I Don't Care if Trump followed the Law and Didn't Pay Taxes.

You simply regurgitate that title 2013 Snapshot from paid off charity watch give it a rest
And as a CPA, I know what to look for in his returns and in his proposals to find the answers to those kinds of questions.

Then YOU could have been going over the limited Clinton Foundation crap they put out. Only 5% actually reached those in need? come on...
"other"? Salaries? travel? office equipment in the millions? Library penthouse?

funny.........have not heard a word out of you and your ilk?

I have looked over the Clinton Foundation's published financial statements and tax returns. I don't see anything whereby the something Mrs. Clinton did anything that resulted in hers or her husband's personal gain.

As for the 5% figure, I know what you are looking at, but I also know you don't fully understand what it represents, for were you to fully understand it, you would not cite that 5% figure. To understand the information in the Clinton Foundation's returns and financial statements, you will find the following very helpful:
Some sample "program percentages" from Charity Watch or Charity Navigator:
  • Clinton Foundation --> 88% (87% at Charity Navigator)
  • American Red Cross --> 90%
  • American Heart Association --> ~79%
  • Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research --> 89%
  • Shawn Carter Foundation --> 77%
  • Rotary Foundation of Rotary International --> 89%
So when you talk about people of my "ilk," whom you are talking about are folks who do know what that 5% figure represents, which is why we don't have anything to say about it. We know it's meaningless and that anyone who does is presenting a red herring. People of my "ilk" don't do that; we don't need to in order to make our points.
And as a CPA, I know what to look for in his returns and in his proposals to find the answers to those kinds of questions.

Then YOU could have been going over the limited Clinton Foundation crap they put out. Only 5% actually reached those in need? come on...
"other"? Salaries? travel? office equipment in the millions? Library penthouse?

funny.........have not heard a word out of you and your ilk?

I have looked over the Clinton Foundation's published financial statements and tax returns. I don't see anything whereby the something Mrs. Clinton did anything that resulted in hers or her husband's personal gain.

As for the 5% figure, I know what you are looking at, but I also know you don't fully understand what it represents, for were you to fully understand it, you would not cite that 5% figure. To understand the information in the Clinton Foundation's returns and financial statements, you will find the following very helpful:
Some sample "program percentages" from Charity Watch or Charity Navigator:
  • Clinton Foundation --> 88% (87% at Charity Navigator)
  • American Red Cross --> 90%
  • American Heart Association --> ~79%
  • Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research --> 89%
  • Shawn Carter Foundation --> 77%
  • Rotary Foundation of Rotary International --> 89%
So when you talk about people of my "ilk," whom you are talking about are folks who do know what that 5% figure represents, which is why we don't have anything to say about it. We know it's meaningless and that anyone who does is presenting a red herring. People of my "ilk" don't do that; we don't need to in order to make our points.

Brought to you by Google top top. You are simply regurgitated That tired Old Cherry Picked 2013 charity watch Report There's plenty of other information out there That you're completely overlooking And that's all I got to say on the subject I've seen enough of it. You're no different than all the rest You use more words to try to appear different. They've used every trick in the book to take Clinton income moving into Clinton Foundation Build Penthouse in the library they have all their friends and Buddies Very little reaches hungry children wandering the fields in Africa

So much of it in fact that you bothered to reference not one bit of it that comes from widely accepted credible sources. I think sensible readers who are interested in getting a full picture and who have taken the time to read my posts and read the reference sources I link to in them as corroboration of my assertions will note that you have made your empty-ass assertion and asked to merely take your word for it, something I rarely do. Even the folks with whom regularly engage in discussion and who also disagree with me will surely grant that I don't generally make unsubstantiated claims and that I do support my claims with highly credible sources.
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.
If the business is growing via investments a boatload of taxes are being generated. Hillary taking money from big donors and crawling in bed with them helps no one but the big donors.

Exactly what's wrong with America!

She had a charitable foundation and does pay taxes.

Trump gives millions to charity. You think advocating taking money from someone else is charity, but giving your own money isn't. Talk about a cop out ...

how do you know that if he won't show his taxes? & his foundation hasn't seen a dime of his own money since 2008. others have given to his foundation & he writes the check with his name on it--- but it sure ain't his money being given away.

