‘I Did Not Believe It for One Second’: Hannity Testifies Under Oath He Didn’t Buy Trump Election Fraud Claim

Clearly you did not read the entire article. BTW..Hannity has said..in deposition, that he did not believe the election was stolen, "not for one second"--dude you're bailing long after the boat has sunk~

Sean Hannity was apparently willing to promote Donald Trump’s bogus election fraud claims on his Fox News show but unwilling to defend them while under oath.
The New York Times is reporting that when Hannity was deposed earlier this year as a part of a massive defamation lawsuit brought forward by Dominion Voting Systems against the right-wing network, he basically admitted his real thoughts about the 2020 election being stolen.

“I did not believe it for one second,” Hannity testified.
However, that didn’t stop Hannity from hosting fraud proponents like Sidney Powell, who offered wild allegations about Dominion such as the machines supposedly running an algorithm that switched votes for Trump to Joe Biden.
Hannity’s confession came out in court during a hearing on Wednesday to address several issues that need to be resolved before the case heads for a jury trial scheduled to begin in April.
But Hannity’s Dominion disclosure does suggest that at least some Fox employees were aware they were broadcasting fake news.
The Times notes that the high legal standard of proof in defamation cases requires Dominion to persuade a jury that network employees were saying one thing in public and another in private.
In fact, Dominion lawyers argued in a Delaware courtroom on Wednesday that “not a single Fox witness” had produced anything that supported any of the bogus election fraud claims Trump and his supporters promoted after the 2020 presidential election.

Dominion lawyer Stephen Shackelford told the court that Hannity’s doubts were echoed in depositions with other Fox hosts and executives, including Tucker Carlson, who he said: “tried to squirm out of it at his deposition” when asked about what he really believed.
that's just the same story in the OP---just under Yahoo...misstating what he testified to
what did Fox do that was any different then what Clinton and the dems did? Sounds like Fox is reporting what they did. They are exposing the big dembot con
No..they're circling the drain, losing a huge lawsuit. The only thing they have exposed is their total lack of journalistic integrity. You know how hard it is to prove defamation? It's hard, deliberately so. But FOX is making it easy for Dominion lawyers.
Oh yeah..and this is exposing the Big Lie for what it really is..and showing that all of YOU are freakin' idiots and useful tools
Trumpers are dwindling in number every day. Only the hardcore left now.Hannity should be out of work after this.
Hannity and the rest of MAGA media lead the rubes by the nose, and in turn they lead Trump and the politicians by the nose.

So their task will be to transition away from Trump, and that's already happening. And, of course, you see it reflected in real time here.

BUT, now that Hannity is on the record breaking from Trump on the Big Lie, he'll be on shaky ground, for at least a while. That's what happens when you sell your soul and enable people who wouldn't do it for you. Tough shit.

Never a dull moment in TrumpWorld™.
...and you passed? Amazing. As it so happens, I have a degree in Journalism..back in the Stone age. Perhaps you missed the course on Journalism Ethics?
I know...that shit is so Old School, right?
Hannity KNEW the allegations were false..yet he promulgated them anyway. FOX knew the allegations were false...in fact, as the article states, they sent someone to Trump's team to beg them to drop Powell and the accusations pertaining to Dominion.
Now why would they do that? Because they KNEW the allegations were false..yet they reported them as fact..not supposition.
Hannity's question, "Why were Democrats silencing whistleblowers who could prove this fraud?" is presented as a fact..that Democrats were silencing whistleblowers who could prove the fraud..and asking why were they doing such a thing?

They knew that if they did their job and reported them as fake, Trump would have turned on them and tanked their ratings.
Looks like Hannity is unwilling to lie for Trump..wise move--so it is firmly established that FOX aired lies..knowing they were lies--not a smart move:

Sean Hannity testified under oath in a deposition that he did not believe former President Donald Trump’s claims about voting machine fraud in the 2020 election, according to a piece published by the New York Times on Wednesday.
Mr. Hannity interrupted her with a gentle question that had been circulating among election deniers, despite a lack of supporting proof: Why were Democrats silencing whistle blowers who could prove this fraud?

Did Mr. Hannity believe any of this?

“I did not believe it for one second.”

