I Don't Care if Trump followed the Law and Didn't Pay Taxes.

And no one is saying he is a failure in business...quite the opposite. Trumps loss in less that 19% of his wealth.


you also dont see the left going into heart failure

over hillary using the same tax avoidance scheme as trump

Except it is not a scheme. It was lawful.
You don't know that. Using Trump Foundation money isn't lawful. No one would have found it out until it was investigated. Even the IRS didn't know. But when it was pointed out to them, the imposed a fine.

What else hasn't been discovered.

Republicans and the media spent so much time finding nothing on the Clintons. Suddenly Trump is being scrutinized and what they are finding out is disturbing. Very disturbing.

when you start wading into foundation issues

what about the clinton foundation getting busted for

not reporting and under reporting foreign donations
The Clinton Foundation was never busted for anything so stop lying.

it certainly was and was forced to refile it tax returns

stop your lying
Except it is not a scheme. It was lawful.
You don't know that. Using Trump Foundation money isn't lawful. No one would have found it out until it was investigated. Even the IRS didn't know. But when it was pointed out to them, the imposed a fine.

What else hasn't been discovered.

Republicans and the media spent so much time finding nothing on the Clintons. Suddenly Trump is being scrutinized and what they are finding out is disturbing. Very disturbing.

when you start wading into foundation issues

what about the clinton foundation getting busted for

not reporting and under reporting foreign donations
The Clinton Foundation was never busted for anything so stop lying.

indeed it was you airhead
Only in Dupe World lol.

stop lying

it had to refile several years of taxes
????? Only the GOP starts stupid real wars lately- last 35 years. (60?)
Okaaay......and only def contractor darlings vote w/ them (Obama & Sanders voted against Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) hiLIARy supported and supports big govt wars (showering def contractors w/ taxpayer $$$)
She was misinformed by Booosh like everyone else, and even then only wished to give Bush more leverage, not that stupid GD war, dupe.
^ Retard Boi speaks. Whats the deal w/ you kid?
What the hell are you talking about then, dupe? Everyone voted that way as a result of Bushie lies.
EXCEPT Bernie & Obama you Retard :banghead:

You were saying
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
You should care about Trump and his taxes. The law is seriously fucked up, and you should care very much.

No issue is more important to the future of the United States of America than our debt. Nothing.

And the $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures created by our tax laws, which Donald Trump took advantage of, is the single biggest contributor to our debt.

The system is rigged to make the taxpaying playing field EXTREMELY unlevel. Donald Trump pays no taxes, AND YOU HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE.

So you are a damned fool if you don't care. You are a sucker. You're being taken for a ride, and you say you don't care.
Well, Hillary is not going to change the law, but Trump said he would. Smoke that...
Absolutely 100% wrong and backwards, of course. Link?
????? Only the GOP starts stupid real wars lately- last 35 years. (60?)
Okaaay......and only def contractor darlings vote w/ them (Obama & Sanders voted against Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) hiLIARy supported and supports big govt wars (showering def contractors w/ taxpayer $$$)
She was misinformed by Booosh like everyone else, and even then only wished to give Bush more leverage, not that stupid GD war, dupe.
^ Retard Boi speaks. Whats the deal w/ you kid?
What the hell are you talking about then, dupe? Everyone voted that way as a result of Bushie lies.
EXCEPT Bernie & Obama you Retard :banghead:

You were saying
The exceptions that prove the rule. And Obama was in the Illinois legislature. Pffft!
You don't know that. Using Trump Foundation money isn't lawful. No one would have found it out until it was investigated. Even the IRS didn't know. But when it was pointed out to them, the imposed a fine.

What else hasn't been discovered.

Republicans and the media spent so much time finding nothing on the Clintons. Suddenly Trump is being scrutinized and what they are finding out is disturbing. Very disturbing.

when you start wading into foundation issues

what about the clinton foundation getting busted for

not reporting and under reporting foreign donations
The Clinton Foundation was never busted for anything so stop lying.

indeed it was you airhead
Only in Dupe World lol.

