I Don't Care if Trump followed the Law and Didn't Pay Taxes.

So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.
He gave a million to the vets...how much did you give? How do you know what charities he has given to? Only three pages of his taxes were released.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
Let's not pretend you'd care if Trump didn't follow the law and didn't pay taxes
That would make a big difference.
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.

Well actually, nearly 50% of the citizens pay absolutely zero federal income taxes yet many receive thousands of dollars in tax refunds from other taxpayers. These use the federal highways, have their mail delivered by the postal service, have a military to protect them, and access to a whole slew of other federal benefits and programs. All Hillary and the Democrats preach election after election is how the wealthy need to pay their fair share. The simple truth is that the top 5% of the taxpayers are already paying 60% of the entire tax bill. The top 5% are the ones that could use just a little bit of help from the 50% who contribute nothoing at all.

why do you think what donald has done either with his taxes or with his foundation is legal?

Why don't you actually comment on my post instead of trying to change the subject?
Dems are worrying so much about Trump tax returns, why aren't they worrying about Clintons foundation, Clinton body count, Benghazi tragedy? I could go on and on.
The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Leaked e-mail shows Soros urged Clinton to intervene in Albania civil unrest - The American Mirror
Assange: Vote for Hillary Clinton is ‘vote for endless, stupid war' which spreads terrorism

Dems are running of options to make Trump look bad. Sounds like pretty soon they will tell the voters: "Trump is unfit to be a president because he had diarrhea this morning. "

Because they are democrats and the clown not paying taxes is a winner for them. Issues...pfisss ....they don't need no stinking issues.


typical rightwingnut who has zero understanding of any issue.


Actually, it is because you Hillary supporters simply will not discuss any of Hillary's stated proposals concerning the issues.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

I kind of understand your point, but you might consider some things.

Trump declared a near billion dollar loss in a single year because he drove several casinos and real estate investments and an airline into the ground. His creditors and all the workers/businesses he owed money to were harmed by his mismanagement.

He also declared bankruptcy six times in his business career; each time he was bailed out by the US Government / American taxpayer. This doesn't fit the image of an anti-government outsider who is going to fix the system. It fits the image of a corrupt insider, a taker, someone wo fucks little people and is now involved in the greatest con of his life.

Taxes pay for our military. Taxes pay for the legal system that protects your gun rights and private property.

Taxes pay to build walls, and taxes pay to fix red states like Lousiana after they have a flood.

How is Trump going to collect the massive tax revenue that will be required for his projects: to fix crumbling infrastructure and double the size of the military and create a massive wall and fix our immigration system? Republicans who consume a lot of talk radio but who haven't had much higher education tend not to understand what stuff like this costs or how big government will need to be to accomplish it.

Why isn't all that being done right now? What happened to all those shovel-ready jobs? Democrats just talk while everything crumbles. Their answer is the same old thing time and again: Tax the wealthy again who are already paying the brunt of the income tax.

You idiots like to remark about uneducated whites and undereducated whites supporting Trump. That may be true but by the same rule, most all the uneducated Black and Hispanics support Hillary. Both dides have some support from uneducated or under educated folks. You seem to wish to flaunt some higher degree of personal knowledge or eduction here because you are a Hillary supporter. I am a college graduate with a degree in electrical engineering and have run a successful corporation of my own for over thirty-five years. Do you claim to be more educated, more successful, or more intelligent than me. If you are claiming that, then you are a blowhard and a fool.
Everybody I know pays the least in taxes they can.

Yup. Common sense which the lefty loons don't seem to have.

Everyone I know does exactly that. Pay as little as they can get away with.
You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.
Everybody I know pays the least in taxes they can.

Yup. Common sense which the lefty loons don't seem to have.

Everyone I know does exactly that. Pay as little as they can get away with.
You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.
You are a fool thinking that 6 lost investments out of hundreds makes him a risk! This certainly is the guy to handle our budget. Problem is we also have to deal with congress who think of themselves first and not the country when making laws.
She had a charitable foundation and does pay taxes.

Trump gives millions to charity. You think advocating taking money from someone else is charity, but giving your own money isn't. Talk about a cop out ...

how do you know that if he won't show his taxes? & his foundation hasn't seen a dime of his own money since 2008. others have given to his foundation & he writes the check with his name on it--- but it sure ain't his money being given away.

Where did I say he won't show his own taxes?

And you don't know the rest of it, you made it up. And where did 2008 come in?

trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited.... such a revelation would reveal many things, including charitable contributions.

oh ya.... i make nothing up. when i claim something, you better believe i have credible links to back me up.

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008
By Curt Devine, David Fitzpatrick and Drew Griffin, CNN
Updated 9:28 PM ET, Mon September 12, 2016

(CNN)On the campaign trail, Donald Trump has touted his political contributions as a form of business savviness, boasting that he has "given to everybody" for favors in return.