Where did I say he won't show his own taxes?

And you don't know the rest of it, you made it up. And where did 2008 come in?
????? Only the GOP starts stupid real wars lately- last 35 years. (60?)
Okaaay......and only def contractor darlings vote w/ them (Obama & Sanders voted against Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) hiLIARy supported and supports big govt wars (showering def contractors w/ taxpayer $$$)
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Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

That is bad news for Pravda, [aka, the NY Times. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN] aka Hillary's Amen Corner . They illegally exposed Mr Trump's tax returns in order to get you to vote Killary. You have provided an excellent response - they won't fool you. Thanks

Trump is munching on uncut Putin and it's good. If you suggest Putin is in bed with anyone else, Trump and Putin both get pissed.

Off Topic, I hope:
??? Say what?!? Please tell me that remark doesn't make a reference to a procedure commonly performed on Jewish males. If it does, did you really need to go there?
So none of his money has to go to Israel, the vets, the wars, the veteran hospitals, no social programs except for him and his family, BS. I'm glad this came out and its time those loop holes are closed. They get rich off the back of others, give nothing back, NO WAY. Those non patriotic hoarders , munchers and loafers can start paying taxes, and the loopholes need to be closed.
Of course he is only showing that loss on paper, while he is living like a royal King who looks down on everyone. He is exactly what is wrong with America.
If the business is growing via investments a boatload of taxes are being generated. Hillary taking money from big donors and crawling in bed with them helps no one but the big donors.

Exactly what's wrong with America!

She had a charitable foundation and does pay taxes.

Trump gives millions to charity. You think advocating taking money from someone else is charity, but giving your own money isn't. Talk about a cop out ...

how do you know that if he won't show his taxes? & his foundation hasn't seen a dime of his own money since 2008. others have given to his foundation & he writes the check with his name on it--- but it sure ain't his money being given away.

Where did I say he won't show his own taxes?

And you don't know the rest of it, you made it up. And where did 2008 come in?

trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited.... such a revelation would reveal many things, including charitable contributions.

oh ya.... i make nothing up. when i claim something, you better believe i have credible links to back me up.

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008
By Curt Devine, David Fitzpatrick and Drew Griffin, CNN
Updated 9:28 PM ET, Mon September 12, 2016

(CNN)On the campaign trail, Donald Trump has touted his political contributions as a form of business savviness, boasting that he has "given to everybody" for favors in return.

But when it comes to his own charity -- The Donald J. Trump Foundation -- the Republican presidential nominee has not donated any money since his last contribution in 2008.
A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.
The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."
Philanthropy experts describe the practice as irregular since private family foundations traditionally fund charitable causes at least in part through their founder's personal wealth.
"It's uncommon for a private foundation with somebody's name on it to not be receiving contributions from that individual," said Richard Marker, a philanthropy professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008 - CNNPolitics.com
I don't care if he legally didn't pay taxes.

But if he lost a billion dollars and went through 6 bankruptcies and owes another billion, then he's a lousy businessman and we shouldn't have him anywhere near our nations economy.

How you can stiff workers and other companies and still lose money, I don't know.

Call me when he's run up $10,000,000,000,000 of debt.

Ask and you shall receive:

Donald Trump's budget plan would add $10 trillion in debt

But wait there is more! This ten trillion is ON TOP of the CURRENT deficit projections.

By 2026 we'd run up around 20 Trillion more debt.

I have already read that.....

Good, so stop asking for that call.

Bottom line is that not only Trump's plans do not deal with debt problems, they actually contribute to them.

So what? Obama doubled the debt.. no biggie. And that's an actual, not a projection.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.

Well said.

That game is called "Net Loss Carry Forward."

The first thing we need to understand is that the NY Times is lying. They are democratic party propaganda and lie incessantly to attack the opposition. An NLCF is valid for 7 years. The loss by Trump would no longer be used past 2002.

That said, this loophole should be closed. The loss should ONLY be allowed for the year in which it was incurred.