stop lying

it had to refile several years of taxes
trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited....
Typical leftists lies. Trump didn't claim he couldn't and Nixon's were STOLEN and published. Sound familiar?
Yup. Corrupt GOP "transparency"...
Funny how there's always good people to unmask and destroy your crook heroes. Sort of like the Nazis...lol. And Nixon was found to have made $500k in illegal fraud. Started his way out, the creep.
Nixon's Failed Effort to Withhold His Tax Returns
trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited....
Typical leftists lies. Trump didn't claim he couldn't and Nixon's were STOLEN and published. Sound familiar?
Yup. Corrupt GOP "transparency"...
Funny how there's always good people to unmask and destroy your crook heroes. Sort of like the Nazis...lol. And Nixon was found to have made $500k in illegal fraud. Started his way out, the creep.
Nixon's Failed Effort to Withhold His Tax Returns
Is there any content?
trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited....
Typical leftists lies. Trump didn't claim he couldn't and Nixon's were STOLEN and published. Sound familiar?
Yup. Corrupt GOP "transparency"...
Funny how there's always good people to unmask and destroy your crook heroes. Sort of like the Nazis...lol. And Nixon was found to have made $500k in illegal fraud. Started his way out, the creep.
Nixon's Failed Effort to Withhold His Tax Returns
Is there any content?
Can't you link? From link:
But then things unraveled. The best account of Nixon’s tax travails comes from the historian Joseph Thorndike. Thanks to a deposition in a civil suit connected to the Watergate burglary in 1973, reporters learned that Nixon had taken a rather unusual tax break in 1969.

How unusual? The Washington Post determined that he had deeded his vice-presidential papers to the National Archives and taken a charitable deduction of around $500,000. Amazingly, such practices had been legal until 1969: Presidents and vice presidents donated their public papers and took a write-off. But that year, Congress closed the loophole.

Nonetheless, Nixon was eager to take every deduction imaginable. In a memo written that year, the presidential aide John Ehrlichman wrote his deputy, Edward Morgan, telling him that Nixon believed “a public man does very little of a personal nature. Virtually all of his entertainment and activity is related to his ‘business.’” That meant that virtually any expense -- “wedding gifts to congressmen’s daughters, flowers at funerals, etc.” -- could be written off.

This attitude apparently carried over to charitable contributions, too. In 1970, Nixon proceeded to donate his papers, but ordered Morgan to backdate the deed of gift to March 27, 1969, before the law made it illegal for him to take the deduction.

But this wasn’t known at the time. In 1973, however, as the Watergate scandal put a spotlight on the secretive president, tax experts called for the IRS to audit Nixon. The agency refused. Then in early October, an employee at an IRS service center in West Virginia leaked information about Nixon’s tax returns showing that the president had only paid $792.81 in federal income taxes in 1970 and $878.03 in 1971, but reported income in excess of $200,000. The explanation, of course, was the fishy charitable donation.

In a press conference on Nov. 17, 1973, Nixon faced questions about the leak and his tax returns. He defended the donation of his papers, and belatedly welcomed a thorough investigation of the issue, adding: “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I am not a crook.”

Facing overwhelming pressure, Nixon agreed to turn over his tax returns to the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation. As the panel's members interviewed Nixon’s aides, suspicion of the president grew.

The Democratic chairman, Representative Wilbur Mills, raised the possibility that Nixon’s tax avoidance could lead to his ouster from office. The revelation that Nixon’s aide had backdated the deed of gift was hardly the only damning detail the committee provided. In the end, Nixon was hit with a tax bill of $471,431 plus interest.

By this time, revelations of far greater wrongdoing connected to Watergate had surfaced, and he would resign four months later. But the tax issue wounded him, seriously eroding his credibility.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

Mitt Romney got ripped to shreds in 2012. Romney is worth about 550 million and in that tax year paid 500K in Federal taxes, and he was ripped to shreds because his tax liability was based on the lower investment income tax rate.

And it was Mitt Romney who stated that Trump wasn't releasing his tax returns because there was a bombshell in them. He was right.
Mitt Romney: Trump Is Hiding a ‘Bombshell’ in His Tax Returns

Trump who claims to have a net worth of 10 BILLION dollars and brags about his wealth and hasn't paid a penny in Federal Taxes in 20 years, because he has this 20 year old 916 million loss, is either a horrible business man or is not near as wealthy as he claims to be. Anyone that wealthy and with that much capital should have easily wiped out that 916 million loss within a year not 20 years with revenue and income to offset it.

Here he is bragging about his wealth again.

You can be assured that the American public is not going to understand or accept it.

His loss was less that 10% of his wealth. How many businesses would accept that lost as opposed to what they actually had during those dreadful years.

How do you know what Trump's wealth is? I hope you're not going by what he says. Bloomberg estimates his net worth at 4 billion. Forbes has him at 3.7 billion. And BTW, the casino business was excellent in the 80's and 90's and the 90's were among the best in recent history for business in America.

Tax write offs using loopholes like intangible drilling costs, accelerated depreciation, revenue swaps with foreign subsidiaries, etc.. are smart business practices. Making bad decisions leading to bankruptcy is not. Anyone including Trump that thinks making decisions leading to losing nearly a billion dollars is smart business is just a bit nuts.