But when it comes to his own charity -- The Donald J. Trump Foundation -- the Republican presidential nominee has not donated any money since his last contribution in 2008.
A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.
The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."
Philanthropy experts describe the practice as irregular since private family foundations traditionally fund charitable causes at least in part through their founder's personal wealth.
"It's uncommon for a private foundation with somebody's name on it to not be receiving contributions from that individual," said Richard Marker, a philanthropy professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008 - CNNPolitics.com

Even if true, it doesn't prove your claim he hasn't contributed to charity

it is true. you know what also is true? I never claimed positively that drumpf never contributed to charity (other than his OWN charity since 2008) ... what I said - is no one knows POSITVELY how much (if at all) other than..... wait for it.......are you ready?......

the Clinton foundation.

but that was in the past. what about now? what better way to get a nice little tax deduction than to contribute to charity... even his. oh wait... he just likes to look good, putting his name on those checks. only problem is he likes to use OPM to make himself look good. always has, & he always will.
trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited....
Typical leftists lies. Trump didn't claim he couldn't and Nixon's were STOLEN and published. Sound familiar?

funny how I never claimed that tribbles said he 'couldn't'. I said he said that he W-O-N'-T show his taxes whilst being 'audited'. typical rw nutter lies...fabricating another posters comments. & it's not the 1st time you've done that w/ me.

please show a credible link where Nixon's taxes were STOLEN because as much as I tried... could find ZERO to back your claim up.

that tax return had a postmark from the trump tower, so it wasn't the NYT that supposedly stole it. rumor has it that marla was the one that released/mailed that partial tax return. if so, since her name is on it, then no one 'stole' anything.

so, while you are getting that unbiased credible link showing how tricky dick's return was STOLEN weasel dude, feel free to also explain how losing almost a BILLION dollars in one year is anywhere near being 'genius' :lmao:
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Everybody I know pays the least in taxes they can.

Yup. Common sense which the lefty loons don't seem to have.

Everyone I know does exactly that. Pay as little as they can get away with.
You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.

Maybe Trump should have taken hammers and bleach to his tax returns before the in the bag for hillary new york times illegally made his tax returns public.
Everybody I know pays the least in taxes they can.

Yup. Common sense which the lefty loons don't seem to have.

Everyone I know does exactly that. Pay as little as they can get away with.
You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.
You are a fool thinking that 6 lost investments out of hundreds makes him a risk! This certainly is the guy to handle our budget. Problem is we also have to deal with congress who think of themselves first and not the country when making laws.

he lost close to a billion dollars in one year! did you know, he was such a bad risk- that the banks holding all those loan notes actually put him on an allowance back in the '90s?
Everybody I know pays the least in taxes they can.

Yup. Common sense which the lefty loons don't seem to have.

Everyone I know does exactly that. Pay as little as they can get away with.
You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.
You are a fool thinking that 6 lost investments out of hundreds makes him a risk! This certainly is the guy to handle our budget. Problem is we also have to deal with congress who think of themselves first and not the country when making laws.

he lost close to a billion dollars in one year! did you know, he was such a bad risk- that the banks holding all those loan notes actually put him on an allowance back in the '90s?
does any trumpeter even bother to wonder exactly who (& from what nation) is tribbles indebted to?

naw... who am I kidding?!!??
Everybody I know pays the least in taxes they can.

Yup. Common sense which the lefty loons don't seem to have.

Everyone I know does exactly that. Pay as little as they can get away with.
You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.
You are a fool thinking that 6 lost investments out of hundreds makes him a risk! This certainly is the guy to handle our budget. Problem is we also have to deal with congress who think of themselves first and not the country when making laws.

he lost close to a billion dollars in one year! did you know, he was such a bad risk- that the banks holding all those loan notes actually put him on an allowance back in the '90s?

A billion's a lot of money but small change for politicians. Notice we're trillions in the hole? The clintons haven't lost any money because they never ran a business. They've freeloaded off the taxpayers their whole lives.
Everybody I know pays the least in taxes they can.

Yup. Common sense which the lefty loons don't seem to have.

Everyone I know does exactly that. Pay as little as they can get away with.
You can't fault Trump for taking advantages of tax loopholes however, that's not the source of his huge tax losses. These losses are due to his poor businesses decisions and reckless handling of creditors and investors funds that lead to a string bankruptcies. These aren't the qualifications needed for the guy that's going to be responsible for a 4 trillion dollar budget and the safety of nation.
You are a fool thinking that 6 lost investments out of hundreds makes him a risk! This certainly is the guy to handle our budget. Problem is we also have to deal with congress who think of themselves first and not the country when making laws.

he lost close to a billion dollars in one year! did you know, he was such a bad risk- that the banks holding all those loan notes actually put him on an allowance back in the '90s?

Yet Hillary and her establishment cronies have spent almost $20 trillion we don't have and you don't bat an eye

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