Does this change my view of Trump? Nope. I am more disgusted than usual with the lying fucks at the NY Times and Washington Post - but everyone already knows these rags are run by scum.
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If the business is growing via investments a boatload of taxes are being generated. Hillary taking money from big donors and crawling in bed with them helps no one but the big donors.

Exactly what's wrong with America!

She had a charitable foundation and does pay taxes.

Trump gives millions to charity. You think advocating taking money from someone else is charity, but giving your own money isn't. Talk about a cop out ...

how do you know that if he won't show his taxes? & his foundation hasn't seen a dime of his own money since 2008. others have given to his foundation & he writes the check with his name on it--- but it sure ain't his money being given away.

Where did I say he won't show his own taxes?

And you don't know the rest of it, you made it up. And where did 2008 come in?

trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited.... such a revelation would reveal many things, including charitable contributions.

oh ya.... i make nothing up. when i claim something, you better believe i have credible links to back me up.

Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008
By Curt Devine, David Fitzpatrick and Drew Griffin, CNN
Updated 9:28 PM ET, Mon September 12, 2016

(CNN)On the campaign trail, Donald Trump has touted his political contributions as a form of business savviness, boasting that he has "given to everybody" for favors in return.

But when it comes to his own charity -- The Donald J. Trump Foundation -- the Republican presidential nominee has not donated any money since his last contribution in 2008.
A review of the Trump Foundation's tax records by CNN finds that although the charity has received more than $4 million in contributions from other organizations and individuals and in turn donated millions to various charitable causes since 2009, Trump has not made any personal contributions to the foundation in that time.
The charity appears to have functioned in recent years as a conduit that disburses money donated by third-parties, such as World Wrestling Entertainment, which donated $1 million in 2009, and $500,000 in 2012 from NBC Universal, the company that contracted Trump's show "The Apprentice."
Philanthropy experts describe the practice as irregular since private family foundations traditionally fund charitable causes at least in part through their founder's personal wealth.
"It's uncommon for a private foundation with somebody's name on it to not be receiving contributions from that individual," said Richard Marker, a philanthropy professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008 - CNNPolitics.com

Even if true, it doesn't prove your claim he hasn't contributed to charity
you think trump losing 900 million is a big deal

buffett lost 2 billion in one day

And no one is saying he is a failure in business...quite the opposite. Trumps loss in less that 19% of his wealth.
Then why the hell isn't he paying taxes?? He is a wealthy man. He should be paying his share of taxes.

who says he isnt

prove he hasnt paid what he owes
It is not logically possible to prove a negative. You prove that he has paid what he owes.

you folks are saying he hasnt paid his taxes

prove it

the IRS surely has not said he has not paid his taxes

so prove it
And no one is saying he is a failure in business...quite the opposite. Trumps loss in less that 19% of his wealth.


you also dont see the left going into heart failure

over hillary using the same tax avoidance scheme as trump

Except it is not a scheme. It was lawful.
You don't know that. Using Trump Foundation money isn't lawful. No one would have found it out until it was investigated. Even the IRS didn't know. But when it was pointed out to them, the imposed a fine.

What else hasn't been discovered.

Republicans and the media spent so much time finding nothing on the Clintons. Suddenly Trump is being scrutinized and what they are finding out is disturbing. Very disturbing.

when you start wading into foundation issues

what about the clinton foundation getting busted for

not reporting and under reporting foreign donations
The Clinton Foundation was never busted for anything so stop lying.

indeed it was you airhead
????? Only the GOP starts stupid real wars lately- last 35 years. (60?)
Okaaay......and only def contractor darlings vote w/ them (Obama & Sanders voted against Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) hiLIARy supported and supports big govt wars (showering def contractors w/ taxpayer $$$)
She was misinformed by Booosh like everyone else, and even then only wished to give Bush more leverage, not that stupid GD war, dupe.

you also dont see the left going into heart failure

over hillary using the same tax avoidance scheme as trump

Except it is not a scheme. It was lawful.
You don't know that. Using Trump Foundation money isn't lawful. No one would have found it out until it was investigated. Even the IRS didn't know. But when it was pointed out to them, the imposed a fine.