Donald Trump

Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
Let's not pretend you'd care if Trump didn't follow the law and didn't pay taxes
but he followed the law, so why is it you care?
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

Mitt Romney got ripped to shreds in 2012. Romney is worth about 550 million and in that tax year paid 500K in Federal taxes, and he was ripped to shreds because his tax liability was based on the lower investment income tax rate.

And it was Mitt Romney who stated that Trump wasn't releasing his tax returns because there was a bombshell in them. He was right.
Mitt Romney: Trump Is Hiding a ‘Bombshell’ in His Tax Returns

Trump who claims to have a net worth of 10 BILLION dollars and brags about his wealth and hasn't paid a penny in Federal Taxes in 20 years, because he has this 20 year old 916 million loss, is either a horrible business man or is not near as wealthy as he claims to be. Anyone that wealthy and with that much capital should have easily wiped out that 916 million loss within a year not 20 years with revenue and income to offset it.

Here he is bragging about his wealth again.

You can be assured that the American public is not going to understand or accept it.

His loss was less that 10% of his wealth. How many businesses would accept that lost as opposed to what they actually had during those dreadful years.

How do you know what Trump's wealth is? I hope you're not going by what he says. Bloomberg estimates his net worth at 4 billion. Forbes has him at 3.7 billion. And BTW, the casino business was excellent in the 80's and 90's and the 90's were among the best in recent history for business in America.

Tax write offs using loopholes like intangible drilling costs, accelerated depreciation, revenue swaps with foreign subsidiaries, etc.. are smart business practices. Making bad decisions leading to bankruptcy is not. Anyone including Trump that thinks making decisions leading to losing nearly a billion dollars is smart business is just a bit nuts.

Donald Trump

well again, you're confusing business with individual. learn the tax codes.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

Mitt Romney got ripped to shreds in 2012. Romney is worth about 550 million and in that tax year paid 500K in Federal taxes, and he was ripped to shreds because his tax liability was based on the lower investment income tax rate.

And it was Mitt Romney who stated that Trump wasn't releasing his tax returns because there was a bombshell in them. He was right.
Mitt Romney: Trump Is Hiding a ‘Bombshell’ in His Tax Returns

Trump who claims to have a net worth of 10 BILLION dollars and brags about his wealth and hasn't paid a penny in Federal Taxes in 20 years, because he has this 20 year old 916 million loss, is either a horrible business man or is not near as wealthy as he claims to be. Anyone that wealthy and with that much capital should have easily wiped out that 916 million loss within a year not 20 years with revenue and income to offset it.

Here he is bragging about his wealth again.

You can be assured that the American public is not going to understand or accept it.

His loss was less that 10% of his wealth. How many businesses would accept that lost as opposed to what they actually had during those dreadful years.

How do you know what Trump's wealth is? I hope you're not going by what he says. Bloomberg estimates his net worth at 4 billion. Forbes has him at 3.7 billion. And BTW, the casino business was excellent in the 80's and 90's and the 90's were among the best in recent history for business in America.

Tax write offs using loopholes like intangible drilling costs, accelerated depreciation, revenue swaps with foreign subsidiaries, etc.. are smart business practices. Making bad decisions leading to bankruptcy is not. Anyone including Trump that thinks making decisions leading to losing nearly a billion dollars is smart business is just a bit nuts.

Donald Trump

well again, you're confusing business with individual. learn the tax codes.

No I am not confusing business with personal, I am a retired Electrical contractor and know exactly the relationship between business and personal taxes and tax forms. I did it for over 30 years.

What this is saying is that Donald Trump claimed a 916 million dollar loss in 1995 which is fine and legal.

But it also says that out of all his business's that he supposedly owns. Golf courses, hotels, casino's etc. etc. etc.--all "bundled" together they haven't made the revenue to offset that 916 million dollar loss and they've had 18 years to do it.

Which means, that Trump is either a horrible businessman, all his companies are leveraged to the hilt, that's he living on other people's money, or that he is accustomed to working in red ink which will eventually collapse and they'll be hauling out furniture out of the Trump tower and other assets to sell off.

It's not rocket science--just business.

Furthermore the American Public is not going to elect a candidate that continually brags about his wealth but hasn't paid a penny in Federal Income tax in 18 years. They just won't do it. John & Jane Doe are out there working their butts off, and they pay Federal income tax, and they expect someone worth 10 billion to do the same--PERIOD.

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when you start wading into foundation issues

what about the clinton foundation getting busted for

not reporting and under reporting foreign donations
The Clinton Foundation was never busted for anything so stop lying.

indeed it was you airhead
Only in Dupe World lol.

stop lying

it had to refile several years of taxes

thats right dumb shit

you know it is the truth

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