That was the answer Mr. Hannity gave, under oath, in a deposition in Dominion’s $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News, according to information disclosed in a court hearing on Wednesday. The hearing was called to address several issues that need to be resolved before the case heads for a jury trial, which the judge has scheduled to begin in April.
The paper went on to say that Hannity’s testimony “is among the strongest evidence yet to emerge publicly that some Fox employees knew that what they were broadcasting was false.”
The Fox News host responded to a question about allegations made by Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor who represented Trump in election-related lawsuits. Trump falsely claimed the election was rigged against him. Powell alleged that states that used voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems were rife with fraud.
She reiterated the claim on Hannity’s Fox News program on Nov. 30, 2020, a couple of weeks after the election was called for Joe Biden. Powell stated there had been “corruption all across the country, in countless districts.”
Trump has baselessly alleged the voting machines “deleted” votes for him and in some cases “switched” votes for him to Biden.

Dominion is suing Fox News for defamation and is seeking $1.6 billion in restitution. The company is also suing Powell.
Lawyers for Dominion argued in court on Wednesday that “not a single Fox witness” has substantiated the allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
“Many of the highest-ranking Fox people have admitted under oath that they never believed the Dominion lies,” said one attorney.
Another lawyer for Dominion said the company had evidence that Fox News tried to stop Powell via the Trump White House from spreading her election fraud claims:

Another previously unknown detail emerged on Wednesday about what was going on inside the Fox universe in those frantic weeks after the election. A second lawyer representing Dominion, Justin Nelson, told Judge Davis about evidence obtained by Dominion showing that an employee of the Fox Corporation, the parent company of Fox News, had tried to intervene with the White House to stop Ms. Powell. According to Mr. Nelson, that employee called the fraud claims “outlandish” and pressed Mr. Trump’s staff to get rid of Ms. Powell, who was advising the president on filing legal challenges to the results.

Fox News declined to comment to the Times and Mediaite.
Damn if they don't sing like canaries in heat.
It's not so much about Hannity..as it is about FOX. If you read the entire article..never a given on this board, you'll see that the real issue is that FOX knowingly presented bogus info as fact..thus defaming Dominion.
Not saying it would be right, but all of the other medias consistently, daily - hell, HOURLY do the same thing.
Not only that, but as shown by multiple videos - the left media is downright choreographed. The same wording, same phrasing said on multiple channels - choreographed.
Not saying it would be right, but all of the other medias consistently, daily - hell, HOURLY do the same thing.
Not only that, but as shown by multiple videos - the left media is downright choreographed. The same wording, same phrasing said on multiple channels - choreographed.

As is the right...

Not saying it would be right, but all of the other medias consistently, daily - hell, HOURLY do the same thing.
Not only that, but as shown by multiple videos - the left media is downright choreographed. The same wording, same phrasing said on multiple channels - choreographed.
Fuckwits like him probably believe that WWE is real.
No..they're circling the drain, losing a huge lawsuit. The only thing they have exposed is their total lack of journalistic integrity. You know how hard it is to prove defamation? It's hard, deliberately so. But FOX is making it easy for Dominion lawyers.
Oh yeah..and this is exposing the Big Lie for what it really is..and showing that all of YOU are freakin' idiots and useful tools
Lie or not, Many Republican voters do not believe Progressives anymore.
Lie or not, Many Republican voters do not believe Progressives anymore.
Yeah, thing is..this ain't about Progressives vs Repubs. I know you'd like to think so, but it's really about abuse of power, abuse of trust and using a major news organ to promulgate lies..with the knowing cooperation of said network.

This is about Dominiun taking FOX to the cleaners..and about exposing the FOX for the empty shill that it is.
The lesson here: It's okay to lie at Fox News.

On Nov. 30, 2020, Sean Hannity hosted Sidney Powell on his prime-time Fox News program. As she had in many other interviews around that time — on Fox and elsewhere in right-wing media — Powell, a former federal prosecutor, spun wild conspiracy theories about what she said was “corruption all across the country, in countless districts,” in a plot to steal reelection from the president, Donald Trump.

At the center of this imagined plot were machines from Dominion Voting Systems, which Powell claimed ran an algorithm that switched votes for Trump to votes for Joe Biden. Dominion machines, she insisted, were being used “to trash large batches of votes.”

Hannity interrupted her with a gentle question that had been circulating among election deniers, despite a lack of supporting proof: Why were Democrats silencing whistleblowers who could prove this fraud?

Did Hannity believe any of this?

“I did not believe it for one second.”

That was the answer Hannity gave, under oath, in a deposition in Dominion’s $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News, according to information disclosed in a court hearing Wednesday. The hearing was called to address several issues that need to be resolved before the case heads for a jury trial, which the judge has scheduled to begin in April.
Yeah, thing is..this ain't about Progressives vs Repubs. I know you'd like to think so, but it's really about abuse of power, abuse of trust and using a major news organ to promulgate lies..with the knowing cooperation of said network.

This is about Dominiun taking FOX to the cleaners..and about exposing the FOX for the empty shill that it is.


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