What else hasn't been discovered.

Republicans and the media spent so much time finding nothing on the Clintons. Suddenly Trump is being scrutinized and what they are finding out is disturbing. Very disturbing.

when you start wading into foundation issues

what about the clinton foundation getting busted for

not reporting and under reporting foreign donations
The Clinton Foundation was never busted for anything so stop lying.

indeed it was you airhead
Only in Dupe World lol.
trump said he won't be showing his taxes until his audit is finished. the IRS says he doesn't have anything stopping him & Nixon showed his taxes at the same time HE was being audited....
Typical leftists lies. Trump didn't claim he couldn't and Nixon's were STOLEN and published. Sound familiar?
????? Only the GOP starts stupid real wars lately- last 35 years. (60?)
Okaaay......and only def contractor darlings vote w/ them (Obama & Sanders voted against Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) hiLIARy supported and supports big govt wars (showering def contractors w/ taxpayer $$$)
She was misinformed by Booosh like everyone else, and even then only wished to give Bush more leverage, not that stupid GD war, dupe.
^ Retard Boi speaks. Whats the deal w/ you kid?
????? Only the GOP starts stupid real wars lately- last 35 years. (60?)
Okaaay......and only def contractor darlings vote w/ them (Obama & Sanders voted against Iraq :eusa_shhh: ) hiLIARy supported and supports big govt wars (showering def contractors w/ taxpayer $$$)
She was misinformed by Booosh like everyone else, and even then only wished to give Bush more leverage, not that stupid GD war, dupe.
^ Retard Boi speaks. Whats the deal w/ you kid?
What the hell are you talking about then, dupe? Everyone voted that way as a result of Bushie lies.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
You should care about Trump and his taxes. The law is seriously fucked up, and you should care very much.

No issue is more important to the future of the United States of America than our debt. Nothing.

And the $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures created by our tax laws, which Donald Trump took advantage of, is the single biggest contributor to our debt.

The system is rigged to make the taxpaying playing field EXTREMELY unlevel. Donald Trump pays no taxes, AND YOU HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE.

So you are a damned fool if you don't care. You are a sucker. You're being taken for a ride, and you say you don't care.
Well, Hillary is not going to change the law, but Trump said he would. Smoke that...
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
You should care about Trump and his taxes. The law is seriously fucked up, and you should care very much.

No issue is more important to the future of the United States of America than our debt. Nothing.

And the $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures created by our tax laws, which Donald Trump took advantage of, is the single biggest contributor to our debt.

The system is rigged to make the taxpaying playing field EXTREMELY unlevel. Donald Trump pays no taxes, AND YOU HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE.

So you are a damned fool if you don't care. You are a sucker. You're being taken for a ride, and you say you don't care.
^ that BUT he's still better than hiLIARy
Nope. Trump's economic package would add 5 to 10 trillion dollars to the debt. That's much more than Hillary's.
Does that affect me? No. Half the country doesn't pay taxes and their income is from the government! Do the laws have to be changed? Yes! The rich should lose their loopholes and the people who those that are on the government teat should have some skin in the game as well.

Let's talk about the important issues of this election. Security for the US; immigration laws followed; building a wall to discourage boundary runners; bringing back jobs for American citizens.
You should care about Trump and his taxes. The law is seriously fucked up, and you should care very much.

No issue is more important to the future of the United States of America than our debt. Nothing.

And the $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures created by our tax laws, which Donald Trump took advantage of, is the single biggest contributor to our debt.

The system is rigged to make the taxpaying playing field EXTREMELY unlevel. Donald Trump pays no taxes, AND YOU HAVE TO MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE.

So you are a damned fool if you don't care. You are a sucker. You're being taken for a ride, and you say you don't care.
^ that BUT he's still better than hiLIARy
Nope. Trump's economic package would add 5 to 10 trillion dollars to the debt. That's much more than Hillary's.
Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

Mr. Trump’s plan would cut taxes by $11.98 trillion over the next decade on a static basis. However, the plan would end up reducing tax revenues by $10.14 trillion over the next decade when accounting for economic growth from increases in the supply of labor and capital.

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