I Did Not Know that it was better to be American to be able to post at this forum ?

I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !
my opinion is that you are the best French lovely anybody could possibly ask for.
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !

Of course it's better to be an American on an American message board, why would you think differently? lol. I've accepted long ago this fact and I don't mind people telling me to mind my own business once in awhile. It comes with the territory. As long as it's a fair comment coming from the right place.

As a Canadian (and a mistreated one by my own government at that), I think I'm as close to seeing how important our future is with the U.S as anyone. If they and their Values succeed, we will succeed also, especially if we share these values (even as I have been largely left out the last few years). Believe me, I've taken FAR more abuse from Canadians on Canadian boards than I have from a few Americans who feel (wrongly, in my opinion), that I am meddling our out of line.

As it were, Americans love their First Amendment and I'm inherently a Live and Let Live, libertarian, so it's good. I've learned over time, this is a very core aspect of the American system. Europeans and Canadians are more apt to want to silence opinions, encourage Groupthink and obedience, Americans don't (maybe citizens of the world should demand more of their governments in this regard?)

Thankfully, most Americans on this forum and others don't care about that. As long as you are reasonable and aren't overly critical of their country. It's their country, it's a forum about their country. So at least support their basic Values. If you didn't, why be here in the first place?
I know it well, I am not here not to respect the value of their country.
I asked the question to get an idea to see if American members prefer to have only American members or not?

Maybe some do, most don't care. It's a forum, not a workplace or election booth. I wouldn't take any dispute personal. In my case, I know I get far more defensive when dealing with Canadians on here or other forums, because I always have my suspicions about them. I also know, that they PROBABLY know how messed up our system here is but they just don't have the courage to call it out.
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !
my opinion is that you are the best French lovely anybody could possibly ask for.
Wow, nice reply!
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !

Don't worry about the idiots here. I believe that most people enjoy speaking with you.

Thank You Decus , Yes, most of them, but i will always have this feeling that I am not in the American circle.
You have a tight circle LOL Especially for humor, there I'm a little lost.
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

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We have plenty of Republicans or right-wing folks here who attack foreigners who post opinions and comments. Heck, we have a full-blooded Native American who has been called a foreigner and told to go back to where they came from.
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !

Don't worry about the idiots here. I believe that most people enjoy speaking with you.

Thank You Decus , Yes, most of them, but i will always have this feeling that I am not in the American circle.
You have a tight circle LOL Especially for humor, there I'm a little lost.

Humor is often hard to translate because of a cultural and/or historic context. The other night I was watching a 1970's comedian making fun of the Nixon administration with my son. I was laughing and he couldn't appreciate the jokes. The same is true in France. Humor doesn't travel or age well.

Don't sweat the "circle". Remember the words of Groucho Marx: "I wouldn't want to belong to a club that would have me as a member".

Thank you,
The first lady speaks with an accent just like me.
And I'm a frank person like her too, but it's true that sometimes it's not easy to find the right word to fit into the American circle and the leftists really act as if they are the ones who don't accept the strangers apart some of there darlings they protect always.

No, it the right wingers that don't like immigrants or people from other countries.

Thats a joke. Immigrants are great and except for a few racists, or nut jobs conservatives or RWers or whatever you call them are welcoming to people from other countries. We just want immigration laws followed. To a far left Democrat however, following immigration laws is equal to racism and xenophobia and forms some sort of foundation to stand on where they hate their fellow Americans.
seems someone needs attention....
You sure do, Bones.
You know, Meister, sorry, but I find myself feeling like I just have to say this. Really now! If you can't find anything nice to say about strolling bones......

Do make sure to keep up with this thread, now, k?
I hope you said the same thing to bones? Did you?
Was it an appropriate response to Dalia's thread?
By the way, Dogmaphobe...It's always gone both ways between her and I.
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seems someone needs attention....
You sure do, Bones.
You know, Meister, sorry, but I find myself feeling like I just have to say this. Really now! If you can't find anything nice to say about strolling bones......

Do make sure to keep up with this thread, now, k?
I hope you said the same thing to bones? Did you?
Was it an appropriate response to Dalia's thread?
By the way, Dogmaphobe...It's always gone both ways between her and I.
It was a joke.

Its just a derivation of that old Dorothy Parker line " if you cant say something nice about a person, come sit next to me".
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

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It makes no difference in my opinion. I've heard another member, Dragonlady attacked as a dirty Canuck who has no business posting about America.

We, Americans post about others all the time. You guys can surely post about us.

Besides, it's interesting to hear points of view from outside the US.
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !
my problem with some non-americans on this forum is they tell us what we should do or what we are doing is horrible when their countries are far worse,,

they should show a little more respect when they are a guest,,

They are not a "guest" any more than you or I. They are members on an international message board.
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !
my problem with some non-americans on this forum is they tell us what we should do or what we are doing is horrible when their countries are far worse,,

they should show a little more respect when they are a guest,,

They are not a "guest" any more than you or I. They are members on an international message board.
they should still show a little respect instead of just bashing us when theyve never lived here like taint and dragonlady do even though both their countries are far worse,,,
but of course you wouldnt understand that since you clearly hate this country too,,
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !

Don't worry about the idiots here. I believe that most people enjoy speaking with you.

Thank You Decus , Yes, most of them, but i will always have this feeling that I am not in the American circle.
You have a tight circle LOL Especially for humor, there I'm a little lost.

Humor often doesn't translate internationally...it's pretty culture specific...
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !
my problem with some non-americans on this forum is they tell us what we should do or what we are doing is horrible when their countries are far worse,,

they should show a little more respect when they are a guest,,

They are not a "guest" any more than you or I. They are members on an international message board.
they should still show a little respect instead of just bashing us when theyve never lived here like taint and dragonlady do even though both their countries are far worse,,,
but of course you wouldnt understand that since you clearly hate this country too,,

Be honest. Do WE (speaking generally) show respect towards their countries?
I realize this today because of some Democrat member who keep on pointing the finger about the fact that some member here are not American . I kind feel distrub about this like the NONE American are been look down at.

Give Your Opinion !
my problem with some non-americans on this forum is they tell us what we should do or what we are doing is horrible when their countries are far worse,,

they should show a little more respect when they are a guest,,

They are not a "guest" any more than you or I. They are members on an international message board.
they should still show a little respect instead of just bashing us when theyve never lived here like taint and dragonlady do even though both their countries are far worse,,,
but of course you wouldnt understand that since you clearly hate this country too,,

Be honest. Do WE (speaking generally) show respect towards their countries?
this is a US message board,,,

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