SQUEEZE on the middle class.

Not sure how this doesn't squeeze us. I feel like I'm getting a bear hug from The Undertaker or Hulk Hogan.

Never said you were, "paying a little more to do your part" or some version of that, is a talking point I was taking a swipe at, not you.
The ACA effects the rates of ALL health insurance.

What do you think would have happened if nothing went into effect?

My insurance got switched 5 times in 13.5 years..and went up almost each year when I was at my last job. No ObamaCare back then.

So what was the cause?


GT is not of the belief that the system DIDNT need fixing.

I would just prefer it didn't get fixed on the middle class' already strapped back. Something the Pres. advised he was not intending to do.

And now you're addressing yourself in the third person?

What a complete and utterly narcissistic douchebag you are.

Seriously. Leave the Country, disappear. Give your kids a chance to grow up with a chance in this world
I'll still be eating steaks at the finest local restaurants : )

Mind you.

But - my lifestyle will definitely have to change a little bit.

Just get yerself an Obama phone and a few food stamps to offset the cost.

Don't trip, Barney Fife has got ya covered.

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